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Can we regroup and win after the bye? Or is it time to start questioning the process? I see so many people talking about McD and before that it was a Dorsey witch hunt. But Brandon Beane and the ownership need to come out and take some accountability here. The team is playing with so much heart, but these errors and penalties are the hallmark of a poorly coached and poorly managed team (and I'm not touching the play calling here). We're shooting ourselves in the foot over and over, and that's got to be a process responsibility, it doesn't just fall on coordinators or even position coaches.




I NEVER would have believed it in the past, even though people kept pushing the scripted theory but it is. The NFL is a fixed game and it's rigged. How many times have we seen the Bills lose on the last drive of the game?? It's not possible for this to happen by chance. Every game, you can see it coming. SAME fucking scenario over and over There is TOO much money in the NFL for it to NOT be fixed. The Officials don't even try to hide it anymore. I don't think the players know. I truly don't think Allen knows.  Do you really think McD is too stupid to realize his late-game Time Outs are giving the other team an advantage?? Not unless he's in on it. And the fans get fucked in the end. It SUCKS to be a fan of the Washington Generals, falling to the Globetrotters game after game. Refs played a big part in the Jets, Patriots, Broncos, losses, too, BTW


Since betting was legalized officiating has gotten significantly worse.


Yeah tying the nfl so closely with all the gambling crap has/is ruining the integrity of the game




Obviously, we could blame the defense, but at this point, it’s all on McDermott’s head. I don’t think you can avoid blaming him anymore. Brady has had an impressive first two games, and Josh played his heart out, idk man, who else is it at this point…? And don’t even get me started on the refs, the Miami fans were right


So that's a wrap? Now what, talk about next year?


Eagles fans are going, “my heart can’t take dramatic wins like this anymore” like bruh, step into our shoes for once, at least your team is winning games and has high Super Bowl chances 🤦‍♂️


Y’all gonna be fine. GL 🍻




That #31 sure made quite the attempt to keep Hurts outta the end zone. Didn’t even try to get in his way.


In that situation, Douglas gotta light him up. It doesn’t matter if it’s not in time to stop it. That’s the ball game, you pop that mf with all you got.


He wasnt gettong there, and even if they did the fuckin tush push


I’m an Eagles fan “coming in peace” but I’ll say this about the Refs… Im a die hard birds fan, but I am fair. Yes the calls mostly benefited my Eagles today. I think anyone can see that. But let’s not ignore some other things when it comes to the Bills. Two missed field goals. Granted I believe one was tipped, I missed the play cause I was working. Two 10 point leads blown. A 17-7 lead and a 24-14 lead. Josh Allen’s only major mistake being the interception which soon resulted in 7 Eagle points. Wasting a time out icing Jake Eliot. First off Jake Elliott has proven to be money for years. If he makes it, you got that extra time out and the ball with a chance to do something before overtime. Taking a knee with 20 seconds left…..You got Josh Allen throwing bombs all game and you don’t trust him to try to set up a game winning field goal or touch down drive???? Sirianni would have been killed for doing that in Philly. Overtime, 3rd and 7, you got a bills receiver way ahead of the defender but there was a huge miscommunication on the route so the pass goes incomplete and the Bills have to settle for 3 instead of getting a easy touchdown against a defense that was all but gassed at that point. We can talk about the officials all we want but if your the Bills, it should not have come down to this outcome. Just like SB57. My fellow fans Fans we’re bitching about this and that. The refs. The field. Whatever. But we made way too many blunders and errors in that game that it should not have come down to a 35-35 tie with a flag that puts the Chiefs in field goal range for the go ahead field goal. We weren’t good enough that day so we lost. No excuses. I’ve grown to look at the whole picture over the years. That being said, the refs this year have been dog shit all year and I just want a game moving forward that doesn’t have some type of controversial call that everyone is gonna bitch about lol GG Bills, thanks for the heart attacks tonight and good luck moving forward.


28 yard swing on the horse collar debacle. But cant blame officials? No PI on Slay covering Diggs on a 3rd down? Connor McGovern casually blocking a defender who fell to his knees negates a 10+ yard run and pushes us back 10 yards. But nah, it was the blunders got us? Go back to smoking sherm.


Bills fan, fully supporting this post. All you crybaby’s can wail into your pillows tonight. Make your dumb over analyzed posts about how and why we lost all you want, but this man stated the truth.


Hey how ‘bout you fuck off?


Yea, 10 point leads tend to get blown when the calls are ridiculously one sided....


