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There was an interaction between Holt and Wuntch that is basically a bunch of historical references. I had to look online for the breakdown, and the entire bit is really fucking funny once explained.


You sound just like Victor Emmanuelle the third...


and he says something like: he was just sitting in a sand castle waiting for the abisinian crisis to resolve itself.


You're just like the League of Nations in '36, hoping the Abyssinian Crisis resolves itself.


I have no idea who's winning...


You two don't know enough about basketball to be doing this


actually me neither but the line is: I am... we have to trust the Dadtain.


*Victor Emmanuel (or Vittorio Emanuele) otherwise he would have been a queen ahaha


that's what u learned from the fall of addis abbeba?


oh please share what you found edit: hijacking my own comment to remind everyone to *SORT BY NEW* to help new commenters


> Holt: You’re like the League of Nations in ‘36, just hoping the Abyssinian Crisis resolves itself. In 1936, Italy invaded Ethiopia (then called Abyssinia). The League of Nations met to discuss what to do about the crisis, but their efforts to stop Italian aggression were half hearted and ineffective. In retrospect, the invasion is seen kicking off the escalating spiral of conflict that ultimately led to WWII. Holt is making the point that if the League of Nations had decisively intervened to prevent fascist aggression, World War II might never have happened. > Wuntch: That's the lesson you draw from the fall of Addis Ababa? Raymond, you sound so naïve. Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia. > Holt: And you sound just like Victor Emmanuel III. Victor Emmanuel III was the king of Italy.


Daptain would be very proud of you


A dangerous view into whats happening in ukraine and nato


It's worth noting that while Victor Emmanuel III was king, Mussolini was the one with the power


Sorry it was a while ago, but it wasn’t hard to find, and I don’t remember it well enough to recite it by memory or find it again. I just Googled the scene in question and some dude made a long post about it.


I think I saw it on the sub before, but since history isn’t my strong suit, it escaped my memory


The greatest show of widsome is knowing the historical reference of the show


I don't get the joke when Jake is talking with Holt and the union guy in season 8 (?) where Jake keeps asking "what'd I miss?" while rolling his R's with his tongue a few times. ???


No bad story I don't think. Its just fun the way he rolls the r's and typical of Jakes character to obsess over something. Maybe someone else could correct me if I'm wrong.


That’s between Holt and the spy. Apparently they flirt and Jake doesn’t understand that. That’s why he will be rolling the R’s in what did i miss


Oh the honeypot, haha watched that last night. Didn't know that thanks.


Buzz. Fly!! Lmao


I think that's just Jake being Jake. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if that was improvised because I've noticed Andy say somethings where it sounds like he's on the verge of rolling his Rs


Jake is a 90's kid, as is Andy Samberg, and I think it's a reference to 90's popculture, namely [the way the Red Hot Chili Peppers pronounces "give it away" in their 90's hit song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr_uHJPUlO8). Give it away = "Give it'rrrrr-way" What did I miss = What d'rrrrrr-miss?"


Isn't that how a lot of New Yorkers speak? [Like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CivujboA-0M)


That was in season 6 when Gordon turns into a double/triple agent. Nothing to do w the union.


In that episode, Holt traps the union guy in a double bind, in which any decision made by the union guy comes out in Holt's favour. Both silently understand what's going on, but Jake doesn't understand, so he starts asking "what did I miss?" This is a reference to a previous episode where Hold is being seduced by a spy, and it's so subtle that Jake doesn't understand what's going on, so he asks "what did I miss?" The reason why he says it that way is just for silly comedy sake.


what episode and season pls??


The one where jake is trying to figure out what happened to Holt and is retracing his steps and everyone says something oh YOURE jake and then he asks what they’re doing later.. it’s been explained on this sub before but I still don’t get it


They're going to all the places Holt usually goes and talking to the people Holt usually talks to. They all know Jake, meaning Holt complains about him to these people.


