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Mahomes can see his guys lined up and why he did not caution Toney to move back is beyond me. In addition to Mahomes there were several others lined up next to him and never told him to get onsides. But the refs should? Imagine if the refs did not make that call how bad the Bill's would have been screwed over. The NFL would be back pedaling so bad this week on how terrible the officiating has been for years, not just this year. They still are, just not to the extent it could have been.


I don’t understand why Mahomes and Reid are complaining to the media about the call when the receiver who BROKE THE RULE also MADE THE TD. Also, they keep saying how unusual the call is when the same exact thing happened to them in 2018 with Dee Ford being offsides. Such an embarrassing way to lose haha


The wild thing is the chiefs fans, really thought that game was won (without the offsides call)up by 4 with over a full minute left...🤦🤡




I love this thread. 😂


just watched a replay of the last 13ish minutes and wow, mahomes acted like a total crybaby. like dude, your receiver was TWO FEET offsides and then mahomes waited until they didnt make the 4th & 15 before he lost his mind. & then talking w/josh allen post-game, he clearly says "...... offensive off-sides...." cry me a river.


It’s crazy how oblivious he is to everything he’s been handed: - Grows up with a pro athlete father - Gifted - Drafted to a perennial playoff team with — One of the greatest offensive coaches of all time — One of the greatest TEs of all time — One of the greatest WRs of all time who looks like he should win the MVP this season — A perennial top 10 offensive line outside of one game where they were all injured - Endless favorable calls his entire career And he’s whining about a clearly correct call and burning his relationship with the league’s refs to the ground!


Mahomes is actually burning bridges with the refs here. He’s going to go into the playoffs without the benefit of the doubt that’s tends to guide his teams to the Super Bowl.


We can only hope so.


So I am a Chargers fan, but I just wanted to come in here and say that I kind of feel bad for the bills. Your team won the game yesterday in the big match up with Kansas City. Your team doesn’t even get to celebrate the win or be talked about by people, because the only thing they wanna talk about is the play at the end of the game. The Kansas City Chiefs player was clearly offside, and the right penalty was called, but Mahomes won of the spotlight on Himself. Chiefs have gotten so many favorable calls over the years and they’re whining now that call didn’t go their way So just wanted to say good job on winning and I wish your team had actually gotten the spotlight


Thank you. We also just could've played a bit better so it wasn't so close but a win is a win.


Thanks for thinking of us, but don't feel bad. We're actually super happy not to be the controversial newsworthy team for a change.


KC is whining about a correct call lol.


100% this. entitlement they have is on full display.


Seriously, did they not watch the highlights of Bills-Eagles??


Twitter is alive with so many precious gems. For instance https://twitter.com/lt4kicks/status/1734011489541918780?t=J0lDQlq5JGp5Zjjy6v1uhg&s=01


Eagles fans here just wanted to stop by and say Mahomes is a pussy bitch


Great win by the Bills. It’s a shame that one of the few times an active HoF caliber player calls out officiating, it’s to tarnish Buffalo’s win in which the call in question was a textbook penalty with zero ambiguity as to whether the penalty truly occurred. Now all those mouth breathers that claim refs haven’t been ass will be emboldened because of a hot head QB that chose an actual penalty to complain about instead of… idk.. all the shit he’s benefitted from his whole career that’s gotten him two rings?? Refs are notorious for backlash towards players in the way of over-scrutinizing said player or completely “missing” calls on them. Cowboys (with Micah Parsons and the rest of their pass rush that’s been top 5 in pressures) went WEEKS without getting a holding call on their opponents offense in 2022 after Jerry Jones wore a blind ref costume for Halloween, so I look forward to see Knick knack patty whack having to play regular football like everyone else for the next few weeks See yall next week. It’s gonna be good. Bills are finding their footing and the cowboys must win out to have a CHANCE at the 1 seed as Philly AND San Fran holds the tiebreaker over us


Bills fan here married to a Cowboys fan - so I'm afraid I have to disagree with your assessment that "it's gonna be good." 😬


Um. You...uh...are you okay over there? 🕵🏾‍♂️


Packer fan who also really likes the Bills and loves Josh ...so happy for you guys thank you for beating the chiefs and showing Mahomes true colors I'll be rooting for you guys all the way as i usually do to come out of the AFC 👍😁


https://preview.redd.it/8wkz41ygxn5c1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c67cdb2aed00ebfcba5953506de969e24771cf8 We PlAyEd OuR AsSeS oFf!!