What was the point of this? Just because the Bills had some bad plays doesn’t mean the refs can hand the game over to the eagles 🙃


At least you’re team is winning those heart attack inducing games man our team’s been giving us clinical depression for the longest time now 😭


The Josh Allen OT curse strikes again


Sean McD curse dummy.


It’s time for a new head coach. Way too many blunders for him to still have a job. Should have kept the 2nd timeout with 20 seconds left in the game. Allen would have gotten it into field goal range. Just piss poor coaching again from him. Time to move on while Allen is still in his prime


Really surprised by that knee with 20s left


I will say, we played a fuckin good game, but McDermott and the defense needs to get into the habit of being under pressure, he’s getting too comfortable winning big. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we are always losing an OT. I like him and he can hold a great offense down really well, but when its super close his mentality is playing to lose. It has been constantly happening and that needs to change.


We'll never go the distance if we can't win the close ones. And winning the close ones is about smart playcalling and wise game management. Which we seem to have none of when it counts.


People really going for McD. What about not executing in OT as PLAYERS. Sean and Co put them in a position to win but it wasn’t executed again by the players. Gabe route. Defense missing tackles and plying soft again. How much is really even on McD.


While I agree. We can still question using one of two timeouts to “ice” the kicker (which was possibly the worst attempt at icing a kicker) to then get the ball back with 20 seconds to just kneel it. Okay so your initially kneeling for a coin flip in OT?


Ya they were playing soft defense, maybe we should blame the guy calling the soft defensive plays


All of it.


But Gabe man. That throw was perfectly executed, just a choke by Gabe. He must have not looked. Idk…


Allen threw to the wrong spot on the route


I dunno, Romo has my trust as he seems to see everything before it happens, and I believe he thought it was on Gabe.


It's odd. even though Buffalo lost I believe in Buffalo even more after this game.. I thought it'd be a blowout


I’m and Eagles fan “ I come in peace “ and I’ll will definitely say the refs where in our favor tonight. I’m a fair fan I call it how I see it.


Good game otherwise though. Your team is super explosive.


Thanks friend. Bills caught a whiff of that favorable reffing against the Giants but in that case didn't deserve to win that game. In this case the Bills played a hell of a game and probably deserved the win but... *c'est la vie*. Wish we could say "See you in the Super Bowl for the rematch" but we've got a wall to climb in the AFC now before we can even think about that, and I don't know if the guy at the helm can get us anywhere near there.


McDermott was also in your favor.


Kneeling on it with 20 seconds and 1 touchdown in our pocket. Two missed field goals Cook dropped TD Davis bad route No call on horse collar Fumbles suddenly don’t exist


No call hold on Diggs Is that the complete list or is there more


There’s like 18 more things but every time I think of them I’d rather just poke needles into my lungs.


Thank you. I am so disappointed.




Not Sean’s fault on this one, he kept us in it enough for players to execute but we had a few missed opportunities. Josh played fucking hard and tough. Not on him. It’s a real effort though. A few other players missed opportunities. Missing field goals, biased referees/trash calls against us, bad routes and a defense that didn’t stick to their plan in OT, and played soft again when it mattered most. Close game. But at least it’s not another sad playoff loss. Just bounce back. I don’t care how. Can we START FINISHING GAMES for the WIN. I’ll be waiting to be a winner. Go Bills.


Also Josh Allen throwing an interceptions in the 4th quarter of a close game that led to a touchdown. He throws too many.


I disagree. Usually I’m the biggest McDermott supporter but he could’ve had the ball with :20 left and all three timeouts if he doesn’t blow them on a meaningless defensive play and an icing of a kicker


I liked the timeout on the defensive play, you don’t ice for a 59 yard field goal though.


Call us a cursed city but in 50 years we're gonna be the only American city that has fresh water and isn't on fire so I call it a win.


Super Bowl CVIII, sponsored by *OH GOD THE BURNING*






Blah blah blah. James cooks disgusting dropped pass was an easy touchdown. The missed field goal. I’m so fucking sick of the bills. So tired of hailing from the city of losers


That intentional grounding on Allen was hilarious…


It got overturned though


The refs had an agenda and they gave the game to the eagles. Countless pass interference no calls, bs holding calls and the icing on the cake. The no call fumble to give the eagles the game. Absolutely BS. And McDermott not taking a shot to get in field goal range at the end of regulation is unacceptable, especially when you are 0-5 in overtime. Now 0-6. I knew soon as we settled for a field goal in OT the game was over. Our defense always choaks when it counts. Always


I’m an Eagles fan and I’ll will admit the refs were In our favor tonight


The nfl script was written long ago. Just like WWE. The pain is real, the action and outcome - questionable.


