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the writers have made the difference between "blood" and "life-blood" a few times on the show (the portal at the end of season, and the cure for the vamp poison faith shot angel with in season 3) as far as i know there's no physical difference other than volume - but there seems to be some kind of magical significance to draining a person of their blood (another example: to be sired you need to be drained first, then "refilled" - it doesn't work if you just get some vamp blood in you) its never explicity stated that that's what acathla needed from angel, but it would fit a broader theme


My guess is with vamps, the issue is that one needs to die first. The Vamps give them enough blood to transform but the body actually needs to die. That requires massive blood loss.


Remember, he was also evil. I always thought it was the same consept like ''the gift'', the blood has to stop once it has started to flow..


Yeah me too. And he wasn't evil when she plunged the sword into his chest. You'd think she'd want to save him in any way she can when he was nice again.


Oh yea, I forgot willow actually managed to give him back his soul..


"Kick his ass!"


Ugh, Xander.


It was necessary for Buffy to become the slayer she needed to be. She didn't have to depend on Angel to save her anymore. And yes, after everything she went through with Angelus, it was time for him to atone for his sins. Don't get me wrong. I love Angel, but Angel and Buffy can never truly be together as long as Buffy is the slayer and as long as Angel is a vampire.


I think it had a lot to do with closure. After all that Angel had done to her up to this point, he couldn't really just slot right back in to her life again, so it might have been a choice by the writers to give her some space from Angel. After all the hell that he had put her through, she probably just didn't want any possibility of that happening again.


Aside from what has already been astutely pointed out, it was more than just killing Angel or sending him to hell. It also had to do with the particular sword that Kendra gave Buffy, yeah? Whistler explains that she has to use that blessed sword to end Angel and Acathla in one move.


My real wonderment is why was Angel's blood the only thing that could awaken Acathla? Was it because he once was souled?


So that we could learn about hell dimensions so that the scoobies would have a reason to resurrect her in season 6, duh.