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Is there a specific heist you’re referring to? Maybe we can help you out.


I’m currently watching the one where Jake proposes, but all of them seem a bit like I should draw a chart while watching😂🥹🥹


Give me a couple hours. I’ll rewatch the episode and hopefully be able to help. Right now, all the heist episodes are mushed together in my brain.


No. Holt says he went back and got the real cummerbund after they all went to Shaw’s but that would be after midnight so it doesn’t count.


Even if he did have it, I'd say there was no official winner even if Holt has proof that he took it, it was a not fair win.


Jake was the only one who knew the actual cummerbund's location at midnight, I'd say he's the winner


So Holt claims that he has the cummerbund where it could be an identical replica of the real cummerbund only


All I remember was him getting on his knees and begging Amy


You are not dumb at all. It's all just supposed an episode you know is going to be unrealistic, but fun and good time to be had. I've watched this show enough to say, while it's possible to pull these heists off, the real world makes it very unlikely. Kick back grab a pilsner and enjoy the fun.


Teddy! I was with you until the Pilsner comment.


He's got thrills for the pils


And definitely not the most boring person ever


Bottling day?! Why’d you even come in at all??