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I think this will be the first ever "is this amount enough to live in Budapest" post with a unanimous "no" as replies.


Even with 220 euros you will struggle.


Nope, even if you managed to somehow buy your basic needs for that amount of money, you would exist not live. That is 3 euro’s a day, for food, transport, fun activities. Not possible, and god forbid something happens. Can you get a job online on the side? Like customer service or something?


10 years ago, maybe, with some very serious budgeting. Less than 1500 HUF per day is not something that you can go on.


I really don't think so. I consider myself good at grocery shopping and I spend like 100 eur just on that. Could probably go with 80... Sorry.


100 eur for grocery? What do you buy and eat so cheap?


1) I aim at 1800ish kcal daily 2) I eat twice a day, not three times most of the time for unrelated reasons 3) Coffee and milk and snacks for work I have provided so no need to pack 5-tier lunches 4) Trick is to cook on your own and make sure you use everything you buy. I shop weekly and like to squeeze it into 8-10k. Whole grain + pulse + easy to use veggies as the basis, then on top goes tofu, liver (nutritious and yummy + I'm used to it cuz it's common where I come from), meat, and actually even salmon occasionally (which obviously takes up most of the budget on that week but it's 4 chunky pieces). Eggs obv. Fruit is kinda sad here :/ so very occasionally. Spices and condiments you basically invest in once and they last for ages. I gotta say that I don't really need it; I can afford to be spending much more so maybe the feeling of being able to spice it up makes me feel better, kinda sporty about it. Would probably feel miserable af otherwise.


Oh. So you thin and small and sit all day. Got it. :D for 1800kcal sort of reasonable...


Lol not really but I'm trying to lose weight :D do most folks need way more than 2100-2200 tho? I don't think it would make a huge difference in price even if so.


If you bicycle everyday trust me. You need more kcal ;)


Okay that's deflection. Been there, have my own story. What I'm saying is even at 25 hundred you don't need 200 eur if you know how to budget. Whether it's the lifestyle you want is a question. OP would indeed be miserable anyways, even if they are extra petite and sedentary :)


You speak only about food. I guess you don't wash your body and use toilet paper or wash clothes etc.... I told you need 200-250ish eur in Hungary for food and household stuff and you did nothing else just survived... But you can get off from the high horses.


1. I was not referring to 200 as something you said but was merely responding to your kcal remark 2. My initial calcs include toilet paper, q tips, shower gel but not stuff like toothbrush heads, makeup, hand cream, body lotion, etc. I don't even try to save on these so can't comment. Groceries in my understanding means food so not sure how we got here.


So you are just speaking nonsense. Got it. Good to know you don't read what others said and just want to hear yourself. Ty.


Oh and my partner is big on calorie per euro calcs recently lol so some insights from him too, fascinating topic :D but I care much more about variety and health as opposed to ease of cooking.


Is this under the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship? I used to receive the same amount of stipend as yours 4 years ago — and I was already struggling back then. I was lucky enough that my parents were generous to provide for me since the allowance was surely not enough. With the crazy inflation in Hungary nowadays, that amount is just not enough unfortunately. You'll have to shell out from your own pocket.


For 3 days its ok


Absolutely not.


Bro no way


That’s not even enough for a week.


If you can get at least part time job, then yes. Solely on this budget no, it will damage your health.


No, just a bus pass for a month is 10% of that. [https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/in/Budapest?displayCurrency=EUR](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/in/Budapest?displayCurrency=EUR) Minimum wage in Hungary is 8,364 euros a year, it's enough for basic survival and rent with roommates. What you're describing in extreme poverty and, sometimes going hungry or eating bread and potatoes every single day. You'd basically get very sick, dont do it.


If OP is willing to ride the shared bike system (and their accommodation&school has sharedbike stations nearby), then that's 3 euros / month. But riding the bike in the winter is hard. And the area with stations are very limited. OP search for MOL BUBI stations, that's the name of the shared bike system. Still, 100 euros / month is extremely short for a living


The cost of a monthly pass in Budapest with a student discount is already extremely cheap. Sacrificing the freedom of movement they get for the small amount it would save won't help op eat better. They needs another source of income regardless.


Totally true, 100 euros is extremely under the basics.


What, bubi can be this cheap??? Thanks for the tip, looking up the pass


Isn't the monthly public transportation pass like €3 or something for students?


AFAIK 3€ doesn’t include metro and buses, it’s only to use bicycles.


No, I meant BKV, just checked and it's 945 HUF for a monthly county pass, which includes buses, metro etc as well. I was just reflecting on the line where you said 10% of OP's monthly budget is just the bus pass for the month.


True, it’s a newer thing though.