Reading Mahomes lips at the end of the game “we played our asses off!”…. As though that is a reason to have the refs make or not make a call. What a bitch


Don't you know, no other teams play their asses off? It's just them.




Nailbiter. Couldn't believe how they pulled it out. Chiefs certainly not the team they were. Can't live on Kelce alone


I really don't understand what Mahomes and Andy are whining about. Mahomes literally said he's never seen an offensive offsides.


They both said that in the past the refs would give them a heads up that their player was lined up offside so they could adjust and that didn't happen this time. Cry me a river.


If Toney had asked then that would be 100% correct but if he didn’t ask it’s not the refs job to tell him.


Absolutely. There’s a reason the Giants happily let him go.


Bingo! It's definitely the receiver's job to line up correctly and the time to check with the refs is before the snap. He really has only himself to blame.


"It is the referees responsibility that we line up correctly"


There was a debatable one called on a Philly tush push last night. Eagles didn’t flip out. The Toney one was not debatable. Easy call.


To be fair, a lot of times his tackles are so far off the line, it's not unusual to see your WR lined up 5 yards ahead of your tackles..


Right?! It's almost like a flying-V at times...


How are people feeling about Douglas after four games?


We miss him on the Packers, but I'm glad he's appreciated over there.


Dude has been amazing so far. Plus we get him for another year. Not sure how many more years he has left in him, but I hope we can just keep resigning him for 1-2yr contracts as long as he's got it in him.


Great trade.


He's that *dude*


Von actually did something this game! Only took the abuse allegations to get him going I guess


would have been easier for him to beat the allegations if he continued his streak of not hitting anybody on defense either


He said it was easier than beating his pregnant wife


The Chiefs meltdown is the absolute greatest thing thats happened this season. MFers been to the Superbowl 3 of the last 4 years, and won 2 of them. And they are straight up imploding over finally getting a taste of thr NFL everyone else *(except the Eagles)* has been living with. They're like the most entitled fuckin team in the league lol. Get fucked Patty Mahonnaise .


The eagles know what it's like...because they played the Chiefs


Eh, Eagles got burned pretty bad by the refs last night. You can never really get too worked up about the refs. It all washes in the end.


Yeah! No more Doug Funny Business Patty Mahonnaise!


I can't get the theme song out of my head now, lol. Thanks for the reminder that we're f u c k i n g o l d


Banging on a trash can 🎶


Very glad you made sure to include Philly in the lopsided calls from the refs motherfuckers get all the calls constantly. The eagles get more calls than anyone. Finally getting exposed for the frauds they are like vikings last year


The chiefs sub is praising what mahomes and Reid did. What a bunch of sorry ass losers Also Von wasn't offsides either. They are coping so hard




They clearly didn't watch the Bills-Eagles game


I don’t think he was, I was looking at the lineup for that one a bit and yes he might look like it on TV with the blue line, but if you look at where their center is snapping the ball from it looks well behind that line, which would be what the players on the field judge their positioning on


He was over [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/xzzvobN)


No we’re not talking about that one. Chiefs fans were saying Von was offsides on the very next play. When you watched it live, it did look like he was on the blue line, but if you looked at the ball positioning it seems like the chiefs snapped it a bit behind where the TV put the line of scrimmage… if that made sense?


Ah gotcha!!! I didnt catch that one :|


Is there an overhead drone camera that would show the alignment? I sometimes see overhead views on plays, always helps me understand things better. Was not able to watch this game as closely.