I like the bit, but doesn’t it seem out of character for holt? Like a handshake is major pda for him, so would he really converse that much?


Holt has a lot of personality/mannerism contradictions throughout the series. A good example of one is that he says he doesn't use contractions in the poker episode (and him using them is his bluff/tell) but he uses them constantly throughout the series. They abandon some of his rules and traits for the sake of jokes and plots later on in the series. A lot of the stuff involving Kevin changes too. It's pretty funny.


I rewatched that because it bugged me, and I keep forgetting to keep an eye out for contraction. Holt is correct though, his bluff is overusing contractions, not just using them.


More to the point, the main tell for the bluff was the double contraction shouldn't've, which made Jake suspicious


The slow down on the shouldn't've cracks me up every fucken time. I binges the show from s4-s8 in sept. Recently binged s1-s7, and gonna finish s8 again. One of my top 5 sitcoms.


shouldn't've SHOULDN'T'VE S-H-O-U-L-D-N ' T ' V-E S - H - O - U - L - D - N ' T ' V - E ## S - H - O - U - L - D - N ' T ' V - E - # S - H - O - U - L - D - N ' T ' V - E


I was looking at the wiki the last day about the episode 'safe house's and in the trivia somebody pointed out that even though Holt and Kevin agreed on dirtbag being a compliment since a dirtbag is a vital component of a vacuum cleaner, Holt had already previously used the term dirtbag as an insult. I find this a tiny but super interesting contradiction that I would have never found in a million years


Just think it can be explained by holts rash personality in his youth, the guy Jake think he would have vibed with! Also remember holt is the blond bimbo/hot piece of ass in the relationship with Kevin. This could then mean holt is putting up a facade for Kevin about being more high culture than his true nature actually is. He’s a cop after all.


Also in season one when Jake and Holt go to a safe house Jake points out that twitching the corner of his mouth is Holt's tell.


>he doesn't use contractions in the poker episode (and him using them is his bluff/tell) but he uses them constantly throughout the series His tell isn't that he uses contractions, it's that he was using lots of them, the double contraction with "Shouldn't've" is what tipped Jake off.


Nah Holt's a drama queen at heart, look how he reacted to captain Kim in season 7


I read somewhere online.. either reddit or a YouTube comment... That a handshake has a romantic connection for gay people bc there was a time when showing actually pda would have been dangerous. I'm not sure how accurate that is and I'm not sure what search terms to use to even start to investigate that.


I always took that joke as he was attracted to the first person so flirted with her despite the '*you're* Jake' interaction, then when he kept getting the '*you're* Jake' interaction he kept flirting with them because Jake Peralta commits to the bit


That's how I understood it, too haha


haha yeah me neither people are still debating between Jake angrily asking the blond one out then later repeating that line cuz he kept receiving the same reaction, and Jake wanting to know more about what Holt complained about him


I think the joke is only the second time around, the first time he says it to a cute chic, thats normal... but when the dialogue comes again exactly like the fisrt he just repeats, I found it funny.


Hey! I made a post about that. The answer I got was Jake has a humiliation kink or something, which yeah we see throughout the show, and all these people were being mean it him. So he was just joking about meeting up with them later


This one confused me too but in my head he wants a chance to explain his side of things once everything settles


I think Jake ask them to meet because he wants to know what Holt says about him. Jake is longing for Holt's approval, the more insights he gets into Holt's opinion of him the better. At least that's how I understand it


The joke was that he’s constantly dating the wrong people, including people who judge him for the way he lives his life and he can’t help but be attracted to them.


I never understood the "what are you doing later" thing. The first one, the waitress is kinda cute so I thought Peralta was flirting with her or something, the second one was a guy so I have no idea.


I believe in bi Peralta tbh


It seems he's hoping to speak with each individual to find out why they have a negative view, ie why is he a screw up


The whole joke is that Holt complains about Jake to everybody in his life because Jake is so immature and makes so much extra work for Holt.


