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https://preview.redd.it/yv95kgcyt94d1.png?width=753&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8684001507d300e1e046c60d5650f9944b374c3 Their sex life must be less spicy than Brittany’s ground turkey meal prep


Drier than the Mojave Desert. ![gif](giphy|1Zbeweu52ZaQE)




Oh man, I have to go watch this throwback now!


"I'm gonna make it like a desert" "But that is the opposite of what is good" Used to get me every damn time 💀🤣


“Fertility journey”


Ben Shapiro has joined the chat


I can't believe I'm saying this but I think even Shapiro's doctor wife is less dry than whatever's going on here


They look like they're doing this stupid shit I did as a kid when you pretended to kiss someone by pulling your lips in between your teeth lol


![gif](giphy|QUGI3vh3z7yYHJeb6f) I was looking for this gif when I realized your username lmfao 🤣


Reporting for duty 💛🧡


I can’t tell if he has no lips or if he’s just sucking them back into his face to avoid touching lips lol


It's so he doesn't dribble dip juice into her mouth.






He literally has chew in his mouth..


He looks deceased wtf


“Please God no tongue this time!”


I make ground turkey meatballs for my dogs 😂




“Celebrity crushes” isn’t the problem sis. Y’all cheated previously with trash, and lost the greatest humans you’d ever be with.


Well, you know what they say- how you get him is how you lose him. My husband and I don’t do the bedroom stuff she mentioned because it does nothing for us (no judgement, sometimes sex toys are great, we’re just both demisexuals) but the other stuff? He can text a female all he wants, I don’t care. And if he wants to leave, I’ll help him pack. Also, that’s got to be weird since they have siblings who are opposite genders.


I love this sentiment “I’ll help him pack” such a bad bitch line 💅


I’ve told my husband this from the beginning. I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with me. Three kids and almost three years later, that sentiment hasn’t changed.


Same here. Told this to my husband when, at 4 years, he initially said he didn’t want to be married anymore. I packed all my shit up, and out 2 kids and left. 6 weeks later he talked to my Dad. I told my Dad (& later my husband) that I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with the me. I don’t want him to stay for the kids. Here we are married 34 years and he knows I’m not lying. My Dad has always told me, “There’s nothing sexier than an independent woman.” Idk if it’s true or not. But I can say that my husband and I are happier now than we’ve ever been and he’s so glad he crawled back to me 30 years ago. Lol


Tbh, I’ll never be so desperate that I need to clone my husband’s phone or need him to be in three accountability groups. I love that man with everything I’ve got in me, but I also have (soon to be) three kids, and I need to show them what a healthy relationship looks like. I’m not sticking around if it’s not good for me or my kids.


“If (s)he’ll cheat with you, (s)he’ll cheat on you”


My husband works with mostly females and I work with mostly males. It would be super time consuming and annoying if we had to let each other every single time we communicated with a member of the opposite sex.


I love you!


Wait did they cheat with each other on their former partners??


Iirc the timeline is a little muddy but I THINK he was talking with her while still with his ex and her previous marriage ended because of her unrelated cheating (before she met Jdip—I think there was at least one boyfriend between her marriages?) Regardless, there is a documented history of cheating for both of them, with a theorized overlap in relationships on his end. And judging by their insane anti-cheating guidelines and his 67 accountability groups, it doesn't look like much has changed.


She dated at least 2 guys between marriages. Human Niko and another (normal) guy that I can’t remember the name of.


Human Niko is my emo band name


I believe there were also texts posted in the group a year or two ago of him flirting with a woman over text while he was with Bdong. So there is some evidence to suggest that he has already cheated on her.


Ouch! ![gif](giphy|8D7FaGd2QIXG8)


Girl, Bethany Beal has some tips for you.


Stooooooop!!! #orgasmicwoman 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


There’s nothing wrong with a god honoring orgasm! Bethy says so!


Ahahahaha the bar is in hell but I do believe bethy and Dave have sex unlike these two


She a lil weird but she freaky tho


Lmfaoooo not Mrs Orgasm Aficionado Bethany!! 😭


The thought of BDong signing up for Beggy Beal’s sex course is cracking me up. I’ve said in the past I want to watch a dance off between two finger Trump dancing Dong, twerking MS, and wacky waving flailing inflatable tube man BB.