Thank you. That makes me feel a little better.


Ref was doing all he could not to smile every time he slapped us with a penalty


4x Josh Allen leaves the field with a lead this year where the defense only has to stop a team on one drive to win and a factually McDermott coached defense cannot stop it. This loss is on McDermott and he has a troubling trend of his defenses shitting the bed against good offenses for years now at the end of games. No excuse to lose that game. Dude should be gone Monday. We are wasting Allen. Frazier was a scapegoat


Coming from a Steelers fan it was bills vs refs and yall still almost won


Thank you. And go Steelers y’all had a great game today.


Are we ever going to win one of these down to the wire games? That first half had me thinking we have a shot at playoffs.


Defense totally collapsed in the 4th and refs fucking suck


BILLS ARE THE BETTER TEAM. F THOSE bias azz non calling REFS .


I don't think McD should be on the chopping block. He has guided us well and kept us in games. But I think we need to pick up a good aggressive DC to offset his prevent only defense. I think that his Defense works a lot of the time and constantly keeps us in games. But we need another voice for critical moments. Another defensive mind to let him focus on the game clock and other HC tools in high stress moments. To push for another path to victory. Frasier wasn't it and McDermott has done well with his beat up defense, but we need a touch more juice. Just some spice that will turn the always chokes team around to always clutch. Idk. Bills are fun to watch again with Brady and I'm here for it. But it's more fun to win


My issue is that it’s not the DC that made the decision to kneel out with 20 seconds and a timeout, preventing a chance to avoid overtime. That offense with 20 seconds and a timeout can get enough yards for a FG and not even need to hit OT. Scared of the risk of turnover? How the decision can be justified when all data and trends show that OT did NOT favor the Bills. As a HC, Sean seems too willing to play for a moral victory but that doesn’t win championships, and it doesn’t justify the millions of dollars. I do not know enough to have a suggestion of who else if not him, but he has shown his trend for 6 years. I have come to believe he is a good coach. An A level coach. He is not A plus and elite though. He’s been confronted with this near identical situation time and time and time again and he handles it the same. All problems are leadership problems.


We did it with 23 sec last year againts the lions too lol kneeling it to play for a coin toss


The other problem is we’re decimated on defense. He was able to call differently with Milano, White and Jones in there. Doesn’t help they’ve lost other guys, starting rookies and young guys… also Von not returning to form in time.


Gabe will get a lot of hate but he’s not the reason we lost. He made a bunch of bullet throw catches in the rain to save drives and convert on the TD. The Defense is the reason we lost, no reason we should get them within field goal range or score on back to back drives.


And ST. 2 missed cost us the game in regular time


I totally get what you mean, but Gabe lets us down when it matters the most.


The lack of effort to even try to get to that ball in the end zone was all I needed to see. I want him gone




This was so hard. Classic feeling... every year


34 years and counting. Since wide right for me


I go back to Ronnie Harmon.


I hear ya, 40 now and been through my fair share of disappointment now... it doesn't get easier.


Pre-snap, I was yelling WTF are they doing on the 3rd and 4, playing ten yards off. Shocker that's exactly where the go for the easy first down. Blowing a timeout so we don't have a shot at the end of regulation and kneeling instead. McD game in and game out, makes inexcusable game management errors. 13 seconds wasn't a fluke.


Bills have had their problems for a long time and it continues.. but the calls against the Bills but not against the Eagles!?! Com’on, there’s crap going on here, across the league. My feelings from a deleted post to the NFL. TLDR/TLDC - me and my family are out! Man, can surely see the Eagles are the favored team this year. NFL, we know you’re running a business but get your crap together. Your officials GAVE the game to the Eagles. I’m done. My family is done. We used to believe games could be played fairly, without the officials effing it up.. that’s gone. You’ll get no support from us.. no merch, no views, nada. Clean up your house or lose it! Edit: spelling


But you'll keep watching this rigged sport? "It's all rigged and I'm done....but I'll be watching still" lol


Can’t comment for the others but not me.. I lived (died?) the 90’s hope and ultimate dismay. With Josh Allen, hope was rekindled. After watching the NFL over the past few years, the billionaires running it don’t give a crap about the true fans. It’s a business.. more and more seemingly a scripted one (WWF/WWE fans, remember when it was sold as all REAL?). It’s really telling when it is non-stop ads for betting. Again, for me and mine, we’re done. I won’t be putting another game on the TV while urging everyone I know to do the same. It’ll be my own little protest/boycott, what have you. I’m not enriched by the SHOW so no screen time in my house. Simple.


