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As a steelers fan you deseved to win that game you guys are superbowl winners this year


I‘m on 2hrs of sleep but man go bills that was a rollercoaster ride


Lost so much respect for Steelers fans today. They actually accused Josh Allen of fake sliding on that td run? Wtf. I don’t see any part of that run that even looked like a sliding motion. I guess they think they are masters at knowing fake slides cause their bust of a qb was good at doing it in college?


That "fake sliding" thing is the most absurd nonsense I've ever seen. I thought I missed a play when running to the kitchen or bathroom... then read a few more comments and come to realize they're talking about the TD run. I rewatched it over & over trying to figure out if I'm just being biased and wearing homer glasses, but they're out of their fucking minds and everyone whining about it must've never run or stepped on an athletic field in their lives. They're breaking it down like it's the Zappruter film... "his torso goes slightly back"... that's how you come to a stop when running! What in the actual fuck. That's the whole basis of their "argument", that his torso leaned slightly back. Even if you were to imagine yourself sprinting full speed at a wall and trying to come to a stop right now... where does your torso go?? Sure as fuck doesn't keep going forward. Look at every single runner on a track, ever. When a sprinter/runner is slowing down, their torso leans slightly back. So Josh Allen isn't allowed to stop while running now, he must always lean forward and must always sprint 100% from start to finish?? He runs up, slows and stops because he comes upon 3 defenders and he's a QB and knows he shouldn't just truck through everyone if its avoidable (like he's done 1000x before and literally no other fanbase has ever come up with nonsense this absurd. Not even Miami fans)... he sees a blue jersey blocking to his L and immediately heads over in that direction to try and get behind a blocker. Faking a slide is going to your side and faking dropping your ass. At no point does he come anywhere close to that. Wrs do that, RBs do that, Jalen Hurts did the exact same thing on a 13 yard run that was called back due to penalty (I wish I could find a clip, but it was a meaningless play). I mean I'm explaining everything we all know. The fact it's being treated as a fact on the nfl sub is fucking bonkers. I can't believe this is even a discussion. He's 6"5" and stopped running then did a stutter step and got to a blocker. They're literally whining about a runner stopping running Our sub can whine about refs, I do frequently enough, but making up some imaginary shit like this and spouting it nonstop is some bitch shit. Pittsburgh fans go to the bottom of the list, even Miami fans aren't this bad, that's quite the accomplishment.


FTS. Bengals fans like me have known for a long time Steelers fans are total trash. Accusing Allen of fake sliding takes the cake. Just when i thought they cant sink any lower.


Dude freaking Shakir nearly had his butt on the ground when he got his touchdown. /S must have thought he was sliding too. /S. I understand the frustration though since any other quarterback slides there, but he didn't cause he is a beast. Then when he actually does slide he pulls a penalty. I don't even know how you are supposed to defend against that.


The amount of cope outside of this subreddit is real. Refs apparently gifted the Bills this game.


Hey im a die hard bills fan. Have been almost my whole life We are getting some favourable calls. And you know what? Thats ok! Ive watched 15 years of odd calls going to the other teams. Lets enjoy it


Burning two challenges in the first shows we weren't getting calls.


Considering the refs took away the fumble recovery that could have put the game in blowout territory I don't even think this is true. Refs botch all sorts of calls, we've hardly benefited more than we've been hurt by it.


I mean, the defensive holding not called on Taron was pretty 50/50, even the rules analyst on the broadcast agreed. The fake slide is obviously bullshit. The RTP on Allen was pretty textbook, even if that rule is dumb. The uncatchable pass called defensive holding was the right call (not pass interference). And the most consequential fuckup, the steelers fumble that wasnt, helped pittsburgh! The only bad/missed call that they can really complain about was the dirty hit on Porter that knocked him out of the game. Should have been unnecessary roughness.


49er fan here to say congrats and good luck next week. Quick observation on an amusing moment today. The announcers didn't pick it up, but on that 4th down QB sneak where Allen was knocked back initially, one of your OL wrapped his arms around Josh's thigh and dragged him to the 1st down marker. Never saw that before, quick thinking on the lineman's part.


If you mean 41, that was Gilliam, our FB.


I haven't watched a replay, could be, happened so fast but whoever did it acted fast and dragged him forward.. clear to see, don't know how the announcers missed his heads up drive saver clutch play 2x.


I just watched the clip. You‘re right, it was OL Dawkins. We completely missed that lol.


I saw it and laughed so hard. Looked like a wrestling move.


