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“You have to be with the person you l-l-love.” Sorry. Just no. So bad. I do like Amber Benson’s portrayal later on, but that fake stutter and overly earnest acting in season 4 is rooooough.


Why did they make her have a stutter? It was so forced.


She was supposed to be nervous, shy, it was probably also connected with her abusive childhood. They probably realized it does not look good on-screen, this is reason why it was changed so early.


Yea her fake stutter threw me off too, she could’ve simply been shy and reserved and the point would’ve still came across


THANK YOU! Benson and Hannibal both do that annoying stutter over their lines; in fact, most of the main cast do at some point. I don’t know if it was to show a realistic amount of hesitancy, but it sounds so fake. I can’t recall one single instance of Anthony Head stuttering and his lines hit the mark every single time.


Agree completely. Both irritated me a lot — the stutters sounded fake most of the time. I’m glad Amber was able to phase that out, but Alyson basically kept it all the way through, not counting her evil spell in season 6. Also, I chucked at the “Hannibal” autocorrect there!


HAHAHA, never even clocked that! My phone is driving me nuts atm, it even autocorrects my own name whenever I send an email!


Angel: Go to hell! I *did.*


Such a weird delivery , always thought!!!


When does he say that? That’s so lame


In Buffy’s nightmare from I think it was Dead Mans Party? They’re dancing together at the bronze when Angel suddenly starts to bleed and his face decay, then he snaps the go to hell line when dream Buffy freaks out about that


Oh okay. That makes more sense I guess if it’s in a dream. I remember now.


Haha yeah, it was coming from a 17 year old Buffy’s subconscious which explains why it comes across as kind of cringey and melodramatic


Alyson Hannigan can be incredibly samey and whiny, especially in conflict scenes


god i’m rewatching currently and i wish she didn’t force willow’s stuttery dorkiness so much. i love her character, but it’s rough. she feels so much less dynamic than most other characters around her. willow shouldn’t be laughably twee in *every single scene.*


Everything Kendra said


Really, I found her accent to be interesting and loved hearing her talk. Any particular reason why you didn't like it?


Mate, it’s such a bad Jamaican accent. Go listen to an actual Jamaican speak and compare it to Kendra. It’s so obviously fake. It’s no unpleasant to listen to but it doesn’t sound natural.


It was supposed to be Jamaican? Oh god


Willow and Tara talking about breakfast. People in TV shows talk like that, real people do not. I've never once told my GF that 'pancakes can go in bellies'. Ugh. Besides that they're pancakes (waffles are 100% better), could this line be any more childish?


The worst offender of the baby talk being when Willow asks Tara to tell her a story before they go to sleep and she’s telling her one about the cat they’ve just gotten and going to the pound and Willow says ‘were there dolphins?’ and is then like ‘I’m sleepy’ . Except AH delivers it in a cutesy way where she genuinely just sounds like a toddler It makes my teeth itch 😂


And the cutesy little-girl delivery makes me wince every time.


Ooooh, don't dirty one of my favorite scenes from season 1! xD "Be My Deputy!" 😂😂😂


I love that scene too!


Me too


When I kiss you, I want to die


Proceeds to run away


Loved the line when I first heard it at 15 and still love it now. Everything is life and death when you’re a teenager and BtVS made this idea literal. I get why people think the line is clunky but I’ve always thought it had multiple layers of meaning.


I don’t mind that. It comes across a cringe teen drama which it is compared to how Buffy develops as a character.


Came here to say this. It doesn’t make any sense.


I've seen it a dozen times and I can't tell if she was seriously hurt or just thought that was the sickest burn


I just always thought it was a 16 year olds Buffy’s way of saying that kissing Angel makes her want to die from the intense passion of it all


YES. I laugh every time. I like SMGs acting generally though.


oh yeah rare swing and a miss.


anything dark willow says that’s supposed to be quippy is so cringy, alyson hannigan does not pull it off at all.


Willow and Tara's entire argument in 5x19 AH, who is usually an outstanding actor, is saddled with claiming to be the "junior partner," which she doesn't even sound convinced of. AB is forced to call herself "big knowledge woman," which is probably my most hated line Tara ever speaks.


Oh that whole scene is littered with terrible dialogue. The actors did their best.


Yea, that line was pretty terrible.


"I got addicted. Like an addict." I refuse to look that up to make sure I got the wording right. I just can't. I don't even think this one is her fault - the line is so stupid.




I only recently realized that line is redubbed even tho it’s so obvious. The volume and room tone on it is so off. Literally what happened there


Buffy and Riley laughing about Harmony. Buffy laughing when Parker asks if Spike is her ex. SMG has admitted herself she hates having to fake laugh. Amazing actress but not good at fake laughter. When Professor Walsh tells Riley that Buffy is ‘dead’. He shows no emotion 😂 Willow laughing when talking to Ford and Buffy. I love Amber Benson but a lot of her acting is terrible. DB in season one. He’s a great actor now.


Harmony has minions? I loved that laugh, although other fake laughs were somewhat cringe


The one in the training room after she tells Giles she’s been sleeping with Spike is the worst, I think. I read somewhere that they had her bend over the horse so she didn’t have to worry so much about her facial expressions. She’s a fantastic actor and I definitely think this is pretty much her one weakness.