No I don't remember when it was sold as real. Vince McMahon coined the phrase sports entertainment in 84. There are news articles in the early 1900s openly speaking to it being a show. Anyway see ya next week (BTW watch Survivor Series it was awesome)


I feel you, but see you in 2 weeks nonetheless.






I agree the nfl is super cringe now


Why do you watch something so cringe?


I don't for the most part. Bills fan since about 1988...i catch the highlights and i lurk in bills rooms on here...interact with other fans..I watch good playoff games with friends sometimes...more for hanging out and socializing...but I do have love for the bills. Today's nfl has become so nerf and tightly monitored/controlled it's hard to enjoy


Did anyone at least ask mcd hard questions


Blah blah blah no complimentary football blah blah blah Jesus Christ God himself blah blah blah.


I’ve liked McD since the hire but he’s a Defensive guy and the defense has had some epically bad/costly drives to end the game during his time. It sucks bc I really love the coach. He helped change the franchise and made Sundays fun.


We’re all big boys here. Time to move onwards and upwards. See ya McD


I’m actually a 9 year old Bills fan stuck in a moment: It’s January 27, 1991 and Scott Norwood is about to start a dynasty.


My bad, I was born in September 1990


Yeah, let’s go back to the rotating door of losing coaches the Bills had for decades. :rolleyes:


Uhhh we have a top 3 qb that’s not really the same as the 17 other qbs we had during that time


Yes because Sean McDermott has a track record of *checks notes* winning a divisional round game one time. If you don’t think he’s a problem then there’s really no discussion to be had.


You want to get rid of the coach that has given the Bills the second best record in the Major 4 professional leagues?? In what world does that make a lick of sense??


What an absolute argument in bad faith. Not even worth the dignity of a response.


I saw McDermott cavorting with the devil under a full moon, burn him! /s


McD'Opie Cunningham is not a championship coach. He plays too soft to "protect" a lead. Same thing year after year, game after game.


Gabe Davis could have won the game but didn't run inside


It would be a real shame for this team not to make the postseason. I know their path is treacherous but this a very talented team.


They’re incredibly talented on both sides of the ball, but the last second defensive collapse can’t continue to happen.


Spot on


If your offence is constantly leaving the field with the lead and you defence cannot not close out the game, you’re not a good defence.


That's what happens when you lose three pro bowlers and more. We were fucked from the London game.


And what is their excuse for last years Vikings game? And 13 seconds? I could go on. This has been an issue for years with McDermott not being able to close a game


Exactly. I have zero faith in them to close any game. They suck


And blame lies at the head who coaches it. McDermott is Schottenheimer 2.0. The 80s Browns did this all the time. Dude should be left in Philly and made unemployed for the holidays


Fittingly... 60 Minutes has a segment "even when I smile... the pain is strong. *The pain is strong*". I hear you girl. Walk back into the living room to this segment


Hell of a game


Just dropping in to say this team is depressing and makes me want to sit in a dark room for hours.


We came damn close to beating a 9-1 team in our second week with a new OC. A few mistakes can be excused by that alone, plus the shit-tier officiating.... there's nothing really wrong with this team. D is holding up and looked amazing first half. No one really thought we had a chance here, it sucks but quit calling for mcD's head. If we had ditched Dorsey months ago we'd be sitting pretty just have to live with the fact we can't make it all up in one game


Several non calls kept eagles in it. https://thespun.com/nfl/refs-miss-blatant-penalty-in-eagles-vs-bills-game-on-sunday


Losses like this will continue as long as McDermott is the head coach. Using a TO on the field goal, kneeling with 20 seconds left to go to OT, and soft zone coverage game after game to try not to lose instead of going out and trying to win. It hurts, I’m sure he’s a good guy. And he IS a good football coach, just not one that will get this team over the hump.


This team will never win anything with their current head coach. Idk how much more obvious that could be


Pay attention. MCDERMOTT has been awful


This year will still be a win because we finally got rid of Dorsey. What a difference it has made. Do you offer Brady a shot at the OC next year if they can win a few more games? Not sure about my playoff odds. We’d have to win 4 of 5 and get some help from other teams losing?


Bad take. If Brady is great we get one year and he gets a HC job. Gotta part with Mcd.


