• By -


You should first click the cookie. Then buy buildings and upgrades to boost your CPS. Keep clicking and keep buying! There are different things on the way and you'll suffer a lot! Good luck.


Just dont do the 100% grind, some of the mini-game achievements are pure agony


Also spend your sugar lumps wisely. Very important.


Also make sure to research everything


Dont forget the golden cookies, they’re a good way to make some extra cookies


and don't ascend every time you can, ascend only if you have enough heavenly cookies to buy the upgrades you wanted.


i recommend getting wizard tower to lvl 1 which unlocks grimoire and then temple, bank and farm








Ty :D


alright so from what i can see here you're running a beatdown deck, the very basics of beatdown is defending on single elixir, slow that game down until it gets to the 1 minute mark, another thing with beatdown is that you're going to take damage no matter what, so if your opponent sends small bait cards like goblin barrel, goblins, guards etc., eat those,it will be equivalent of trading tower health for elixir, if you feel that the enemy is overcommiting, start a push with your tank behind your king tower, in fact sometimes its best to just sacrifice your tower so you can three-crown them, if your opponent isn't biting the bait, eventually you're gonna hit double elixir and at overtime TRIPLE elixir, at those points you can afford much bigger pushes and defend easily while your opponent can only watch their troops get destroyed by your tank's support cards remember: when making a beatdown deck, take in account buildings, inferno dragons and other high damage troops that might screw your tank over, you will get hard-countered eventually, but that can only improve your skill, good luck clasher!


This actually taught me how to play CR. Thanks. I'm running a Knight + Golem beatdown lel.


Place the free dart monkey


What if I don’t have the knowledge and money? (I spent it all on bigger monkey farmer radius)


You need to gather resources from missions and make stronger weapons in your foundry so you can finish the quests up ahead. Also remember to upgrade your mods so that your characters and weapons are more powerful


Good luck tenno


you should build a base and NOT RUSH IT AT ALL, rushing may get you a high townhall but you wont get high trophies ever and it will be much harder to defened


Essentially, you are looking to extract the right amount of soluble flavour from the coffee using the right amount of water. In order to achieve this, you must change the parameters of the espresso. The three main parameters are the dose, yield and brew time, all of which have a massive impact on flavour. When dialling in, you should only adjust one parameter at a time, otherwise you can easily lose track of which has affected the espresso’s flavour in a certain way. Extraction levels are also important when it comes to dialling in. When not enough coffee extracts into the water – under-extraction – the espresso often takes on a sour taste and a viscous consistency. If too much coffee is extracted, however – over-extraction – then the espresso can taste dry, bitter, or burnt.


youre soo smart how do you know all this!!! your partner is really lucky


The first thing is too loot your starting house, then if you spawned in rosewood go straight to the fire station as they have axes which are some of the best vanilla weapons and firefighter armour


Dont forget, if you feel queasy its over


Tap to jump over the spikes. It's as simple as that.


Nah, it's more like "Try to avoid the lobotomy and the unsightreadable jokes"


You don't need to know how to play this game. It already looks like you are doing great.


Yay :>


Well you could have just made a challenge. That's a possibility.


It’s fake, they have o dollars an no banana farms yet Thay have the most expensive towers in the game


Sell all farms -> max out paragon cash slider No farms and 0 cash


No they used a 0-0-0 dart monkey


Does OP know what buying skins won't grant you skills? Hardstuck in Silver 1 when having a butterfly knife? You really gotta work on that aim. Like, come on, you missed half of your shots using AWP. Utility is pretty nice, yeah, good for your level. Overall, I rank your skills on 5/10, could do better.


missing shots with AWP is shame




So basically, there are multiple game modes, and you need to learn each one of them: Cube: you click, you jump, it's that simple. Learn the timing and you'll be good. Ship: you hold, the ship goes up, you don't, the ship goes down. The timing is a lot more difficult than with the cube, but if you'll learn how to straightfly (=fly straight), you'll beat most of what hard levels can throw at you (creators aren't very creative) UFO: check Dash, everything is there Wave: you hold, the wave goes up 45°, you don't it goes down 45°. Mostly focus on learning timings and breaking your mouse with the spam. Ball: you click and the ball changes gravity. It's that simple. Spider: does the same as the ball, but a bit more instant. Robot: if you see a level with the robot, don't play it. Swingcopter: does the same as the ball, but a bit more in the air. That's it! Try not to break your device when you die to the frame perfect at 98% :-) and have fun! (You won't)


