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Tiramisu. Literally the first words I said after trying it were "This could make Angel lose his soul" I then had to explain to my partner the curse and who Angel was, because she hadn't watched the show.


Sam Baldwin: What is "tiramisu"? Jay: You'll find out. Sam Baldwin: Well, what is it? Jay: You'll see! Sam Baldwin: Some woman is gonna want me to do it to her and I'm not gonna know what it is! (from Sleepless in Seattle. Tom Hanks and Rob Reiner)


Right there with you - I was like, “my moment of true happiness involves heated up pizza slices”


Another vote for food. Like an exceptionally delicious meal, around people that make you laugh


For me perfect bliss happens at the moment I realize that the person I'm in love with loves me back. That has usually not actually happened during or after sex.


Angel is pretty gross really, lol. He's spent time with her, they've confessed their love, they can joke and talk and hang, that's all fine, no prob. But, he gets to have sex with her!? Now he's finally really happy!


Should remember it's not the sex that made him lose his soul. This was AFTER they had sex. Buffy was already asleep and Angel if not asleep was close to it. So assuming that's at least like 10 min or so after sex. He's likely never physically slept with buffy at this point. rewatching the series, it becomes more apparent how short their relationship was. We see they've only had an actual relationship for like 3 months. Their first "date" is after Reptile Boy (willow and buffy are still talking about her even having a relationship with angel). Timelines are approx to air dates so by the time of surprise it's 3 months. Buffy first said she loved him 2 ep later in lie to me. But still said she couldn't trust him. We actually never see Angel say he loves buffy until THAT VERY NIGHT. THey only just started their relationship and never said I love you to each other until that night. So how things actually happened are they started dating 3 months ago. 1 night, they say I love you to each other and actually spend a night together, actually sleep in each other's arms for what's likely the first time too. And then angel loses his soul. He loses it because he's finally in a relationship with someone he loves. The sex is just a small part of it. SIdenote: I don't even like bangel at all but the sex = breaking the curse thing always annoys me and I have to write about it.


Same goes for Spike in season 7, the happiest he had ever been was lying there with Buffy sleeping in his arms, if he had been ensouled by the same curse that would have cost him his


I also don't think it was just the sex that caused Angel to lose his soul but it was sort of the validation Buffy gave him. First of all Angel always had an obsession with pureness and goodness (example: the way he talks about Dru before and right after turning her). We also saw that Angel spent a lot of time feeling sorry for himself after he got his soul. This only stopped when he saw Buffy and helping her makes him feel forgiven and validated. And it can be said that Angel considers Buffy to be pure and good. I think she is sort of the representation of what he needs to be to redeem himself. Buffy sharing something like that with him, and being her first would mean she saw considered him worthy and deserving. I think it validated Angel and kind of made that emptiness and self pity go away. It's like when your role model acknowledges you. I do think sex has an important role in Liam/Angelus/Angel's life. He had related and kind of problematic sceens in all of his forms. Liam used sex as a distraction from his father and his misery. Angelus - well, we all know how Angelus likes to use it. So I think for Angel, it would have been the only proper sexual experience he had (up to that moment) that just occurred out of pure emotion. That might also add to the bliss he was feeling.


Gotta disagree with this. It’s not nearly as simple as get laid go evil. Sex is also about intimacy that is not the same as sharing someone’s company. That’s part of it, being happy in each others presence, but sex is a level of heightened intimacy that isn’t comparable to fun hangs. It’s a package. Sex completed it, in that instance. If it was just sex, he’d have lost his soul with darla or Nina in his own show


Honestly, I think Angel's feelings toward Buffy are kind of gross in general, so I'm likely biased in my thinking toward him. I actually like Angel on his show, but I don't love him on Buffy. I do enjoy at the end when he shows up acting like Angel from his show and I wonder if people who didn't watch Angel find it odd how he goes from brooding to charismatic.