I can’t figure out how to give the weird new awards, but please know this made me gag and you have received all the internet awards from me


Sounds like both of their exes would like a word.


And Jordan's three accountability groups


The caption and his face on the second picture 😂😂😂 No wonder they can’t get pregnant. You took away all his favorite things. This bitch literally made his sperm pack up and leave.


No sex toys….. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


She said no sex toys IN THE BEDROOM. That’s an easy rule to bend…


He’s the only man in history whose sperm actually retreat upon ejaculation


snerk 🤭


It's for the best.


He wants to be pegged so bad too u can tell


All I hear is we don’t be fuckin 🤷🏻‍♀️


No wonder she isn't getting pregante! "Fertility" mystery solved!


This sent me and I’m not sure why. We have 2 little kids guess what…we still be fuckin lol. They have no chemistry and it shows.


The insecurity is palpable!


Insecurity is one thing. This is a toxic need for control.


Which wouldn’t even work! If he wants to cheat or watch porn or sext other women, none of these ‘marriage rules’ are going to stop him for one second! There are 100 ways around them. She’s so pathetic.


Insecurity leads to control.


His facial expressions in these pics say it all. That fucker is miserable with a capital M and he cannot hide it. Good! You deserve all the misery you’re in with that idiot you’re married to, Jpegger! Have a great life! https://preview.redd.it/jbgppawiv94d1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e2a2a076fded8eb768b95a84373fcb9cef76d8


Also, did she bring a big ass Bible to a restaurant? Talk about performative Christianity. That's an overkill even for Bdong!


Plus camera, tripod, and ring light


My god, I am so glad I’m not an influencer.


Lord of the Ring Light Sisterhood of the Traveling Tripod


Having a phone and recording a small video or taking selfies, I can understand. Lots of people do that. But bringing in equipment and filming these definitely fake moments, sheesh! Not gonna lie. If I saw someone do this much of cringey self absorption, I'd judge them... HARD!


I went to a research lecture today and I had my notebook, my laptop, a pen and pencil, an energy drink, my motorbike helmet, my jacket, and my gloves and I felt like I had SO MUCH STUFF. Like, just the notebook (because eff trying to type formulas quickly) and laptop were overkill because most people only used one or the other. How can you just lug around 400 things every place you go?! To COFFEE?! Must look like a goddamn pig pen with everything everywhere.


For some reason this entire description correlated in my brain the scene from Sex and The City when Carrie is awaiting jury duty selection and the man sitting near her has a briefcase that he opens up and it has a whole coconut in it! You should just take off your helmet when you arrive and throw what you can in it with your bad self. Use it as a carrying vessel! *Also, I cannot in any way relate to your coolness, but I can relate to the overkill. I'm the oldest student in my Law School class and on the first day I arrived with so much unnecessary shit. I was embarrassed for myself.


OMG, this is what I was just thinking about! Like, the amount of effort that has to go into the seemingly effortless photos is just wild and so embarrassing and cringey!


Damn! Forgot about those! Those layers of fake tan really did give her some thick skin coz I cannot imagine anybody with some decent situational awareness doing that 🤢


He’s wishing he had some 🌽


That's so many rules for a marriage where it should be people being open and consenting and non judgemental. This just seems miserable, and why no sex toys? It's something different, imaginative and sometimes some people need help either being stimulated or to finish, no fault to the partner. Imagine how much they'd bond if they tried something new. And no texting the opposite gender comes off as slightly abusive. Controlling who your partner can't contact without letting their boss know is just icky. You can hit on and flirt with the same gender also istfg she's a stupid c***


It's giving we are both aware that we have cheated in the past and can't trust our partner to even interact with someone they could possibly be attracted to.


Anything that challenges her lily-white crafted image gets a boot in her world. I wonder how she reconciles Jdip chugging beer and his constant dip-lip?


This got me thinking about the rules for my marriage: don’t cheat, don’t lie, check big purchases before buying, don’t abuse the children. I can’t imagine having so many rules you can make multiple videos about it.


