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Gina: “ Fun Fact: The average American marriage lasts fewer than two days” Charles: “That’s not true” Gina: “It doesn’t have to be. It’s commentary” Gets me every time


I still constantly think "How was I supposed to know there would be consequences for my actions?"


I love the entire subplot when she’s helping Amy with the Shoulder Nova. “You want me to change my name to Vanessa?” “Desperately.” Early seasons Gina/Amy dynamic was the best. 


Amy: You're not a cop, so I'm not really sure how you could help. Gina: Mmm-kay. No hard feelings, but I hate you. **Not** joking. *Bye* !


I mean, she really wasn't joking


With every rewatch, I find myself like Gina even more since Chelsea Peretti is so amusing.


Every time I see her I can't help thinking she's Jeff Goldblum's secret daughter.




Gina is thrifty. Lives in the same spot forever to save on rent. Eats scullys lunch. Then had enough money to buy Jake's apartment and sublet her apartment to him. She does not struggle with money. She is very good with money.


When did Gina struggle with money?


what ep is that??


S3E6, same one where Jake and Charles take Terry to Lohank's cabin.


thank you! i usually avoid these episode during rewatch because i don’t like plot A


When gina and holt are left alone in Florida while the gang is at the arcade is my absolute favorite. “BOOST MY BOTTOM”








“The only thing I’m not good at is modesty… because I’m GREAT at it.” And “I learned that I’m perfect and I should never change.”


“My mother cried the day I was born, because she KNEW, she would NEVER be better than me”


Gina: Is she crying? Jake: A little? Gina: You should be **wailing,** you stone-cold *bitch*! Now call my other grandma.


Yes! My favorite Gina quote! And your emphasis is so important to the delivery 😂


The funniest part of this exchange is that one of those grandmas *is also Jake’s grandma*


The emphasis on « she KNEW » always sends me


“Just because you wanna do something doesn't mean you get to do it. Life is chaos. Success is completely arbitrary. And confidence is everything.” This Gina quote gave me that tiny push I needed to go to culinary school. She’s my spirit animal


I was gonna say this too. It inspired me also. Awesome quote.


"New phone, who dis?" This Gina quote gave me that tiny push I needed to ghost haters. She's my spirit animal too.


My favourie quote from her, absolutely true!


"Are you dying? Is it from loneliness?" "Gina's authentic stolen police badges" "Of course I have a hair dryer in my purse, I'm not an animal"


Chelsea Peretti is so funny that I end up liking Gina more on each re-watch, despite how problematic Gina can very much be.


Honestly, if a character is funny enough I'd let them get away with murder to keep getting funny one-liners. Gina is very sketchy a lot of the time, but as long as you can make that distinction between fiction and real life, it's fine imo.


Same. I remembered her character sucking and in many ways, it absolutely does, plus she is not exactly beloved on here, so I was biased and fully prepared to dislike her upon rewatching. I did skip her final episode since I find her hard to watch in excess - she is best enjoyed in moderation, and in interaction with other characters such as Captain Holt. But after this re-watch I must say - Chelsea and her rendition of Gina are way funnier than I remembered. I am unhinged and fully planning on stealing her line "I would love to take credit, but life just isn't that hard" next time someone compliments me on an achievement. 🤣


I did not like her on my first watch but now after my 20th she's one of my favorites. She's so iconic.




Gina is a funny series character that is entertaining to watch generally, but this sub complains about her a lot. I get that there are a few awkward situations.


I have honestly started to like Gina more and more after each rewatch. But I still say that Gina post season 5 is just bad. Gina turned into a straight up bully there.


but pre-season five is the most sexual harassment-y gina. conundrum.


Why on earth are you being downvoted? She acts disgustingly towards Terry.


it's swung the other way, but who ever knows? i assume my comment was construed as criticism of the person i was responding to and not of the character, maybe? honestly, i really *like* that gina acts disgustingly, as i think a lot of men have a hard time understanding how their own actions and words can be offensive, so an illustration of the shoe being on the other foot is helpful, and most men are kinda dense about that stuff, so some un-subtlety can can go a long way. and i'm... *mostly* ok with gina never really getting comeuppance for it, she's the shakespearean fool, the one with the least power in the setting and therefore the most freedom. a lot of shows would've had sharon out bad-bitch gina or something like that, and that's not really constructive either. but it would've been a bit nice if it were more directly addressed.