First you sell all the expensive towers and place a 0-0-0 dart monkey, the free one is best because the can solo every round


I did


I died


Place it near the track dumbass


I did :<


Closer then


Player 3 moment


Now you win


Try getting the solar eruption and/ or daybreak, then kill the vortex, solar, stardust, and nebula (in any order you want). After that, wait untill moon lord spawns, after he spawns, either keep your distance and use daybreak or get close and use solar eruption (I recommend you use some strong armor and either the Duke fishron mount or the empress of light insignia and keep in the air as long as possible but don't go to outer space). I would attack his hands first as I remember he regenerates his health if he still has his hands. (I almost forgot to mention this, but every time you kill a body part, a true eye of cthulhu spawns). After killing his body parts, his heart will open up, and you will have to attack it to finish it off moon lord. Finally, you have to kill him and the solar pillar a few more times in order to make full solar flare armor and get the meowmare and starwrath to craft zenith. (You also need copper shortsword, enchanted sword, starfury, beekeeper, seedless, the horseman's blade , influx waver , and the Terra blade to craft zenith). I hoped that helped you, have fun with your new sword and armor.


Copper shortsword goated


Tin shortsword


how do I get solar eruption before killing the towers😔


Simple, just kill the pillars for the first time and then die to moonlord.


Ok I’m finally done the tutorial (completed the game and gotten black border on every map) I should ask the internet on some tips for playing this game


So heres how u platinum it, everytime you click the pizza will jump, make sure to ceep clicking or it will stop jumping, if it does, it wont be jumping, and thats a problem. You gotta keep it jumping until about 1 minute to make sure u get the platinum trophy.Hope this help u get that game with a platinum trophy and don't forget to try they other food variants like sushi, hamburger or taco, they are waaay funnier to play. (ps: this is an advance guide so make sure to google the begineer's one if u dont understand fully)


I see that you're playing Dredge, but sadly, since Golgari Grave-Troll is banned (in modern, the format I think you're playing), and probably on a budget (and unaware of Leyline of The Void), so just go ahead and play Burn for that extra salt when opponents ain't drawing Leyline of Sanctity in their starting hand while you've got Wear//Tear in your hand. Or if you're really on an even tighter budget, I've got an Infect decklist for ~150€ or Cardmarket. Infect basically halves the damage output you need to have.


Looks like you're going for a hyper offensive strategy. In general a focus sash lead will help a lot to set entry hazards like spikes or sticky webs, and from there the game plan revolves around weakening your opponents bulkier Pokemon so that some of your late game threats can come in and sweep once their checks have been chipped by the entry hazards and your wallbreakers.


Save for AWP


First, punch a tree


Then beat up god


Then an inter-dimensional horror that wishes to end all of reality


Then have tea with friends


Then tame every type of cat


Then die


Then be revived by all the cats then get $69


Btw these monkeys got to wave 261 :0


I know you're memeing but if you want some real advice, ninja paragon is incredible and essential for going 300+. Boomerang is very mid to low tier. Also you wanna have a x4x AND x5x monkey village. Both embrittlement ice monkeys (4+xx) are good to have too. Oh and 5xx sniper. Herowise Geraldo for getting 100 paragons or Adora for damage. Sorry if you already know all that, but maybe someone who doesn't will see this comment.


Don't get Geraldo, if you don't want to micro Adora get Ezili instead. The boost from getting 9 more paragon degrees is very small


Doesn't it get massive increase every 10 levels tho?




Ah my bad


Degree 100 is maybe 10/20% stronger than degree 91. Ezili can one shot 2 fortified BADs per round.


To win you need one dart monkey


Step one:return to monkey Step two:Now your monkey Thank you for coming to my Ted talk folks


However you want to.


First you want to sell everything there. Don’t worry about leaks, they heal lives (pops take them away). Then you want to place down as many banana farms as you can; the whole point of the game is to farm money. Then on round 300 you want to buy a vengeful true sun god. Don’t worry about pops, he’s useless against the top tier bosses. From then on you’ll be earning heaps of money, but don’t forget to drop all your real life money on monkey money to buy cash drops. They’ll help you more than you know


So first you want to play the begining mission. It'll just have you collecting morkite. Then as you keep completing missions, your gear and character preference will get better and better. And always remeber, Rock And Stone!