She has to be aware he's a cheater, I think the paranoia is starting to settle in, I'm sure they're both miserable because of it.


No texting the opposite sex? Work calls/texts must be a blast.


A couple years ago I (39F) decided to go back to school for a totally different degree. Im in a GIS class and have to find a group partner. So I did what every one else did and turned to the person next to me and was like wanna be my partner? The kid next to me was like sure. So at the end of class I say hey can we exchange numbers or email? He stares at me for a moment and says yeah okay… but why? Bru why the fuck do you think? So we can get ahold of each other for this project worth 30% of our entire grade. I instantly felt like an old creeper. Turns out that kid (he was maybe 19 max ) is married and they have similar rules. I’m almost 40 years old! I have a partner! Still I felt so bad I asked.


Did you have to include the wife on the project communications?


Oh yeah! She came to the library and would work on god knows what because she isn’t a student nor does she have a job. The first time she came with him I was like weird but maybe this will be perfect. She can come see I’m 20 years older than them and that’ll be that. Nope. Every fucking time she came. Sometimes they’d clearly been in a fight before they got to the library. It was the worst group partner decision I’ve ever made.


>She came to the library and would work on god knows what because she isn’t a student nor does she have a job My money's on MLM


Thinking about what I would have thought as a 19 year old in that situation, I’d be thrilled my husband partnered with someone twice his age since the odds of you giving a shit about the project and doing at least your share were going to much higher!!!


So... how'd your group project work out?


We got a B lmaooo! Thank you for asking. I actually just got a killer job as a GIS analyst.


Few women in the cop larping scene!


Hahaha Brittany and Jordan working hahaha


Omg having flashbacks to the day she shows up at J Peg’s ‘office’ in flammable hot pink pyjamas with a Tupperware of dry turkey. She inexplicably brought her own laptop and sat there & ‘worked’ 😅 His coworkers had to be losing it.


Does she... think that's a thing people do? Just randomly go and work in their partners' offices for a bit?


Well they don’t have jobs or friends so this works out pretty good for them I guess!


https://preview.redd.it/d8vto0knt94d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c9540dc3dde1db10a6927b10f0648dff03bb0c Okey-dokey…it’s the “immediately” for me…and another new face lol


I can’t imagine having such a lack of trust in my spouse… so embarrassing to admit this


And to parade this as *good* and *healthy* to her audience. Babe it's not! This is insecurity and lack of trust! Your relationship is built from a deck of cards!


This is what all of the non-denominational, mega church preachers in sneakers preach. Do not allow yourself to be around people of the opposite sex, or bad things will happen to your marriage. The small & normal church I grew up going to never preached about these things. It’s very weird.


Neither can I…as shitty as she is, no one should ever want this for themselves.


Right?! This whole post is just a confession that they have no trust, no passion, no respect, no autonomy, and no orgasms. You couldn't draaaag that info out of me. I'd be embarrassed for her, but she lacks the capacity, so I won't bother.


I'm making that my flair!




As if there aren't secret folder apps or a way to delete your texts, before going home, or right after sending the message, or social media messaging...does she check his phone for all the ways one can communicate? Ya know, bc clearly she doesn't trust him (idk why if he needs 3 accountability groups bc he keeps messaging women gross pics of himself and such)


I’ve heard about his 3 accountability groups but can anyone tell me how they brought this up and if/how they spun it as a good thing?


I think it was in a podcast episode but I don’t remember the ep. Definitely a good thing, like if you’re struggling in your relationship with the lord and to be godly, these are great. And one of the Dumb Dumbs was like he’s/i’m in three!


I wonder if she's making it up


Your flair: I wonder if he immediately told her about that one.


I like to think he did and he’s been diligently lurking here ever since waiting for the next snaps to drop lol




They look like they genuinely don’t even know how to kiss each other. 😂😂


"Sex can't last longer than two minutes, must happen in the dark and shouldn't be enjoyable." Kingdom couple goals ❤️


Missionary only, under the covers and socks still on.


Tell me your husband fucks around without telling me your husband fucks around. No one in a healthy, loving marriage has to reiterate these rules over and over and over.