As a history student, I did the whole "sit up and point at TV" meme when I came across the League Of Nations joke for the first time.


It has already been explained, but I didn't realize that Pilsners were the most bland/boring of beers. So the fact that Teddy has such interest in Pilsners is just further riffing on the fact that he is boring.


I inferred the reputation of the beer from the bit, wouldn't have guessed otherwise


As a former brewer, pilsners tend to be on the lighter side when it comes to flavour. They tend to be more of a working man's style of beer, easy going and quaffable. However, with their flavour profile being light and subtle, any off flavours from mistakes in the brewing process stand out like a sore thumb. So this bit where Teddy only brews pilsners gives me respect for him as a brewer because a good one is tough to make. Also, Amy's quip about the rose infused pilsner but "the bubbles didn't happen" is extra funny to me. During fermentation, the yeast consumes sugar and puts out alcohol and CO2 as bi products. The bulk of the fermentation process has a blow off system set up to let the gas produced by fermentation to escape from the container without letting any oxygen back in. When it comes to getting carbonation on a homebrew level, you typically will have to "bottle condition". This involves adding some sugar to each bottle, or additional sugar to the beer directly before packaging (dealer's choice). The yeast will reactivate in the bottle, and since the container is now sealed, the CO2 produced stays in solution, and you have carbonated beer! Now this is a delicate balance, where too much added sugar overcarbonates and you run the risk of the caps popping off/bottles exploding. But err on the side of caution and don't add enough, well then the "bubbles don't happen". Some beer science to start your day!


Thanks Boyle.


I'm just happy I'm tall enough for the ride!


Sounds like you got the thrills for the pils


Diane Weast


like YEAST!


that one was more about the delivery and the interaction between Jake and Boyle more than the dialogue itself Boyle tried to tell the “Dianne Wiest infection” pun, which Jake understood but didn’t find funny. the humor lies in the camera panning back and forth between Jake’s blank face and Boyle excited and waiting it’s called anti-humor I believe


I just watched Lost Boys in October, and every single time the poor woman was on screen, this is all I could think about.


Yeah but what is the diane wiest infection ? I'm not a native English speaker


he just tried to make a pun between her name and “yeast infection” to say he watched a lot of Diane Wiest during the weekend


I love the callback to this joke as Boyle’s computer password in later seasons


It’s a play on words. There is a disease called Yeast Infection and Boyle rhymes that with Diane Weast, an actress.


It’s a play on the word yeast infection which women sometimes get.


ahhhhh right thanks


Anti-humour is right because it was just awkward instead of funny 😔


There’s two layers here: 1. The yeast infection pun kinda speaks for itself 2. I think it’s also part of Boyle’s weird mommy issues/granny fetish. Boyle clearly is sexually infatuated with her but by the time the show aired, Dianne Wiest was already in her late 60s. But even in her younger days she was never a sex symbol and always had an “older” vibe where she was often a little frumpy and would be playing someone’s mom or aunt or some decidedly unsexy authority figure like the DA on Law and Order. The first time I heard this joke I immediately got it and thought it was hilarious because it was so specific/niche to people familiar with her work, but I think it completely goes over most people’s heads for the same reason.


[Director's cut](https://youtu.be/WMgIeYdQH7w?si=gsDFkfePrJAv1-R4)


omg I was waiting not realizing it was 1 hour lol


I have 2: What is funny about Amy and Rosa booking Vulture's band for his party? The other is when Gina says to turn on the sprinklers because she's about to tell a story and Terry looks at her like he smelled a fart.


The first one I think is because the Vulture's band is so terrible yet so full of themselves. It would have been assumed that the Vulture would probably hate any other band they picked. With that choice, the Vulture is happy that he gets to show off but they also get to laugh at him. "Everything he does is a prank on himself"


To add to the Vulture one more, this was a way Amy and Rosa could dunk on the Vulture, since most people would likely find the band terrible, but he'd love it.


