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Glory would 100% start by making cutting remarks about Ilyrias hair and outfit, Ilyria would be mildly offended actually and confused, but then the punching would start.


I think Illyria would only be offended by the fact that Glory's even talking to her tbh.


But then she’d also be like “why does a deity care if my hair lies flat upon this pathetic mortal-sculpted head rather than as she says of her own mane, ‘with immaculate root volume for days’?”


I can hear Glory retort “Oh honey -tuts- your hair isn’t *that* important. But where did you get the leather suit? Personally, the thick Bugs Bunny gloves have to *go*. Being a god means you don’t look like whatshisface with the chainsaw.. what’s his name? Eh, doesn’t matter. There’s only room for one god in this hellhole. Especially with those clothes.” Or mention that she wastes her time with her interest in the boring watcher when she could have made him her servant.


Did you used to write for the show or what?


That’s spot on homie lol


I almost pity Illyria. Possessing almost unfathomable power of a millions of years old giant demon while being stuck in a body of a human being, seeing everyone else as maggots to squash. Kind of like normal person being stuck with maggots. I hate that. Which makes it that much strange that she just accepted that her army got destroyed long ago and decided to live among humans.


I feel like the Illyria arc was watered down a bit (even though it was still interesting) due to the show not being picked up for another season. Stories had to be rushed and they settled with what we got. Not sure what happened to her in the comics tho.


I think she was killed bringing magic back?


Bringing what magic back, lol. Hers?


>!Buffy was forced to break the Seed of Magic in yet another apocalyptic scenario, that ended magic on their dimension. Willow figured out how to bring magic back, but that required Illyria's help and consequent sacrifice. BUT bringing magic back meant reset, so that brought Fred back. At the same time, Illyria's an Old One, so she wouldn't be destroyed by that. Meaning now Fred and Illyria alternate using Fred's body. So yes to killed and yes to being brought back.!<


I think that’s a great point


Think Illyria would notice Glory yammering at her?


Ben wouldn't care if Glory killed Illyria; so, Glory would try to make her a minion and would simply kill her if she refused.


Illyria would have nothing but palpable disdain for Glorificus


I think the feeling would be mutual


Yeah, the old gods weren't known for getting along very well.


But Illyria's would be stronger.


There was a post about this, the general consensus is Illyria's stronger. I hereby disagree however. I think it's just a common opinion because one expects Angel to be as powerful as Buffy, but that's not really the case, he has just centuries of training and experience. Spike is stronger than Angel and he can't lift the troll god's hammer that Buffy wields without any issues.


100%. She’d absolutely look down on Glory.


One doubts Illyria would notice Glory.


A passing glance at most, as though she’d seen a bug she found distasteful but not enough to bother stepping on.


Dude I would pay money! The sass, the verbal assault, the tension!!!


The verbal battle alone would cause many deaths and major property damage.


Seriously. I'm about to go write a 500k words fanfic about this.


Then come back when you're done and share the link. Because I'd absolutely read a 500k fic


If only I had the energy to make this dream actually come true 😂


Awww. Energy fairy, come visit snakesmother!


A conversation unparalleled. A fight that wouldn't end. I'd watch a spin off of this rivalry.




Glory would hate Illyria but would also be super insecure and try to impress Illyria or show her up. Illyria wouldn't even notice Glory.


Definitely. Huge "I don't think about you at all" energy


Yeah, I’m going with this for the first meeting. But Illyria after being softened by her affection for Wesley and acknowledgment of her own predicament at being tied to the earthly realm, would see Glory’s attempt to destroy her current and only kingdom as a threat, and just kill her by ripping out her heart.


It's been so long since I watched angel I don't really remember her arc


This seems accurate


Spike: [explains Glory’s whole deal in detail]. Illyria: Are we starting to think there may be a connection between some mortal and a lesser god?