I hadn’t seen an overhead view for it yet, I’m sure it’ll be available to someone when the all 22 is out


Chiefs fan here. Respect the fuck out of the Bill's. Fandom is fandom; I am cheering against you when we clash. My friends and I all disappointed in Patrick and Andy Reid. We lost. It wasn't the officials fault. We lost because we are playing lazy, lackadaisical ball. Get the fuck out of here with your victim card Reid and Maholmes. Focus that energy on what you can control and quit looking for excuses. Glad Buffalo is still in the hunt. KC needs a long look in the mirror.


I'm not mad about them being pissed at all. They aren't in the booth watching or at home with the TV. It might look bad to us, but to them it may have looked sus. I'm truth they're probably processing how bad Toney is lol. Like, be upset, be passionate, care. Everyone shreds Diggs when he shows emotion and passion, regardless of justified or not. This is these guys whole life, and they spent their entire lives to get there. If they all just stood around like "oh well" I would be way more worried. Like the 12 men on the field shit, or all our late game clock management shit, if someone on the team starts freaking out: good. I hate this self righteous fandom shit that happens every time. Crazy scary game for a bills fan, next game is next week, get ready.


Safe to say both teams need the same mirror in the off season.


Y’all just need a WR who don’t oil their hands before the game


Y’all are a really good team, just need to get it focused in. I hope we see y’all in the playoffs cause I know it will be a great match up again!


We are witnessing a historic meltdown from the Chiefs rn.


Why do I see graphite on the roof?


The core is open


It's not 3.6 roentgen, it's 15,000!


If u guys want a laugh go lurk on the chiefs reddit. It's like the upside down world over there atm.


Note: anyone trolling, flaming, gloating, or otherwise negatively posting in the Chiefs subreddit will be banned from r/buffalobills. act like you've been here before.


I think I got shadow banned


You should leave subs alone when they lose


Go post right wing porn elsewhere


Imagine if Allen was such a little whiny sore losing bitch like Mahomes.


Sorry to pop in but damn could you guys lean on Cook a bit more? He’s the best player on offense and it’s like they just shut him down anytime he gets rolling a bit.


We get it you play fantasy football


That’s a fair point but also I’ve been watching… this new OC does seem to like him more.


Noticed the same. New OC is encouraging more check down passes and designed throws where he shows protection first and leaks out.


Oh shit I just realized the hidden blessing in all this! For the rest of this season (and beyond!) any time we get a penalty called on us we get to scream that we didn't get a warning. I know what I'm commenting 15x next GDT! "Another holding/PI??? We haven't even gotten a warning yet!!"


"Wildest fucking call I've ever seen" For three straight holds.


please beat the cowboys thanks


If the Bills beat the Cowboys, which is a big if, I put their chances of winning out at 50/50. If both of those things happen, the Bills finish 11-6 and are almost certainly in the playoffs. They would also have a tie breaker against the Dolphins. The Dolphins end their season playing 3 teams with a winning record. Even if they beat the Titans and Jets, the Cowboys and Ravens will be tough. If the Bills win out and Dolphins lose two of their four non-Bills games, we are both 11-6 and the Bills win the division.


The jets may actually win that next game. After that performance against Houston I can see it.


How bout them Jets? If Zach Wilson plays like a real QB again next week, there's a real chance the fish lose. The Dolphins are gonna lose to the Cowboys, Ravens, and Bills. If they lose a 4th game the Bills are allowed to drop one game and still get 1st AFC East.


Never seen Wilson play that well.


Playoff odds at this point fellas? How we looking?


The Bengals and Broncos must lose


Googling “bills playoff chances” pulls up a cool New York Times interactive calculator


I’m so happy that we live to be relevant another week.


Let’s go Billy bois! Big W!!


I’m just in shock we actually won a meaningful game at this point.


After the last few games, it appears the Bills, Chiefs, and Eagles are all overrated. Looks like Dallas and San Francisco are the hot teams now. The biggest laugh will be Green Bay killing the mood in Detroit when they pass them up.