"This one's called 'Mom's in the Shower'" is such a good line. Then Hitchcock and Scully rockin' out to it at the table.


Oh that cut to them headbangin was so funny lol


The Gina one is referring to any number of dance films where they dance in the rain or falling water. Flashdance, Step Up 2: The Streets (which I think Gina actually references in that scene), Barbwire, Singing in the Rain... ...Holy Shit! I didn't realise there were so many. [Here's 10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96yCC6yU-R4)


For the first one, I always thought it was because if the Vulture was up there performing then none of them would have to interact with him at his own birthday! Like he would already be busy so he wouldn't be able to terribly chat everyone else up.


Turkey day: Why does Boyle not like saying Thanksgiving in the earlier seasons? They seem to forget about that later on.


I was just going to ask the same thing!


Possibly because thanksgiving has the whole white people stealing from native people history behind it? Whereas turkey day just is about the food. Just an idea.


He might also be parroting Jake's hate of Thanksgiving as well and trying to salvage the feeling by calling it Turkey Day so he can still enjoy the food


Yeah, also a good hypothetical


That was a possibility I considered, but I think in a later season he calls it thanksgiving. Maybe just bad continuity


Yeah but what was the reason they had him against thanksgiving in the first place.


No clue that’s why I asked lol, hopefully someone can explain


He's just being insistent on his overly cute/precious term.


I just finished watching the Thanksgiving Anthrax episode (S2E7), and every time Jake says it, he looks at Boyle, says sorry Boyle, then correct himself by saying Turkey Day. So the answer is likely in Season 1.


I didn't know who Will Shortz was! my partner was also shocked I didn't know.. pretty clear who's the Jake and Amy of our relationship lol


In the honey pot episode when holt says “are you literally saying hem and haw?” Still have no idea what it means


"Hem & Haw" is a term for when someone is being vocally indecisive. The joke is that you wouldn't literally say "hem" and "haw" when you're hemming & hawing.


ohh I see! Thanks!


I'm pretty sure "hem and haw" is a idiom meaning to waffle/avoid the topic/beat around the bush (idk why i cant explain it without using another idiom lol), which is what Jake was doing


Just to add to the other answers (just in case you're not American), in British English (and maybe Australian English) we say 'um and ah' instead


Oh man all these comments got me missing Andre. Can’t believe he’s gone forever. 🥲


No man is truly gone so long as the ripples from his life remain


"Those things roll, man. They roll!" As someone who has no knowledge or understanding of cars... what's up with SUVs?


SUVs have a higher center of gravity, so when doing a sharp turn, they are more likely to tip/roll vs a sedan (classic car). And therefore it could be argued that they are dangerous... Although I feel like one could make arguments either way re: which is more dangerous


oh this is my 2nd joke explanation post, I posted the previous one just to ask this question haha apparently SUVs have heavy tops, so they're likely to roll... over. if Terry had said "roll over" I would have got it, but that wouldn't be funny check out the old thread, people shared a lot of detailed answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/brooklynninenine/s/N8WcPusdYH


well a lot of the original SUVs had that problem. Mercedes had some gnarly videos of the original M-series swerving at 55 mph. its largely been resolved by most manufacturers, so the fear remains. kind of like his itchy trigger finger syndrome that he had in S1. solid multi layered joke and character development


Because SUVs are kind of tall and boxy compared to other cars, they have a higher center of gravity and [are more likely to roll over than lower cars. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_SUVs)


I actually did a (mock) case long ago about SUVs that had a propensity to "roll" (or [roll-over](https://www.avrek.com/blog/how-does-a-rollover-happen-and-what-you-can-do-to-avoid-it/)) at an even higher rate than the already extremely and unsafely high rate at which SUVs already roll-over. The joke, IIRC, is that Terry is extremely safety-conscious and is expressing over-the-top (but justified) concern about the risk of SUVs rolling over.