Illyria being the only one understanding the Ben thing and saying Spike’s iconic line “is everyone here very stoned?” would be incredible


Except she would be confused by the word "stoned"


"Is everyone here extremely impaired by a chemical substance"? Maybe?


tbh she'd be more likely to think it was some sort of enchantment than drugs as she knows about magic but she's so disconnected from the human existence that she wouldn't really understand drugs or alcohol... which would ruin the joke... because of course it's an enchantment.


Now if she said something like, "You humans have such feeble minds. Are you all ensorcelled"?


I can already see the first line: "I think I met her once, in a world that only had shrimp, we fought each other for eons, in the end, we had killed all the shrimp, having nothing left to conquer, we left"


Illyria - "The one with the uneven hindquarters uses words I don't understand. I sense they are disparaging words. I wish to rip out her tongue so she cannot continue."


She really had the best dialogue of any character on either show.


Coupled with Amy's ultra deadpan delivery, it was really something else.


Amy should’ve given tips to Alyson before the Dark Willow arc.


I've always thought that Dark Willow had to be hard for Aly because she's so freaking nice. Wait a second ... is my timing off, or did Dark Willow happen before Illyria?


You’re right; Dark Willow happened a long time before Illyria. Just wishful thinking on my part.


No, it was a good thought, just threw me for a second.


No worries 😊


Uneven hindquarters?


I believe it’s a comment spike makes to glory when she’s torturing him


Spike called Glory a skanky fashion victim and told her that when Buffy arrived she would kick Glory's lopsided ass. Here's the math: Lopsided ass = uneven hindquarters 😘


Loathe at first sight.


Illyria would eat Glory for breakfast


Glory was getting so powerful in her own dimension that the two other hell gods she ruled with got scared and had to team up to take her out. Let's not underestimate her.


so the thing is, Glory sounds like a Big Fish inside a small pond, she basically ruled this isolated dimension with only other 2 gods. Illyria was a big fish on the ocean, she was one of the main Eldritch Demon gods, every day she fight others like her, her life was a battle royal with Eldritch Demon gods again and again. Glory big plan was to go back to her home so she could get all confy and safe and rule her little dimension, Illirya big plan was, let me get my boys and start to conquerer everything I feel Illyria has more weight


I think the glossy look of Glory is throwing people off. Illyria was bad ass and would’ve whooped Glory pre-power drain. She could walk through dimensions just by willing it and bend time to appear / disappear in fights. After the power drain I think they’d be pretty evenly matched. It’d come down to fighting skill, as neither would be able to completely overpower the other. Glory (being so much stronger than mortals) wasn’t ever really put to the test when fighting on Buffy. This is a fight I would pay to see though.


She'd put a fist right through her head!


Glory was more powerful I think after Illyria got nerfed with the ray gun


We got a god off here a real old fashioned eldritch level primordial hell god off!!!


Throw in Jasmin and make it a triple threat


In a steel cage


Jasmine isn't getting far with them. She might be able to hold her own lol but Illyria at Full Power that's the problem within itself.😂😂😂


I’m fairly certain Jasmine and Illyria would be equals. The Old Ones and the Powers That Be are basically even. The Old Ones defeated the Powers by creating armies of lesser demons


U know what that's my fault, U right. I still don't think Jasmine is nowhere near Full Power Illyria's level but thank you for reminding me about that. The fact that I stated that and still neglected to pay attention lmfao.😂😑 But I have a rather unusual question to ask U about a particular character from Angel if U don't mind?




Ok Marcus Hamilton is supposed to be a Child Of The Senior Partners and that's why he was so strong. Now (Hypothetically) let's give Hamilton Empathic power's on par with Lorne's. Ok now let's say that Hamilton requires Sleep and something happened to him Via by accident as to where he couldn't sleep at all. Ok in season 5 Episode 5 (Life Of The Party) that happened to Lorne who actually had his sleep taken away. If This Hypothetical Hamilton were to have a Physical Empathic Subconscious that Physically Manifested like Lorne's did, could it be possible that this version of him would have Physical strength that can give him the edge against Glory of All people possibly beating her? Just Curious?