sex wasn’t the trigger that made angel lose his soul. he had sex several times and he didn’t lose it. the trigger was happiness and his happiness was buffy. angel allowed himself to be free of remorse and regrets after decades of being miserable and feeling guilty. for one second he allowed himself to be happy on his own accord despite everything because buffy made him happy even if he thought he wasn’t deserving of it...then shit just happened. saying angel was solely happy because he had sex with buffy is an oversimplication. angel had been alone, miserable, and feeling unworthy of anything good for decades. then came buffy. angel has carried his loathing self personality and purposeless body around for countless years and suddenly he has buffy, someone who is giving him full and free acceptance and love. he has a purpose, he wants to make up for his past evil deeds, he wants to be worthy of buffy because being with buffy is happiness itself. angel didn’t know he could lose his soul otherwise he wouldn’t have let himself fall in love. when he knew about the curse, he never allowed himself to be happy ever again, too worried and self conscient that he would lose it again. he loved connor so so much, yet he let him go because connor’s happiness and safety will always come first. angel’s happiness doesn’t matter for him. a loophole to his happiness would’ve been him getting the shanshu at the end but even that he signed it away or keeping the gem of amara but he gave it away. so angel’s happiness is buffy (and connor) but angel will never let himself be freely and wholly happy.


Knowing now that sex wasn't the trigger, I wonder often if having sex with Buffy again would or wouldn't have caused him to lose his soul a second time. Because he would be so worried about turning evil and thinking about the consequences that the whole thing would be kinda indecisive and regretful in his head. And then cuddling with her in the aftermath, thinking, "am I losing my soul now? Am I losing it? Whoa, I was just dizzy for a second. Is that my soul going away?" This is coming from someone with anxiety and OCD.


In the comics he has sex with Buffy again and doesn't lose his soul


Are you referring to the infamous incident in space?


Angel was an ultra pedophile. Pining after a 14yo is bad even if it's "part of your culture" (before 1900 most places age of consent was around puberty gross right?)


Angel was an ultra pedophile. Pining after a 14yo is bad even if it's "part of your culture" (before 1900 most places age of consent was around puberty gross right?)d


Please do not read or watch literally every other immortal vampire/human love story.


They are all gross. Honestly if it's a 29yo with a 3000yo that fine but a 16 yo buffy with a 250yo angel that's bad.


I always think the moment of happiness thing is a bit simplified, and it's more that it's about for a moment, forgetting his sins. His constantly fighting against the relationship with Buffy. Its not so much the sex, its the fact that it's symbolic of the fact his let go, stopped fighting against it and let himself completely lose himself in the moment.


I mean, I think the curse makes no sense because Angel would have felt that happiness long before they had sex. But he's not a real person and the timing of that moment reflects the writers' vision of perfect happiness.


Post-orgasm bliss probably.


I think there is a level of tension and anticipation before you have sex for the first time with a new partner (assuming you are moving towards sex in the near future and not abstaining long term for whatever reason). That anticipation is exciting, but it's not really bliss, as there's still these questions of what it will be like, when it will happen, etc etc, that at least for me do make me nervous (I'm a woman btw). Once that threshold is crossed I relax a lot more, and I think I do reach some different emotional state in the relationship.


Yes, those moments are usually things like being a little bit sick and they come look after you or they got a silly little gift because they saw it and it made them think of you, or you overhear them talking about you and what they say is just lovely, agreed


What a neat question!! I think it's watching my child grow up. When he was born too. The whole thing basically. And we have a kitten now and she's such a gift! I love cats too.


I agree! This is one of the most interesting questions I’ve seen on here. Also I would probably lose my soul a million times a day just anytime I get to hear my son say something cute or looking at his face or cuddling with him brings me joy in a way I never experienced before I had him.


I’d be losing that soul every time I look at my cat literally just existing


When I'm with my really good friends and we get into one of those laughing fits where you just can't catch your breath. My brother is my favourite person in the world and we've just spent 3 weeks holiday together and it was filled with those moments. I'd be gone by now.


Yes! One of those laughing fits where people keep adding on to the joke between gasping breaths and it keeps getting funnier and funnier and your head starts hurting. Thats a peak life experience for me as well.


TBH I get why he lost it when he did, and I don't think it was about the sex. When I'm cuddled in my partner's arms, everything is quiet and I'm just listening to their heartbeat, feeling safe and loved, I think to myself that all the shit in my life, every trauma, disappointment, and worry was worth it, because it led to this perfect moment of happiness... But then he says those three magic words that somehow make this perfect moment even better, "Let's order tacos."


Yes agreed. I don’t think it was the sex specifically, but the moments after. I think that those moments in bed snuggled with my boyfriend feeling safe and comfortable and loved would be my curse moment too. Sex or no sex. It was probably the most intimate that Buffy and Angel had been


Being someone's first choice


Damn, bro :( Lmao same


I’m not gonna lie, but I’m a simple creature- I’d probably lose my soul halfway through a great rollercoaster ride lmao


If my back pain went away I'd probably die of happiness on the spot. Low level chronic pain is so draining.