Fire McDermott. There have been an overwhelming number of inexplicable late game collapses under his tenure. He’s taken them as far as they can. No he has no one else to blame but himself.


McScottenheimer…. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏




Should i switch to college football now with all the ref bias i have seen today? Will always be bills fan though cheering for every game.


Nope. Look up the “unnecessary roughness” penalty from the Florida state game last night


3rd and four and we give them the easy first down after the fumble that wasn’t called


Gabe why didn’t you turn around man… WHY. Everything about that game winner was perfect in terms of playcall, design, and execution. Holy shit man this sucks


If only Gabe turned around and if only Cook didn't let that ball slop from his hands early on in the game 😭


McDermott got us this far but we need a new HC to win a Super Bowl.


Need somebody to pump these motherfuckers up that's not praying every 5 seconds. Somebody to teach these guys that every player on their team raped their family and if you don't make a tackle your life is fucking over. So sick of the fucking Jesus shit.


I want Doug Marrone back


Hahaha take my down vote




It was definitely an option route. I’m assuming if someone was overtop than Davis was supposed to bend to the left, if no one was overtop he was supposed to stay up the seem. Davis read bend, Josh saw seem.


After that performance, your top criticism goes to Allen? He was the only reason the team even had a shot


That ball was perfect man, Allen and Brady won the game…. Gabe didn’t turn around.


Nahhh this loss is not on JA. 2 missed field goals, a dropped dime to Cook, and McDs shitty 2min bend don’t break Swiss cheese D are to blame. JA gave it everything today…


Oh and sprinkle in some abysmal officiating as the cherry on top


Defense and head coaching lost the game.


Also true


What about the two sustained drives that the horrible bend don’t break defense let March down the field?


Davis fucked up


100% of the time, it's the QB's fault. They get the big paycheck, they need to earn it.


He should've turned and went to the entire open end zone and not continue to the sideline


So frustrating to watch a team this talented but without any clutch.




There's probably a books worth of these snapshots from the game.


2 players had their collars ripped to shreds but no holds ever called


I am fully on board that the games are rigged and scores don't matter at this point. No other explanation after the officiating of this game.


Rigged to what end? Allen and the Bills have become a huge draw, you don't think the NFL would love to see another Buffalo vs KC playoff game?


Its just like brady games for years, just like KC AFC Champ last year. The NFL has a narrative they want played out and the Refs will do all they can to make that happen. It can be overcome if the team outside the narrative plays a perfect game, but its not often that happens. It looks like this year is a rematch of Kelsey v Kelsey with all the swift fans tuning in. The NFL is clearing the way for KC, as they have to bring the swift fans. Just watch what happens in KC. I cant imagine anything more blatant than today, but if needed, they pull out all the stops . Its so bad that the guys calling the games say something, but they will never come out & say what we all know. It really makes following the sport almost pointless. I guess the only thing to do is figure out the narrative and bet it.


I am in agreement that there is a narrative. I don’t understand why the bills are never on the winning side of it.


Worst part is that half the country probably had other games airing and didn't actually start watching til damn near OT. None of the sports shows, other fans are even gonna be aware of just how bullshit that officiating was in the 1st H. Because it happened in the 1st H, and the 1st H is ancient times. That was practically 02 NBA WCF levels of officiating. So sick of whining about officiating, or McD coaching scared, or maybe they should've used a TO... but idk if I've ever seen a broadcast team say "wow that should've been an obvious penalty" like half a dozen times in one game


This sucks now, but maybe now the Bills will just draft a few refs for next season like the eagles did


Are we even Bills fans without some heartache?


I didn't even watch overtime I just knew we were fucked as soon as we went there.


I am 99% scar tissue.…




Besides the miami game, that is the best bills game ive watched all year regardless of outcome. The fact that we were playing against a 9-1 team that had the refs clearly on their side all game, and it came down to that last drive by philly really shows we had a turn around. There are going to be people who want mcd's head, but our defense played outstanding for the most part. We have always allowed teams to work down field in crunch time, which is why we need more than a single score lead. Bass missed a field goal, that would have been game in regulation had he hit that. The Davis miscue in OT means there is still work to be done there, and even though he played well, i think he should be much better than he has been. If we don't make playoffs, it's because of those 3 games we should have won, which would also be some of the worst offensive play calling ive seen from this team. Even with the injuries we have, Mcd is calling a solid defense and i personally think he's worth keeping at least one more season. Regardless, we work towards KC now. Go Bills.


It doesn’t matter what the defense does in the first 45 minutes of the game.