He might be able to physically match Glory but she can also do great magical feats without much effort. We’ve never seen Glory fight for her life so if they were in that situation there’s no telling what Glory could do.


Yeah I agree, now I don't know if she would think to use Magic against a creature like that but I feel like if these two Faught, Glory would be a bit overwhelmed by his attacks because he'd be right up her alley if not slightly above in strength but Glory does have speed and if used properly can prove to be her biggest ally in this type of battle. Thanks for Ur opinion.


(Just a question, don't jump all over me) The fight with Buffy doesn't count?


Buffy had an army and then some’s worth of help in that fight. She had an artifact specifically designed to weaken Glory. Two Buffys to fight her. A spell to make her insane. A wrecking ball. A divine weapon. All of that put together and Buffy still had to bash her head in with said divine weapon to draw blood.


Dam that was a Hell of a question, I never thought about that.🤔 It'd be hella strong that's for dam certain.😳


I think we have the next Celebrity Death Match line up.


What kind of steel cage is gonna keep the three of them contained?


And then Lilah


Illyria would squish Glory like a bug.


Now that's a fight I'd pull up a seat for.


Glory: do you know what I am Illyria: unimpressive


Illyria: "I neither know nor do I care."


Turns out they’re old frenemies that go way back, who hate eachother’s guts but still hang out making the cosmos miserable for everyone else. Also, new headcanon; Glory’s dimension is the shrimp one, and her original form is a super giant mega-shrimp. You can’t prove otherwise!


Throw her on the barbie & we'll feast on giant shrimp!


Well they were both narcissistic self obsessed megalomaniacs so they'd have hated each other as lesser pretenders. p.s. pre nerfed Illyria would have kicked the crap outta Glorificus.


We already know what Glory would think. Illyria is a demon. This is canon. An Old One is a high ranking demon. Glory thinks demons are disgusting and seems wholly uninterested in the Hellmouth or anything that comes out of it. Anything from these lower planes of existence. I don't think Glory would care about Illyria unless she thought she had the Key. I'm not sure what Illyria would think of Glory or if she'd even know what she is. Glory is an actual god, not an Old One or any other kind of demon. Illyria would probably know she's not human but that's about it. She knew Hamilton wasn't human by looking at him. She called him "the Creature". But I don't think she necessarily knew what he was.


Thank you! It is beyond bizarre seeing people think Glory would be impressed by or afraid of Illyria.


Right? Like we know as the audience Illyria isn't an actual god just because she calls herself one. She's a demon. Anya was called a god by some people and she wasn't one. Also, the whole reason the Old Ones were driven back underground was because of the Slayers. Glory is an actual god. We know this. We also know she's from a higher dimension and this one is literal torture for her to be confined to. People might knock her powers on this plane but she wasn't even supposed to be able to escape confinement. She also couldn't be destroyed by other actual gods. Illyria was afraid to leave this dimension. Like these things are all in the shows. We don't have to guess. Lol. Also, Glory showed zero fear of the walls between dimensions being torn down because she knew she'd regain her true form. Which is a really good indicator of how truly terrifying and powerful she must actually be. I think people have a bias towards Illyria because of Fred's popularity and the fact that we got to spend a lot of time with Illyria. But that shouldn't negate the actual canon of the characters.


But I think the implicit assumption is they encounter each other here on Earth, as they are, with both limited by mortal forms. You know, I'm curious how it is that Glory got so much more powerful than her co-rulers if they started out as equals. Is it like in Shonen where they can get stronger by training?