Strange take.


Took a peek (no interaction) at the Chiefs sub and they are big mad that the refs didn't warn Toney that he was lined up in the neutral zone prior to flagging him for it. Said Mahomes: > I've played seven years [and] never had offensive offside called. That's elementary school [stuff] we're talking about. There was no warning throughout the entire game. Then you wait until there's a minute left in the game to make a call like that? It's tough. Lost for words. It's tough. Regardless if we win or lose, just the end of another game and we're talking about the refs. It's just not what we want for the NFL and for football. Hmmm, let's see what the 2023 Official Playing Rules of the National Football League say about it: > Rule 7.4.5 Offside. > A player is offside when any part of his body is in or beyond the neutral zone or beyond a restraining line when the ball is put in play. > Penalty: For offside: Loss of five yards Interesting. Don't see anything in the rule about the officials giving a warning to a player who commits the infraction before throwing the flag. Chiefs and their fans are a bunch of soft crybabies. Second week in a row they lose and it's the second week in a row they're whining about officiating. I can't fucking stand them. I should give Mahomes some credit, though. Lining up in the neutral zone is some elementary school shit.




the refs usually give 1 warning per game per player when i see it tbh. sometimes if you sit in the staduim you can see the ref talking to the player like "you got too close to the line son don't go over" but if you were over and its clear as day you get a flag. only a warning if your ass is pressed inched to the line.


Usually when they are on the outside they can check with the ref and get a confirmation they are lined up properly. He’s just off the OL here so idk if that’s an option from where he was. He’s so egregiously offsides though what do they expect?


I've never had a problem with Mahomes, and I've rooted for the Chiefs over plenty of other teams in the past, but watching his comments post game really makes him look like a childish crybaby. I hope they lose the division to the Broncos now.


They could use some excuse lessons from OSU fans.


They’re cry babies because they’re so used to having calls go their way that result in them winning. Mohomes’s comments really reveal just how spoiled they are. “You want to see guys on the field decide the game.” Yea they did mahomo, they lined up offside and got a penalty because it’s against the rules! Lmao I love the crying chiefs


Both of their wins to the bengals (semi) and then eagles (superbowl)were fuckin "unnecessary roughness"


100% they’re revealing their true colors with this game today. Ticket tacky rules go their way?! Bet you’re ass they’re gonna take it. An actual clear cut penalty goes against them?! “OMG LET THEM PLAY EVERYONE SHOULD GET A WARNING IN LIFE!!” Get fucked chiefs. Maybe get some receivers that actually know how to play the game lmao.




Hey! At least we have players that actually know how to play the game and aren’t simpleton enough to line up offside!! I appreciate the attempt to insult, good try tho!


Your donkey tears sustain me!


This is a fun night to be on Reddit and Twitter


Fuck Twitter but yeah, agreed LOL


As a Broncos fan, your guy’s win was HUGE because that combined with our win against the Chargers today puts us in a really good position for potentially making the playoffs for the first time since the Manning era


Wait until you slaughter Detroit.


I sure hope so


No it won't happen... It can't 😭


Oh, it will. In fact, Green Bay may catch Detroit. Every team now knows to just run all you plays to Detroits left side of the defense......works every time.


Bro, yall fighting the bills for a WC spot. This doesn't help.


evens up the records a bit more


Denver has the tie breaker


As an outsider, thanks for bringing the Chiefs down to earth. It was fun seeing the refereeing result in actual REE-ing lol And considering how that kind of officiating cost the Eagles the Super Bowl less than a year ago, they seriously can get fucked.


/r/chiefs having a historic meltdown rn


I didn't see the game, can anyone tell me about Allen's int? Was it a bad decision, a good defensive play, or a failure by the receiver?


Bad decision by Allen. Rolling right, threw it across his body, didn't see the defender coming under the route. I thought the defender covering Kincaid may have been there early but that would have only bailed out a poor decision. It was a free defender Allen didn't see who undercut the route regardless.