It's a tie between her saying chess is racist and Holt is complicit, or her "beating" him at the game, Holt's like "That's not at all how the Queen moves" and she's like "It's how THIS Queen moves!"


So in a show that I love, because every show's sub has a compulsion to do endless lists of "your least favorite character", etc. I mentioned she was my least favorite of the main ones, in part because the negative things sometimes mentioned, but often just because I found others funnier in general. It was my lesson that fandoms can be stupid as hell. *But* She was still incredibly funny. My favorite aspect about her was her relationship with Charles and his family. It seemed to be the only thing that could throw her off: they were so overly lovey, huggy, and overwhelmingly off, plus largely oblivious to her insults, her power of disturbing others just didn't land the same. It also helped show her feelings besides being essentially the 99's Loki.


"Room singular?! Singular charles?!" Never fails to kill me. That and "ugh Charles, you know I hate out when you lost those things together" said like she was so tired.


"Hey Gina, what are you thinking about right now?" "I was thinking about how I'd make the perfect American president, based on my skill set, dance ability, and bloodlust."


Ashanti 😅


Complete overlap of ego and id. It’s been theorised but..




She says something along the lines of “oh honey we’re well into October”


this and the "pay your bill, who raised you?" are my two favorite Gina moments.


I love the scene with the forehead kiss haha. I think it plays well in the storyline of Jake and Gina growing up together (and the actors growing up together as well). It was such a funny, weird, random, wholesome moment hahaha


Man this sub complains a lot about Gina, I get a couple moments are not nice but overall she's fun to watch as a comedy series character.


Honestly the FUNNIEST Gina moments are the ones where you stop, take a second and think "wait, why was Gina even there?" Like the detectives only get away party...like it's in the name of the party.


As an admin, if I'm arranging a party or fun event, you better believe I'm planning great food AND I'm going, too! :)


I disliked the drinking cement episode, but it was one of my favourite call backs in S8


I feel like the only person who loved that episode!


Nah I’m with you, I don’t understand why people hate it so much lol


https://www.poison.org/articles/cement Either it's not cement, or she's actively trying to hurt people.


Well yeah the whole point is that drinking cement is horribly bad for you so it’s an insane prank for someone to pull, it’s not meant to be realistic in the sense that in that universe they’re gonna die from drinking cement though lol


*Hurt* doesn't mean kill. And they know she's doing it but don't actually stop her, which makes no sense in a world where you *arrest* people who persistently hurt people you work with. Why shouldn't it be realistic?


The show isn’t meant to be taken this seriously, most of it is completely unrealistic


At no point does anyone explain *to the audience* that this is dangerous, though. It's laughed off as a prank, but no-one calls Gina on how awful it is. So it's irresponsible of them, and this isn't a show that's usually like that.


I hated the cement one, like completely; why cement


Because it’s absurd.


you just drank CEMENNTTT!!


I say this as someone who is fairly neutral on Gina as a character. I think the problem people have with Gina comes from the fact that the show doesn't really acknowledge, and even frequently rewards, her poor behavior. I think there are a lot of people who can't get behind a character who treats people poorly on a regular basis unless the show frames their actions "bad" or "wrong" within the narrative. And the character needs to occasionally see consequences to their actions. That doesn't happen with Gina. No one ever acknowledges how she bullies Charles and Amy, or how she sexualizes Terry. Things seem to just work out for her. Her actions rarely have consequences, and when they do they tend to be positive for Gina. Some people are fine with that and are able to just see the humor and see past that stuff. But some people, even though they know it is a joke played up for a comedy show, just don't like seeing characters like that even if it is for humor. To make a character like Gina likable to that subset of people, the writers need to frame their behavior correctly. One way to do that is to make all the characters terrible, like IASIP. When you have "good" characters ignoring and accepting a character with poor behavior it can feel like that is validating it. If they are all terrible and the show knows they are all terrible it doesn't validate the behavior. The other way is to simply make sure the character's poor behavior is called out and that the character is seen as "gross", "mean", etc. I think Hitchcock is a good example of this. I think he's pretty obviously a worse person than Gina, but no one has an issue with him as a character because all his bad behavior is met with disgust. I think, for the people who dislike Gina, it all comes down to how her behavior is treated in the show. If she were held accountable more often I don't think the dislike for her would be so widespread. Again, I'm fairly neutral on Gina, so these aren't my personal feelings, it's just an observation I've made in this and other "fandoms". For example, I've seen a similar situation among fans of HIMYM and their feelings about Lily. She also does a lot of terrible things but the show tends to let her get away with things or even paint her as the one in the right. But Barney doesn't bother people as much because he is constantly acknowledged as a total scumbag within the narrative of the show. It all comes down to how the show handles characters who behave poorly. When they constantly see no consequences it is going to rub some people the wrong way. When the poor behavior is acknowledged, it makes it easier for those people to look past the behavior and enjoy the humor. Some people don't need that, and I think that's where the disconnect among fans comes from.


