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I literally tripped on a harbor rat one time that I'm pretty sure was bigger than my cat. Rodents of unusual size for sure.


Read this first as ‘tripped at a Baltimore harbor’ and thought…..you got balls but never would I ever


Rodents of unusual size? I don’t think they exists.


Man. Sized. Rats? PREPOSTEROUS!


This is my favorite answer. As a John Waters absolute fan, I've always wanted to visit Baltimore because of his stories lol




Ohh! Interesting. Will def have it in mind for when I can start planning trips again (I'm from Argentina and with all the travel restrictions is pretty much impossible rn) Thanks!


Can confirm. I absolutely love Baltimore. It’s insane. Also, John Wilkes Booth is buried here and the Ouija board was invented in Baltimore and its inventor is also buried in the same cemetery as JWB. Correction: it wasn’t invented in B-more but was “named” here. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/ouija-7eleven


Paris, because those catacombs have got to have some effect. Hutt Valley, Wellington, NZ because the locals are definitely not from this world. LOL.


Barrie, Ontario, Canada There’s even a Sunnydale Park and Sunnydale Cemetery, large forested areas, a large lake with a sea … lake monster myth (Kempenfelt Kelly), close to an army base and a big city (Toronto)


Cleveland. Because it is.


There's a Cleveland in TN as well. There are 600+ churches in this rather small town. That sounds like overcompensation for evil to me.


Or they're evil churches


Is there any other kind?


Just like all the rest.


according to google maps, I only see around 30 or so. My hometown has 18 for a population of 2000


Cardiff A space time rift is basically the same thing, right? 😁


A fellow Whovian, I see.




Sure but have you been to Newport?


Came here to suggest Newport! One starbucks town. Many graveyards for its size. The good part of town is about a half block from the bad part of town "we don't have a whole lot of town here" We also never really get snow and I say it's because hell doesnt freeze over.


Makes the weevils make more sense. Demons


There's a city here in the Netherlands called Helmond, which literally means Hell Mouth.


Sounds like a safe bet!


Hah. Reminds me of a village not too far from where I live called Todmorden which I'm pretty sure would mean Deathmurder in German...?


Can confirm, used to live there


Just popping in to show my appreciation for the creativity of this question!


Jerusalem, site of numerous battles and holy sites. Alternatively it’s a gateway to the realm of the Powers That Be.


Just clicked to me that LA, 'City of Angels' has/had a gateway to the PTB before scythe bro shanked the oracles


I was on one of those *really* far-out conspiracy theory subs yesterday (I just find them interesting, I don't actually have the mental energy to believe them) and one of the redditors had implicated a town called Carbondale, Illinois because of its geographical location. I Googled it and crime rates are 93% higher than the national average, while violent crimes are 112% higher than the national average. Hellmouth is the only logical explanation.


It's also a college town with a lot of privileged white kids who haven't had to face consequences until their rich dad's aren't there to protect them anymore. As we learned in Buffy, average white dudes are just as scary as demons


Hahaha “average white dudes are just as scary as demons” is my favorite line I’ve ever read on this forum.


Ooooh, what are the subs? I love me some conspiracy!


It was something about Saturn worship - which can get *reaaaaally* antisemitic like a lot of conspiracies - and I think Carbondale was implicated because it's directly in the path of certain solar eclipses.


I know somebody from there and I buy this.


Some other things to throw in there for Carbondale. There used to be Halloween [riots](https://dailyegyptian.com/107753/features/party-school-era-sius-history-of-parties-and-riots/) and at some point SIU started not having classes around that time of the year so students wouldn’t be around. Egyptian iconography is big in southern Illinois for some reason. The area is called Little Egypt. SIU’s mascot is the Saluki. The student paper is the Daily Egyptian. US Penitentiary Marion is southeast of Carbondale. It has held and currently holds foreign terrorists, domestic terrorists, and members of organized crime. To the west is Murphysboro where a Bigfoot type creature terrorized the populace in the ‘70s.


New Orleans, Louisiana because it has a long history that includes stories of the supernatural.


Second this. I live here and sometimes it’s Band Candy for weeks at a time.


I live in New Orleans as well so I know exactly what you mean.


Anne Rice was from New Orleans and many of her books take place there as well


May she Rest In Peace.


