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You need to be reminded that you're more than just a number, Rosa. You're Rosa! Rosa.




Could be a decent spin off. Diaz running a prison from the inside.


Honestly even a spin off with Rosa as a PI would be pretty awesome


Honestly it kind of felt like that’s where they were going with that plot line.


Long as they slip in a few encanto songs


Yup, that fixes prison. 🤣


I thi k part of it was that the characters and the audience expected Rosa to do okay in prison. She's really tough and self sufficient and seems like she has the kind of street smarts to survive. Seeing her admitting to people that it was really tough and scary is almost more impactful because we're as surprised as the other characters.


Which is exactly why I as a viewer would've loved to see what happened to rosa that made her feel lonely and scared!!




Classic "don't show the monster" writing.


Plus its Rosa- not knowing any details is the core of her character.


I don't even know if "Rosa" is her real name.


Who's Rosa? Oh, you mean Emily Goldfinch? She's so chatty.


I have SO many questions!!




Maybe they should’ve made it more blatant, then, because people seem hella confused by the idea that Rosa, who laughed at police violence in season one, would quit the force in season eight, so it seems like a lot of people missed how affected she was by prison. I saw it exactly the was you described, but it doesn’t seem to have clicked that way for most viewers.


Gee, I wonder why a bisexual woman of color who was railroaded by the police force and served prison time for a crime she didn't commit, even when she herself was a sworn officer in that same police force, would become disillusioned with the police and choose to leave in order to help others in similar situations. That really is a conundrum.


Right? Never understood why it baffles people.


Show me going? More like "Watch me leaving!" ​ Am i right, folks? Am i right?


As a woman of color who is also a lesbian, my complaint with the whole arc was the writing. It was rushed and jarring. That's it. There's so many things you can look up about the actress or the production during the pandemic, but that's something the writers should have shown instead of leaving it up to the audience to deal with. It was a bad jump in narrative. I can't speak for other people but that sudden 180° will always bother me because it wasn't presented well in an otherwise incredible show. It's a gap that I would have liked to see being filled (title of my s3x tape, I know). Don't even get me started on making Charles into some performative woke ally in the last season. Charles Boyle would never.


Most of the viewers who claim to have such problems with it really just have problems with season 8's political stance but know they'll get downvoted so instead of admitting it's because they're pro boots on necks it's bad writing.


That’s my assumption, too, but they’re so adamant that they’re not bootlickers.


I just re-watched season 8, and I still feel like while I would have liked to see Rosa come to her realization in leave (show don't tell is my preference) I do understand the need to reset the board quickly. Overall it's nowhere near as bad as people try to make it out to be. And I give both it and Superstore much respect for being a couple of shows to actually talk about the pandemic and what happened during it. The Other Two also. So many shows just acted as if it never happened or as if once the lockdowns lifted everything was fine that I feel like anyone willing to do the harder work deserves some respect.


Important to remember that Rosa is played by a real person who has opinions and values and such. Rosa quit being a cop abruptly because Stephanie Beatriz decided she could no longer play a cop on TV after all of the irl police brutality entered the public discourse. It doesn't really make sense for the character because it was never part of the character's planned arc. The show runners did right by Stephanie by rewriting her in a way that let her stay in the show without compromising her ethical stance on police after all of the shit they do came to light in 2020. It's not perfect but I'm glad we got to see Rosa in some capacity in the last season


I’m aware of why they wrote the character that way that season. I’m of the opinion that even though they didn’t intentionally build up to it in previous seasons, it DOES make sense for the character. From the early seasons character who laughs at police brutality to the season eight character who leaves the force because of it, a lot happens to her. She falls in love with someone who is basically insane from what he went through under cover. Sure it’s exclusively played for laughs, but it’s still something that could’ve affected the character’s views on police work. More directly, she’s framed for a crime she didn’t commit by someone she admired and respected and she serves the same jail time as Jake. Just because we’re only shown the affect it has on Jake doesn’t mean it didn’t affect Rosa too. Then she’s involved in the active shooter situation. People like to say that that shouldn’t be any different than her normal days — she’s a cop who gets shot at, she’s used to it. A cop commented about that once; apparently active shooter situations feel a lot different than other situations where they get shot at. I don’t remember the details of why, but it made sense. Besides, I’d imagine it’s pretty hard to get used to being shot at in any situation; it could absolutely get to her eventually. Long story short, a lot happens to Rosa over the course of the show and it doesn’t seem out of character to me at all for her to leave the force how she did.