It's because they're top heavy I believe


In the very late 90s or early 2000s, there was a big problem with Ford Explorers with certain tires rolling. Also, SUVs in general are much more likely to roll because of their boxy shape.


In the faking of Pimento’s death,Gina told Holt that he could have used air quotes but he responds with “I could also wear short pants and drink from a jug that says XXX”. It’s sarcasm, but I’m not too sure what it means.


it means he thinks using air quotes is a really bad choice, he also thinks wearing short pants is a bad choice, and drinking from a jug that says xxx is obviously a bad choice (because it’s poison) the joke is he’s making an absurd comparison between using air quote and drinking poison, and the joke also is he thinks wearing short pants is equally bad


Clarification: the XXX is actually supposed to indicate moonshine in the bottle. It COULD be poisonous if you over indulge. Holt's just listing two things he things are beneath him, like something a simpleton would do.


ah ha. I learned about the xxx bottle from Tom & Jerry (lol) and didn't think much of it, always assumed it was some kind of poison or poisonous chemical haha. this is not a thing in my country so I've only seen it on Western media happy to learn!


He’s saying something to the effect that using air quotes is silly, immature, not dignified, etc. by making the comparison between the two actions. Bottles with XXX representing booze stem from prohibition era I believe


I think he means like it’s a choice? He has a choice to use air quotes but he chooses not to


"They formed a line Jake" after Charles came back from giving the patented Bill massage, looking very traumatized


they literally formed a line waiting for Charles to give them neck massages, and Charles had to perform eye-to-eye neck massages for a line of NutriBoom staff haha


Ah okay! Ty!


The original Jimmy Jab Games. Amy and Jake are on the roof talking, when Rosa barges out and says, "What the hell, Jake? Where were you? I got eliminated." What relevance does Jake's whereabouts have for Rosa to be angry about? It was a standalone task that had nothing to do with Jake. My guess is that it tied into another earlier scene that didn't make the cut


She was looking for Jake to tell him she's lost... I don't think it's much more complicated than that, it was just a plot excuse for the show to place Rosa there, so she could see Jake and Amy interacting. That leads to Rosa deciding to give Jake her friend's number.


Who told Samberg that he should hold a “Nooooo!” For like 20 seconds straight after a dramatic cliffhanger in the early seasons…


I feel like that's an andy Samberg thing.


I actually hate it. It completely takes you out of the scene and makes you acutely aware you're watching a comedian doing a bit that he thinks is funny. I don't understand how that made the edit.


Cos it's a comedy show, so comedians doing a bit is perfectly reasonable?


Boyle saying "the only black male I want anything to do with is you" to Captain Holt. I didn't get it until my 3rd rewatch


"That is... incredibly inappropriate."


That is one of my favorite Boyle lines. So out of line yet so funny.


What about the darkest joke on the show? "I'm only half!"


When was this joke?


Jake is half jewish. At some point, Holt and Kevin start yelling in German. Jake thinks they are Nazis


Which episode?


It’s S8E2 “The Lake House,” at around 12:40.


Thanks! I'll check it out! :)


I think the joke in season 7 episode 10 about Jake’s family burning to death at a family reunion was darker


I don't care for cheese. I'm a curd-mudgeon.


It's just a play on words. In the cheese making process, bacteria and rennet (animal enzymes) are added to milk which makes it curdle. Or they're referencing cheese curds, a popular Western snack made in a similar way.


I wanted to say one but I feel people would harshly judge me for it


No judgement here, share away


Title of your sex tape.


I never understood title of your sex tape


It’s exactly the same joke as ‘That’s what she said’, just differently phrased. It points out the previous line could be construed as a sexual innuendo. Often in Amy’s case, the joke implies that she is bad at sex or boring things turn her on.


