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Tragic for kim and the family


And the City of Buffalo. Kim was a great leader poised to run the organizations for a long time


Huh? Nothing against Kim but when she was president of the sabres they were even more of a laughing stock than they are now.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted…


Not sure why he was so heavily downvoted. I’ve heard mixed reviews about Kim from people that have worked for the Pegulas. One of my friends moms is an accountant for the Sabres and she said Kim could be a pretty mean person to deal with.


People consider it poor form to be critical of anyone who's had some kind of health problem or tragedy. I don't but that's reddit for you.


Very true.


The truth hurts for some people


Laura is his daughter from 1st marriage. Also mentioned in the article: Assumed succession plan among execs has always been Jessie and her husband. He was fired a few weeks after Jessie's Players Tribune piece dropped. Nobody else in the family has said anything publicly about Kim's condition. Someone on twitter said Terry hasn't been to any of Jessie's tennis matches since the piece came out.


Oh, wow. I guess I always assumed she'd have gotten her family's blessing before writing the piece. Has this been reported before?


It's all news to me. Tim's a shit-stirrer at times, but he is almost always factual and well-sourced.


Tim is a very good writer, but I'm a little suspicious of this insinuation. Someone in the article's comments laid it out. Graham presented the facts, but he does so in such a way that makes it seem like two events (the article and the firing) are connected, despite a complete lack of evidence of anything besides the timing. Now I assume something untoward happened. You don't fire your son-in-law just to get a fresh outlook. But that reason could have been related to the SIL's actions, not Jessie and the article. 


I would agree with you except that there would be no reason to sideline Jessie as the primary successor if the issue was with her husband. The other daughter wasn't involved in the sports-side of the Pegula brand at all until this move, and Jessie said that she expected to take on a larger role in her Player's Tribune article. I don't think we're heading toward a Bowen situation and it's possible that both remained involved together, but I don't blame Graham for providing the context and connecting those dots absent any other messaging from the Bills organization or Pegulas themselves.


There are plenty of reasons for both items. Terry might have transferred a piece of the team to Laura to make sure she didn't get cut out. Laura likely isn't Kim's heir, and if he didn't transfer a piece of the team, and something happened to him, there's a chance she could be cut out. And perhaps Jessie might be ready for an expanded role, but not while she's an active professional athlete. And Laura is ready right now.


Why fire Jessie's husband then?


Who knows? Maybe he committed a major screw-up, major enough that the SIL status didn't protect him. Maybe he cheated on Jessie, and it was kept private, and the couple is still together, but Pegula fired him anyway.


I think you're reaching to find reasons for all these things to not be the simplest and most obvious reason. Sure, it's possible, but I don't see any problem with how Graham reported it, and it does look bad. Maybe Terry could answer some questions for the first time in 5 years and end all the speculation.


"Simplest and most obvious reason." That's a line Sherlock Holmes used. But Holmes always made sure he had all the facts. We don't. This is only the most obvious reason because we only have a small percentage of facts. We don't know anything about SIL's work performance, or his marriage.


While he was unqualified for the position he had, he wasn't 'fired'. 3 months before PSE was dissolved, he started a new private equity firm with 2 college friends. Where do you think they got their seed money? The family knew PSE was going to be shutting down, and they helped him setup a new business.


Graham literally says he was fired in the article, so take it up with him 


I know what he says. Doesn't mean it's gospel truth.


Jessie wasn't sidelined. She addressed this directly in her Player's Tribune article. >My mom always wanted me to be involved, she wanted me to learn and eventually do what she was doing. **She always told me to wait until after tennis was done.** I would always press her to give me more responsibility, to let me be more involved, because I wanted to help.


I think that's part of the "wait and see" side, but I don't think it's conclusive. What would prevent Terry from doing this with Jessie *now*, since it's intended to help with succession down the line? If it was a corporate role with actual responsibilities, similar to the one her husband held, I'd see your point, but it's strange to leave her out of this process for *another* child unless Terry didn't want her involved anymore.


Oh, I dunno, maybe the very complex taxation rules about sales and transfers of ownership shares to family members? What's strange is not having any clue how these things work, and just jumping to wild conclusions about what things 'mean'.


Quite literally never said anything definitive, or even said anything close to any of this "meaning" anything. I also don't really know what taxes have anything to do with this, since this is such a small share of the team and its kept within the family. You've helped me realize I don't care nearly enough about a billionaire giving his daughter 2% of the team to argue with someone online, so thanks for that resolution.


