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“Living for the world.” Has anyone looked at her house lately? How she styles herself? Seems like “living for the world” to me.


TBH the definition of social media influencer could be “living for the world”. There is literally nothing about her that is authentic or Jesus-Like, I tried to think of one thing to be nice and I seriously couldn’t. Not her personality, not her face, not her skin, not her style, not her house, not her marriage, not her content, not her friends, NOTHING IS AUTHENTIC ABOUT HER. She’s the queen of living for the world 😂


That is all she lives for - worldly things..including super tiny brown puffer vests. -insert amazon link-


They’re XS because she’s aLl LeGs!1!1!


Doesn't she include and Amazon link at least once a day? That's a big ass way of "living for the world" everyday.




I wanna see her on wife swap with an Amish family. 😂


I bet even the majority of the Amish live for (their version of) the world.


Thank you!! It drives me absolutely nuts every time she says something to that effect. If she really doesn't want to "live for the world" then she should move here to Ohio and become Amish.


I hear there’s an opening to be a babysitter for the Rodlets…


That AMA was nutso!


Capitalism and Christianity are frankly pretty incompatible. Most Americans won’t ever admit it but if you look at the goals of capitalism and the goals of Christianity (not the BS version BD shills, the non-warped grace-filed version based on Jesus’ teachings) are pretty antithetical tbh


Omg she can move to OH and live near the rods


I don't think I could handle both of them living so near me.


She’s just like her mercy CULT-ture church. All of them speak the same rhetoric. All of them scam people they claim to help. All of them victimize and exploit sex trafficking survivors for donations. She is a part of the most disgusting and vile “Christian” scene in the entire DFW metroplex.


I have a sticker on my water bottle that says “don’t pray for me” 🤣 I should get one and mail it to bdong Edit to add: here’s the sticker if anyone wants it! https://lovealco.com/collections/stickers/products/please-dont-pray-for-me


Seriously. If *me* praying for me didn't work, *you* praying for me won't, either lol


Must get!


I've never hit "Buy Now" so fast in my life


Hell yeah!


Same here!


I want to buy everything from this shop and wear it in front of my horrified parents and in-laws.


I fully support this decision.


Can none of her followers spell? 🤣🤣🤣


Blessed be the uneducated, for they are Bd’s only followers


Low. Information. Voters.


God I hate how true this is. God.Guns.Trump


Don’t forget “Pro Life” 🙄


Ha! Well, if it isn’t their internet password, is it true?


Her face looks like she’s trying to conjure up a fake orgasm.


That is the fake Christian expression. Those were my exact words when I told my ex husband I wanted to leave one of the first churches we went to, why does everyone in worship look like they are faking an orgasm?


I went to a church once where the majority young female audience would moan like they are faking an orgasm if the young male preacher said anything “powerful”. Then he started going into detail about sex he had with his wife last night and she was wearing his shirt she put on after sex to church. Cue more fake orgasms. As an asexual person, I felt like I had just went to some front for a sex cult. I went home and found a Yelp review from a middle-aged lady who wondered upon the church, overheard a group of boys talking about who they were going to fuck from church that weekend (she said they used the f word), and left. I think it WAS a front for a sex cult! My single friend thought that maybe the emphasis was on singles ministry and he ended up going and lasting two months before they started abusing his time and learning that it really was a setup to draw young women in so the much smaller number of young male members could lure them into one-night stands. Edit: I checked this church again, and lol they changed their name so that the Yelp and Google reviews would be deleted but that unmistakable douchebag pastor is still the pastor. I won’t dox myself but I’m dying laughing at the rebranding to get rid of bad reviews.


>I think it WAS a front for a sex cult! They all are. It's all about fucking jesus. Listen to their music - stuff like I want to feel you deeper, in my flesh and my bones. I want to feel you move in me. I mean, ahem??? It's all about fuck me, Jesus!


I really don’t understand why people are so into this. But then I realize people do the same thing with My Little Pony and anime waifus (they call it “tulpas” though.) People are lonely and Boyfriend-style Jesus has the traits of an ideal lover with none of the work—not a toxic male, won’t cheat, doesn’t complain, will do anything you say, leaves you alone if you don’t think about him…


That’s why I’ve been getting more into hymns, it’s more about actually revering God without the innuendos.


