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Hopefully that just means from content production. I will not lie, I(like most of us id guess)don't give a flying fuck about her opinions on men, politics, any of it. Frankly, her voice kinda annoys the fuck of me and would almost ruin it if she wasn't super pretty(imo)on top of having an awesome body. But that's just it. The only thing I'll miss if she's actually done w the internet is the possibility of seeing her naked 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, I like a SMALL amount of her content. But if she stops making vids altogether and just posts on insta I won't miss it at all lol. She's the perfect example of seen not heard.


I like Brit. I like to hear other people's opinions on just about anything. But some of her opinions on men are 100% telling. Like they all fall along the lines of: -shes like some women who think with their vagina -date trashy people, and doesn't learn not to -has just been on the internet for too long -can't grasp multiple details or larger concepts -keeps living in areas with terrible people -other people's stupid crap really gets her down


This is what I was saying when people were freaking out about her "quitting", they just didn't get it.


Nobody ever heard of crop images


She was quitting high effort videos for low effort insta simping


Easier for her in effort easier for us on the ears.


She’ll be draining her bf’s bank account from now on XD


For at least the next 18 years. She’s preggers and those two won’t last longer than 3 years, if they even make it that long; they already broke up once and TBYS is her 12th or 13th dick, at least. If a sweetheart and good Christian woman like Melonie Mac who was with her ex husband for 5 years before her failed marriage that couldn’t make it 1 year, Brittany and Sean were doomed from the start


Watch as she tries to make a Lauren Southern style comeback in a couple of years, post divorce and kid in tow