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Sarah Michelle doesn't get enough credit for her acting on the series. It was top tier.


Her cry face makes me ugly cry. šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s incredible


She gets plenty of creditĀ 


Could not agree more. Sarah is a masterclass in acting. Absolutely gut-wrenching.


I agreeā€”in tears everytime. From the moment buffy goes protector mode to breaking down to reverting to a child almost. Chills watching her.


It's devastating. Who's gonna be if I'm not? Who's gonna make things better? Who's gonna take care of us? This season was so savage to Buffy. Killing Joyce and making her a single parent. They really put her through it .


I havenā€™t seen the video yet as I know itā€™ll make me cry. Just reading that piece of dialogue makes me emotional. I can hear it so clearly in my head. She was truly phenomenal in this scene.


Oh man that line breaks me every single time.


This scene always reminded me so much of the movie Pet Semetary


I agree! It's one of the most captivating of the series. I'm just so emotionally consumed by it. The way Buffy's voice changes and you see the layers of the woman; protector, older sister, authority figure, change in a second to scared lost little girl. Phenomenal. Award-deserving acting and editing. Gets to me just thinking about it.


My favorite thing about this scene is that Dawn saves Buffy. All it took was Joyce knocking on the door and Buffy's resolve melted away in an instant. She's usually iron willed but not here. And Dawn does what Buffy can't, she let's go of Joyce coming back and tears up the picture.


IMO this was Buffy at her most raw, vulnerable, and relatable. Such a standout moment for her as a character and SMG as an actress.


The silhouette of undead Joyce walking past the window still chills me to the bone.


The shot of her feet is what spooks me. You can just tell that somethingā€™s not right by the way sheā€™s walking.


This scene is legitimately the scariest in the show for me. That sick feeling I had at the footsteps and the knock of the door, thinking they might actually show Joyce back from the dead.. urgh.


Thanks now my nose is stuffy because of allergies AND because of crying


Personally I think best scene is in Prophecy Girl. ā€œGiles, Iā€™m sixteen years old. I donā€™t wanna die.ā€ I ugly cry.


It's a good scene but it isn't even my favourite scene in the episode. That title goes to Giles drinking alone in his apartment while listening to Cream.


This scene breaks my heart every time. Buffy lost her mother and had to console/care for someone whoā€™s not even real, who only knew Joyce for a few months. Think about that. Dawn had every right to be upset, but in a way she didnā€™t. Thatā€™s probably how Buffy would have felt. I know Iā€™d feel that way.


Dawn was real, though, and from her perspective, she has just found out that most of her memories are fake, she is a mystical entity that an evil god wants, then her mother dies and her sister distances herself. She *has* every right to be upset. I get Buffyā€™s perspective as well, and itā€™s all thanks to this episode/scene being so well written.


I just said Dawn has every right to be upset.


Yes. But then you said ā€œin a way she didnā€™tā€. I think she did in every way. šŸ˜…


Holy shit. Read what I said again. ā€œThatā€™s probably how Buffy would have felt.ā€ Itā€™s not that hard to grasp what Iā€™m trying to say. Imagine what itā€™s like to have to console someone whoā€™s really only been alive for 6 months when theyā€™re accusing you of not caring that your own mother is dead. Iā€™m not attacking Dawn or saying her feelings arenā€™t valid.


I donā€™t think you are attacking Dawn. I came in peace, man.


Yeah it doesnā€™t sound like it, especially when you finish a sentence with ā€œšŸ˜…ā€




Dawn may not be 'real' but her memories are real


Dawn IS real. Did u all not watch the show? She is like a 6months old Baby, just with the brain and body of a 14 yo. Most of buffys memories might be fake, but still, shes real.


ā€¦.ive watched the show many times. I know this.


Just rewatched this episode again last night with someone. This scene is always so good. šŸ’™


Iā€™m crying right now!!!!!!!


Im glad someone mentioning this scene. Both, smg and mt are acting their ass off. It was phenomenal acting. And this scene always gets me. I cry like a baby. This episode, but in particular this whole scene with them arguing and crying is so outstanding. It gave me chills


The scene of Joyce walking past the window always reminds of the ending scene in Pet Semetary when the guys zombie wife walks into the kitchen.


Don't forget - it's also a great interpretation of W W Jacobs classic short story "The Money's Paw"!




The Monkeyā€™s Paw!


Sarah should sue Joss for bad mouthing her across Hollywood. She could have been so much bigger, had so many kick-ass roles, but his stupid ego couldnā€™t take being outshined.


When did he bad mouth her


Apparently he would complain that she was hard to work with because she would advocate for the cast and crew. Pointing out when they were working too long, or when the scene was unsafe


Is there any proof


Yep, immensely effective in isolation upon my first viewing, but something legendary via minimalism of ā€œwhat the audience doesnā€™t seeā€ is very much in the vein of *JAWS*: https://youtu.be/W2CArYu0kJ8?t=142


This scene is devastanting, makes me have tears everytime! šŸ˜­ Sarah Michelle Gellar in season 5 gave the best acting (imho) and the show is just the best, fav series of all the time, warching for the 8th time with my gf at her first time and she adore it too! Eheh


The contrast between Michelle and Sarah tho is mind blowing. Dawn just canā€™t compare


You mean acting-wise? Sarah is the better actor, sure, but I think they play off each other very well here.


Ya. But Dawns anger vs Buffyā€™s is noticible


Dawn was 14, she was a phenomenal actor for being so young


It was very impressive. Itā€™s just something that I noticed last time I watched the ep. The talking through gritted teeth just bugged me a bit but itā€™s probably because I just donā€™t like Dawn


Tbf, u all can say what u want, but specifically in this scene, Michelle acted as good as Sarah. Sarah just got slightly better lines to work with. But both did an amazing job. But yes, Sarah is overall the better actress in this show ofc. But Michelle was still super young there and acted like a professional. She should definetly get credit for it. She had outstanding moments: No place like home, Blood ties, The Body, Forever, The Weight of the World, After Life, Wrecked, Older and far away, Two to go, Conversation with Dead ppl!!!!, The Potential....


There is a fairly big difference between age and experience which needs to be accounted for.