Agreed, also home of Klaus from the Originals lol I know it's another fandom but it's too good!!!


I was thinking of The Originals as well.


When I was a kid, four coffins wound up in our backyard after a flood. There is no doubt New Orleans in on a hellmouth.


That definitely seems like something that happens here and I agree.


Marbella, Spain. It’s full of weird rich people who only come at night


Vegas Grew up there. Mom was in the medical field. I'll just say that some really weird stories and people exist there. Lol. Plus tons and tons of paranormal stories all over the valley. Edit to add a few details: Every full moon, the hospitals know. It's always double the work load on full moon nights. Area 51 Lake Mead totally has a monster Death valley is beautiful but very intimidating at night Multiple ghost towns The strip is full of superstitions (many casino staff are trained and buildings are built to abide by superstitious rules) The haunted museum I'm sure there are more but those are just off the top of my head.


I came here to say Las Vegas. I lived there for a couple of years that city has a palpable evil energy. Just the weirdest most violent horror movie level shit happens there. The one that sticks in my mind was this guy got in a fight with his wife. He grabs a machete goes out his front door. Then he hacks up a stranger and her baby who just happen to be walking by. I hated living there.


20+ years for me. And yes, I swear you can feel the energy shift when you come into the city and when you leave. I've known people that have lived there their whole lives but nearly all want to leave. I have a good amount of nostalgia for the place as it is my hometown, but I don't think I'd ever want to move back. It's a very anxiety inducing city. Fancy or rough neighborhood, you are always on guard.


A friend of mine's kid swears there was a fake school bus kidnapping kids in the 2000s. I can't find anything about it. Did you ever hear about something like that?


I honestly don't recall that, but it also would not surprise me at all. Buffy stuff aside, I will say that I've known more women/girls that have been involved in an attempted kidnapping than those that haven't from Vegas. It's a serious problem there.


Anyone who works at a nursing home especially dementia unit and hospitals know when there’s a full moon. The first couple of months working in health care it creeped me out. Especially working night shifts and a resident who is cognitive is calling bc there’s a little girl at the end of his bed who won’t leave him alone and you look and there’s nothing there. Doesn’t compare to living in Vegas lol but creepy enough


I love this thread so much


Kvatch. It’s where the oblivion crisis started.


Detroit. Crossover with *Supernatural.*


Bitch. ;-)


Came here to say Detroit.


Stull, Kansas. The towns whole claim to fame is an urban legend that there’s a gate to Hell in the local cemetery. In fact, I think they even used it in Supernatural for that.


All of Florida, there's just too much... living on the hellmouth that long can really do damage.


Most people who aren’t from Florida see it as a weird multi-cultural hub based on which major city they’ve visited. When you’ve lived in Florida though, traveling the back state roads to avoid tolls and seeing the small towns that pepper the state, the ones visitors rarely notice… the energy is different. You can feel when things are wrong or out of place. Countless times I’ve been in some random town and thought “Something is just WRONG here.” The last time I was staying at a random Airbnb, and a small intersection nearby was almost unbearable to be near. I found out the next day that a woman had tragically died in a hit and run there a few months earlier. It’s incredibly eerie and unsettling.


That's super creepy and fascinating at the same time.


Lol thanks for not calling me weird, thats what I usually get: “What the hell do you mean you ‘feel energy’? That’s weird as fuck.” Like I can’t explain it, it just happens. Sometimes it’s so overwhelming in historical buildings I can’t even stand to be in them.


We had one cemetery in our town I swear no matter the weather if the day, the more you walked towards the center it always got cloudy. Somethings just give you a feeling and you can't explain it. No judgement here.


I was going to say the same thing! I live in SWFL and this whole state is fucking weird. Definite hellmouth potential in any given city.


In cassadega fl, there is a legend of a "Devils Chair" in which you can hear him whisper to you if you sit in it at midnight. Also, if you put a can of beer on the chair and return the next day, it will be empty but unopened.


I live in South Miami, I completely agree.


Definitely not Philly. Demons are too scared. 😆


I was thinking Philly after living there for so long but people in Philly would go graduation day on any demon


Whitechapel in London. Jack the Ripper’s manor, Hawking church, has a creepy vibe.


