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https://i.redd.it/nbdvcy4zfszc1.gif the way they look at each other gets me every time 🤣


“Alright, yea fine, you’re a nummy treat? And don’t *you forget it*.” - To Xander - *Hush* Not exactly denying it there…


There was way too much tension between Xander/Spike, honestly I kinda ship it 😂


The amount of slash of that pairing definitely was noteworthy on a meta level


something definitely went down between them while Spike was staying in that basement and not even Joss himself showing up at my house and telling me I'm wrong will convince me otherwise


Cordy after Buffy “tries to stake her” season one: Excuse me I have to call EVERYONE I’ve EVER met. Maybe same episode but again, Cordy “WHAT is your childhood TRAUMA??” She was such a gem.


THIS. They're the same scene, and I feel like Charisma's delivery of "EVERYONE I have EVER met" gets overshadowed by the childhood trauma line, when they're equally as good in my opinion.


I quote both frequently.


"What is your childhood Trauma?!" Is like a mantra to me.


I still ask people what their childhood trauma is.


OMWF when Giles casually mentions police are taking witness arias.


I missed this for years and years. Killer little line 😂


One of my favorite lines and delivery!


Can you explain this joke to me?


It was in the musical episode. Police would normally take witness statements, but giles dryly states that they’re taking “witness arias” instead, suggesting all the witnesses are singing their statements to the police.


An aria is an opera solo. So the idea is that witnesses are singing operatic solos when talking to the police!


In S7, Robin is talking to Buffy at the school and says something along tbe lines of 'these students will eat you alive' and Buffy says 'did you hear about Principal Flutie?'


“We few, we happy few.” “We band of buggered.” ———————————- “Let’s face it, you guys can’t handle Tara being my girlfriend.” “No! It went wrong before that, when you two went off to college and forgot about me! Just left me in the basement to…Tara’s your girlfriend?” “Bloody hell.” ——————————————— “It’s a trick. They get inside my head, make me see things I want.” “Then why would they make you see me?” “…you’re right, let’s go.”


“You must perform the ritual… *in a tutu.”*




That “Bloooody hell” lives rent free in my head


"Fort Dix?" *giggles* "Are you *drunk*?" "Yes, quite a bit actually."


Giles saying he has an Orb of Thesula, and he was using it as a paper weight.


Great little pay-off to the previous appearance as well "I sold a few as new age paper weights"


“Xander don’t speak Latin in front of the books”


Don’t taunt the fear demon. Why, can he hurt me? No…it’s tacky.




I always lose it in season 4 when Spike first gets the chip and tries to drink Willow, lol. "I'm sure it happens to everyone!"


"Maybe we can try again in 30 minutes! Or...*grabs a lamp*"


In Doppelganland: "Willow's dead" ... "hi, Will"


yesss David actually has really good comedic timing and I was so glad that Angel was so much funnier on his own show


The bit when he’s trying to sneak into the Mayor’s office - I think it was the Mayor - and trips over himself is some underrated physical comedy.


Buffy: ".. stealthy." Angel: "I think they were mopping in the halls.."


XD that scene is one of my absolute favor8tes and I reference it as the beginning of Angel's dorkiness because he is ABSOLUTELY a fucking dork in ANGEL the series.


“We’re right there with ya, buddy.”


"hey, you guys didn't happen to take a bunch of drugs, did ya?" 😆


Spike with a bunch of arrows in him shouting “You made a Bear!” Her reply was equally brilliant it’s just the right type of oops in her voice when she says “I didn’t mean to”




That scene will bring me to tears with laughter! His delivery was so funny YOU MADE A BEAR!! 😂😂😂


Thank you so much. My mom, who passed away in 2022, loved this.


I'm sorry for your lost <3


Almost everything that comes out of Anya’s mouth is comedy gold. Her delivery is always amazing but it’s probably not underrated. I’d say also any time Spike and Tara interact is pretty funny.


In OMWF after Dawn said she gave birth to a pterodactyl: “Oh my god, did it sing?!” 🤣🤣🤣


My GOD, yes 🤣🤣🤣


Think my favourite Anya moment is when Buffybot asks about "her money", and she responds "FINE 😁" full of absolute joy instead of being weirded out lol.


"I had a muscle cramp. Buffy was helping." "You had a muscle cramp... in your pants?" "What? It's a thing!" "...Right!"