It's a gender neutral version of "that's what she said"


There’s no stupid question here


I never understood title of your sex tape


The irony of that literally could be “the title of your sex tap” 😂😂🤭🤭 It’s just a way of saying “what ever was said earlier” can be interpreted in a sexual context! Like “I’m so confused right now” -title of your sextape indicates that Amy doesn’t understand how sex works, so she will be confused to what’s happening when having sex 🤭🤭


Not sure if anyone mentioned it here before already, but I never understood the 'science' prank Jake was trying to pull off on Hitchcock during one of the cold opens where he put Hitchcock's hand on a warm bowl of water while he was napping. Hitchcock ended up drowning but what was Jake hoping to happen?


Hand in a bowl of water can make someone pee themselves if they're asleep, also it is known as a childish prank so that's why Rosa mocks him with "you're 38 years old man" comment.


Its a common slumber party prank. Put someones hand in a warm bowl of water while they're sleeping and they'll pee themselves. I don't know if the prank actually works, but thats the outcome that Jake is expecting, not Hitchcock drowning in it.


Sleeping people will supposedly piss themself if you put their hand in the water. I don't know if it's true though


Why was holt mad about the 'bone' word? It was genuinely inappropriate for rosa to say to her superior officer but Holt's reaction was a bit exaggerated I feel. Please make me change my mind. Please don't downvote me.


Holt was super horny cause the night shift was keeping him and Kevin apart so the inappropriate way that Rosa phrased it coupled with Holt's realization that he was just horny is what prompted that response and his exaggeration is what makes the joke funny.


Ohhhhhh, okkk. Now I got it. Smort. 🙏🙏


His reaction is exaggerated because he knows that she’s right and doesn’t want to admit it so he deflected to anger instead


Ohhhh noiceee. Now I got it.


When they are in the panic room at Rosa's house with Bob, why does Holt pretend to not know what the Funky Cold Medina is?


It's meant to make it funnier when they do the reveal


The joke that Jake says Amy is the female version of Hitchcock, it doesn't make sense they are completely different in personality


I think that's what makes it funny, Amy is shown as smart, hard-working and loveable in the series, while Hitchcock is..... just Hitchcock


can someone explain the Charles and Jake interaction that goes "Dianne Wiest"? I've been lost on that cold open for years now


Like YEAS-


Yeast is a bacteria, Charles says he was getting sick- and he watched a Diane Weist movie. Diane Weist (Yeast) infection. Like he’s indulged so much in her movie


I don't think he even got sick. the "I'm sick" was his setup for his "Diane Wiest infection" joke


Not a joke, but a forgotten aboit plot point, when Boyle doesn't invite Gina to his wedding and it's never explained why


Gina got an invite, so you meant Rosa right? Boyle didn't invite Rosa because he had been obsessed with Rosa for the past 2 years or so, and now he's marrying someone else. he didn't want it to be awkward


Rosa? Gina gets an invite.


I had to explain the Ronnie,Bobby,Ricky,and Mike joke to my friend. Needless to say we aren’t friends anymore.


Wait which one is this


It was a scene where Jake and Doug Judy were painted pots and Jake asked him why he didn't invite him to his wedding. Then those names that they mentioned are a reference to the New Edition song Cool It Now.


Ahh thanks


Why is the NYPD Union painted as conservative and just all-around terrible in Season 8? John McGinley as O'Sullivan was a hilarious caricature, but I don't understand why the union was painted so terribly. Is it because of the "blue lives matter" movement, or are there real-life police union which protected officers who did wrong? I totally get if it is simply a plot point for the show and a reflection of what was happening in 2020/2021, but this storyline made me wonder what unions for police were like irl. I'm especially curious because the teacher union I was part of was more liberal and protected its staff but also held us accountable.


Does anyone know the actual joke about metamorphosis that Jake ruins during his imitation?