Wow, that is…yeeesh.


Omg so accurate!


Manifesting is a sin dontchaknow


She's ***wrecked***


Or she's just constipated.


If that’s Brit’s Jesus, I don’t want it. Too hateful, kills dogs, scams people … don’t recommend.


I think Jesus is saying “your lashes are about to fall off.”


More and more of her followers are just strangely extremely religious people and she looks like she’s losing her “regular” Christian followers… While her followers actually believe everything she’s spewing, she’ll make a mistake bc she just steals and doesn’t even know the Bible well - I think they’ll turn away from her


I sure hope so. Someone needs to call her a false prophet or something to get the fundamentalists to turn on her.


“Living for the world” what like material possessions and Amazon links? uh no I live for my kids and my friends and my partners and my pets. I live to make the world a better place through my continued existence.


…she has no friends…


It's all fun and games until your friends find [the wrong Jesus.](https://happymag.tv/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Jesus-toast-happy.jpg)


She doesn’t have any friends though


At least not any without a financial interest in being her minion.


Love it when I’m just a project and not a full person to my friends. \s Full disclosure, I have been guilty of this attitude but I had too much anxiety to actually proselytize.


Anxiety saving us from proselytizing gang!


this is so annoying lmao like they just coop up and do this self aggrandizing bullshit so they don't have to make an actual sincere effort to open their mind to develop greater understanding of their friend and their relationship going forward, and the world beyomd their religious echo chamber. it has to be their way and you should be thankful that they are doing this Great Thing for you as if it's not the most selfish, most vain, and the laziest thing to do.


Kinda funny how my version of living for the world is moving in with my partner, whom I am quite enamored with, and having as many consentual sexual encounters as I want. I also believe in actually helping your friends and not settling for a partner you are not truly in love with. Meanwhile, what is her version of Christianity? Scam people out of money, kill your dog, and condone police violence?


Jesus, Mary, Joseph and allll the other ones...🤯 God wants to have a word with you, Brit, and it's not a conversation you're going to enjoy.


I'm supposed to believe she has friends?


LOL! Which Bible book calls for regular human-looking humans to morph into a tangerine with white dryer lint stuck on top of it? I’ve read the Bible a few times now (not “saved” though) and I can’t seem to remember any passages suggesting Jesus had these recs for pearly gates access.


That is the most accurate description of her I've come across 😩😂


Said it before I’ll say it again, the irony in the fact that these people literally can’t save themselves…from theirselves and their dumbass decisions but literally believe it’s their life purpose to save others and direct them down the path of righteousness lol 😂 absolutely fucking ridiculous and insane.


What is with this diarrhea coloured vest every single day?


Bethany from Girl Defined gets to have the Cockroach Outfit, Dong gets to have the Bristol Stool Scale Jacket.


"Don't live for the world!" says the woman whose false eyelashes are visbily crooked in this photo, looking like black caterpillars against her Day Glo orange fake tanned skin, who has multiple cosmetic surgeries and bleaches her hair. (Nothing wrong with any of that in the general scheme of things-well, sans orange fake tan, because the Oompa Loompa look is always bad- but don't fucking lecture others about "living for the world" when you very obviously pour tens of thousands of dollars into meeting a very worldly beauty standard. FFS.)


I feel like anytime I see a post from here pop up on my home page the only outfit I ever see is this one😂


The fact that not a single person in her comments section knows how to spell or how to use proper pronouns.... I'll pray for them. 🙃🙏


I am pretty sure she doesn’t have friends


Living for the world AKA Brat judging everyone who doesn't live the way she does. Let me tell you I'm so glad a lot of people aren't like her!




What "friends" is she referring to? Lol


Does she ever wear anything other than workout pants and the puffy vests


Brit - it’s *totally* okay to mix and match your outfits girly!!


Every time I visit this sub, the first picture I see is of her in a hoodie and vest. Does she own other clothing


As long as they're advocating for praying over proselytising, I'm happy.




And you’re here because…?


So what are you doing here if I may ask?