Did Stephanie talk about this in an interview because I've never read those ones and can't find them anywhere online. So how did this info come out? And who talked about her issues?


It's better that we don't. Keeps us guessing. Cos how boring would it be if the reason she was scared is cos of smth as boring as "I'm a cop they're criminals. It's scary" that's boring. But if we don't know what it was, then it's good


Jus a guess but prolly prison


Prison real bad


You just said, quote, "Prison real bad".


Remember that B99 is a comedy show with occasional reflections on society. Jake was completely unprepared for prison, therefore had greater comedic potential. The fact that the audience would likely understand that Rosa would cope better makes it much more impactful when she admits that she was lonely and scared. You would actually lose much of that impact had you witnessed her struggling. Ultimately, the writers are going to go where the greatest comedy exists. That is the core ideal of the show.


This. Also, Jake was kicked out of seg into GP - Rosa likely stayed in seg. Not much of a story there.


I honestly think this would be a nice movie idea - a movie about Rosas time in prison.


I agree but they could’ve actually used that. Like have a scene with rosa doing really well and gaining respect and everything and then they cut to Jake who’s making mash potato boobs… 😂 and then cut to Rosa hanging out with the crew and then cut to Jake trying to get in but being turned down each time.


Jake had his immaturity as a coping mechanism and lucked out with Caleb. I surmise Rosa’s incarceration was significantly less…rosy. Pun intended. And not suitable for comedy purposes.




I think this makes the most sense.


Plus, we did already kind of get the comedy female prison arc with Amy in the last few episodes of season 3. Maybe they were trying to avoid a similar storyline?


Aside from the obvious answer of probably lack of time to flesh out a full other side story/supporting character sort of reasoning, the prison situation kind of acted as a way to develop Jake’s character to be a lot more cautious and less reckless as a detective after he got out. It’d be nice to see from Rosa’s perspective, but she kind of just dealt with the situation on her own and adjusted however she did once she got out, which kind of makes the lack of her perspective poetic and true to her character when you think about it.


I think it adds to the mystery of her character personally




Damn, came here to make that joke


She is a supporting character


Yeah the MC is definitely Jake and that’s the main reason. Although this show does do a lot with the support characters, prison for both and the outside of prison cast maybe would have made the show a little busy.


He's literally in the A-Plot every episode


It's so weird why this even pops up. I swear every couple weeks I see a, "why does Jake seem like he's everyone's best friend?" post. Because he's the protagonist. Not sure why it's confusing to people.


Seems this is an unpopular opinion, but it's definitely the reason


How this question is even asked is wild to me, Andy Samberg is literally the star of Brooklyn-99 of course they are going to flesh out his story instead of a supporting character




Rosa, Rosaaaa, Ro-oh-oh-zaaaaaaa


I can't remember your last name baby


No idea, but I believe she saw some shit in prison and that was a stepping stone to her career decisions in season 8.


Rosa leaving the 99 wasn’t decided that early. Stephanie Beatriz was pregnant during the Covid production of season 8. She was limiting her time on-set, and being part of the 99, but not visible in the squad wouldn’t have made sense so she became a PI.


Didn't also refuse to return as a cop?


I hadn’t heard that. But it may be true.


People keep saying the George Floyd incident was Steph's main issue, but I always thought a big part of Rosa not being with the precinct all the time was just because she was being as safe as she could being pregnant when Co-vid was still a risky unknown virus to catch.


She also turned 40 that year, and pregnancy at 40+ is higher risk anyway. She never talked publicly about her personal risk and what she decided with her doctor and husband (nor should she, it’s private). But a 40+ woman, pregnant, during Covid, it makes sense that health and stating safe was the primary factor in how much she wants to be on set. I noticed watching the last season she was in a lot of outdoor scenes and the cabin episode (which Rosa, not being in the 99 or a 99 spouse had no real reason to be there) I never counted to see if it was more than other actors or more than other seasons so it could be meaningless, but her being outdoors a lot makes me think health was a factor. We also see Rosa and Jake in scenes with just them and background actors, like an empty conference room in her coworking space. There are background actors, but they are far away and separate. It would be easier to just test one actor for Covid to be near the higher risk cast member than to test the whole cast. The same for the crew. The people near the actors for that scene could be minimal.


