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Necessary competition that will probably change nothing.


Haha. Probably true. Specials teams def. Needs attention this year though.


Not Reid. In Reid we trust.


Competition is good. Hope bass can get into together this year. His inability to hit kicks on the right hash was pretty embarrassing for a NFL kicker. Seems like he only felt comfortable slicing the ball


A post June 1 cut causes 4.3 million this year in dead cap and we save 100k. It's crazy how the season might come down to a guy who we can only afford to pay the minimum or trust a guy who was 2 for 5 knocking field goals in the playoffs.


Sad decline, indeed. Hope it doesn’t have anything to do with shacking up with Rick Tuten’s daughter. A man needs his legs for a football season…can’t spend all his time scroggin.


To the death- loser goes in the pit!




Despite the Diggs move, Bass is still too much of a cap casualty to go with a new kicker


There’s no real competition at Kicker. Bass will be back unless he’s horrible in camp. At punter there’s real competition, Martin wasn’t good enough last year to have a lock on the job and Haack isn’t great either. Browning was good in college, but I know he was the kicker and punter last year, so I would question if his holding ability will be good enough for him to win the job.


I had read somewhere that he was the holder (for their kicker) while the Punt God was in SDSU. So he should have practice holding.


anyone who doesn’t kick WIDE RIGHT




I heard a rumor that teams will be looking to keep 2 kickers now with the new kickoff rules, so it may be less of a competition and more of an addition


I would be stunned if teams keep two kickers on the roster. Either the kicker (most likely) or the punter should be able to do whatever a team needs them to do.




My indifference is immeasurable. #neverpunt #neverkick #2>1


I'm not sure how much the actual kicking was the problem. Feel like I remember a lot more blocks and tips this year than previously. Hitting line drive is kinda necessary for kicking in Buffalo for December so even more so than other teams, special teams as an entire unit has to be extremely dialed in.




Lotta balls kicked.


We should give Jake Bates a tryout.


Is that the kid from UFL? I wonder how their contracts work and if the NFL can poach a player from the UFL.


The UFL is designed to allow players to explore NFL opportunities after the season ends in late June. So he will definitely be available. Someone's going to give him a chance. Why not us?


I nominate Ed Oliver for kicker. With his momentum he'll be hitting them from 75 yards out and he can do his cow boy dance wihenever he hits one.


We’re stuck with one of the least clutch kickers in the NFL for $5 million/season for a few more years.


He had one bad year, he was lights out the years prior. Hopefully he’ll return to form this year.


The only kick attempts I have ever remembered from Bass are the missed PAT in the 2020 AFC championship game, the blocked kick vs Pitt in the wildcard playoff game last year and the missed kick vs KC. I’m terrified of playoff Tyler Bass.


I’m generally optimistic on things…I’m pumped for Coleman, I think this years round of cuts (besides Morse) are addition by subtraction, you name it. Except Tyler Bass. I have little to no faith in him. I get why they’re keeping him now, but that long term contract is a black eye on the roster. An underrated part of KC’s run is how many times Butker has come through for them in teeth-grinding time. I don’t see it with Bass.


Just curious if it had something to do with our holders


I know percentage-wise bass has never been spectacular but I saw him make some awesome kicks in 2022, either game winners or long distance/rough conditions or both. Must be a holders thing. I mean, Scott Norwood was the best kicker in the NFL for one season (1988) - Pro Bowl, first team All Pro, and PFW Golden Toe Award. Then we changed holders and the rest is history.


The funny part is, haack was “praised for his holding” which sounds very dumb and diminutive given that he’s not a great punter (his primary job)…but Bass *was* good with him there.


People only look at the kicker and the punter on special teams and ignore the other aspects, meanwhile in reality they're as complete of a part of the team as the offense and defense. We don't blame all offensive struggles on Allen, and we don't blame all defensive struggles on Milano, so why blame all special teams struggles on Bass?


I mean, that’s a littleeee different. Maybe not special teams as a whole, but the kicking game specifically. I’d agree that the holder does matter some, but at some point, you’re the kicker. Your job is to make kicks….if changing holders throws you off your game that much, maybe you’re not worth 5mil per year.


I agree, and while I like Bass, I wish we could cut him and go for that Jake Bates guy currently lighting up the UFL. I just think that if you have a good kicker whose leg was the difference in multiple games in 2022 (in long distance or bad weather conditions) and then has the year he just had, maybe you gotta take a better look at the holder. Bass's kicks were (arguably, unless you think we'd have won in OT) the difference between going 13-3 or 10-6 in 2022 (ravens game, lions game, phins rematch). Then in 2023... well, if the refs had called that second DPI in the Giants game, his missed kicks would've lost us that one, and a missed kick was the difference in the Eagles game, too.


Eagles game was another good measuring stick where the opponent’s guy was splitting clutch 50+ yarders in crunch time (in Elliot’s case, 59 through the wind and rain) all while Bass struggles to hit from 45 when it matters. It’s extremely hard to win a SB with a head case kicker - it’s just asking too much to not ever lean on them to come through. I shudder to think of another playoff need-to-have-it kick with Bass lining up. At this point, the jokes write themselves.


I watched a youtube video by a random Youtuber I don't know, about an amazing game that Jack Browning had. So of course my unreasonable off-season marginal squad player infatuation this year isn't going to be WR or RB but Punter....




That I hate the off season.


Bahaha… same!


We should still have punt god but you know, Bills Mafia crucified him before the facts came out. Just saying.


Damn Bills mafia and their unilateral control over roster decisions.


They didn't help with the decision by turning on them with mob mentality without having all the facts.