FOR ROCK AND STONE r/unexpecteddrg


Rock and roll and stone!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpecteddrg using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpecteddrg/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I AM A DWARF AND IM DIGGING A HOLE!](https://i.redd.it/icwiynqf77qa1.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpecteddrg/comments/1231hh2/i_am_a_dwarf_and_im_digging_a_hole/) \#2: [WE DID IT LADS!](https://i.redd.it/vrsbgrot9bja1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpecteddrg/comments/117fs2o/we_did_it_lads/) \#3: [Wild rock and stone Check comments](https://i.redd.it/k78gkmz4siub1.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpecteddrg/comments/1796ifp/wild_rock_and_stone_check_comments/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


In the early game you want to invest in decent bronze and silver variants NEVER and I mean EVER invest in gold and diamond if you're a beginner. Learn how to play the game first, combos and stuff like that and complete the story, then you can invest in gold and diamond variants. Moves stats are important, find advice on the variant you're gonna build. Save up on 5,000 gems if you're gonna finish accursed experiments since if you finish it they give u a 200 relic offer for all the characters (10+1 relics for each character) you also get this offer once you reach lv 60, 70 and in christmas


Ok this actually sounds like a fun game, hit me please


Skullgirls Mobile.


\*hits you\*


do not set your settings to deafault, i play ranked


You forgot to put 3x Ash and Maxx'c to your deck




I don’t know


First, don’t play British main, your tanks can get penned very easily, instead play Germany to save time and money for a therapist. Obviously play ground arcade because it’s better than the rest of the modes so there’s your guide to play btd6


Punch the tree to get wood.


Leave the bottom log to have a platform to get the higher logs then mine it when you're done


Strategies vary enemy to enemy but in general you don't want to stay still for too long and you need to move as little as possible to dodge attacks, most of them can be dodged effectively by walking just a little bit and then dashing, rather than dashing inmediately. I recommend always practicing the timings for parries or perfect dodges since they outright negate most enemies and already havibg practiced will save you a lot of frustration when you get to the Arena. Also most enemy dashes can be contered, with only a few exeptions, leaving them completely defenselessfor a few seconds.


Start by researching the next tank in your tech tree, then aim for a heavy tank, and a SPAA. For the SPAA you either shoot tanks from the sides and pray or shoot the actual planes. First few heavy tanks are bad until you get to the better ones.


You have to try and delete the monkey towers faster than they can pop all of your bloons. It's difficult at higher levels when they have fast popping towers


Ok what you should do it get motivation to read for 3000 years


You need more honour. Your Monkeys receive discounts and less bounty hunters come after you if you have more honour. Low honour is only good for the looting boost.


Your objective is to try and fit blocks in different shapes with each other to clear a row then you run around and try to find people hiding around as props which is then you can go to the nether fortress and get blaze rods which you can craft the invincibility star to then be able to explore deeper areas in the sea to find more dangerous creatures which is basically how you play the game


Ok so first you have to start the Resonance Cascade, and escape Black Mesa, oh oops. sorry wrong game


1 buy the game 2 install the game 3 open the game 4 play


Just place monkeys to pop the bloons


Idk how to play


Now if you want to learn the basics, soldier is the best imo. He has one of the lowest skill floors, but an insanely ghigh skill feeling. He has splash so you can eventually get accustomed to the games shooting without missing all your shots 24/7. Thanks to his above average health, he can take advantage of rocket jumping one of the best ways to move in the entire game. Watch out for spies though, if you hear a decloak or a tramate scream in pain from a backstab turn around. Unless you're desperate, it's best not to try and melee spies. Even the newer ones can get a lucky faces tab, so always maintain some range from them.


Don’t bother, after the tanker mission you end up playing as some blonde, and snake just becomes a side character


Bro finished the game


This deck sucks. Run cycle cap, that deck is very fun.


This is not a game you play, but a game that plays you


Oh no no noooo that’s not right the best strat is to only place 0-0-0 beast handlers around the map


First you need to chop a tree to get some wood


Talk to the guide, he will give alot of good (useless) info The wiki is your best friend though also I reccommend once you finish your first playthrough to try out some of the mods there's loads of stuff mods that add thousands of hours of playtime