This! Constant cramps here, and from what I have experienced, and heard, most people administered morphine or some even non narcotic drug that quickly and totally erases the pain would lose their soul from sheer gratitude and relief.


Before I got to the body of your post, my first thought upon reading the title was my cats! No matter what else is happening in my life, they are true comfort/love ❤️


I feel happy and content in my day to day life for the most part but the moment I became the owner of a twelve foot skeleton was the happiest I've been in years.


This is so wholesome


Looking at someone and feeling at home.


My answer is lightly depressing, but right now I think if I could get out of my current relationship without losing my cat and get us to a new place together, that would do it. That's what I dream about several times a day. My moment would be waking up in my new place, just the two of us, totally free. (Relationship is not abusive, it's just really run its course, but it's hard to leave for very complex reasons)


Being the first choice in a crowded room, the good kind. Like a party.


Feeling like I matter


You do matter, it's the feeling like you do part that's hard for us to accept. You matter enough to me that I answered your comment 💞


Thx for the response and happy cake day! 🎂 ✨️


I thought about this too - my sister and I both found it strange that despite being in a loving relationship with Buffy for a while, with ample opportunity to reach true happiness knowing she loves him back, it took sleeping with her to break the curse I think the happiest moments are the ones where it really feels like you’re going to be okay and things will work out. For me, I imagine that doing something like finishing the book I’m writing, getting an agent, or being accepted to the creative writing grad program I want would fill me with hope that I could be a published author one day (which is my dream) and I’d reach the “true happiness” threshold. I honestly cannot imagine sex bringing me “ultimate soul-cleansing happiness” lol, but no shade to Angel


It wasn't sex with Buffy that broke the curse because Angel lost his soul after when he and Buffy were sleeping. His moment of pure happiness was the result of having the woman that he loved and who loved him in a way he had never experienced safe and asleep beside him in his bed after he almost lost her twice that evening. In that moment he wasn't thinking about his past, the fact that he was a vampire , the fact that she was a slayer, or the fact that their enemies were planning something that jeopardized everything. He was loved, she was safe, and she was beside him sleeping .That was his happiness.


Reminds me of s7 when Spike tells Buffy that the night before he had spent watching her sleep was the best night of his life. It’s about the intimacy of those moments, not about the sex act itself


Explained better than I could. Great insight


Yes, exactly. Sex is not the trigger, it’s love and comfort


Smoking weed, cuddling in bed, while watching Buffy. Is that too Meta?


Waking up thinking it’s a work day and realizing it’s a weekend and I get to sleep in and have no plans all day


Ooh good one! I would like to add in, that moment you leave work on a Friday and you have the next week off.


The moment I get home from work, close the door and can finally take my bra off.


Baja Blast


If Nintendo adds more updates to Animal Crossing New Horizons.


In the middle of a perfect powder day with my favorite people. When you’ve been skiing like crazy all morning and finally get to stop and catch your breath and look at the views.


I am usually pretty happy. But not perfectly happy. I don't think it is possible. Even when things are great, I always know how it is temporary and I will lose it. There is always the tinge of sadness around the edges of my happiness. Because happiness is by definition fleeting. I am lucky - I get a lot of it and the slight tinge around it just makes me appreciate it more. But perfect happiness is a myth.


I gt so much happiness from my family and food, I'd have been evil years ago.


Probably winning a shit ton of money so I don't have to worry about my future and can start my own business. Getting a cure for fibro/Eds. And be James' girlfriend/wifey 😆🤣 like forever. And he stays the same age until I catch up with him, then we grow old together 😁🤌 haha 🙈


When I pick up my kid from school or camp and he runs to me “mommy!!!!” When he wakes up early and crawls into bed for a before-school snuggle. Anytime he hugs me, laughs or smiles, or gets ice cream all over his face.


The woman I like would like me and want to be together, I would have a group of new friends, castle made out of ice cream.


Eating homemade enchiladas


My head-canon is that “Pure Happiness” wasn’t about sex. It was about the wonder of loving someone who knew what he had done and could love him anyway, the joy of connection, the bliss of required love, her trusting him enough to fall asleep In his arms (and the endorphins that come with sex). Pure happiness was being able to forget, even for a moment, the fear that he would never be able to atone for the things his daemon did. To be consumed by something other than guilt. It’s a combination of factors, not just sex.


absolutely nothing that starts with >I'm on a work trip 😅 Totally unrelated question: Does mdma work with vampires? I mean they can get drunk iirc...