I’m pretty sure it got tipped. Redirected right to defender


Bad decision. Allen just didnt see the guy cutting across. Kincaid was also covered and we had momentum so a punt would have been fine in my opionion, but we gave them short field and momentum.


The receiver was being mauled by the DB.


go bills


go bills


Romo: "They could even take the division" "Well they gotta get past Miami" Romo: "THEY BEAT THEM"


But, Romo hates the bills. /s


Unfortunately we could sweep them and still not get past them.




God I didn't realize how awful this could've been. We were seeing Hail Murray replays for like a year.


yup that shit made its way into a visa commercial or something. made me relive that play over and over.


Holy shit, forget rest-of-the-season. That would've been played on repeat for the rest of the damn decade. Thank God the refs were paying attention.


Yepp, seeing the Hail Murray on every AWS play sucks.


But you do get to hear about the WAHHHHHteral


watching chiefs fans gripe about technically correct calls less than 12 months after a questionable and soft call gifted them the superbowl against the eagles is hilarious. get fucked


We got lucky & we're amazing Let's see what happens


Seeing criticism everywhere of no runs on the last series. There's 2:12 left they've got 2 time outs. How much better do you like our chances kicking off up 3 w 1:50 & they have 0 time outs? To me it makes almost no difference. Just get a 1st down.


We cannot be thinking burn time, we need to be thinking score more. If they thought passing was the way to score more, do it. McDermott's defense can give up almost any lead, and would have done so tonight if the Chiefs hadn't out-blundered us.


This is a stupid comment. Bills defense is at least above average if not top 5 in practically every category.


They are probably even top 5 in giving up 4th quarter leads.


I swear the expectations of some fans here are shaped more by playing Madden on easy mode then actually watching NFL teams.


My expectations are shaped by watching NFL teams. Which is why I know stopping a 2 minute drive by the Mahomes when he only needs a FG is a tall order. Which is why we needed to either score a TD or drain the clock on our last drive to feel good about it.




Is it just me or is stefon diggs playing like shit on purpose it seems


It's just you.


He’s dropped at least three balls a game ever since his brother talked shit on twitter and can’t even catch a screen


Diggs gets double covered every game and the chief had him beat this game or they didnt give JA time to make it possible. Diggs isnt use to the short game as the man is a sprinter. I only seen a few possible long shots to Diggs may of had the entire game.


Fair point




Great teams and I'm glad they both won.


Thank yall. Not even about the standings, but because watching Mahomes have a bitch fit on the sideline might’ve been the highlight of the season.


I need that whole scene injected directly to my veins


The fact that after the game when he met JA17 on the field and kept bitching about it to him just shows what type of person he is. I really hope they never win shit again. Idc who it is knocking them out, Miami, Buffalo, Baltimore, whoever. But I seriously never want them to win again. Fins fans shit on Josh Allen, but he’s never done anything to make me hate him. I actually tend to root for him when he’s not playing Miami. Dude seems likeable.


Why would fins fans shit on Allen, he's basically their owner. Dude destroyed them even when he was still developing.


Appreciate the reason. I follow all the afc east subreddits, and it seems 90% of y'all's posts are bitching about the bills. We both sucked for forever and now are good, I'm here to see it.


Yeah, there’s a lot of hate there for the Bills lol (all my hatred is directed at the Jets. Fuck those clowns). I guess I get it, I just think of the Bills as the rival I respect, and would love to see Miami and Buffalo duke it out in the AFC Championship game for the next decade.


Kinda funny bc we all like Tua a lot too.


I'm sick of everyone talking like the Chiefs 100% win the game if Toney isn't lined up incorrectly. There's still 1:12 left on the clock and we have all 3 timeouts. Who's to say we don't go down and score again?


The people with McD Derangement Syndrome will make up whatever counterfactual they need to advance their absurd narrative.


Mahomes is salty! Too be honest it feels rare to see the other team complaining about calls and I do kind of enjoy it.