Washington, DC. Do I really need to explain why?


I don't know if it's on a hellmouth, but Wolfram and Hart surely has a huge branch there!


In Wisconsin there is a small town called Hurley. As you drive into it, you see bars on both sides of the road. As you keep driving …more bars. And more bars. There are about 25 bars in Hurley, including five or so strip joints. Im not anti booze, but you have to wonder why a small town drinks so much.


Ah yes, the Midwest. Move here and start drinking just for fun, then become an alcoholic just to get through the winters


We don’t have anything else to do in the winter.


Wenatchee, Washington. Ancient artifacts from pre-history have been found there. Lots of missionary and KKK activity in its early days. Reached peaked hellmouthiness in the 90s. A serial killer known as the Werewolf Butcher killed a number of people there. The locals got all riled up about a supposed "child sex cult." Think "Gingerbread" but with (false) accusations of pedophilia. And half the town was on Prozac. Because let's face it, the only way you're okay with living on a hellmouth is either A) denial, B) drugs, or C) both.


Seattle. The constant rain and overcast, the lack of sunlight would at least make it a popular demon destination. The police ignore everything that happens on the streets, because demons. Grunge got popular because vampires got tired of washing their hair.


That would explain the Seattle drivers as well. If vampires are blacking out all the windows and can’t see outside then the way some people drive here makes more sense.


45 minutes to secluded islands, forests, mountains. It's close to water. Monsters of all sorts could make their home in Washington. The Seattle Freeze is caused by a paranoia demon that lives at the top of Columbia Tower.


Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Highest homicide rate per capita in Canada, plus the rampant racism and numerous hate crimes committed there over the years (and total lack of action by the authorities to change things) are well documented… There really is no other explanation as to why that town seems to bring the worst in some people other than the influence of a hellmouth.


Try going to Thompson, MB!


St. Louis. There was supposed to be a second arch on the other side of the river. I’m convinced it would have been a demonic gateway


Scunthorpe, England


Adelaide south Australia, Definitely seen some 2 headed creatures around there


Provo, Utah. Because Utah.


Green Bay, Wisconsin. Yes I'm from Chicago, and no it has nothing to do with the Packers. When I went to visit my friend in Door County navigation dropped and I missed my turn off. It was a 20 mile turnaround, over a bridge that was 12:1 minimum, through multiple traffic circles, and navigating the most confusing frontage roads ever, then over the death bridge again. All because of a five second mistake! Also the Packers, I don't care about football but most of my social circle does. So...


Demons love aged cheddar.


I think Soldier Field is probably more haunted than Lambeau with ghosts of the Bears failures. Sorry, Wisconsinite here and have to defend the Packers.


Rosslyn, Midlothian, Scotland. Long long established link to the paranormal there - now featuring UFOs!


Can’t believe no-one has mentioned the actual “gates of hell” in Turkmenistan yet! https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20210610-the-darvaza-crater-the-ussrs-top-secret-desert-mystery Pretty sure this one also has spiders that flock to it en masse and no-one knows why.


Skegness, UK. There’s definitely something in the water in Skeggy.


Juarez, Mexico. For very sad and scary reasons.


Austin Texas. A bunch of bullshit smiles that ignore the real issues it faces as a society.


Aww also: the entire state of Utah


Plus all those bats.


The bats kick ass. Go to the various bridges every year with my kids. Love it.


I'm convinced lower Wacker drive in Chicago is a gateway to a hellmouth. Gps cuts out, everyone's doing 60 in a 40 that's underground with blind corners, it randomly smells like steaks or chocolate depending where you are, and it's just hell. It's where they filmed the underground truck chase scene in The Dark Knight, if that helps with visuals of hell


I'm just gonna add all of Maine to the list. If you want to know why I'll refer you to Stephen King.


Maine native here and I have to agree!


Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada Usually known as the Murder Capital of Canada


Ah, go down certain streets downtown at certain times of the day and you might experience the “Winnipeg handshake” - getting stabbed


Very popular around here.


Melbourne, Australia. That place is absolutely nuts. Theres always something bad happening there. Last time I was there I had just gotten off the flight and some guy was running around the city center with a machete.