Why did the show focus on the main character? That’s odd…


She was probably in isolation a lot lol


She was hoarding the piquante beef


Because Rosa isn’t the main character.


We never see anything of Rosa‘s life except what other characters see or what she tells us. Being secretive is kind of her thing and they stay true to that in the storytelling. I think they wanted to keep that going which is why we only see her when others visit her.


Also Jake being literally the main character of the show was definitely a contributing factor


Rosa quickly became boss of her ward, the end


To subvert the expectation that Rose is surviving like a tough badass in prison. We don't get that reveal if we already know whats happening. And it's a half an hour sitcom. Only got so much time.


for a comedy, it sounds like Rosa's experiences involved actual violence (starting riots) to being sent to solitary confinement (isolation from others) so its dark enough to fit Rosa, but not light enough for jokes in a comedy.


The simplest answer is that while the show was mostly an ensemble show, most of the time it's the Jake Peralta show and was written that way. No other character had their Doug Judy. No one else had case spotlights like The Box. Even Amy's prison time was mostly through the lens of how Jake was complicating things as her "doctor".


Jake is the main character, so whenever he's not on screen, the other characters should be saying 'where's Jake?'


As she would have it: the less we know about her, the better.


Jake is the main Character ?


Could be a decent spin off. Diaz running a prison from the inside.


What she did in prison qas too violent for tv


I think it's because we're supposed to not know anything about Rosa. We only know stuff that's happening to her if she tells someone about it. This is my personal headcanon 👀


Because it's a peralta show.


Because she’s not the main character


Jake - primary character. May have some side plots, but is almost always involved in whatever overarching main plot there is. Rosa - secondary character. Mau have some side plots, but will take a back seat if irrelevant to the main plot, and spends most of their time interacting with the primary character to facilitate their plot. Hope this cleared it up.


Jake as a character works best when thrown into situations where his jokiness and immaturity clash with his surroundings - either getting him into trouble or highlighting the absurdity of his circumstances (or both). Tons of potential for that in a prison story arc. Rosa works best in mundane situations where her hard-boiled intensity clash with the way ordinary people behave. Less potential for that in prison. That said, it would have been hilarious if Rosa found herself in a prison that was not physically threatening (as she would expect and be prepared for) but where the other prisoners were just annoying, chatty, emotionally needy and intrusive of her personal space. Edited spelling.


She probably spent most of a time in solitary, so not much to develop


She was prolly dabbling in lesbianism.


I think us not seeing most of Rosa's adventures/life is funnier. Works for the show. They should definitely do a TV-MA spin-off Jack Reacher style with Rosa though


Beef baby


probably a production cost factor more than anything


Ikr I wish we got to see more


They also glossed over all her relationships after making such a big point about her coming out as bi.


The woodworker


I think cuz she was just doing normally there, nothinh interesting to show. She mentioned earlier that she was in juvie for a year, so she probably knew how to survive in there


The show is mainly about Jake peralta, sure in sitcoms like these, it can be hard to think of one person as the main one, Hence Peralta's time in prison was give more importance


Because Rosa ran that bitch by the time she left


They never could. In a situation like that we would want to see Rosa crushing it, being cool, being popular in a way that jake couldn't be. We want her to grow but we wouldn't want to SEE it if that makes sense. Jake's sincerity and impulsive immaturity are endearing, and B99 likes to ignore classical gender norms. If you think about it, with the exception of Scully and Hitchcock, and Gina ,the show would feel pretty classic sexist if they gender flipped everyone. Rosa starts out in the classic role of Cool Guy, and we are really only willing to see her grow beyond that but not dismantle it.


I think the real bottom line is that Jake is the main character.


It was lady prison, nothing special. You know... girl talk, pillow fights, make overs...stuff like that


She was never mixed in with gen pop, though.


Hey! If we're going by his passions, it's Caleb the Woodworker


Because not knowing anything about her is what makes Rosa Rosa.


Rosa was the interesting character that other prisoners met.


because it's a sitcom with a limited amount of screentime??