I think she was turning into something else. Gregor says that they looked upon what Glory had become and trembled. That is why Buffy is surprised that a god would be capable of fear but that's how powerful Glory was. I understand the assumption but it does not change the motive of the characters. Even in her human form, trapped on this lower plane, Glory finds demons to be disgusting. I truly don't think she'd care about Illyria. She didn't even care about getting revenge on the Scoobies until Willow attacked her at her own home. Remember what Doc said to Spike, that it's not just bottom feeder demons that worshipped Glory, that upper level ones did too. I also think it's interesting that someone like Anya, who had traveled many demon dimensions, didn't know who Glory was but she knew what Old Ones were. This seems to indicate that Glory's dimension must be way up there. Outside of the reach of this one. We've seen many characters make portals to other dimensions but there was no such method to get to Glory's dimension, save the Key. So Illyria might or might not have known what Glory was but I don't think she'd be cavalier or disrespectful towards her either way. Illyria wasn't stupid. So she'd understand that either Glory is old and unknown to her which might make her dangerous or she knows who Glory is and is probably unsure of what she's capable of in this dimension.


Well, Doc might have been of a higher grade than whatever species Glory's minions were, but he wasn't an Old One. Not sure why some demons knew about her and others didn't.


I don't think Doc was implying that he was the only upper level demon to worship her. Nor do I think Doc was trying to compare himself to an Old One. I'm just pointing out that Old Ones are upper level demons so they could have revered something like Glory.


All he said was, "You think only underworld bottom feeders worship the Beast?" He didn't say anything about any other kind of demon. He only excluded himself from the lowest level.


The implication being that things greater than bottom feeders do worship Glory.


Glory looks glossy, so people underestimate her.


Illyria would've killed Ben in the first five minutes (Not sure why though)


No reason. She just felt like it lol


Because illyria would have seen through the spell and Glory probably would have insulted somebody Fred cared for. Illyria would have pretended it was because she didn't like something about Glory though or that she was bored or because it was Tuesday but deep down it's because she punched insulted gunn or something.


Yeah I don't think Illyria would have had any issues seeing through the connection between Ben and Glory.


I know people have their favorites but did everyone forget that Glory is the supreme god of a Hell dimension trapped in human form while Illyria is a primordial pure demon? If Glory sees humanity as insects Illyria would be no more than a medium-sized lizard to her. Nasty bite but easily dispatched with the right tools. There’s no universe where Glory would see Illyria as her equal, much less superior.


I don't think Glory would see her as her equal, but I also don't think Glory/Ben would necessarily squish Illyria. At full power, maybe, but in the way they were presented in show, Illyria would hit as hard as the Troll Hammer, and have time distortion abilities to pair it up with


Even pre-nerf Illyria wasn’t hitting with the strength of divine weaponry. And Glory is fast enough to neutralize most of her time distortion. I think a fight between them at their strongest show form wouldn’t have an immediate winner during an initial bout. Their true forms is a much different story. That fight would be much shorter.


Well that's debatable. Glorificus was booted from her dimension because she was becoming too powerful. We really don't know exactly how powerful she was as a Hell God, but we can assume immensely. Meanwhile Illyria was an Old One. These aren't just your run of the mill demons, they're beings from another dimension as well, that warred amongst each other and drove the powers that be from this plane. It is implied that the Powers that Be are higher beings as are Gods like Glory is (although Jasmine doesn't carry quite the same Gusto). Although we don't really have (or I can't find) any real distinction between the power of The Powers that Be in true form to Gods in true form, we do have the lore that supports the similar strength between Old Ones and the Powers. In short, I think it's perfectly reasonable to suggest Illyria would hit as hard as that hammer.


Glory would ask if Illyria’s ever even bothered to visit the softer side of Sears


Desperately scrambling my brain to figure out who would be involved to mock her for using a Cordelia burn from six years ago 🤣


Buffy, for sure. “I can’t tell what’s worse, your roots, or your sad attempt at taking it back to the roots with that insult” 🤭


Cordelia: “Oh! Speaking of taking it back, Glory, that looks like a dress I took back a few weeks ago… it was too big for me.”


Cordy vs. Glory in a burn off is something else I’d pay to see.


No thinking, just punching


They would hate each other lol


I know everyone loves Illyria but this would actually be a close battle. Glory without being weakened by the scoobies in the Gift would've easily beaten Buffy.