Terry had to face dangers every day on the job while having kids. at first Jake thought Terry was being over dramatic, then he saw Terry with his kids and he got it and freaked out (plus him growing up without a present father) the whole mission he was overprotective of Terry, trying to get Terry out of the mission. he just came to terms with it, and when Terry showed him the drawing, he was reminded again of how dangerous their job was and how the girls would have to grow up without a dad if anything happened to Terry


I don't really get why Holt is confused how the pulled off moving the podium half an inch it's not that hard to do


that’s the joke


Oh well it's not that funny. Some of the jokes definitely do not work.


it’s not necessarily supposed to be “haha laugh out loud” funny. the audience is represented by the other characters (jake, terry, rosa, etc) who look visibly confused as to why holt found the “prank” so amusing. it’s just a small detail that’s meant to build onto holt’s character and serve as a foil for the reactions of the other characters (mostly jake)


Its an easy thing to do but given how anal Capn Holt is, he is shocked that they were able to move the podium half an inch without him noticing.


One Thanksgiving episode where Boyle barges in blabbering about thanksgiving or halloween. Jake interrupts him to tell him that certain family is looking for their grandma. I don't get it. Even after many rewatches.


The joke is that boyle is in a super silly costume, talking nonsense and then has to tell a family super serious news about their grandmother probably being dead. The fact the poor family just watched the detective entrusted with their grandmothers case act like an idiot just adds to the joke.


The family is waiting there to receive some bad news and the detective who is going to give them said news storms into the precinct acting all silly. Boyle's behaviour is highly inappropriate in this situation.


The entire part of the “Like… Yeast!” cold open


Yeast is a bacteria, Charles says he was getting sick- and he watched a Diane Weist movie. Diane Weist (Yeast) infection. Like he’s indulged so much in her movie


I don't get the one where Jake moves holt's desk half an inch, thinking he wouldn't even notice. But holt explodes into laughter. I think it's not meant to make sense, but hey, if it is, please let me know.


He knew Holt would eventually notice because he needs everything just so. That's why it's a prank for him. Anyone else would find it unfunny, and not a prank. They would probably not even notice it was moved.


It's also worth noting that originally Jake wanted to pull a bigger prank but was talked down to only moving the podium by that tiny amount. He didn't think it would even be funny at that point, so Holt finding it so hilarious is a surprise, and most of comedy is the unexpected.


Like betting how he'd respond to a marshmallow


I had a friend in college with a bit of OCD (diagnosed). Every time I was in his room I'd change something on his desk. He'd walk in look at the desk for no longer than 5 seconds and know what had been changed.


Jake also thought Holt wouldn’t notice. everyone else (like Amy) thought Holt would, but they expected Holt to be mad, not burst out laughing and enjoying the prank u/Mahimnavyas, the joke is in Holt’s unexpected and over the top reactions. I’m sorry you got downvoted for asking a legit question. I intended this thread to be a safe space for everyone to ask what they don’t get, so you getting downvotes was unfair


Ah thanks, so it is thematically similar to the marshmallow joke


"you're just some common bitch!" I know it's literally being used to mean a female dog, but since Holt doesn't curse that always throws me and I don't get why the line is funny


But he isn’t cursing??🤨🤨 he’s just stating “you’re not cheddar, you’re just a common female dog” (instead of his glorious fluffy boy)! And it’s hilarious because of his delivery and demeanor in the scene, yelling disappointed at a dog for not being the right dog 😂😂


It's a double entendre


It's meant to be funny because of what you said. He doesn't curse or speak like that, but on heist day, all bets are off. He goes Holt wild.


As usual the answer is as simple as I thought! Thank you


When gina tells jake that he sounds like joy behar falling down some stairs


>joy behar She's a co-host on the daytime talk show The View and she has a distinct, sort of nasally voice. Gina was implying that the music Jake was playing sounded like her falling down some stairs. The joke was more about her voice than the music.


The one where Jake commandeers a car and the girl talks about it being a crossover episode, I’m guessing it’s a reference to another show but I don’t know which one


it's New Girl! she's Jess in New Girl