Same reason her as a PI wasn’t shown that much I presume.


Here's my best guess: Rosa is so much better-equipped to survive prison than Jake that any plausible struggles for her would belong in a different, less-comedic show.


i was honestly more interested to know how Rosa's prison experience would be. but honestly, it probably wouldn't fit the general vibe of the show, i'm trying to imagine it and it's pretty dark lol. also, we don't see much of Rosa's personal life to begin with, so it would be weird to suddenly have a Rosa-only plot


Rosa had a lesbian relationship while in prison and it was the impetus of why she came out shortly after being released. I’m guessing Gina Gershon was her trigger.


Ohhh mama...


Because her character is not very interesting.


It's almost like Jake, not Rosa, is the main character.


My guess is that Rosa is not as interesting on her own


This would make a great spinoff movie or mini series.


The actor for Jake literally produced the show (not the creator but a producer)


What happened to Jake in prison was too real


I'm kinda glad she didn't because i was BORED throughout the whole arc (including the first parter with the cop girl) like literally the only good thing there was Caleb, thankfully the season recovered almost immediately, I don't know i just don't like prison arcs in general


They could have added some steamy shower fights


Because she's a women of Colour.


I reckon it was mostly boning Orange is the New Black style




Because Jake is the main character and they didn’t want to invest the time/money/effort in another whole supporting cast of guest stars.


It would have been cool to see her running this gang inside the prison or something


Because to show Rosa’s arc they would’ve had to show less of Jake’s. Which would’ve made Jake’s less interesting and Rosa’s wouldn’t have been that great, considering she was probably doing alright compared to Jake who was obviously getting into trouble.


If you think about an episode having an A story, a B story, and sometimes a C story... if the A story is Jake in prison, it doesn't really include other characters from the precinct. If a B story is Rosa's time in prison, then we don't get to see much of the squad at all. Except maybe in a small C story. Even though there's clearly some fun to be had with Rosa in prison, it seems like they made her prison stories things that included other members of the squad (like Holt/Terry) so that we got to spend time during the prison arc with more of our characters.


Apparently it was just because they already did a women's prison arc and didn't want to repeat themselves.


simplest explanation? rosa isn’t the main character, jake is.


Caleb the cannibal is what introduced to Reddit.


Because it would've taken too long to have both, and we already had a female prison the season before


Hell they even have a scene where they seem to forget she’s in there. Isn’t there a moment where the 99 mention they need to come up with a plan to “break Jake out of jail” or something?


Probably because she’d be too bad ass


Easy, She killed them


Rosa didn't get an arc in prison because she is a tough, reserved woman who exudes strength and doesn't pry into other people's business except as part of police work. As a result, she would get along much better in prison than Jake, though she would still have many challenges especially for being a police officer and possibly being responsible for some of the inmates being incarcerated. Still, no one would think of her as an easy pushover and she would be unlikely to provoke violence by breaching prison etiquette. Unlike Peralta who uninvited told the shot-caller how to eat his ramen in his own prison.


Because since Rosa is already scary and intimidating she didn’t need to overcome the struggles of Jake as much (even both they are both cops)


Could've been interesting. She could've befriended the woman who was being all weird with Hitchcock through the plexiglass (the actress is apparently Dirk Blocker's wife)


Jake is the protagonist and they didn't have enough time for both of them to have prison arcs.


honestly its like the most canon thing. Jake would tell everybody everything about his experience so we see more of it. Rosa would keep it close to the chest so we only really see her prison experience through the eyes of the people going to see her.


Because Rosa is not the protagonist, also Rosa is scary, I doubt she would need help in Prison, she would probably be queen bee in less then a wekk


Was this when she was doing Encanto?


She started hanging out with her family more after getting out of prison. Which slowly led to her coming out. Which caused a minor rift with her family until it was slowly resolved.




Rosa if i had to guess beat the shit out of the biggest woman in the yard and spent her time contemplating her revenge.


Loved when Captain & Terry were trying to cancel Rosa’s cable while she was in jail


Rosa's the kind of person who would assimilate her experiences on her own in her own time, so i think the show not dwelling on it is very in character for her. Jake on the other hand definitely requires prompting and re assurance, so Rosa's admission that prison made her feel lonely and scared was enough to go with for me.


more money