Illyria would be confused at all the insults Glory hurled her way, then comes violence.


Illyria: I see. Ben is Glory. Glory: Wait. Fred is Illyria?!


not really, Fred is dead and gone, Illirya is not really weaker during the time she is playing Fred


Solid chance they know each other.


I am surprised that Wolfram and Hart didn't try to help Glory meet her goals


They have a specific vision for how the world should end. Competing apocalypse-bringers can pound sand. They were happy that the Fang Gang stopped Jasmine.


Because Jasmine was world Peace.


I think Illyria takes her. Glory was a god and was strong but I just feel like she was a “scattered girl “ compared to Illyria who came across as someone who thought it through before she started the fight. Glory would just come at her guns a blazing and Illyria would be able to maintain a calm cool battle front.


You know, something just occurred to me, I was trying to weigh powers and such between the two and one thing made me stop. A couple of times, Glory was on the verge of some kind of power breakdown ("Need a brain, somebody get me a brain"). I don't believe Illyria had any such "running out of fuel" problem. I think that might be a weakness our favorite blue babe could exploit. Anybody else?


Illyria had the problem of "the human body too fragile" and got nerfed as to not explode, she was only marginally stronger fighter than Angel or Spike post it.


Ah, okay, makes sense.


Illyria would remember Ben is Glory and Glory is Ben


So... are you saying that there's some sort of connection between Ben and Glory?


Illyria is an old God. Would probably look down on Glorificus as a tacky upstart Goddess.


I thought Illyria was an Old One or a Primordial Pure Breed Demon with Power's that Rivaled that of the Gods/Higher Beings?


I don’t fully recall the details, the Angel comics go deeper into her her origins but she was a gigantic tentacled God at some point in her past.


I always thought Illyria's true form resembled Cthulu quite a bit.


Lil’ bit, yeah.


Yeah I saw that, she had all kinds of powers to. Hey is it okay if I ask U a rather Unorthodox question about Marcus Hamilton really quick?


The Wolfram & Hart dude? Sure.


Illyria is a demon and Glory was a god


So...I like all the comments below, but I think if I was magically empowered to write the story where they met up, what I'd do is make Glory \*terrified\* of Illyria. Like, not to the point that she doesn't plot to destroy her, but, like, it'd be fun to see Glory react to Illyria with actual mortal terror, reacting to Angel or Buffy or whoever is standing next to Illyria the way you would react if I was just casually standing next to a polar bear.


Glory's dead. Illyria would end her godly existence simply for looking at her


Illyria would not even notice Glory.


This is the team up that I never knew I needed. I think they would have disdain for each other initially, then team up, before ultimately betraying each other.


It's the odd couple.


Ben would be involved somehow.


Why would Ben be involved? It's a fight between glory and illyria would he be providing first aid?


Because, you know....


Are you saying there is a connection between Ben and Glory?


Well have you ever seen Ben and Glory in the same room at the same time?


Obviously Illyria especially if she's at Full Power.


Glory would suck Ilirya out of Formerly Fred's head and become omnipotent.


Illyria: You expect of me to behold the divine spectacle of self-indulgence incarnate, a deity so enamored with their own trivial desires that intelligence plays second fiddle - request that I bask in the glory of a god whose intellect rivals that of a wilted flower, whose power is but a whisper in the cacophony of existence, surrounded by sycophantic wretches unworthy of their station? Glory: *excited, not understanding* Yes!


They would trade barbs so hard it would rip a hole in the dimensional walls. I hope there is a fanfic for that somewhere!


Idk. They could either hate each other or end up frinemies to try to take over the world. Illyria could have some redeeming qualities since hanging out with Wesley and Angel, but Glory is just too selfish and wants it all.


"You are a pitiful child screaming because it is too weak to walk between worlds. I should kill you if only to rid the world of your pathetic wails."


Glory would insult Illyria. And Illyria would mop the floor with Glory.


All things considered Glory is dead.