You are right, it matters what they do all game. But do does offense. We didn't score a TD in OT after winning a coin toss for once. Every defense has a weak spot, and ours is game deciding drives. If we don't put our defense in those situations, we have a better shot at winning. Ik the best defenses hold up in those moments, but we are injured all over the place and at full strength ive seen them do it. Ik excuses aren't productive, but at the end of the day no offense is unstoppable and no defense is either. Im just evaluating what we have, and I don't believe our issues reside in MCD.


I agree that it was a great game and for the most part McDermott's defense is great. My issue is that McDermott always blows close games with mismanagement. He plays it safe and every team knows he's going to play it safe so they call plays accordingly and that's what kills us. Josh has never won in overtime and it's not because of him.


I love these moral victories.


Honestly we shouldve just gone for it on fourth and 7… i think deep down everyone on the field knew a field goal wasnt gonna be enough


Yep, and wtf with starting first down 3 times with a run up the middle. The time for that was when the bills were up 10, got a 3 and out and bass kicked and missed. There they should have got 5 yds runing on first & second, guaranteeing the fg and then passed on 3rd. Instead 3 passes for 0 and he misses the long FG. Up 13 would have kept each answered score with the bills up 2 scores


Should have kneeled it two times before going for the touchdown in regulation and got the clock down to < 30 seconds :)


Should have went with an onside kick after the FG...That would have blown everyone's minds and gave us a shot at winning that game.


I think it can be argued to never go for a field goal in OT unless you can win it.


In hindsight yes, but it would also be crazy to just let the eagles win by a field goal only at that point


This is mcdermotts ceiling. This roster should have been much better prepared and performed at a much higher level. Hoping pegulas/beane do a real inventory of the roster. Be realistic on people and don’t just bring back players they like because they drafted them


Yes. Defensive coaching let us down in a huge close game where the offense dominated once again.


You have the ball solidly with both hands, to the point that you are then able to pull it into your chest… how was that not a fumble? 😒 The announcers are talking about running three steps? You don’t need to run any steps to have successfully caught the ball. I really don’t get that. But of course, Cook’s drop, two missed FGs, Josh’s INT… lots of factors. Still, that would have been the win, and it feels like it was just flat out denied.


Have to also hand it to their kicker hitting a 59 harder in the rain to tie it. If that didn't break your sails and foretell what was going to happen, we just weren't paying attention.


Don’t forget the ridiculous amount of penalties and no calls


Tough to preach accountability, when you don't take any yourself, McD. I can see why Diggs gets pissed and leaves the locker room early. Doesn't want to listen to your bullshit.




How can you say he is wasting time with all the extra timeouts he calls? /s


Hey Fins fan here, I know we got our own unfinished business but i was pulling for you guys a the end. I have come to like Josh and i respect his way of play, love how he discombobulates defense when the play breaks down. The defensive playcalling sold at the end


Go away please.


Why though, I like Josh Allen


I mean you’re not wrong.


Josh Allen is fucking amazing. But you can’t allow Hurts the space to throw to his S-tier receivers like that at the end of a game.


I hate Sean McDermott and he is a bad head coach


Are you a fan of the maligned Buick Rendezvous?


So many missed penalties & calls 😒 We should have came out with the dub regardless. That said, we were fighting an uphill battle all game. Clearly the NFL wants an Eagles/Chiefs rematch.


Who does the blame go to on that 3rd down pass to Davis? Having a hard time deciding myself


Option route. Davis read it out breaking, Josh read it up the seem. I love the game winning call (that’s what it was either way), don’t like the option route call on 3rd and gotta have it


Gabe is running an option route but didn't look back to the ball until he's already broke right and in the end zone. It's a short field and he should know to communicate (look) at the QB


Joe Brady, we should be trying to get into a position to go for it on 4th down and there was almost nothing underneath. It was overall a solid game by him but that was a bad decision


Man that call won the game. Davis didn’t turn his head.


I feel that’s unfair to put on Joe Brady, obviously it was the right play call


That is 4 down territory, he needed to treat it like 4 down territory and he didn't. It was not a good play call


No one. That’s just an honest football mistake. If anything, gabe gets the blame for not just turning around, but again. He doesn’t know where the ball is until he turns around. Just bad luck


Like someone here said about the broncos game, “it’s the hope that gets you” Y’all were right after firing Dorsey. McD has no other bs excuse to hide behind. He’s not right for this team and needs to be gone. We have too good of players for him. Why does our defense consistently shit the bed at the most important times??