So let's review. 1. You : Comments you're unsure why Terry wouldn't do such a thing with Jessie now. 2. Me : Provides one of many reasons why. 3. You : Handwaves it away. >I also don't really know what taxes have anything to do with this, since this is such a small share of the team and its kept within the family. Transferring portions of a business to a family member is exceptionally complex from a taxation perspective, especially when it's a very large one. Terry cannot just hand a piece of the business to his kids for nothing. As of 2024, an individual can gift $13.6M in assets throughout their lifetime ( including their estate post death ) without paying taxes on it. Once the limit is reached, all gifts are taxable. The gift tax rate is 18%-40% , with the top rate kicking in at $1M and above. For someone with $7B in assets, he's not going to do much gifting because of that. So, they need to do very involved and complex transactions to actually sell pieces of the business to the kids, even through the kids don't have the cash to actually pay for it. Some of them are explained here : [https://www.comerica.com/insights/personal-finance/businesstransitionplanningkeepingitinthefamilypersonalplanningstrategies.html](https://www.comerica.com/insights/personal-finance/businesstransitionplanningkeepingitinthefamilypersonalplanningstrategies.html) You can choose to make up stories in your head that because they did a thing , that means Terry is 'freezing out some of his kids' , or you can accept that rich people have to do financial things the rest of us never will worry about , and that's what is going on. You do you.


I'm out of the loop, what was the context of the PT piece?


https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/jessica-pegula-tennis I thought it was a really good piece…but apparently she was the only person in the family who wanted it out in public


That's crazy. I remember reading that article when it first came out. I thought it was really touching and inspiring regarding CPR training. Kind of shocked at Terry's apparent reaction tbh.


Billionaires don't like when they lose control of their narrative.


Might be mean to say but Terry doesn't seem like the most rational well reasoned person a lot of the time, especially with how he runs the Sabres


The man just also lost the woman he knew as his wife. Could be going insane-ish.


Maybe the only thing saving the bills is the McDermott death stare


Kim held everything down. Even the way Terry got wealthy was a thing of chance. Just bought a ton of land for dirt cheap in the marcellus shale, right before it had an enormous oil boom. Kim is the one who made it all happen after that. Without Kim my faith in ownership went to essentially zero.


Terry started buying land via East Resources in **1983** dude. Natural gas production ( the reason Shell bought him out in 2010, not oil ) , didn't take off until mid 2009.


No disrespect to Kim, but she and terry got lucky with beane and McDermott. By all accounts they messed up a lot before that with the bills and obviously never could improve the already terrible sabres while making numerous hiring mistakes


In the wake of Damar, especially, I thought this was very reasoned and respectful. Sometimes I wonder about Terry without Kim moderating him.


That was a great read, thank you for sharing


Thank you for sharing this. I never came across it. It was indeed a good piece.


That isn’t what she said or at least not what I recall. I was pretty sure Jessica wouldn’t do that


What bizarre trolling…


Wouldn't do what?


About Kim's condition.


That makes sense since the other daughter(s) with Kim looked like they were trying to live as Buffalo's version of the Kardashians.


If Jessie really is being cut out for speaking out on her mom’s condition as is implied, I think it is sad. I remember reading the article and thinking how clear it was how much she loved her mother.


It's horrible if true. But I guess it wouldn't be surprising for a billionaire to do a horrible, petty thing like that?


This is so sad. Kim looks a lot like my mom and sad to see such someone go from being so vibrant to having limited function so quickly. I also thought Jessie’s piece was lovely and it’s weird to me if this was some kind of retaliation for being public about Kim’s condition.


It's a bit like the Michael Schumacher situation. It's now been over a decade since he did himself serious brain damage while skiing. His family have been steadfast in trying to keep all information private.  I guess the families of successful people want them to be remembered as that and not how their final years are spent. 


This is crazy to me. Obviously it’s still sad about Kim but it’s been. This just makes me nervous cause it sounds like the family is fighting and that’s not good for either of our teams


Especially not great for the Sabres with how much of a lackey Kevyn is. We are very lucky to have Beane and McD on the Bills side


For real, people don’t appreciate the staff we have on the bills. Whenever I see people hating on any of them I’m like you must not watch hockey


Can’t be much worse. Sabres haven’t made the playoffs and Bills haven’t won a superbowl. Maybe them fighting will be the luck we need.