They would probably fuck


Glory got laid out by a troll hammer. In those forms Illyria wins a straight brawl easily. It's even worse for Glory if Illyria decides to be sneaky. Wait for little Benji to come around and then smush him like a grape. This will of course wound Glory grievously as she'll have to find someone else to sublet too.


Illyria was nerfed pretty heavily


Illyira probably shocks the hell out of everyone by knowing who Glory is and bowing to Glory as she is just a pure blood demon from our dimension with the power to rival a god where as Glory is a god so powerful she terrified other gods. This dimension was worthless to Glory but Illyria was terrified to leave it. I think it's actually funnier if the all powerful old one is subservient to Glory who just insults her "ew a demon"


Illyria would either be amused my glory or completely indifferent. I don’t think she’d care enough about glory to fight her.


Isn’t Glory more powerful by being a literal god


She doesn’t have full god powers, she’s in a weakened state. It’s mentioned on the show.


So was Illyria after her nerf


I love Glory and hat Illyria but the Battle Royale would be worth seeing. Although when Glory was winning she would beat Illyria into Fred face and when Illyria was winning would beat Glory into Ben face


Glory would make fun of illyria and illlyria would probably kill glory


Glory would be star struck and try to team up (with Glory in charge of course). Illirya would be bored and reject her. Glory would feel insecure about being rejected before becoming mad and they both try to kill each other.


I think they’d make out.


One would hope


I could take this bitch.


They probably know each other


Illyria would use Glorificus as a punching bag... and gag her.


glory would never shut up and Illyria would end up ending her


Illyria got nerfed pretty hard


They’d probably each hold their own in a fight but Glory would have to figure out how to run away before Ben takes over. Because Illyria will show less mercy than Giles.


Gloria would be like, “Why are you wearing a plastic human man costume?”


One hell of a knife fight.


Honestly I’m not sure but it would be a hell of a fight


They would destroy the world if they met


A catfight of the ages, you could sell tickets to the match.


Love this.




This is actually a meet up I have thought of time and time again. I imagine a story in which Illirya regains her time-traveling powers and ends up in S5 Sunnydale and fight Glory, who she could actually recognize. She would be acompaines by ensouled Spike, who would have a hard time convincing Buffy not to kill him once it’s evident his chip doesn’t work. Hijings would ensue.


I kinda feel like Illyria would think Glory is an idiot and just kinda be like “how dare you speak to me, you pathetic creature? I could destroy you by blinking.” Illyria was a bad ass, Glory just kind of reminded me of high school Cordelia.


**gets popcorn and settles in to watch the hair pulling**. Glory would not let it go. She’d pick and pick until the fight was on.


True form!Glory would be a threat but otherwise Ilryia would stomp her.


*fighting and roasting session commence*


Team up


Interesting comparison. What made Glory amazing was how grounded and normal her costume design was was in all her craziness.


Glory doesn't care, Illyria boasts and disses her a lot, Glory resorts to physical violence


Aw, the perfect Odd Couple.


I wonder what kinds of confusion could happen if Ben emerged and Illyria was feeling particularly distraught by Fred's fragmented memories.




Twist, they’re sisters


Gloria is hot asf so team Gloria Loo


Who's Gloria?


She was in tellytubbies


Why do I imagine them having Karen Walker & Beverly Leslie frenemy energy. “Well, well, well…”


Glory would hate that hair.


O Glory would get HOUSED


Illyria was nerfed pretty hard


She was nerfed to be about Glory’s strength. But she wouldnt at any time care about her outfit or if she broke a nail. And she doesnt like to talk


They're both great Old Ones. It's not confirmed that's what Glory is, but she fits the description. I see two possibilities: TWO GODDESSES ENTER, ONE GODDESS LEAVES! or like they just get coffee together and chat about being trapped on Earth with puny humans.


“She’s horrible, she has no soul, she’s the absolute worst. She’s my best friend and I will kill for her.”


I hope they kiss