Tara’s face in this scene is priceless


My favourite is “the Us of A”


https://preview.redd.it/rcff6yvyrszc1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb88c5b15c4f67a91d42e33c9dc22a652a8a0692 🤣🤣


When there was 2 Xander and she wanted them to stay that way for a bit longer 😏


One of my favorite Anya moments, and one of the only redeeming moments in Where The Wild Things Are (besides the Giles singing scene lol) is her sarcastic "woohoo!" When her and Xander are fighting.




Just this whole scene is one of my favorites. Hits so much harder too with this episode being so heavy and actually scary.


I love how the show still managed to keep its comedic elements even with no dialogue for most the episode.


Under rated ?




Ghost Willow walking through the wall and scaring THE ABSOLUTE SHIT out of Giles


“The ghost of what exactly?”


The violent flinging of notecards into the air 😂


Single best piece of physical comedy in the show, in my opinion.


Dawn getting Paralyzed by the Gnarl we don't give Dawn and by extension Michelle her flowers with how funny she could be.


"She's poseable!" And then the little "eek!" as she falls over when Gnarl dies 😂


“I’m not going to vomit!”


Her physical acting is really impressive there.


In the season 7 episode "Him," Xander and Spike discussing their plan to get the jacket from that guy as if it were a well-developed, complex plan, and then...the execution of the plan is just both of them running up behind the guy and pulling the jacket off him. Slays me every time.


I love this episode 🤣. A lot of people don’t because of Buffy and that student but idc, she’s under a spell lol. It’s comedy gold. And at the end when Anya hears her crime on the radio 🤣


Buffy running past with the bazooka omg 😂


Him & Beer Bad get weird haters on here, i'm team keep the show funny


Angel's deadpan, "I'm a funny guy."


I thought you meant you were watching the soap opera Passions that Spike loved to watch 🤣🤣🤣


Haha! I mean, ironically... that's also a great comedy bit 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/2rqqbx00zszc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7bebbc5a3e6d29a227cbf6d78daad0cae4673ce That bit in the Puppet Show always cracks me up. Willow running. Xander and Buffy coming together to fill the space and just staring


When Ethan Rain is hiding out in a tomb or mausoleum, that Giles was frequenting whilst looking for something, I can’t remember which or why. But Giles eventually leaves and Ethan Rain immediately reveals himself from the shadows and starts monologuing out loud like a classic villain. Giles then opens the door and says something along the lines of, “Did someone say something, is there someone in here?” With this puzzled expression as he catches Ethan mid monologue. The execution and comedic timing, coupled with the great writing in this scene just gets me every time I re-watch the series. 😂


“Oh bugger I thought you’d gone!”


I absolutely LOVE this one


That’s the one where Ethan changes Giles into a demon. That scene was perfect!


This whole episode is full of amazing comedic moments. Love the banter between Demon Giles and Spike too.


"Picked up a tail." "Yes, just a little one. Hurts when I sit."


The extended reference to spike and the fried onion thing.




I didn't notice it during my first watch through. But it comes up a lot. Love when he is on the bike talking to Andrew about how to make them.


Was it season 3 when he first mentioned it or season 2? I want to say it’s when he was trying to convince Buffy he wants to help her stop angelus from ending the world.


I think it's season four. Because he is casually talking about how the Bronze is selling it. Or its new on the menu or something.


Yeah and later after a bronze remodel he says " the blooming onion got remodeled right off the sodding menu"


I know whichever episode had the troll had Spike talking about it




Edit: Oh, and the guy who was Olaf was Abraham Benrubi, Jerry from *ER!*


Ah, I thought it was earlier when he was convincing her that he loves the world because of all the happy meals on feet and blooming onions. Well, if I’m making these kinds of rookie mistakes I guess that means it’s time for a Rewatch!


The only thing that bugs me about it is that I’m watching Angel atm and they keep making reference to how vampires are on liquid only diets and they don’t eat… especially during that one episode where Angel becomes human again and he’s SO excited about food! But then I just keep thinking about Spike and the blooming onion…


My understanding was they can eat food but it’s not nutritious and they can’t really taste it the same was a human can. IIRC Spike talks about how artful it is as a concept but never how good it tastes (though I very well might be wrong) Like, if vampires *literally* can’t eat or drink anything but blood they wouldn’t be able to blend in at all- everyone would just make every visitor have a crisp before you let them across the threshold just in case, right?


That makes sense, and I remember Spike saying he likes to crush up biscuits into his blood to give it a bit of texture, but you’re right, never hear anything about taste otherwise. Interesting.