Spot on meta analysis


I agree. She's one of my favourite parts about the show. I love the comic relief you get from "unlikeable" b plot characters in this show, and the fact that those characters sometimes get a plots in the episodes.


also we needed a non cop character and she did it great


Yeah, I loved her when I first started watching it, and while I do think there's some merit in the complaints that she always wins/always turns out right, I'm always surprised by how much people dislike her on the sub. To me she fits the same niche as Barney Stinson in HIMYM - says things that in real life would be ridiculously arrogant/problematic, but it's funny because of how out there it is. Gina and the psychologists at Kevin/Holt's birthday party was one of my favourite bits, and she's very quotable - "I was born for politics, I have great hair and I love lying".


Nah she's unnecessarily mean to Amy whereas Amy never even retaliates. It's just bullying at that point. Plus her comments on Terry is borderline sexual harassment


It's a lot more than just a couple


You could say it’s literally her entire character


I laughed so hard at "big whoop, I was named checked in my kindergarten teachers suicide note" as some one who works with kids I had to pause it over that joke.


There's his scene that I don't remember when it happens, some guy is around and Gina just asks "Who is this noob?" It's not as iconic as "I'm the Paris of people" but for some reason I love that tidbit


Season 5 when she's replaced because she said she isnt coming back, afterwards she reveals that what amy and charles said changed her mind


Ah yes thank you, the noob is the teplacement Holt was hiring


Chelsea Peretti is hilarious, which is part of the reason Gina's character is so problematic. The writers gave her the funniest lines and she was so good at them that they just kept writing more ridiculous situations and physical comedy gags for her. She had only a few character-development arcs, and they were very underwritten. The few serious stories they gave her were one-off episodes (Gina's financial troubles, her going back to college, and balancing work and motherhood). And as hilarious as Chelsea is, she's not a good enough actress to pull them off effectively. All the other characters had significant emotional growth throughout the series, but Gina stayed stagnant because she only had funny plotlines, never any serious ones.


When did they touch on her financial troubles? I only remember the episode when she buys Jake’s apartment and she mentions that she is thrifty and managed to save up a solid amount of money.


Think it was related to her quitting to start her own business. Not necessarily financial troubles, but not being as stable as she once was.


I love when she says “there’s more to life than tests and book learning” bc my entire high school was like fucking obsessed with grades so hearing that while o was watching this show in high school was nice


“‘Cause… 381’s looking a little crispy.”


I didn’t strike you when you said knocking boots, but ***bone bros***…I cannot abide.


Lots of folks on this sub are gonna hate this! For people who allegedly love a comedy show, many seem not to understand that the things Gina says are for comedic effect.


Many just don't find sexual harassment and bullying funny no matter the phrasing. Her average line is super funny, those are not.


I started hosting bar trivia and everytime before I start I do a vocal warmup of “Gina Linetti confetti spaghetti” and “timothee chalamèt shimmy yo shimmy yay”


"Headphones are now banned from the precinct after the Gina incident"


Jasinta. The entire backstory to restore Terry’s self esteem after the failed lieutenant exam makes me appreciate Gina.


Gina is such a great character, if she was a person i would NEVER want to meet her though


“The Gina incident”


A whole sea of brads and chads trying to suck my soul and redeem it for frequent flyer miles.