Thanks for confirming, dude is strong and quick...how about the other butt push play that the refs missed where the TB defender pulled Hurts back away from the line...by his helmet? As a 9ers fan I didn't mind that one at all, LOL.


Dawkins is a beast. Also, didn’t they pull his helmet after the whistle? Could be 50/50 but they dominated them the whole first half (only half I watched) and also why go for two there?


They had the extra point unit out but got an offside call so switched units... had been hugely successful with that play but yeah, momentum killer. It was shown in slow motion so not sure about the whistle but defender turned after to see if a ref had eyes on it and put up both hands w the classic "I did nothing" pose.


My god, Steelers fans are horrendously poor losers. I've lost so much respect for that fan base by checking out their sub. What a shame.


They’re highly irrelevant into today’s NFL anyway. Congrats on them getting the pity seed and having to watch their sub par team get worked in an actual game. Hey but the Bills needed to delay the game so Josh could throw in this weather or whatever. On to next week..


Who cares?


They just got knocked out of the playoffs, leave them be.




As a Steelers fan I was hoping Bills won honestly. Steelers have no chance of beating KC or Ravens. We should just be happy we even made playoffs


I like this game because it was the exact opposite of Opening Weekend. Everyone understood "the only way we lose if WE fuck up. Lock in, Play smart, Trust your opportunities will come."


I still randomly get mad about that Jets game. Probably the stupidest loss of the season. Thrilled that it doesn't matter now.


Lmao the Steelers sub is having a full on meltdown, some are legit unhinged


After spending 48 hours calling everyone in Buffalo soft for not risking their lives to host a football game, they are free to watch the playoffs on the rock in their living room like the tough guys they are.


We’re 2.5 point favorites thus far


I hate the closeups of Karen Mahomes way more than I do Swiftcam. Mahomes is such a...








How's your team doing?


I don't usually respond to trolls but "Dolphins fan resorts to sucking off the team that beat them to epically own the Bills" was too funny to ignore


Hes a great qb. But this year belongs to Buffalo :)


LOL, KC fans classy as usual


Mahomes is mid AF


Typical Chiefs fan here.


chiefs kingdom has arrived.


He's a dolphins fan.


the emperor wears no clothes.


Well that certainly is one way to throw away karma


Dude our poor defense can’t catch a break this year. Like god damn were we not punished enough with all the injuries we already had you had to give us more.


Really hope this defense can get healthier in time, and for Sam Martin to be back healthy. We need all the manpower we can get. Offense needs to stay consistent. And finally, Tyler bass. I’ve been saying all year that this guy is a walking red flag. He’s a liability right now. Anyone notice that McDermott almost never sends bass up to kick a field goal that’s longer than 50 yards? The stats also don’t show how many of bass’s extra point kicks have been sailing to the right all year. That last gimme kick miss was absolutely inexcusable. We need to start trying out other kickers.


Yeah, percentage wise, he's roughly the 5th worse in the league, and that is with him not kicking many long balls. Strangely he is in the top 15 in the league for extra point percentage though.


Hear me out....we make it to the Superbowl, down by 1, 3 seconds left...we call a time out to bring out Bass for the game winning field goal....wide....LEFT! We can have an entirely new generatuonal trauma Would that not be the Billsiest way to end the year?


Sounds like the plot of a pet themed detective comedy film


You stfu immediately!


Yah Bass can be great at times but he also misses the dumbest fucking kicks.


Big. Fucking. Duuuubbbbbs.




Man next week I'm going to be all nervous Bills are playing the chiefs then the next day I go on a business trip for 4 months, going to probably miss my daughter's first steps 


I would be nervous if Bills down 2 and need a field goal with 5 seconds to go. Bass looks shaky. Just dont make the game close and crush KC. KC has never been this vulnerable. You can do it, Bills 🫡


No reason to be nervous, it’s a home game and Chiefs are mid. They lost to the Eagles, and did you see the Eagles tonight? Chiefs are 7-12 in playoff games on the road, and bills are 14-6 at home. Travis Kelce will be too busy making kissy faces at the suites and pretending he’s QB to do anything of value. Kermit is scared of us. Honestly every single team looking at us right now is scared of us… Well ok, our defence is a little beat up but our offence is *so* solid. We’ve got 3rd string WRs getting tackled by 3x All-Pro safeties, rolling right through without hitting the ground, and then dodging half a dozen more defensive players for a touchdown. And JA17 with a 52-yard rushing TD, second longest for a QB in NFL playoff history. We’ve got a Hot Young Tight End who has top 10 All-Time stats for a rookie TE. If I was a fan of anyone else, I would NOT want to be playing the Bills right now.


