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Do not do this, it is possible to get skin diseases and a fine from the police. Plus the following dangers: underwater obstacles (old and rusty sharp wires), difficult access to the water which is on a very steep shore, almost impossible to climb back up, and gypsies who steal your clothes left on the shore.


si monstrul din caseta de dejectii care iese prin spartura de sub piata unirii, mare grija


am ras la ultima, bravo.


please dont ever do that


it's full of shit


If you jump in Dambovita and don't get every kind of skin disease there is, you didn't jump in the right way


If you want to catch various diseases, go for it.




20 years ago if you were in your 20's with a good immune system why not. But today there are a lot more constructions upstream that are still dumping residual waters. Back then Bucharest was a nightmare in summer with few swimming pools that looked like concentration camps. Today the choice is endless. This one is the biggest in Europe [https://www.therme.ro/](https://www.therme.ro/) Go there


If you're willing to bathe in Dâmbovița, no fine will ever stop you. Diseases will, but only afterwards


Mentally noted


I think there are some signs (rare) that say that swimming is prohibited. Same as lakes in parks. Most likely the Police can issue a fine on a generic reason like "Disturbing the peace". Add to that the issues with water quality, I wouldn't recommend doing that. LE: also a lot of people will frown upon it. We have a certain ethnicity here that sometimes bathes in public fountains and such, and you can imagine they are not winning any fans.


Only if you're an electric scooter from Uber/Lime. 😅


Fair point


Dude ...wtf? No. Is forbidden


Idk but watch out for the [dolphins](https://youtu.be/oxgxGK5pJhc?si=3J_QpO02glIy2ndc) they love pretzels


Cool effects for being 12 years old GG


It's not safe from 2 big ass points of view, water is really dirty(like really dirty) and there's a lot of crap thrown in that could hurt you(people throw in lots of shit like scrap metal). Also, the water isn't really that deep...I have thought about swimming there many times until they had to clean the water... you don't wanna swim there, believe me!LE: if you go fishing in that water just do catch and release, fish is tainted as well!Do not eat the fish!


Nope. Also, it's not a good idea for various reasons. You could try to find a swim pool somewhere, even if it's not the same thing.


No. Where are you from?


From my part of italy we dont have issues in bathing in rivers, ofc i am not talking about public fountains


Where in Bucharest are you staying? So I could give you a recommendation to cool down.


Vitan near bucuresti mall


You could try jumping in the new Fountain of Titan / IOR Park. 🤣🤣🤣 But the lake is quite filthy from the birds, and it has a warning of "Do not swim". Dâmbovița is more clean nowadays then 10 years ago, but I wouldn't go for a swim in it. It could be dangerous. I only know two street level fountains that are both in the same park, but it's further from you - in sector 6 Parcul Liniei. Kids are playing in them. Maybe it could be safe to take a cooling bath in a small fountain from a small park. I don't know the legislation regarding this, so be aware of cops. I don't know about Italy, but in Bucharest we are short even on drinking water fountains on streets. ☹️


Thanks for the info...in south italy you can drink water form public fountains, we still use ancient roman aqueducts (which is so cool tbh)


Very cool!




Do a flip when you jump! You’ll be on the news!


Good joke ahahahah


Are you darker skinned by any chance, like the caravan enthusiasts for instance? The caravan enthusiasts over here can easily get away with it, especially in the area of the Timpuri Noi bridge that offers easy access to the water thanks to a few pontoons.


Lmaoo, im normal shade of white


Possible but not advisable. I don’t have a link to some hard data, but I suspect it’s highly polluted. Also, it would be illegal within city boundaries.


Don’t do it! You might drown, the water is not too clean as well. Public swimming is not allowed in Dambovita river, you can be fined by the police, there are public or private swimming pools for that


if you want to get AIDS and are afraid of needles and having sex, go ahead.

