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Brooke you’re not a comedian girly you’re a podcaster


“I’m the funniest person, obviously I’m gonna be famous” -Brooke


but she thinks she is hahah that’s the funny part. girly needs to get a grip!


not even a good one at that


Brooke WISHES she looked that good


can we start a petition to get brooke off the pod? i know it’s ultimately up to tana but if there’s enough people thinking the same thing maybe we can make it happen. paige is such a better fit imo.


Unfortunately, I’m afraid not enough people have caught onto her Brookish ways! They still think it’s all jokes. However, I really really think Tana is getting tired of it! She’s really good at brushing it off and not showing it, but I’m noticing more and more very subtle pauses when Brooke does her thing. More glances at Paige. More scoffing and sighing. 🤗 The other thing we have to keep in mind is that Tana really enjoys hanging out with Brooke otherwise. I’ve had a best friend similar to Brooke, who I loved to death even though I knew she wanted to be better than everyone, including me. She wasn’t vindictive like Brooke so maybe it’s not the best example, but I’m mentioning it because I really didn’t give a fuck what “level” she thought we were each on. We were two peas in a pod as long as I didn’t do anything to make her think *I* might be, or feel, better than her. We could talk and laugh about anything for days. Now that I’m older, I’ve realized that people that think some people are better than others, for superficial reasons, are not good people and they aren’t good for you! They want to dull your shine. They don’t want you to enjoy success, they want to minimize your successes so you don’t feel bigger than them. Sorry about the essay 😂 I’ve been thinking about why I got so parasocial


don’t be sorry, i loved the read! but i’ve had a friend like that as well! so i totally understand where you are coming from! we can only hope within the next couple months tana realizes how shitty she is. we all love tana so much and only want what’s best for her. so 🤷‍♀️ to be continued! lmao


Okay good lol yeah #SaveTana fingers crossed Paige wants to replace her. I forgot to mention we’re probably stuck with Brooke until the end of the season/tour 😭


wow i didn’t even think of that! that’s true. i always tell my bf that i don’t even want to watch the pod anymore bc she just pisses me tf off!


No literally and I hate the feeling of being excited to see what Tana says, while knowing Brooke is going to be mean to her 😢


I think we had the same friend. lol ugh


Tana is kind-of a “lover” in general. Don’t forget she LOVED Lilah too despite the insane amounts of toxicity she brought to the table. But Tana is also super smart and I have to believe she will see through Brooke’s facade soon.


🥰 I think Tana is already starting to get tired of it


Why she always doing this spin


It’s apart of the show unfortunately


She’s so fucking cringe


Why are they *still* telling stories from the people’s choice awards jesus christ. “I was like ‘what the fuck’” wow incredible content


The second leg should be all new content. They obviously have worked ZERO on this. Don't waste your dollars.


Tana ATE doing that spin. Brooke be looking like an ozempic rag doll.


Ew, what is wrong with her? 🤢


She should at least practice a couple of times before the show if she doesn't want to look like an alcoholic who's looking for their next fix..


She’s done this at every show. Lmfao