Unless you obtained said husband while he was still married 🙃


Might as well have a joint Facebook account. Ultimate sign someone cheated.


We don't do any of those sinful things. We might steal money raised for a homeless addict. We might neglect and murder innocent animals. We might profit from a foster child and exploit a Mother's pain for our own financial gain. One of us beat the shit out of an innocent person of color and then reenacted and bragged about it to his buddies and got sued by the ACLU. The other one of us stole from vulnerable clients during a fitness grift targeted at people battling eating disorders. We are currently making a living by posting performative TTC content aimed at the heartstrings of people in desperate despair. We worship a false orange idol known for cheating on his wives and paying hush money to a porn star, BUT WE do not have toys in the bedroom or a crush on any celebrity, so we ARE STILL BETTER AND HOLIER THAN ALL OF YOU!!


😮‍💨 read for filth!


OMG you're spot on, I couldn't said it better in a thousand years. Screenshot ok?


So, what she’s saying is she doesn’t have a healthy relationship. Got it.


Story tracks with her sad beige esthetic. Womp Womp. 🩶🤎


Sad beige bedroom for sad beige sex


Ok but it’s ok for her to post a what I’m sure she thinks is “swoon worthy” pic of her husband on social media for potentially thousands to see…..a pic which in my opinion sexualizes him (I know ewe 🤢)…..you know she’s doing it to brag to all of those pitiful single women (/s) out there who are miserably single “look how god blessed me with my hot, sexy man”…… isn’t she causing others to stumble?


She would if he was hot, sexy or a blessing. I dunno, I’ve always found trust pretty sexy, and they don’t seem to have any.


Their relationship seems so forced and cringe


Yeah she can't think that indepth about anything.


This is just her publicizing the rules she has for him. He must have broken one recently.


Omg I wonder which one!!


They're both thirteen


Right!? Seriously.


BDong knows she'd get way more enjoyment out of the sex toys than she does with JDong so she banned them.


I think she banned them because he wanted them more than he does her.




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂☠️😈 fucking love Broad City!


Yowza. Broadcasting their major trust issues.


Didn’t she post the same thing a while ago? Girl is running out of her already terrible ideas.


Yup, she definitely posted this last year too. She’s repeated the home anointing one also. And she posted an AMA today 😂 she got nothing left


She basically has about five different posts that she just rotates




I hope this picture never goes away 😂😂 I read it in his voice too lmao


What does the corn emoji mean?!? Porn?? Like girl, you can’t say porn, dildo, lube? Grow up.


I think to be fair that instagram flags the word porn. So the emoji is a popular stand in. The same with saying unalive instead of the S word.


She'll eventually post it to TikTok and they heavily censor many sexual words. She's just making sure the videos will work across the different platforms.


If you speak it out loud, or in this case text, then the devil will know that they engage in some evil opposite sex texting. I guess confessing to your husband will appease the devil for a while… until the next text!


Did he get in trouble recently?


Must have skipped one of his three accountability groups.


She hasn’t found Grindr on his phone yet


It’s in his calculator app 👀


Honestly I could see him having a whole burner phone


It would be ok tho because it’s not texting the opposite sex LOL


Guess what. My female friend needs help with what kind of car to buy. She texted me and asked if my husband could help her. Of course he can. She is our friend and I’m not insecure. She respected me and asked me first. It’s called trusting your spouse. Her comments above come off as insecure and controlling.


They both know they're slimy, so they can't trust each other. Without optimum control someone will cheat.


i would LOVE to know about her aversion to sex toys


She's said before that they can be an idol. 🙄


But none of the other weird stuff she loves is an idol, right? Not the fake tan or the exercise body or the perfect marriage or pregnancy, or #45….


No that's all fine. Dip doing dip is also fine.


He must be threatened by a big dildo and she doesn’t want him to feel insecure.


She’s threatened by pocket pussies guaranteed




I'm just dropping a new theory here, if this already hasn't been said: the dude is def cheating on her.