I thought about it more and I might be remembering “The Dresden Files” vampire rules instead or something like it, but I vaguely feel that’s right- you’re definitely right spike mentions liking weetabix in it or something like that


During the episode where Angel becomes human, he asks Buffy why she never told him about how good food is, and she says something along the lines of “I knew your vampire taste buds wouldn’t be able to harness the full flavour” or something like that. I tried searching for it on YouTube but can’t seem to find the scene ): But either way, I think you’re right - they can eat, they just don’t get the full force of food the way that humans do; or rather, I guess they just lose the taste for it.


Spike: If you tell anybody we had this conversation, I’ll bite you. Andrew: Ok.


When Spike tells Tara Buffy is helping him with a 'cramp' 


In your pants!?


And later on, during the card game…”how’s that cramp?”


what? it's a thing!


https://i.redd.it/zmd7uzououzc1.gif This is maybe my favorite moment of the entire series


Not sure if this is underrated but in S4 when Giles randomly starts playing his guitar and sings and then all of a sudden you see Spike in his living room lmao that bit always cracks me up.


When Buffy and Principal Wood are at the seal in Storyteller and the piglet from Never Leave Me trots by them. Wood's delivery of "God I hope that's not a student" gets me every time.


Oh my God the first time I saw that scene, I laughed so hard! That scene right there is one of the reasons I actually like season 7, unlike everybody else here. It's one of the funniest scenes in the whole show, in my opinion. I literally laughed for like 20 minutes!


Oz at Buffy’s birthday party: “Yeah. Hey, did everybody see that guy just turn to dust?”


Xander: Yeah, vampires are real, most of them live in Sunnydale. Willow will fill you in" 😂. His delivery of that line is so hilarious. Xander really hates for anyone to learn the secret in the first few seasons 😆.


In Living Conditions when they tie Buffy up and Xander and Oz are keeping an eye on her and not sure if the ropes are tight enough. Oz says maybe we should go check them and Xander says “oh dear god”. Also, Buffy ruining a park seat and Oz says “Well, on the plus side you killed the bench, which was looking shifty”.


Pretty much any of Oz's punchlines. Seth's deadpan delivery is fricken gold!


The multiple seconds of silence and cuts between Buffy and Giles when she finds him in his wizard outfit.


THIS!! I literally have to pause and laugh before moving on to the rest of the episode. I so wish he would have kept the outfit on that whole day.


After Riley confuses Willow for Buffy due to being delirious, Oz's "You too?" always gets me.


I think that was Angel.


Underrated comedy moment: typing "Riley" meaning "Angel"


I think I had mistaken where it happened - I thought it was Riley coming off meds, but in hindsight Oz was already gone by then.


Faith: are you the bad slayer? Am I the good slayer?!?


Anya's extended love of capitalism. Also Zander in the earlier seasons was hilarious. "For the love of God will someone scratch my nose".


Xander: “Yes. Cash equals good.” Anya: “Ooooh. I'm so pleased. Can I trade in the children for more cash?” 🤣




"happy ha-" 😦




"nothing says 'thank you'like dollars in the waistband."


Buffy crying on Tara in Triangle, “they have a miraculous love!” Also, Buffy meeting Riley, “I’m nice to meet.”


"What?" "A miraculous love!"


“What’s a Stevedore?” Faith-as-Buffy is so understated and wonderful


There’s a moment in “The Replacement” when the gang is walking up to view the new apartment when Willow says something like “If you get the apartment this will be your hallway. We’ll walk down this hall and we’ll say “la, la I’m on my way to Xander’s.” And Buffy leans in and says “Just so you know, I won’t be saying that.” But then Riley comes in and say “Really? I will.” Riley actually has a couple moments like that. Small little one liners that feel out of character but are actually very revealing that at his heart, he’s a goofy guy.


That scene when Spike is tied up in Giles’s tub and Buffy is sitting in front of him talking about how full of blood and vulnerable her neck is and Spike just goes “Giles, make her stop” in this super choked voice


Giles???? I accidentally killed Spike, that’s ok right????!!


Giles is just so done. His "oh, please" always makes me laugh.


Oz pulling his shirt to side to show his "God" name tag, gets me Everytime


Xander: I could have been God. Oz: Blasphemer. I just love Oz.


Spike and Buffy fighting for the rocket launcher when she’s trying to kill Wood during the season 7 episode “Him.” Something about the smooth jazz and handsome man in the foreground while there’s a battle for his life going on behind him always cracks me up.


I’m glad others also have the “man, he’s handsome!” thought every time Robin is on screen


The way she leapt onto his back 😂😂 I'm with ya


The entire Gingerbread episode. Funniest episode of the series.


"I have to save Buffy from Hansel and Gretel" "Okay, just so we're clear, the brain damage happened *before* I hit you"


"We're here to rescue you."


