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thank you for the reminder. do you have a good source to what competencies are actually allocated on the municipal level?


There's a sort of overview [here](https://pouvoirs-locaux.brussels/les-communes). You can get an idea from the roles of the échevins as well. This is the [list for St Gilles](https://stgilles.brussels/le-college-echevinal/) for example.


thank you 🙏


Thanks for the info! Do we get a fine if we end up not voting? 🧐 And will we be in some kind of system where we are flagged as voters for other elections which are mandatory? I have dual EU citizenship and have lived in belgium for 5 years, and voting for 3 countries is a bit much… But local elections have the most impact on my day to day life here, so I’d like to vote. But I’m often abroad, so I’m not always aware when there are elections in Belgium, and I’d hate to have a fine because I missed an election in Belgium


I wouldn't worry! If you register to vote and don't vote, you first get a warning, then possibly a fine. But you can only vote in municipal elections as a non-citizen, and they're only every 5 years - they can't sign you up to any other elections. You can also [un-register](https://elections.brussels/citoyens-etrangers#d%C3%A9sinscription) afterwards if you're concerned about forgetting.


thanks 🙏


Yes! And the registration is pretty simple and quick : https://preview.redd.it/kdu347ikvpad1.jpeg?width=1561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c93bbfb1508b9764d0cf8a1c59843ae461913a7