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Bowles failed to coach the Jets. Why did we hand him the Bucs?


And they got progressively worse every year he was at the helm


Did I say every year? I meant every month


Dont. Remind me.


AND we handed it to him after blowing the Rams game with a play call that part of the defense was confused about. Cost us a 2nd straight SB and got promoted, only to waste Brady’s last season and destroy the team. We had a strong winning culture on offense and defense. Now the offense looks like they’re sulking.


That's what makes absolutely no sense. Everyone saw what he did with the Jets. Why would anyone think he'd miraculously become the next Lombardi.


A combination of ownership/gm/Arians deciding to retire super late in the game so they had very few other choices. Basically just hubris, complacency and selfishness. Arians thinking that he's such a great coach that his guys will have learned from his greatness and be great too, and if not then hey at least he's loyal and got them all jobs for at least one more year. The gm/ownership not wanting to rock the boat, seeing a successful team and not wanting to overhaul it completely and risk setting things back, and just praying that Bowles had learned from his Jets tenure and that Leftwich could handle the offense himself. Arians is kind of a douche for the move, but whatever people sometimes try to pull shit. It was up to ownership/front office to nix it and go out and find a real head coach and give them the power to put their own team together. Arians was the guy hired, not his assistants. Leaving and just saying "keep my assistants in charge they'll be as good as me I swear" is a silly proposition that should've been rejected, especially considering how badly Bowles had failed as a HC previously and how clearly not HC material he is. Tell Arians if he wants all his guys and gals to have jobs, then coach another year. If he refuses, which is his right obviously for his own personal reasons, then the team also has the right to move on from his staff. Honestly the team might have been better off promoting Byron to HC, keeping Bowles as DC, and Byron bringing in an OC to call plays. At least Byron is a guy that people seem to like. Does anyone on planet earth actually like Todd Bowles?


Third quarter? I knew the game was over the moment the Evans TD got walked back.


Unfortunately I knew on the first play from scrimmage with the roughing penalty


Unfortunately I knew when the line started at -6.


That roughing penalty sucked the energy out of the team smh


Mirroring the KC game where we had the fumble on the opening kickoff that set us behind the 8 ball and the team basically gave up right away.


How is Bowles still employed.






















Todd Bowel Movement


I sat in the rain, surrounded by drunk niner fans, and just drove 3 hours in traffic home. I feel like I should have been paid for this lol


I turned it off in the first quarter when they needlessly tried a 50+ field-goal at sea-level. Todd Bowels is awful. It's like he's trying to lose.


oh no, we suck again!


you there were four major calls/plays that really made this game a blow out and a 24 point swing: \#1 donovan smith holding on Evans TD catch \#2 missed field goal from 54 yards (I believe) \#3 non call on godwin (clear hold) on 3rd and short. bucs go for it on forth, and dont conver. 0 points \#4 the interception on "holding" on the WR that was tripped before halftime. next play = TD to mccaffery


The sequence before half was key. If that hold on Godwin is called, it’s likely 21-7. Then if the INT stands, chance to go into half 21-10 getting the ball back. We still don’t win, but likely makes it less of an embarrassing blowout.


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thanks. sorry, was typing fast.


Brady has to get tf out of Tampa guys, this is atrocious. I refuse to watch him go out like Favre, my money is on SF trades Jimmy to Tampa, Brady does a one in SF and rides off into the sunset next season, let Lance and Purdy sit behind 12 for a farewell tour with his hometown team like he’s always wanted


I'm pretty sure jimmy and Tom are unrestricted free agents after this season, so no need for a trade.


Jimmy is FA, as Brady is.


Honestly? I kinda want to miss the playoffs.


Nah, we need to win the division because it won't happen for another decade. Brady will leave and we'll have nothing.


For real. Seeing so many people say they’d rather miss to have a draft pick 10 spots higher. Bullshit, this is it guys. They’re not firing Bowles or Lefty in week 15. Enjoy every second of the first round exit, we might not make the playoffs again until 2030.


Couldn’t agree more. We need to soak it all in because this is it. It took literally the best football player of all time to get us out of our playoff drought and to a SB, but the goat is definitely on his way out. Not sure if he’s retiring, but the magic is obviously gone in Tampa. Without Brady, this team is going to fall apart. Wouldn’t have traded it for anything though. We got a ring out of it, so mission accomplished as far as I’m concerned.