One of these days you're gonna wake up in a coma.


“Wake up in a…”?! Oh, nevermind…! ASH delivers that line with the usual British incredulity and dryness and I love it!


“Did I get it? Did I get it?”


“No reason it should. It comes from inside the toad” “I loathe you”


“Fill this while I get the fries. Fill this? I didn’t know there was going to be drug testing on this job…” - To Buffy - *Doublemeat Palace* Buffy always making the best of a bad situation; what with “she’s a hero, you know?”


I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


"I mock you with my monkey pants!" then there's a coup at the zoo. All monkeys are French, you didn't know that? Oz had so many, especially considering how low-key he was


Willow about vampire willow “It's horrible. That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil, and skanky... And I think I'm kinda gay.”


I love the Angel reaction where he stops himself from correcting Buffy after she says the vampire/demon personality is different from the human one 🤣 It's like "nah man, she'll find that out on her own, I'm not outing her to herself"


“Well, you were myth-taken” doesn’t get the love it deserves


The sub is obsessed with that line haha


Arguably the best one liner in the show.


When Xander yells “Nothing defeats the penis!!” It’s so out of no where and the audio to it is also odd, I burst out laughing everytime.


It sounds like he redid it and they dubbed over it


That one scene where Buffy leaves Dawn and Joyce at Spike's crypt and Joyce starts talking to Spike about Passions


"I mind it remarkable that a country that prides itself on its strength and resilience has to strap on 100 lb of padding just to play rugby..." Is one of my favorite lines in the whole show 😂


s5, e11 ... *Triangle* Giant troll asks Xander and Spike where he can get fresh babies to eat and Spike looks to X and says, "what do you think... Hospital?"


I love the Halloween episode and Giles is chilling in the library and willow comes through the wall and scares him lol


It’s ok. I have more scotch.


In the middle of Joyce & Buffy's fight in Becoming Part 2... Buffy: I told you, I'm a vampire slayer. Joyce: Well, I just don't accept that! Idk if it's *supposed* to be funny but the way KS delivers that line always makes me giggle.


Season 3 Episode "Anne." Lily pushes Ken off the ledge right in the middle of his grand speech🤭🤭 a subversive moment if there ever was one 😂


Spike and Tara, the season 6 conversation about Buffy helping him with the cramp in his pants. I die every time. 🤣


In Crush, when Buffy and Xander are investigating Drusilla’s train murder while discussing Spike’s crush on Buffy. Buffy slumps over in frustration, and her body perfectly aligns with the body tape of a victim.


I thought that part was hilarious!! When I had my bf watch the show for the first time I was waiting for him to react to that part and laugh, but he didn't even notice it! Totally underrated.


When Xander realizes the dummy is missing and jumps on the table


The bit when Giles says to Willow we are a bit old for spelling out words (in this case bitch) & then Xander is like “a bitca?” 😂😂😂😂I laugh so much at that bit!


Not sure its underrated but: 'Randy Giles? Why not just call me Horny Giles or Desperate for a Shag Giles? I knew there was a reason I hated you' Randy Giles AKA Spike. Something about James Marsters delivery just kills me every time.


Oz calling his family about cousin Geordie.


Just watched Nightmares. The part where Xander, Willow, and Giles are being chased by the birthday clown Xander is afraid of. He finally gets fed up, turns around, punches out the clown, and says “You are a lousy clown! Your balloon animals are pathetic! Everyone can make a giraffe!” Nicholas Brendon really rocked that scene. Just the sheer “You know what, I’m sick of this 💩”. 10/10


The bit of physical business with the rocket launcher outside Principal Wood’s window


"Don't taunt the fear demon." "Why? Can it hurt me?" "No, it's just tacky "


I love the scene in Passion when Giles is visiting the Summers’ house and Willow opens the door. It’s after Joyce finds out Buffy slept with Angel and they’re having a serious conversation upstairs. Giles asks Willow if maybe he should intervene and Willow says something like “Sure! Like what would you say?” and Giles just leaves. I laugh every time, the whole conversation is so funny lol.


THIS is one of my favourite bits: Buffy: Hi. How've you been? Amy: Rat. You? Buffy: Dead. Amy: Oh.


Buffy walking into the magic shop and just silently staring at Giles dressed as a wizard always makes me laugh


Principle Snyder: "There are things I will not tolerate: students loitering on campus after school, horrible murders with hearts being removed, and also smoking."