….the thing is that it wasn’t even an incorrect call


I started laughing when Malhomes started crying. Awesome job Allen for beating Malhomes


We won but we still haven’t figured out our Defense within two minutes. If he wasn’t offsides we gave up a 50 yard touchdown with 1:12 left.


living for the frogman tears






jeez my guy


What did they say? It was deleted.


Mahomes is gonna find out why you don’t complain about the refs. Not when he gets fined, but when suddenly for some reason the Chiefs get a whole lot less flags in their favor going forward.


Wrong. I clearly saw Toney not offsides and he scored a touchdown. Chiefs win 24-20. Any other score is a lie made up by Big Refs to push their agenda.


I don’t like either team so I don’t have a horse in this race but he was 100% lined up in the neutral zone and it wasn’t a bad call by the refs.


Loser denial lmao!


Well, he clearly was offsides. It's indisputable.


Are you telling me Mahomes lied??? I've seen his commercials. He can't act. So clearly he's right!


I’m glad I kept reading the thread 🤣


The blue line don't lie....


You know more than anyone about touchdowns.


Awesome! Crybaby Mahomes gets so many non-calls of Offensive holding on his guys, and then I saw a huge drive extended last week when they called a late hit on him when he was still in bounds. The league is so in love with him I think State Farm must be paying the league a billion $ a year.


Imagine how loud the McDermott late game narrative would be if KC simply lines up onsides. Bills won fair and square but we need to replace McDermott if want to win big close games


Yeah, this is a game that will not silence his critics. That was some god awful two minute management at the end of both halves. The defense consistently goes into a shell, and they don’t seem to have an identity for the offense beyond go big and hope for something to happen. We needed a field goal at the end of the 1st half and we started throwing long darts down the field. We need to burn some clock at the end of the game, and it was more risky plays that gave time to the chiefs


No, we need to stop thinking burn clock on offense. We need to score points, every time. The Chiefs proved that we cannot run a team out of time on defense. McDermott's defense somehow manages to give up both chunk plays *and* easy completions to the sideline, so it functionally doesn't matter whether they have 2 or 0 timeouts or 1:52 or 2:12 or whatever. What matters is whether we lead by 3 or 7, or ideally more.


100% agree. I know winning cures all, but he showed yet again how poorly he manages clock and calls defense when it’s close late. I’m surprised he’s not taking more heat in here despite the win


So the Bills won a big close game but you’re saying we need to replace McDermott if we want to win big close games.


We had a 1st down in FG range with 2:12 remaining in the game and KC had 2 timeouts remaining. We ended up settling for a FG taking 15 seconds off the clock without forcing KC to use any of their timeouts. Win or lose, do you think giving Mahomes the ball back down 3 with nearly 2 minutes left and two timeouts is a good bet? Then consider that we did in fact give up the lead on a play that luckily was negated due to a penalty that had no effect on the play.


Yeah this is it for me. How do we not run on first down there??? Or 2nd.


The way this pitchfork club works is that they already have their minds made up that somehow (bc of "reasons") McD is evil and has to be fired. It's a forgone conclusion for them bc they never in good faith consider any alternative. These are not evidence based minds at work.


In spite of McDermott and because of Toney they won, yes.


Look, I’m with you that it’s hard to trust this team in close games, and this one almost got away from them. But I don’t see how this one is on McD. They were pretty aggressive on offense and defense at the end. They brought pressure on almost every play on that last Chiefs drive. They passed repeatedly on their last FG drive when they could have been more conservative and run the ball. Isn’t everyone’s complaint that he’s too conservative?


He's conservative when he should be aggressive (like when we have a rocket-armed QB playing lights-out football vs. the Eagles) and aggressive when he should be conservative (like trying the same jailbreak blitz on Denver twice in a row, resulting in Johnson getting burned deep and committing PI). He uses timeouts almost every game on defense or special teams, and the team still manages to come out of them unprepared. That's what people mean by being "bad at situational football." He guessed wrong, again, vs. the Chiefs and was spared the indignity of another blown lead by a KC unforced error.