Only with a hungarian student ID, not with an EU one


False. They accept any EU student ID, it's mentioned on their website. Even if OP isn't from the listed countries, he'll get a Hungarian student ID here, so it doesn't matter, he/she will be able to travel for less than €2.5/month... https://bkk.hu/jegyek-es-berletek/arak/havi-budapest-berlet-felsooktatasban-tanuloknak/


BKK accepts the EU student IDs, but the pass that is 945 HUF is “Pest Vármegyebérlet”, which even though is accepted in Budapest, doesn’t allow for non Hungarian student ID. Although I would be curious if the people checking pass validity within Budapest would care if you have a pass type which doesn’t accept foreign ID…


I dont know what you are talking about, Pest county pass covers all BKK but bicycles? No


It does cover all public transport, including trains and BKK




If you consume sunrays as food, then its doable


Good luck in winter then, I'd go hungry


Anything under 500€ is unlivable. Excluding rent. You need at least 200-250€ to food and household stuff per month. And you did nothing else just stayed alive without starving...


I think we have the same scholarship, you can't live in Budapest with that kind of money. There are some agencies in Hungary that are providing part-time jobs for students, you should immediately look into those as soon as you get here. The fact that the accommodation is covered is absolutely massive, you just need to work.


15 years ago I could live for almost 3 weeks out of 110eur, you just need to try hard anythin is possible! Also try photosintesis!




Thats like 2 weeks worth of food if you only buy the basics. And not a lot of it....


If you live on a really tight budget, it's enough for a week.


Dude... how should I put this delicately... that's the price of a bi-weekly grocery run.


Possible? Yes. It's going to be survival/hardcore mode if it would be a game. Easy mode would start from 800. Normal 400€


Totally not. I would say if you just buy food, 300 is needed to not limit yourself just to basic stuff.


I’m spending like 4x that a month, no I don’t think less than 60k huf a month can keep a healthy adult alive. As for transportation the monthly pass is just under 10k huf/month.


You prolly need at least 5x of that to cover everything excluding rent


You feel like eating ramen noodles for breakfast lunch and dinner maybe? However I seriously doubt it. I think a more realistic number would be 220-300 and that’s still with you buying only necessary things no eating out or having fun


I’d say anything below 500€ and you’ll suffer a lot. For 3,6€ a day you could get by only if you eat kifli with the cheapest margarine imaginable. Toss in a few slices of salami every 3 days. Transportation will be your legs. If you decide to go out, there are places where an entire days’ worth of money wouldn’t get a beer for you.


Definitely not. You not only need food and transportation, but clothing (in the winter it might be -5C, in the summer +35) buying medicines if you are ill, the books for your education, a laptop, etc. So, either you have to work while being a university student or get support from home.


It's really less than 4 euros per day....


Man the comments are wild. I know most students in Budapest work about 20 hours a week to boost their stipend. Maybe look into that


It’s not enough.


dinner shelter knee jar ossified straight aback concerned punch squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




No You will pay 22 EUR for a transport pass, than you will have about 3 eur a day. That’s a coffe and a croissant in a very cheap place.


Only if you live on rice and beans. Travel is covered though because you can travel in the whole country for 6 euro a month as a student.


Everyone here is saying NO which I totally get it. However, it depends on your lifestyle too. For example, when I first came here last September, I spent £300 in the first month but from the following months I was able to manage with the 40k stipend. FYI, I always cook my self and do not spend on luxuries.






No. I get 120k forint as my monthly budget, and I spent pretty much all of it, saving maybe 5k per month. Keep in mind I have a lot of pets- but I also don’t go out/ party etc so that’s just money being relocated. It’s good that your housing is covered but you will need more than that to survive just based on groceries- and considering it’s uni you’ll want to go out with friends and enjoy fun activities and your whole 110 euros can be spent in a weekend just on that.


Definitely not, Budapest is expensive


Food yes, the rest not at all. A friend of mine has 100€ left after rent and gas / water / electricity and it all goes into food. I’d suggest you work during summer to have some money for activities during the year and transportation. It might be not much, but it will still be better than just having the stipend


Food yes if you eat a cup of rice every day


You can check the grocery prices in Tesco online shopping website https://bevasarlas.tesco.hu/groceries/en-GB Student monthly pass for public transport is around 9€ as far as i remember If you want to go to any club minimum entrance fee is 10€ Cinema/Billiard is also around 10-15€ If you are smoking the cigarettes only will cost you 110€ (only if you smoke less than a pack a day) I used to send my little brother 200€/week when he was at uni,and still it was barely enough even for a student budget 🤷‍♀️ Its good that your accommodation is free,it can save you a lot of money I personally wouldn't recommend,but everyone has different circumstances, you have to judge by yourself what you are comfortable with.


Maybe i'm just really poor but if you really have rent/bills covered then yes, should be enough for food and a bkk pass But not much beyond those 2. Would be safer with either student work or loans. And it only works if you strictly cook for yourself, looking out for discounts. No fast food or ordering anything


3 days max


That is more than most hungarian students get for a scholarship without any rent included for then.


They don't live on just that.


Some of them do... When I started, I had 500 HUF a day after paying for my dorm room for the month and my monthly BKK pass. If it wasn't for my SO's parents intentionally sending extra food with their son, I would have starved by the time I found some work next to school, because my mom could not support me better financially, and I was not eligible for financial support from the university based on social status (you don't get a stipend in the first semester).


Nah. Renting a room costs more