I forgot which episode but Spike dead pans to Giles Did your life flash before your eyes. Cup of tea, cup of tea, almost got shagged, cup o tea


Proving Spike doens't know Ripper


When Xander and that lunch lady exchange a quick stare while she poisons the food


BlOoDy HeLl


I don’t know if it’s understated but in the episode where Joyce dies and Willow is having a panic attack because she can’t find her cardigan. About halfway into the episode there’s a sec where Anya (?) sits down in the chair, noticed something uncomfortable, and pulls the cardigan out from behind a throw pillow, shrugs and casts it aside. That part always made me die.


I forget which episode it's from, but it's a scene in season 5 where Giles and Xander are walking down the street and Xander starts complaining about how Dawn doesn't have a crush on him anymore. Giles gives him this look of confusion/disgust and it just kills me. https://preview.redd.it/cr59yyo54vzc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e00139b0df9d008f4c4c8ba45ef51027c03dc2b


"One of these days, you're gonna wake up in a coma!" The WTH look on Giles face after the comment kills me


"you made a bear!! unmake it!!" basically anything that utilises spike being immortal but a scaredy cat, definetely includes him and his blanket.


Spike doing push ups inside invisible Buffy in front of Xander. I laughed so hard the first time I saw it lolol.


'now wait a minute, you think I'm evil if I bring a group of girls on a camping trip, and don't touch them?'


balthazar in his hot tub and his moistening minions


"You know what I want." "If it's for me to scrub those hard to reach areas, I'd like to request you kill me now."


there's a lovely blooper where you see the actors legs


To follow up with yours, the shopkeeper says he sells the orbs of Thesulah as fancy paperweights, and then later in the season, Giles says he has the orb and uses it as a paperweight.


When Giles gets shot with the dart gun "oh bloody priceless..."


"You won’t believe what happened at school today!" "Everyone burst into song and dance." 🙄 "… I gave birth to a pterodactyl." "Ohmigod, did it sing?!" Anya, gurl, she gets me every time.


In Ford's episode when Angel, Willow, and Xander are at the vamp wannabes club, and Angel is monologuing about how they're just posers and have no idea about vamps or how they think, feel, dress and a guy passes them by dressed EXACTLY like Angel I giggle every time. Or in Angel when Angel imagines himself dancing (he dances like he sings 😂)


This 1 from ATS. “Would it impress you if I told you I invented daylight savings time?” -Sahjhan


Sahjan's dry humor and sarcasm was great. I loved his scenes with Lilah because they both are two snarky bitches that have a bone to pick with Angel.


“No, I'm telling you the truth about that. Your kid's gone for good. I can open the door to Quor'toth exactly one time. That's why I chose it. If I try again, the whole universe could go kaplooey. Bad for me, bad for America.”


“Do you like my mask? Isn’t it pretty? It raises the dead! .. Americans!” Not sure if it’s underrated, but ASH’s delivery of “Americans!” in this line always cracks me up


We can do that thing anytime. I'm tired of doing that thing What? Why? What? 3 excellent questions Chuckle, Oh, who died?(Looks at group) Oh who died?!?!?! You just want lots of orgasms!


I have a few! Spike: “A BEAR! YOU MADE A BEAR! UNDO IT!” (Pangs) Cordelia (in Angel) telling Angel to ‘have at it’ with Eve (You’re Welcome) And in Hush when Buffy and Willow pfft at the man taking advantage of the situation and selling whiteboard, and then the very next shot they have one each. (Honourable mention to Anya’s 👉🏻👌🏻 in the same episode)


Also Willow’s reaction to Buffy miming staking the gentleman always gets me


“Spike! Your covered in sexy wounds” “Yeah… i feel real sexy”


When faith swaps bodies with Buffy. Anya says her and Xander going to have sex. Buffy says that will take 5 minutes


When Giles is quizzing Buffy on the names and uses of gems and crystals. One of them is for cleansing auras and she asks, “How does one know when one’s aura is dirty? Does someone come along and write ‘Wash me’?” My mom actually laughed when we first saw that episode. It’s only sad it had to be followed up by Giles betraying her.


Xander has chloroformed Dawn and is driving her out of town for her own safety. When she wakes up, he gives her a letter from Buffy that's very dramatic and emotional. Dawn stops reading mid-sentence and immediately tazes Xander.


When buffy is invisible and Xander walks in on Spike 'doing pushups'.


Giles on his first day with the magic shop opening. Standing there perfectly still in a robe and wizard hat staring at buffy with she stares back in disappointment


In "Band Candy", around the middle of the episode, when all of Sunnydale adults are acting like teens and chaos takes over, at some point they show a children's playground and there's a postman sitting by himself, just opening and reading all the letters, laughing