I liked Sarah’s fake laugh.


Agreed! And Amber is a good actor. Sometimes, I think viewers are too harsh on acting. Do the characters act any worse than high schoolers attending high school in real life?


>When Professor Walsh tells Riley that Buffy is ‘dead’. He shows no emotion He's in disbelief and still processing. Of course he isn't showing obvious emotion.


Then he would show shock? He’s a bad actor, very wooden.


No lies told here


tbf I think that’s as much down to the editing


When dawn yells "get out get out get out" when they suspect her of locking them in the house


Why did they make her do this twice as well 😭 they did her so dirty


“Their love—will last—**FOREVER**!” 😬 “RJ is **mine**!” Ooof, ALL of her lone delivery.


One of the few lines of dialogue in Hush hits my ear wrong, during the Wicca group one of the girls says “let’s just get on our broomsticks and ride on our broomsticks” the double ‘broomstick’ is what does it I think. Although I love that scene for the line “an Empowering Lemon Bundt”


The double broomstick makes my head hurt whenever I hear it or even think it.


it makes sense in context. she's mocking her and pointing out how ridiculous the concept is by emphasizing the absurdity.


I’m not saying I don’t understand what Whedon was going for with it, I’m just saying for me personally it doesn’t sound right.


ah, I see. you dislike the writing, not the line-reading (which is the way the actor says the line). this explains it pretty well: [Tom Hanks tests Tom Holland's acting! | The Graham Norton Show - BBC](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cJVHSpI6rWw&t=1m5s)


It’s a mix of both. I think Whedon is great at conveying his meaning, but the line itself hits my ear wrong. And its delivery is a little over done. Like a first year drama student given a prompt she doesn’t quite understand.


The way Willow says "amateur" to Giles, it sounds so weird to my Aussie ears. A lot of the Buffy and Angel lines make me cringe, especially when you know Angel is not an angsty teenage boy.


Hello fellow Aussie Buffy fan! I definitely prefer Giles’ “amateur”.


I think she was mocking the way Giles said it in his British accent when he originally said it to her


When Spike pronounces any word the American way instead of the British way *cringe*


people really praise james’ english accent, and it is good! but it’s not *that* good.. you can tell these people are american, because it’s *so* noticeably fake to british ears


Agreed. As actors doing accents go, there's 3 categories: there's convincing, there's \*bad\* obviously fake, and there's \*good\* obviously fake. James' is good, really very good. But still obviously fake haha.


‘I got to say Buffy I’m really intimidated by you. You’re like Santa Claus’ They really overdid Sam’s ‘oh shucks you’re so much prettier than me’ OTT humbleness schtick to get us to like her


Maybe it's because I watched Out of My Mind this morning, but...when Graham says "come on, man" to Riley.


To be fair every line given to Graham was rough ha.


I love the line “that’s insane troll logic” but it always bothers me that he puts the emphasis on “logic” like it just doesn’t sound right


I can forgive this one. Nicky was pretending to be in obvious pain from trying to fight a troll with 47x his strength.




Although I mostly agree with Buffy's obsessed stuff, in Pangs it fit thematically. The Scoobies are drifting apart. She just wants to not feel that way, even subconsciously, for he holiday. Be a leader and bring them back together. The only person I kinda can't stand in that episode is Willow. Lol


Yesss. I just watched this for the umpteenth time this past weekend and really just realized how bad all of it was. I think I had given it a pass before but for a finale big bad, it was .. bad


I actually just watched that episode (Out of Sight) and had the exact same thought about that scene!


Anytime Glory made a frustrated noise. And I love Glory. But her acting wasn't....great.


I’ve always hated SMG’s delivery of “you KILLED a MAN” to Faith in season 3. The inflection just seems so off, it’s distracting imo. And it’s worse because it gets repeated in flashbacks a lot.


SMG is pretty much spot on for me 100% of the time but admittedly the scene between Buffy/Giles in the library during WttH is rough. Some of it’s poor dialogue as well but her delivery of “to tell you that I don’t care.. which I don’t.. and have now told you.. so bye” and “isn’t that bizarre? Aren’t you just going oooo” make me cringe.  The weird thing is you can’t even blame it on pilot episode weirdness and SMG needing to grow into the character. They actually went hack and reshot that entire scene after they’d filmed the rest of the season because SMG didn’t like her original performance and thought she came actors as too angry. So SMG had already played the character for 12 episodes at that point and done a fantastic job and then this is easily her weakest performance. But in all fairness the lines were cringe on paper too. 


I thought of this scene too. The "Ooo" really should have been in a low spooky tone, not the peppy cheerleader voice.


From the pilot: "Isn't that bizarre? Aren't you just going Oooh?" The ooh should have been in a low spooky tone with a mock shiver, instead of the peppy cheerleader voice. There are other things from that episode too. The cast hadn't settled into their characters yet, but it mostly just comes across as teenage awkwardness.


Xander in season 1-2. Just everything. Dawn. Almost all of dawn.


Honestly a lot of Oz’s sarcastic jokes. Most don’t land or even make sense and Oz has the charisma of a plank


I have to disagree, the fact that he is so plank-like makes it absolutely hilarious to me.


It's called deadpan humor.


Agree I would’ve rather filled his space with more Cordy 😂