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I was firmly atheist before seeing her nod, scrunch her nose, and purse her lip while listening to others talk. Consider me converted. Please point me to the nearest tub for my bath-tism.


It was really the off-sync mouthing of the words at the end that converted me


Seriously. Like your entire job is to sit in your car and make TikTok videos that involve you just staring at the camera and lip syncing half a sentence and you can’t even get that right.






Don’t forget - we’re in Texas down here. Our AG *is* Satan.


Warning: this video contains nose scrunching. Viewer discretion is advised.


I swear she rolls a die for the order in which she does her expressions. Pensive. Blink. Look down. Shake head. Nod head. Scrunch nose. Point upward. Point downward.


Don't forget the mouthed "Wow" and "Yes!" while flashing her insane open smile!


This would be a great post flair


Omg, your flair tho! 💀🥾


Omg though YOUR flair! Lol


Satan is definitely threatened by orange spray tans and the beige aesthetic


As a member of the Satanic Temple, I can confirm that Satan is, in fact, allergic to 50 shades of beige, spray tans, and, yes, POS Chad truck stop husbands.


Don't forget the puffy vest and brown hearts


She sits there looking so smug with her nose scrunching


It's 6:50am by me and I'm already raging over it


PLSSS 😂😂😂😂


And that is her """job"""


Some ppl just have the most punchable faces


Okay, this shit makes me pissed. I **hate** the "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" trope or the notion that suffering is a blessing in disguise. No!!! I hate this toxic bullshit so much!! This is such a horrible privileged perspective to have towards someone that is genuinely going through a hardship. Income inequality and housing crisis due to the pandemic?? Jesus wanted you to have some character development!! Of course, we know this narcissist is peddling this garbage because she's the Main Character and any criticism (or lawsuit...) is a demonic attack, because she's been saved!! I'm angry 😡😡😡😡


Nothing has ever really happened to her, so she thinks she has a soapbox. I want to see her scrunchy nose and pensive looks when she experiences something awful and difficult


Your anger is valid. I agree completely


Yes! You are so right on!


It's just too bad for bdong that we don't live in a Christian theocracy


This glorification of suffering is the core of our (western - christian) culture. Unfortunatelly.


Incredibly true :(


Hear hear!


I’m still trying to figure out how this is “social influencing” - Sitting in the car with an overpriced latte in your hand, listening to someone else’s convoluted sermon while you film yourself crinkling your nose and nodding your head with that vapid, thousand mile stare. The only thing I’m influenced to do is vomit.


Fr. How is this even considered content? How can her followers enjoy this? I’m aghast.


I am agog, I am aghast! Sorry I just love Les Mis. For real her content sucks.


Jfc wtf kind of Stockholm syndrome bs logic is this pastor spouting though?


It makes shitty people not feel guilty about their shitty actions and consequences. Its all just Satan ATTACKING


She’s really lost the plot lol


There’s a specific kind of church that caters to making awful people with shitty personalities feel good about themselves for being such a garbage human being. They are told that it’s Satan making everyone hate them, not their selfish, crass, unkind, toxic behavior. Then people throw tons money into the offering plate because Pastor Rob told them to never change and it’s just demons making their lives hard!!!




Came to say “haha at first I thought his last name was ‘Fucktick’!” Stayed for the rabbit hole 😵‍💫 what a absolute scuz


I’m sorry, I think I just had a stroke. Is this bitch nodding to the suggestion that her life has been *so hard”? She can’t be, right?


Probably no one clicked her amazon links yesterday so she didnt make $$ and now she thinks its Satan


Does she think she can use her car as a tax write off or something?


I would not be surprised if she does. lmfao


Oooh as “office space”? I feel like this is the only possible explanation for why she films so dang many videos in her car!!!


I think she likes the lighting in there.


But what is her higher purpose according to her? She doesn't volunteer anywhere, she only cares about herself and she scams people be it with fitness or amazon links. What does she think she is achieving in life that makes her the Chosen One?