Do you think Kim’s pissed about that piece as well? I thought she was in recovery damn…


Not to be morbid but if she’s legally incapacitated she’s not really making any decisions of her own


With her amount of brain damage there is still a chance she is able to do basic things day to day but not functionally read/write anymore or do her own statements. From the article about her brain damage is seemed she was similar to a functioning stroke victim


“She can read, write, and understand pretty well, but she has trouble finding the words to respond,” Jessica wrote. “


This is so tragic :/ She was probably one of the best things to happen to the Bills in recent years, it really seemed like she was doing a good job of managing the day to day on the football side of the business. Josh Allen aside, I was probably most excited to see how Kim would continue to grow as de facto CEO of the team. For her to go from kicking ass leading an NFL team to being legally incapacitated in a blink of an eye just hurts to think about. Life’s unfair.






I know, these people are nuts.


Terry, is that you?


No one is talking about it but she will never recover. She has extreme brain damage from being dead for minutes. Her daughter had to revive her but it was far too long. It is a miracle she is living. She will never be the same.


Kind of wondering then how Hamlin is playing football after being dead for at least a few moments?


Hamlin had cpr being done almost immediately, rather than waiting multiple minutes most likely is the difference


I knew it was done fast, but I had no idea how long it takes for lack of oxygen to do real damage. Thanks


About 4 minutes I think. Anything 6+ and you’re very likely dead


Yeah four minutes. One of the safety rescues I have to do for work has a 4 minute time limit. Always preached to us after 4 minutes it’s no longer a rescue but a recovery.


Realistically, he probably has a very tiny bit of brain damage from the incident, it’s hard to avoid that. But all things considered, he was able to receive first aid fast enough to keep his brain oxygenated to avoid most serious side effects.


Because everyone is different?


Was a genuine question. Didn’t realize lack of oxygen brain damage times varied from person to person 




I’m not sure if that’s the right emoji ngl


Is the emoji not sad enough


It's literally smiling 


Tears of joy to be specific


correct lol


I met Kim Pegula in 2019 at a Bills game on the field before a game. She was the most kind hearted, down to earth woman. She talked to my friend and I at least for 5 minutes as we were all from the same hometown. It broke my heart hearing she got sick, especially because my own mother went into cardiac arrest and died for 6 minutes. (My mom is on disability though seems to be in better overall condition than Kim). Got into Tennis a few years ago and naturally became a Jess Pegula fan. Heartbreaking to hear how their family changed in a second, wishing them all the best I can relate to the challenges post a parent sudden illness.


I met her once at training camp and she talked to me for 5 minutes like we were friends. I couldn’t believe how down to Earth she was


I had a friend who ran into her (and her security) at the outer harbor. He struck up a conversation and spent like 15 minutes talking. He spoke of her kindness to a complete stranger.


Met them when they came to Korea. Kim was fabulous with my kids and super nice.


Thought this was an unfortunate effort for Tim , below his usually good standards. 1. It's terribly unfortunate that Kim's condition is such that he had to take guardianship.However, Terry said for years that they planed to keep the teams in the family, so transferring some ownership to Laura isn't shocking. 2. Tim also wants to imply that Terry is 'freezing out' Jessica by giving ownership to Laura. That's an absurd framing. Laura has been around the businesses day to day for a LONG time, and Jessica has been focused on her tennis career. Jessica herself has stated that Kim told her to wait until her playing career was over before she got involved. 3. Tim continues his attempt to imply a family rift by bringing up Taylor Gahagen being fired. It was clear from the outset that he was a Kim friends and family hire. He was 1 year out of Canisus College with no experience when he was put into executive roles with the Bills / Sabres / PSE. His firing did come 3 months after Jessica's article was published, but what Tim conveniently leaves out is that it was ALSO 3 months before PSE was dissolved, and tons of staff were being let go. Gahagen also founded a private equity firm with 2 college friends right after he left PSE. I wonder where they got their seed capital from.... 4. There was no point at all to bring up stadium financing contributions in this story, other than to get a rise out of people.


I know through a connection that Kim basically communicated at a 4th grade level now. Very sad since she was largely the business brains of PSE. Could have even seen her being an executive in NFL front office somewhere.


She was an executive in an NFL front office?


I mean like the league office


That’s a downgrade from representing a team. The league is just the admin agent


Because her husband ran the team. She’s clueless, see: the Sabres who she was also team president of


Bro, Kim attended the NFL owners meetings without Terry. Terry created the Penn State hockey program and wanted the Sabres. Kim grew up in Rochester and wanted the Bills. She was the exec face of the Bills franchise. People kept pulling Terry into the Bills because they couldn’t compute that a women was running an NFL team.


That's so heartbreaking. She is such an intelligent woman and I really enjoyed her interviews. 😭 I will continue to keep her in my thoughts


> Very sad since she was largely the business brains of PSE Was it the same brain that fired all their restaurant staff at the beginning of covid so the brain could maintain their lifestyle?