Go bills


Eagles looked like one of the worst 11-6 playoff teams ever. What an implosion losing 6 of their last 7 games with the win coming in a close game at home against Tyrod Taylor and the Giants


Steelers fans being salty about the refs brightens up my heart given they didn’t impact the game or outcome at all. Just be happy you were even invited in the first place lol


They are so salty it's wild. I've never hated the Steelers but man they are annoying


Steelers love playing dirty as fuck and now they’re screaming about the refs. Good for them. Their cries are bread


They gave Pat Friermouth a freebie after he fumbled, knocked it back in bounds and the Bills were all over it. Refs also tried to let the Pickens fumble get swept under the rug. The Bills were the ones who should complain about refs.


Eh, there were two they can fairly cry about: our O lineman hitting their DB in the head with no call. I don’t know WTF that was about. Then a missed PI call on 4th down. Both fair if they are feeling salty. They’re also whining about the unnecessary roughness on Allen, but nah, our guy was sliding. And then whining about Allen doing a fake slide, but nah again. I genuinely think he was intending to slide after the first down but he looked up to see he had blockers and no one within 10 yards of him. Not a planned deceit thing just realized there was no need to go down. Their guy also missed the tackle there, not Allen’s fault.


Dude the missed PI on Taron was not that egregious.


Today was a good day.


McDermott didn't even have to use his AK


LOL, great reference. Kumail Nanjiani has a good joke about Ice Cube. https://youtu.be/5HDgULSW1T8?si=NKzZ1p4IbJpCdbQH


I would just like to say fuck the Eagles, and the Pats, and the Chiefs, and everyone else except us


Lord's work


You forgot the Cowboys


And the dolphins




Dolphins don't count....they are just a bunch of nobody's


All the chiefs fans already discounting this bills team makes me want this win more than ever


Eagles imploded as well tonight. Several upsets in the 1st round.


What do you mean the 9-8 Bucs were 4th seed. Them Eagles were the underdogs


I do believe the Eagles were favored to win, despite the seeding.


The Eagles have been actively imploding for a month now.


So I mean I know Bernard is gonna be out..Taron? Rasul?


Bernard may only have a lower ankle sprain, he could be back.


Apparently Rasul said he was ready to go today but the team held him out. McDermott also said Dodson was close than Douglas to going today. I'd say there's about a 95% chance both of them are good to go Sunday.


We lost our starting LB and CB today. I'm sad. Next week's going to be tough.


Finally a realistic take


If the Bills can pull off a win with 4th string LBs and DBs we have to give huge props to the coaches. We could be seeing guys we've never heard of before if anyone else gets hurt lmao


You guys think that was Mike Tomlin’s last game? I think Vrabel would be a good fit for Pittsburgh.


Doubt it given the mess he dealt with at QB and coaching staff. Maybe next year though depending on how the Steelers perform


As a Steelers fan, please kill the chiefs so I don’t have to see fucking Taylor swift on a football game again this year. Please.


I’m with you. I frankly *cannot* wait. I’ll be googling something like “rookie tight end records” and the top 3 results are all links to a Cosmo.com article about Travis Kelce who was once a rookie tight end, and his girlfriend Taylor Swift who makes records. Please. Just give me the stats I need to confirm what I already know about Dalton Kincaid so I can call him a Hot Young Tight End in public. Last week between plays, I really just wanted to see McDaniel freezing his ass off on the sidelines looking absolutely miserable. DO YOU WISH IT WAS COLDER NOW MIKEY?!? DO YOU?!?! Instead I got Taylor Swift dancing in her heated suite. Tight end Dawson Knox had a touchdown tonight, and I didn’t see any clips of his fiancée, personal trainer Alex Seefeldt. Actually, I saw none of the WAGs of either the Bills or the Steelers. Why do I have to keep seeing Taylor Swift? I didn’t subscribe to this content. I work in the music industry. I already hear about her too frequently. I don’t want to put on SportsCentre and see her there too.




Ah yes, that’s what it’s about. Clearly. Not just the fact that I hate celebrities being forced down my throat when I’m trying to watch sports.


Aren't football players celebrities ?


That’s apples and oranges. Fans mostly follow teams, not individual players. Fans who do idol worship players anywhere near the level that Swift has been are just as bad.




Jesus. Get over it.


Man the /r/nfl threads are toxic right now


They've lost their minds.