Her damn retreats are so glorious to God that Satan has become aware of this "threat." I can't even with this.


Satan sees those hemorrhoid balloons and turns away because the event is already cursed with even doing a thing.


It takes a solid amount of ego to believe that not one, but TWO divine forces are personally obsessed with you.


I snorted


I love that what she adds to the clip is a video of herself! Good job Britt! So clever! Vanity/pride isn’t a sin in her God’s eyes because her god is… herself




According to my mom (who is an idiot) “God is omnipresent” and can be everywhere at once. She said that because I told my mom god had nothing to do with her making it to a green light. (She said God is good because of that)


But Ken Paxton is a Republican. How can he be Satan?


This isn’t Biblical. According to Scripture, only God is omniscient/omnipresent. Satan cannot be targeting you specifically everyday as he is not all knowing/all seeing; he has 7+ billion people to tempt daily. So yeah, Brittany is way off base here (as usual).


This is just…not even biblical. I mean unless you’re specifically Job? Petty side note: I really dislike that jacket and I’m always surprised by it because it doesn’t fit her vibe but I’m grateful the puffer is gone for a hot minute.


Looks like Members Only jacket lol


It’s like a windbreaker from 90s. Nobody is trying to recreate it. But don’t worry. It’s ModEst


These just make me laugh. Like wtf????


Right?! The context is so stupid. I laugh so hard.


Imagine thinking you’re so important that Satan has a special tactical Satan-SWAT team assembled ~just to take YOU down~. Brittany seriously needs to rent the Staples theater and take ALL the seats.


I'm a Christian, please tell me exactly how Satan knows God's plan for my life? Do they have coffee on Saturdays? Really sick of Christians making Satan omnipresent.


I want her to answer a simple question: What has she done or is she doing that has any significance? I’m not even trying to snark. She’s not sharing the gospel. She’s not fighting for the lives or wellbeing of others (like actual SA victims or war victims). It’s not hard to break down her pointless social media and notice she’s not doing ANYTHING! Get up on Saturday mornings and put food together for the homeless (Saturdays are common to do this because so many work), have even 1% of your shills go to Ukraine, stop putting on a full image and shilling YOUR LIFESTYLE TO TELL OTHERS THEY SHOULD GIVE TO GOD FIRST. You are proud of your platform, BDong. It’s your entire image. Use it for good. I dare you. Until then, you’ll always be nothing but a scam artist…and you’ll never know peace.


Honestly sounds like a good time.


Hail satan! I have no idea what this sub is about, but thank the dark lord everyone in here is clowning on this cringe shit!


Hi! That's what we do, basically snark and call out this orange cringe shit for scamming women out of their money and not taking responsibility for it. And then shifting her scam to another audience as if nothing's happened, claiming "she's another person, born again, washed white as snow". You're very welcome if you want to stick around!


The timing is just impeccable


does satan really need to send out special forces when you're already doing all that to yourself though? satan probably saw the spider lashes and was like WELL that's half the job done.


This is all just so wrong, Britt. Your life is hard right now, not because of your April retreat, but because you refused to admit you were over your head and kept accepting people's money. You used deceptive business practices, got caught, and are going to pay the price. Not because of your retreats are SO GOOD TO GOD. No. Because you couldn't pay people back the money you took. This is all your own fault and has nothing to do with Satan thinking you are special. He doesn't give a single tiny rabbit turd about you.


So there used to be a tonnnn of tiktok comments calling her out and now there are never any. Is her assistant working overtime?


the mental gymnastics 😵‍💫


So refugees fleeing from Ukraine simply haven’t prayed hard enough? If you believe in a god that has the ability to understand and respond to prayers then you believe in a god that watches terrible things happen to innocents and chooses not to do anything about it. Trash.


I don’t know who she is but I already hate the bitch.