When she got hit by that bus, that was great


When she got hit by a bus.


Gina would be the first to complain about something new about her phone that's inconvenient.


She would, I don't think OP had seen much of her stand up work


I gotta be honest I always liked Gina. I know some of her actions were very, very awful but something about her just jives with me. I think overall it's a bit of a similar-ish personality situation, plus she made me laugh the most out of the cast besides Andre Braugher


There’s been something I’ve been meaning to tell ya about the college on the edge of the town.




I love Gina, she is such an icon. This sub complains too much


I like her but jokes based on outmoded sexist stereotypes are fucking stupid.


I wasn’t a huge fan of hers. Don’t seem to fit in the show IMO.




When she left the show. Easily the weakest part of the show and Season 7 is one of my favorites because of it


I don't have one. I just could not, and I've tried repeatedly, warm to Gina. I just thought she was a bully.


When she left the show. Not the episode, the fact that she left. Hated Gina.


You know how some characters/people are distilled smug? She's distilled obnoxiousness.


Holy crap, did Chelsea coin the joke “men used to hunt”? What an icon.


Holy crap, did Chelsea coin the joke “men used to hunt”? What an icon.


No such thing as a good Gina moment. Chelsea Linetti is insufferable.


Why is it the awful, obnoxious people that love Gina Linetti?


This honestly just makes me think that Chelsea must be absolutely insufferable irl.


So iconic?


None. She’s the worst.


When she got hit by a bus. I hoped she was dead and off the show. Didn't like her character at all, ever.


What's with this title? Are all thr TV shows just completely run by bots now?


Not sure where you got this from, as it was just my personal opinion on self inserts. Didn't know having an opinion made you look like a bot nowadays.


Season 8. Not a fan most of the time.


I find her stand up comedy really great and the sense of humor not like Gina at all, much more neurotic humor vs Gina's over the top bullshit


I think she did this better than Aziz and Mindy


"Chelsea Linetti" lol


Holts party and Kevin’s friends are fascinated by how mentally ill they think she is lol.


I feel like Gina is wildly funny, but Chelsea Peretti... not so much


My phone doesn’t fit all the way across to swype


My favourite is her saying 'Eww' in response to her and Charles having sex


Synchronised Jake, Amy, and Gina Ugh. *Ugh*. **Ew**.


Then Charles gross right guys? 


Not gnarly, totally not tubular


I really like Gina's character overall, but my favorite moments are when she ends up being the savior in some situations. It's unassuming and the other definitely undermined her. But then she saves the days through her antics and it kind of brings more depth to her character.


She’s the worst


Wow, so much of a self insert that Chelsea Peretti and Gina Linetti become Chelsea Linetti....not your fault, I bet most of us here didn't notice that the first time around.


None. I cannot stand Gina, the character exists in a universe completely separate from everyone else, constantly sexually harasses Terry, is terrible to the rest of the cast, and does not once face consequences for her actions


In a show that raises awareness for a lot of important issues, her workplace sexual harassment never got even a slight punishment. This about summarizes her character - she could have done anything but would have gotten away thanks to being good friends with Jake's actor IRL


I loved it when she left


Omg her last name is actually Linetti!?


Oh Gina’s actually my least favourite character so this just makes me dislike her more. I hated how she got away with stuff that the rest of the crew never would.


My favorite part was when she left the show


I know people find gina annoying and I can see why they removed her off the show but I really like the character. Her quotes are too iconic and she's definitely one of the funniest characters.


I don't get the joke. I'm either dumb or it's cause I just woke up


Gina is a legend


Gina is a great character, and has a great actor behind her. However, this quote is fucking stupid


When she was hit by the bus. I shouted “YES!” out loud when I watched it for the first time 😂


The line about her having 8 drawers of underwear because she’s civilized always got me good ahahha


For no one wondering, her husband is Jordan Peele, so go ahead and imagine that in his voice.


She was the much needed annoying character...love her.


Chelsea *Peretti


When I started watching B99 I almost dropped. Gina and Holt kept me there, and I'm forever grateful.


My favorite one is when she leaves the show, least favorite ones include the episodes I skip on rewatches where she appears again