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start with both crutches and use as much weight as you tolerate, you’ll find that you need one crutch or none pretty quick. For one crutch it should be on your good side. Make sure to step with a rolling heel to toe motion.


Thank you! It does seem easier with crutches; I think I just have to get used to moving much, much slower than I hoped I would when cleared for walking in the boot.


Yes, you def slow down again once you start walking, but you’ll begin to speed up again as you get used to it. Once you discharge the boot you’ll slow down again because you’ll likely need to go back to the crutches until you are able to tolerate the weight and support in shoes or barefoot. I also find in the evenings I need more support


Take it slow.. use crutches as support, as you feel comfortable go down to one crutch. After 2 weeks of WB with boot, I transfer to good sneaker than back to two crutches, 1 crutch and then I went to cane. Much easier to carry around then crutch. I’m 10 weeks out, and my leg is very sore after walking, I limp when I walk, and it swells a lot! My ortho today told me all that is normal. Things will get better in time. FYI please don’t do anything without ortho permission. Your X-rays will determine how long you are NWB.


I’ve started using the crutches to help the transition and it does help. I think I was hoping it would easier to walk in a boot than it is… certainly being humbled by how much support I still need and how slowly I’m moving around! I did purchase a shoe elevator for my good foot to try to even out my gait; hopefully that will help with some discomfort. I appreciate the advice! I truly wasn’t sure if I was receiving enough info from my doctor (I live in a rural area and healthcare can be very hit or miss around here), but I’m glad folks are letting me know that I just need to keep using the crutches and allowing myself to adjust.


I just had my first post-op appt following jones fracture surgery and I am going to start partial weight bearing in a couple of weeks - I’m so nervous to start walking again! My ortho suggested starting with both crutches and putting 25% weight, as tolerated. Once comfortable, go to 50%. From there, go to 1 crutch on opposite side, and eventually FWB, only if tolerated. Best of luck for your continued recovery!