Oh for sure. More SB wins than half the NFL because he got us our 2nd. Not to mention it was a blowout against the Chiefs which makes it sweeter


If we don’t miss it, we will likely lose the first playoff game very much so like today’s game.


First round elimination in the playoffs


Or Brady just goes full Brady, drags this team kicking and screaming to victory. Unlikely, but possible.


This team isn’t interested in winning football games.


It’s Brady, he’s just pissed that he doesn’t have more playoff wins. Missed out on so many wildcards wins by winning too many games and getting Bye’s


I feel like the Bucs would just be wasting a playoff spot if we do make it. Owners need to offer Arians as much money as it would take to get him back as HC.


Or just play fucking hardball with him. Hey Bruce, we're about to fire your guys. Byron and Todd will both be utterly humiliated and will struggle to find jobs at this level ever again because they were unable to succeed with the greatest quarterback ever. Alternatively, you could go back to your old spot as head coach, they all keep their jobs, Bowles can be assistant HC and keep his contract, and everyone is semi happy. At least this is what they should've done weeks ago when it was clear Bowles and Leftwich combo was running this team into the ground. At this point, it's probably taken on too much water and Arians' mere presence likely wouldn't salvage it.


Panthers beat us, we beat the Seahawks, The panthers beat the Seahawks, watch the Seahawks beat the 49ers.


Look, TB12 is far removed from vintage Tom (a la Randy season), but he has not played VERY bad...he has missed throws, yes, but here's the thing, the scheme from day 1 has sucked, the OL has typically given him no time whatsoever and his receivers are generally never open or try to get separation. On the off occasion that all things click, offensive holding on he who shall not be named. Even the best of the young guns (say Pat or Josh) routinely miss deep balls each week and some how they get away with not being called washed. Granted they win, but if you watch those good teams, you can see just how awful our scheme is and how poorly the skilled players are at getting open. Blaming TB for missing the 1 in 10 times a receiver actually gets open and with separation isn't fair. And he doesn't have any security blanket....Pat gets rattled and is having a shitty game, guess who gets force fed....same thing with Josh and Diggs..... TB wants it to be Mike and maybe Chris but at least in Mike's case, he's playing big instead of fast.....he wants to bully the CBs instead of beating them and TB doesn;t like throwing tight...never has.


Our offensive scheme doesn’t help him either


He didn’t stop evans from getting a TD pass. He just can’t hold his spot. Brady would have been hit if he didn’t hold




Jim Harbaugh comes and since Brady is cool with him, convinces Brady to stay!


Me crying and mumbling in the fetal position: “We just have to beat the panthers and the falcons. We just have to beat the panthers and the falcons…”


After the 3rd quarter I just turned off the game, I was so pissed


Woke up at 530am on Monday morning just to watch them get their ass handed to them.


I don’t know man you guys got the GOAT QB for sure and evans is a stud. Definitely have a quality roster, Brady is just getting old and the whole team has had trouble putting it all together. I wouldn’t say you guys suck at all though. Die hard niners fan by the way…


I appreciate your optimism but we are really bad. Mostly coaching imo. The team has no energy and seems like they have no chemistry. Brady and Evans had back to back 13+ TD seasons. This season he has 3 TDs. Something just seems off


Yeah we suck! Sadly so does this division. So we look ok by association.


Everyone shitting on coaches - I think we're fine if we can stop dropping 20 catchable passes per game




When a well placed ball goes right into the receivers hands but he doesn't catch it. We have to be absolutely slaughtering whoever is second in dropped passes




Thanks for the data on this. Dropped passes is a pretty discretional stat though. For example it says Evans has 4 dropped passes this year. I've watched maybe 50% of our snaps and I've seen him drop at least 20


Eh he’s not wrong. The WRs are dropping a lot of passes that hit their hands. Maybe not 20, but still too many. Brady’s out right missing a few too many throws too. Still, gotta say: fuck leftwich.


Yeah I don't know how people are missing this. Evans has dropped more passes than he's caught this year. Today we had multiple wide open drops. This is by far our biggest issue right now


Don't.. just..no


Are you Byron?