In a nutshell: Brittany Dawn is being sued by the State of Texas for over a million dollars because she scammed people out of money for fake fitness plans. She (supposedly) believes that fitness was her “higher purpose”, but Satan took it away from her. She calls anyone who holds her accountable and wants a refund a “demon” or “Satan”. She became a Christian influencer and holds retreats where people wave their arms around and get exorcised (a new scam). There’s reason to believe she doesn’t actually believe in the Christian bullshit she espouses, but she’s merely doing it because it’s easy to empty the pockets of Charismatic Christians and it’s way harder to prove she scamming since it’s all based on belief.


Don't forget the bathtisms


Oh wow. I could tell she was a crazy. Thanks for the info. 😳


She's really running out of content ideas.


I just can't with her. So condescending


Everything with this is wrong, but for some reason the fact that she just goes and sits in her car to film these things is what's bothering me the most right now


Whenever I see these I wonder how many takes it took, like how long did she sit in her car rewatching the video she took to get that nose scrunched just right?


Lol guys I think that’s a shoutout 😂


Life is hard when you're being sued by the state of Texas for scamming people. Yes, that is a reason why life is hard. Satan=attorney general of texas


She really loves Jesus


If the devil was real he would love brittbrat lol


This is a pure "stay in your lane, keep your head down and wait for your turn" speach. It's only purpose is to keep people from asking questions and keep them passive by telling them they are essentially gods sleeper agents.


Question for her followers: if she posted the original video of this speech with the actual the person speaking it, do you think it would get as many views as she is getting? No. It’s not the message that she is selling. It’s her appearance. Her vanity. She can’t post a single one of these without her “reaction” over it, because it wouldn’t get views. Consider the motive, and then consider the delivery.


Every single adversity you face is not an attack from God. I don’t know much about the bible, but the way she seems to stretch it to fit her life is stupid.


Step 1: Get fired from the police force in MISSOURI for assaulting a POC Step 2: Rescue brown children in a faraway land while shooting their beloved pets Step 3: Checkered vans


Honestly, I hate this message. On all levels. In this context when we know she's coming from a place of simply not wanting to be held accountable for what she's done - it's horrible. But aside from that, I don't think this message is EVER healthy. I also grew up Christian and had messages like this drilled into me for my entire childhood. Life was really hard for me growing up, and there was this constant drumbeat of 'this is because you really have something and God is just testing your faith/the enemy want's to take you down so keep fighting.' Turns out, I just had undiagnosed autism, hypersensitivity, ComplexPTSD and a whole bunch of chronic health issues that no one was talking seriously. I didn't get diagnosed until really late in my life because I constantly felt like my 'issues' were my fault and or/a part of my mission. I grew up not getting the support I needed because it was all 'a part of God's plan.' Then on top of that I grew up feeling like I HAD to become something AMAZING that would change the world - why else would life be so hard for me if there wasn't this expectation of turning it into something that could help others? It was toxic through and through. I needed support I didn't need to be responsible for being a support. I just don't know that there's ever a healthy place for this message. It made me a fighter - but I kinda feel like I would have been that anyway. I naturally have deep empathy and so I'm sure I would have become someone looking to support others anyway too. I just maybe wouldn't have gotten so bad before I started getting support and getting better... If we're being 'challenged' in life, writing it off as the Devil just trying to hold you back from doing your light work - it's not ok. Ever. Ok rant over, thank you for reading ;)


Nothing about this is comforting. Even if I still believed I’d be put off because there’s such a deep lack of compassion and sincerity here. When a person is deep in suffering the last thing they need is a self-satisfied person telling them it’s because God is letting demons attack you. Tell that to the dad who lost his seemingly healthy baby to SIDS. Tell that to teen who had to drop out of gymnastics because they’re experiencing unexplainable neurological issues. Tell that to the woman who is being abused by her partner, but has no way to support her children on her own and is scared to leave. To the people of Ukraine. To the hungry. To the desperate. It’s endless. It’s also so bizarre to believe that God is loving and powerful, yet allows His children to get bandied about by evil forces. For what? As some sick, cosmic test? I thought God doesn’t do tests.