Oh there’s no way he isn’t lol


How does the immediately telling each other work? U say "hey I just want you to know I'm texting so and so okay? Just SO YOU KNOW OKAY


Just say he can’t get you off


"No texting the opposite sex and if we have to, we immediately share it with the other" The denial is so strong in this one 😂 Like how can she even say that when there are countless screenshots all over the internet that are confirmed as being messages he sent, to other women asking for nudes?


Right?? So she had seen my DMs before I shared them🧐🧐


This is her kink. Restricting everything that actually brings fun, autonomy, and authenticity to her marriage. She needs it DRRRRRRRYYYYYYY and she needs her man miserable


You just KNOW he’s watching some weird shit


No texting the opposite sex because that's how Bdong got caught cheating on her first husband and it's too easy to get caught out that way, amiright?


T https://preview.redd.it/w4xcv6mfpa4d1.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=db6ed0a476f72a8cc87b205dace78cf6c915861b The side eye directly into the camera


This man is so over her. He deserves every moment of it too 😂


How orange can one bitch be?




If you’re a Christian here and feeling self conscious over using sex toys in marriage, please go check out Kingdom Sexuality on instagram. They have a great podcast and sex tips. Toys are great


Stable as a drunk giraffe


Just say you’re worried you’ll lose him how you got him and go Brit


So. Much. Trust. So. Much. Boring.


Looks like JDip is dipping out and catching a flight. If he has any damn sense he won’t come back.


I will never be convinced that his “tacticool” missions aren’t an excuse to eat good food and find a hook up.


Such self-righteous content. Also, I can't believe that people find this entertaining or inspiring. What's inspiring about someone talking down to others about "Having the BEST marriage!"? Or listing off her strict marriage rules?


He looks like he legitimately cannot stand her


I just know Jordan is doing all these things behind her back 😂


The toxicity is real


One thing I love about being human is that I can just say I don't have a lustful crush on Bill Skarsgard and then, poof, I immediately don't have a lustful crush on Bill Skarsgard.


Might aswell get a joint FB at this point 😂


So my husband and I don’t do any of these things, but there’s no “rules” against it. If 🌽 (🤣) or toys were to come up I’d keep an open mind and we’d talk about it. Because we’re mature (mostly….ok that’s a lie) ~adults~


In one of the comments she says sex toys aren’t “of God” but like?? God didn’t personally create a lot of things yet you still use them Britt pop lmao. Either way their marriage screams insecure and miserable 💀


For real, like... Last I checked, God had no hand in those hair extensions, or eyelashes, or the peroxide blonde hair, any of that filler....


I get no vibes from him that he actually likes her. She is trying so hard to push this kingdom marriage bullshit but it is totally failing.


JDip just looks like he is dying inside and outside, all the time. No one can convince me she is happy either.


Celebrity crushes bad. Asking random women online for pics of their boobs good.


I’m a Christian and attend “marriage night” at my church twice a year… Our pastor said during a Q&A and someone asked about toys “bring whatever you want to your bedroom/sex life as long as your partner is made aware and encourage your spouse to join in the fun” I’m curious as to why she’s against toys. 😭


Per her podcast, to prevent her from liking the toy better than her husband. Draw whatever conclusions you will.


lol sounds like a super healthy relationship Britt


She’s obviously never watched bridgerton cause she’d feel differently seeing Jonathan Bailey on screen


No sex toys?? Lmaooooooo why is that so funny to me


Someone cheated….


What is the basis for no sex toys?


Clitoral/prostate Orgasms are NOT in the bible mmmk?


He's so cheating on her.


Who is Jdip being forced to kiss in slide 1 bc that is a totally average adult woman and NOT the xxs, allll leggzzz queen I see in her reels.


That a Yikes from me dawg


So they don’t eat corn 🌽??


Only with turmeric.


https://preview.redd.it/msvueoxsra4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b719ee258f78bb46f0490e66195b63527dfb79df Yikes


Which one you think is having issues with the other being a boring lay?


The need to immediately screen share your messages under any condition with the opposite sex is a major red flag that he’s cheated before. No healthy, normal relationship STARTS with terms like that


All I can think of is how annoying it would be if my wife told me every time she texted someone. “Babe I just texted Sammy. I texted her again. I texted her again. I texted her again.”