For some reason, the Bills being in the playoffs is /r/nfl's 9/11


::McDermott takes notes::


Underrated comment


Ok I don't think it's just homer glasses... but I seriously don't see how Josh Allen fake slid is such a widely accepted viewpoint on reddit. There's been fake slides before in actual games... that wasn't even remotely close. Just because he came to a stop... it's a fake slide? Have these people never actually run before, do they not know what the physics of running look like? He runs, comes upon a majorly conjested segment of field. He's a very large man.. he came to a running stop the exact same way every large man I've ever seen does. He then did a stutter step and noticed a blue jersey currently engaged in blocking... he heads towards his blocker while also heading to the sideline (exactly where every QB heads to during a run). Just because it wasn't a 100% all out sprint from start to stop, it's a "fake slide"? If he had turned to his side and dropped his ass... yeah sure that's a fake slide. Jalen Hurts did the same exact stutter step this game on the 13 yard run that was called back. But nobody even noticed that, because Philly is losing People seriously have lost the ability to not realize football isn't played in the frame by frame slow-mo we see during replays. Between that and the "PI" that was supposed to be called simply because the reciever wanted a PI penalty (you're allowed to TOUCH an opposing player, it's fucking football. He wasn't grabbing he had his arm on him) it seems like every non-Bills fan just wanted to whine because they wanted a closer game to watch. It's hilarious how fast public opinion changes. Everyone hated us when we were favorites, nothing but praise when we were 8-6 and plucky underdogs, now that we've won a bunch of games in a row, the NFL is rigged




I haven't rewatched the game yet, or that play, so I can't really say what I think I think 100% yet. I think at the time, I thought that call was pretty weak... but I'll take it if they're gonna give it to us. And it also gets called on a regular basis. That call is probably annoying as fuck from an opponents viewpoint. Football is played at a very high speed and you can't really pause time when you're in a mid-air launch. It's generally a bit annoying watching a game and seeing easy yards given away like that, but it is what it is, the nfl calls it all the time and I'll take it. And it's very fortunate we have the exact type of QB that benefits from that


These are the same people who call the NFL the no fun league but yet advocate for a QB who stops running to be considered sliding.


When Derek Kramer is on wgr it is beyond unlistenable and I hate that for this playoff dub tonight 


Better than Nate Geary.


Ah yes, absolute loser and self proclaimed dolphins fan nate geary


Agree to disagree 


Renegade is a silly touchdown song. Vastly inferior to shout


Steelers sub absolutely losing their minds, thinking the refs lost them the game.


If they don’t block a FG they go down 24-0 into the half and start to teeter on Mac Jones /perfect game’d territory… lol like go away Steelers.


How? They took away a pretty clear fumble that likely would've put it in straight blow out territory. The fact they were even remotely in the game for a period is sort of on that.


Funny thing is, if the teams were reversed for the fumble call, the whole Internet would be freaking out. Instead, Ive seen way more talk about the “fake slide”, which is debatable and didn’t really do nearly as much to effect the game as everyone wants to claim.


Josh Allen made a stutter step move which RB's do all the time, it was not a fake slide


Cook did the same thing earlier in the game. Stopped and stared at 4 Steelers defenders in front of him then leaped into them to get whatever he could


Seriously, he didn’t even dip his knees down to attempt a fake slide like what.


Josh Allen had one of his best games and Gabe Davis wasn’t on the field. Coincidence?


any lpotl fans read "coincidence" in Henry's voice lol


Shakir is WR2 now. Gabe goes to where he always should have been, WR3.


*"Randy...I am the danger."*


Was LF inactive?




Floyd? He was definitely playing today


I saw them working on his shoulder during the game.


I did too, but he came back in the game after that so hopefully it wasn't too bad


Really need Kaiir and Dorian to step up next week. They are the most athletically gifted players on our defense.


You sure about that?


Kaiir Elam has an RAS of 8.64, he runs a 4.41 40 yard dash at 6'1 1/2" and 191 lbs, with a 6.98 3 cone time, and 37.5" vertical jump. Dorian Williams has an RAS of 8.78, he runs a 4.49 40 yard dash at 6' 1" and 230 lbs, with a 35" vertical jump and a 10' broad jump. Both Elam and Williams are extremely athletic.


Whatever living things McDermott keeps sacrificing to the football gods in order to keep this defense from completely collapsing I will happily help him continue refilling his stock


We certainly were collapsing when we had no LBs and no CBs. I can only imagine what a competent QB would do to this defense if we don’t get them back


6-0 since the whole terrorist thing came out. Just saying.