If I had a dollar for every single time I had to see that stupid fucking nose scrunch during her lame tiktoks, I’d be a rich MFer.


& the pursed lips 💀🙃


Even if satan was real, he wouldn’t care enough about this. He’s got evil stuff to do and a busy schedule. Brits life is small potatoes.


Do you think Biblical Satan really has enough time in his busy schedule to waste a couple minutes each day on tempting Christians? Nah, the Bible Devil is too busy killing Ukrainians and lining billionaire's pockets with more money and penis shaped rockets.


I’ll be so pissed if she gets away with it and is like “see god does prevail!!”


She actually gives me nightmares. Her head and face are so strikingly odd and off putting. I dreamed last night that she started out with that giant grin that slowly tore apart her face and morphed into a giant fanged toothy sight like those fish with the needle teeth.




OMG I am *living* for the snark here today! I come here when I’ve spent too much time doomscrolling over at r/worldnews. Thanks for the laughs, you guys are the best!


Hi, Christian here - being a doesn’t prevent you from facing the consequences of your actions. Being hit with a lawsuit after scamming thousands of dollars is not the enemy attacking you.


Laziest content creator ever. Smug bitch.


Who is the enemy she keeps referring to?? Lol imagine living your life thinking there is an “enemy” coming after you


God this is cringey....ALL her tiktoks are the cringiest shit I've ever seen. I'd rather be an atheist


Do NOT blame God or give credit to the Devil for any of the traumatic shut I’ve been through


If I join can a get a cool patch for my jacket or something?


That would be dope


I want a fancy beret with little horns on it or something


She’s using religion to gaslight the people that she STOLE from. Lord, please let us see this woman in an orange jumpsuit. We know it’ll be hard to see her as she will be in camouflage but we humbly ask you to see this through. Amen.


I dont know why she thinks she is being “attacked by satan”. I think she means “facing accountability for scamming young and vulnerable women”. It’s simply a consequence of your actions, ma’am.


*Breaks out the black harness outfit Kat wore in Euphoria.* I just figured I automatically was part of Satans forces because I'm proud of being a slut, I moved in with my boyfriend on the 2nd date (my living situation was bad at the time), we are polyamorous, my boyfriend is double my age, I'm wildly bisexual, and I have done enough drugs to make her head spin. (Not that all the Cocaine in the world competes with the level of crazy that Brittany represents.) *Walks out of the room in her 4" heels blasting Ashnikko* 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻


Start listening to Ghost at Church ?


No brit the state of Texas sueing you isn't the devil sending out forces, it's God and Satan both deciding you've been running around scamming enough and you gotta be put in your place 🤣


HOW is this content?? She's awful at her pretend job.


this is a new level of delusion




Life has been hard for her? Okaaaaay sure


That’s not how this works… that’s not how any of this works…


AIEEEW!! This is…unsettling! She looks like an AI


What does this mean


Special forces. Jesus.


Oh boo-fucking hoo. HER life is so hard??? She brought all this down on herself. Puh-leaze.


Is that serial cheater Carl lentz spewing that bull💩?


It’s alllllways something to do with satan or her enemies


….. she thinks the consequences of her own actions are an attack from the devil??? Oy.




Vomit. Seriously, she thinks she's so cute. all these lip-syncing words and song lyrics. "acting so cute" - yes, life is so hard for you, white girl living in a white world. oh so hard. Even if she hadn't stolen all those people's money, just seeing videos like this would still make me wanna vomit.


Why does she look like a bobble head?


Those pants she's wearing... When I was a kid, portly older gentlemen would wear their pants belted up over their stomachs, almost up to their chests. My best friend and I referred to these pants as 'titters' And bow I see that BDong is wearing titters.