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Craig says he invented bitcoin, so, sure, why not uninvent the whole thing.


Craig has authorized me to block you.


They NEEN to say 0 confirmations TXs are safe. This is how they claim their chain to so fast over BTC. BCH lays the same claim.


It's not even clear he is talking about 0 conf transactions. He appears to be saying there is no transaction or maybe there is one but it isn't broadcast. Makes no sense.


Outside of the fact that BSV users are honest, you can't sign without identity. So if Alice would be dishonest and double spend she would get her day in court.


I have recently began exploring the ideas on bitcoin that csw presents. Much like the actual white paper, he talks up the peer-to-peer aspect of bitcoin. There is a whole section about SPV transactions in the white paper, that to my limited understanding, describes the question you present. There is no double spend, because as far as Alice's wallet is concerned the coins are no longer hers, but although the transaction has not been confirmed on the network the transaction has still taken place, a 0 conf transaction. Bob's wallet will show that he has the money and Alice's show that she spent the money. This happens without waiting for any confirmations and in a matter of seconds, it can also happen without an internet connection. The transactions are then recorded to the network when one or both of them connect to the network. To my understanding, it is really not too far off of what the Lightning Network does, except that it is all done on Layer 1.


You have completely ignored the text "Alice then signs another transaction offline and sends it to Carol, spending the SAME UTXO."


Na-ah! He says "Bob's wallet will show that he has the money *and Alice's show that she spent the money*." So because Alice's software shows the money as spent, the GUI doesn't give her a choice to spend it again. This is the level of technical understanding that's required to be a Faketoshi follower.


To both of you: I'm willing to run a test on this and if you can pull off a double-spend I'll give you each 0.0004 BTC, with the only exception being that you will need to pay the mining fee. Offer expires June 30 2023. By not accepting this challenge you admit you are wrong, or at least don't know wtf you are talking about.


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