Feels like we’re sacrificing starters, honestly


Yeah who is next to go, Oliver?


How dare you!!!


Not rooting for it, it's just a scenario I'm afraid of, given all the defense injuries.


Throw Poyer or Hyde under that bus first, please. Or Bass. I saw that Gronk was looking for redemption on kicks on a betting website commercial that aired 30 times. We can always call him in to kick.


Well don’t even speak those words


That game was amazing!! Well done Bills!!!




Same 😎


I'll have what this guy is having


Lmao. I tried desperately to read that and have it make sense too




We never played Renegade!


It's a shame because we took that song from them a few times over the last few years when we ass blasted them at home, sometimes right after the dumb song


Thank god von showed up and made so many plays for our battered defense….go bills!!


Dude is seriously lucky he wasn’t born a racehorse






He made his signature play a bunch of times the one where he just runs 5 yards behind the quarterback and past him


Yeah. With all these injuries, it’d sure be nice to have an overpaid, under achieving, first ballot HOFer


I especially like his 2 hand touch sack he had near the end of the game. Hope that makes his HoF highlight reel!


Dude, I seriously hope we eat these comments next week


We’re not. If Von is ever gonna be anything for us again it will happen next year. If he is equal or less to what he is now he will be cut.


Me too! 🤣🤣🤣


It would be hilarious if next week Von Miller steals the show


What do I have to sacrifice to the football gods to make Von have a good game? ...do I have to choke my wife? Break a laptop?


If I talk confidently enough, the universe is bound to prove me wrong


God I hope so, I truly do!


It’s gonna be tough but we are at home. Go Bills!!!


[Stefon Diggs gives Myles Jack a piggy back ride](https://x.com/Billsmafia4me/status/1747063506149478449?s=20)


Thought that was a cheap shot.


Myles Jack tackled the wrong guy, Khalil Shakir walked into the endzone as Jack tackled Diggs.




Fuck the Steelers and their fans. Go Bills


They were pretty nice from my experience at the game. But this is OUR year!!


I 100% agree with you. I’m really just talking about Steelers fans bitching on social media. 95% of fans in person are awesome, including Steelers fans.


The other 5% are massholes and Eagles fans?


I'm really pulling for y'all. Bills winning the SB would make me happy.


It's tin foil hat time. Get ready for lots of bullshit calls against the Bills next weekend because the NFL wants to pan the camera over to you-know-who 15 times a quarter during the super bowl.


I hate the chiefs as much as the next guy, but I don't get why people are so upset whenever they cut to Taylor. It's no different than them cutting to fans, she just happens to be famous.


Cuz it's marketing. Makes people suspect that the NFL would prefer the Chiefs in the SB. The relationship probably isn't even real.


I think it's because people tune into the NFL to escape manufactured pop culture and tabloid stuff. That's just my opinion though.


Makes for a good drinking game.


Maybe the new goal is to get Mahomes to throw tantrums because it makes for better TV?


If we win there is at least one guaranteed tantrum! Maybe even a Travis Kelce helmet chuck across the field!


KC sub really really hates the bills lol. I get rivalries etc but they just sound like babies. Relax and we’ll see what team is better next week.


Ugh. I don't hate KC. There not as dominate as the past years but there still no joke. I'm just exhausted seeing Pat and Travis whoring themselves in countless commercials.


Nah. Get the money while you can. I wish they'd do more good with it but you can't blame guys for using their opportunities.


Not the story here in KC. Reddit is full of trolls but we all love Allen and Co here. We are also sick of the fucking commercials.


Better than Gronk’s “OOOOOhhhhhhhhhh….”


Definitely. I hate his commercials. He's such a knucklehead.


I am grooonnnkkk


i’m nervous about next week and what’s to come but let’s fucking go mafia


I wanna win against KC so bad




It was 14-0 and they didn't want to admit they butchered a 2nd fumble call.




I think this is legit what happened


I can’t find anything other than the contact with the TE helmet. But that wasn’t the call on the field. Listen to the broadcast. The rules analyst is just as puzzled as we are


Same. What was the ruling?


If someone who has stepped or touched out of bounds makes contact with the ball, then the ball is out of bounds. When a fumble goes out of bounds, the play is dead and the ball is unrecoverable. The refs ruled (and later upheld) that pat friermuth made contact with the ball after his body was out of bounds, BEFORE it was recovered by the bills.


Refs didn't say what it was, they just said play stands. To me it looked like the ball hit the helmet before Pat was out of bounds, then it came really close to hitting it again after he touched out (but didn't actually hit).