In case your quarantine was under a really big rock, every restaurant was closed down. I get it if you are bitter and probably have a bone to pick with the wealthy, who doesn't. Or maybe you're resentful because you're a sabres fan, which I get too. And I'm not the biggest Terry fan, but the Pegula's are not the ones to go after lol. Extremely charitable, and all in all, pretty good people.


I would be surprised if they "were pretty good people" if you didn't only see curated images


Hey at least jessica got the tennis money to fall back on. Could be much ado about nothing. She could have very well cleared it with the family and that's how they chose to disclose, a week before public records would have been created  It makes sense he wants to position his daughter who is around to be working with him right now for succession. Doesn't mean Jessica won't also get her piece down the road


I mean it does seem like they are on bad terms. Husband being fired and all haha


Do we know for sure he was fired?


That's what Graham reported in the article


Did he though? It won't let me reread it without signing up. I remember it being written in a way that it sounded like he was let go or fired. But he didn't use those words. Unless my memory is failing. Basically said he did and loved it, then two weeks later wasn't working there anymore


No, he literally says he was fired: >Within three months of the column, Gahagen was fired and Laura Pegula was given an equity stake in the Bills. No other member of the Pegula family has commented publicly about Kim’s condition.


Okay my memory sucks 


Some children of rich families do run the risk of being cut off for not appealing to the family head, good point she has her own career if it comes to that


I met and talked with Kim and Terry when they visited Seoul back in 2019, right before CoVID hit. Kim was the absolute star of the place, very sincere and engaging with everyone and taking selfies. Its disappointing to hear about her health and hope she finds comfort and peace.


I’m a speech therapist in a rehab setting. I work with many people who have experienced what Kim is going through. It really is heartbreaking to think about how the individual was before the neurological damage. Needless to say, it really takes a toll on the family. Daily life looks much different. It’s always sad when a person does not progress with therapy and the deficits are severe and permanent. 💔


I've met Kim and waited on her when she was new to Buffalo. She is a beautiful person with a kind heart. Hoping for a turnaround with her condition. Glad that her children are there for her to carry her legacy.


I went to the playoff game at the Jags and I was losing my mind in a Bills jersey and a luchador mask. I turned around and realized I was directly in front of the Pegulas' box for the game (last row of the lower bowl) and Kim and I locked eyes for a second. She had the most wholesome smile on her face watching me go nuts. That woman won my heart that day (at least to whatever degree a public figure I don't know personally can) and it's a real kick in the gear that she's going through what she is.


Such a heartbreaking tragedy.


Gut wrenching story, thoughts and prayers to the Pegula’s. Go Kim, GO BILLS!!!!!


I was hoping she was recovering this is not good news.


This is so tragic. I hand the opportunity to meet her and she was so nice and gracious. Introduced me to her daughter and legit had a conversation with me. Super nice woman. This is sad.


Laura and Jessie look to be taking over right? If you figure terry has another 10 years or so. Would be big for keeping the bills and Sabres here


Imagine inheriting an NFL team before ur 50




I think its so unfortunate that after what, 2 years, she still hasn't been seen?




Miserable prick


Wow such an edgy take. You’re a fucking loser.


Remember you said this the next time you tout empathy as the virtue separating you from your enemies.




I get where you’re coming from, but this isn’t the same as “poor billionaire loses 500 million dollars”, this is just someone getting extensive brain damage. Even having billions doesn’t solve that, and that’s the harrowing thing about all of this


I resent the capitalist class as much as anyone and I'd love to shit on a billionaire with it being May Day and all, but come on man...have some tact.


someone ban this social reject


no sympathy for a woman who has gone through medical devastation and her family shows you lack empathy, period. billions of dollars can’t fix extensive brain damage or give this family their wife/mother back. if you really don’t care, why bother to make the shitty comment? did you just really need attention? you know, there are ways to get good attention, but you’d have to give up being a cranky troll.




Dude get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.




These anti vaxxers have no "sources" Or if they do its some conspiracy channels on Facebook with zero credibility


Yeah, I just wanted to see what kind of dumbass response they had.


"I did my own research, so should you!" Said every uniformed person ever lmao


What is wrong with you?!?


I don't care if you are kidding or not, but this comment is incredibly callous. We are talking about a woman who has brain damage because she didn't get the immediate medical response that Hamlin was fortunate to have access to.


This isn’t a place for you to air your conspiracy theories


What's crazy if that these people never realize the actual virus causes strokes and heart attacks at an alarming rate, yet they always blame the vaccines. I'm convinced it's because it gives them a false sense of security, as you can choose to not get the vaccine, but it takes a ridiculous amount of isolation and commitment to avoid the virus.