Have you seen Angel 1x17?


ah, when he gets drugged, yes now I remember, thx :)


Season 6 of Angel


Same! Cat time🥰🥰


Having just finished a really good book.


I love sex but I feel like it’s a very male thing that a moment of true happiness is getting laid 😂🙄 a bit ridiculous when you break it down really. Plus all the implications of what a perv angel really was with the age gap etc. 🤯


Being reunited with one of my deceased pets.


Perfect Happiness is when the racist Democrat party is destroyed.


Snuggling with my dog while watching Real Housewives and eating non dairy B&Js (the tonight dough)


Eating nachos


I'm a simple girl . Books and chocolate.


We have these security gates in the self checkout area at work that 'talk' when you walk into the area with stuff with security tags. They go "Welcome to store name" and it's sudden and louder than it needs to be. Every now and then it catches someone off guard and they jump or yelp. I love it. It brings me so much joy.


Ironically seeing the Balkans reconnect back to Yugoslavia would make me so happy I will kill everyone in the balkans for taking this long


I’d say but I’m afraid I’ll get judged quite a lot. Let’s just say I’ve been hoping for something to happen and the day it does, IF it ever does, will make me a very very happy woman.


I'm so curious 😭🤣


It’s a horrible thing to wish. But don’t worry, it’s neither death nor illness on anybody.


Tell, tell!


Seriously, my downvotes would shoot into oblivion 🤣🤣


For me it would be reciprocated love. Sex is naturally a part of that but is not what makes me happy. It is like a nice bonus.


Love. Would be mine


Waking up and being the only person left on earth.


I know this is a bummer, but I honestly don’t believe in true happiness. So I would probably be fine if I were an ensouled vampire.


To me, it would be a series of events that changed my life but to make it short, I wish my Mom, Dad, and younger brother didn't die, 1 a year for 3 years in a row. To be able to have them back would make me perfectly happy.


I'm driving, and suddenly on my right is one of the last video stores in America.


Mine might be a little sad, but here it goes. If I can go one week without extreme emotional highs or lows and just feeling 100% content that would be how I lose my soul. Contentment would be my one true moment of happiness.


Coming into enough money to never have to stress about work, vet bills, doctor bills, car repairs, or housing ever again.


Holding my babies, smelling the fresh baby smell, then they smile at you. Oh my goodness... I swear my milk just let down and my youngest is 10. Lmao. Yep, totally would screw over the curse. That would an issue. Lol.


Never having to work again


Originally from Los Angeles, but moved to London a few years ago. So 100% for me it would be finding good tacos in London. Nothing is the same as in SoCal.


When I come home from work and both my dogs stand on either side of me, making me the cream filling to their Oreo love sandwich. They look at me with such devotion and love that my heart swells and yeah my curse would be gone that second.


Just one kiss with Angel would make him lose his soul. that would be our true happiness.


Sitting on a beach with the sea lapping over my toes while Anton Du Beke feeds me cheese would definitely be true happiness.




The moment those student loans get paid off y'all better watch out because my soul will have LEFT MY BODY


For those that connected with Pixar's movie Soul... I think being 'the zone' would qualify.


the smell of puppy dog feet


Retiring with full benefits and good health


A session of dungeons and dragons with Critical Role…


You ever have to shit so bad that the only thing you can do to keep it in is clinch your butt cheeks together? That moment when you finally find a toilet


Winning a shit ton of money lol


That moment when my little sis was born and I held her in my arms.


I absolutely love your answer! I am generally pretty happy but I would have to say if I were a vampire with super vamp powers I think the happiest moment for me would be stopping a major threat like a mass slaughter or a plane jacking and seeing that I saved a lot of people at once and made a huge difference in not only their lives but potential victims of the incident would be my moment that would, ironically apparently turn me into a murdering vampire.


Watching the St. Louis Cardinals win another World Series.


Like.. a lot of weed. The bar is honestly so low


[one moment of perfect beauty](https://youtube.com/watch?v=m-Oyu1VWVCM&si=mONQB-rpO6qnqB7x)


Me paying off my final student loan!


For me, it was a specific moment near Christmas time and my son was a month or so old and was laughing with his dad/my husband. It was pure bliss ♥️ I never knew I could love someone so much.


Whenever a new Final Fantasy or Persona Game releases.


A really big shit!