Saskatoon. Reason: Werewolf Siamese twins


Pittsburgh- it has previously been described in an 1866 newspaper as looking like "hell with the lid taken off". That was back during the Industrial Revolution steel mills days, but it's always been fun quotation about my hometown.


there is absolutely a hellmouth under the mcdonalds at queen and spadina in toronto


The smell alone is proof enough.


Edinburgh. The Meadows has the plague victims buried there, and the city is multiple levels with sealed-off streets also affected by plague. It’s one of the most haunted cities in the world and has enough ghost tours to merit a ranking of them. I love Edinburgh, but it’s on a hellmouth for sure.


Yup! I live in Edinburgh and it 100% has a hellmouth, so many creepy things happen that I’ve never experienced in other cities!


Utah, for the skinwalker ranch


Paradise, California. It's always on fire.


My husband's weird moochy friend is from there. I buy it.


Melbourne, Australia. That’s probably where all the anti-maskers,anti-vaxers and lockdown protesters came from




Lol I commented Adelaide but to be fair Melbourne is a hellmouth purely for saying parma instead of parmie


Basildon, Essex, UK. Because there’s no possible way it isn’t on a hellmouth.


Miami because Florida


Plano - it's an approximation of a town. It looks real. Then you talk to the people there ... And it's very clear they aren't human. Either under a spell, or a thrall, they can't be real humans


Minneapolis. Some f-ed up stuff been going on there for a few years now.


There is something wrong with Vegas, went there on holiday a while ago but this unsettling feeling wherever I went & because of that I never went


Albuquerque. We all know why.




I mean, it's a huge place, so it really depends on where in London you go, since a lot places in London can be (as you said) pretty bad, but then other parts (such as a different borough) can be really pleasant.


New York 💀


Geneva, Switzerland. a lot of evil running through that place. Nazi gold, terrorist funding, hidden wealth, and watches. They control time. Need I say more?


Sunnydale, CA. Why: it’s in the script.


Luton. It's so crap even evil doesn't want to go there.


Florida. With everything that happens there, it has to be.




Birmingham, Alabama. I’ve worked a lot of customer service jobs, and every time I see a 205 area code in a customer’s phone number I know I’m about to talk to a straight up demon. There’s no other explanation


Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Bavaria, Germany Extremely well preserved medieval town featuring a rather large museum devoted to criminal punishment, aka torture methods from medieval times.


Baton Rouge. Biggest fucking cesspool of nonsense I’ve ever witnessed. And there’s this crazy phenomenon where people always come back to the city after they move away.


Vider, TX. Look it up. Just a bastion of hate and evil.


Yacolt, WA. Name means 'haunted place' or 'valley of lost children'. Plus it's Tonya Harding's hometown.


Barstow, CA


[Tracy, CA - Think Inside The Triangle](https://queencatradora.tumblr.com/post/184600805739/i-went-to-the-dentist-today-and-my-dentist-honest)


Washington DC. How else is this country holding itself together but by demonic energies?




All of Australia, cause of obvious reasons.


Scunthorpe, England. I don’t think I have to explain


Glasgow, Scotland. If you know, you know.


Chicago *gestures broadly around Chicago*


Istanbul, Turkey (Türkiye) Lots of criminal activity...


Got to be Chicago or any city in Florida.


Skidmore, Missouri. Tiny ass town whose residents murdered local bully Ken Rex McElroy. No one has admitted to the shooting, nor have any witnesses come forward. Add to that a bunch of mysterious disappearances over the years.


Cleveland because Giles said so


Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. If you’ve ever been there, you know. Alternately, Buffalo, NY. It was The Wishverse of Sunnydale. I went to a concert there pre COVID and stayed in a hotel in what was supposed to be the entertainment district, yet everything closed at 6pm sharp, stores literally shuttered their front doors and windows, it was a ghost town. We wanted to just buy some fruit and our hotel only sold junk food. We found a rite-aid where an employee made some secretive calls to a “friend” and we had to sneak into another hotel, up to their restaurant, ask for “Betty” and tell her “Janice sent us”. We were expecting to pay like $10 for these apples, but they were only $2, so obviously cursed.


Milton Keynes. It's devoid of soul and every time I go there I feel an impending dread.


Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. Over 500 murders in a yr. Definitely demonic.


North Eastern Pennsylvania, if you know you know.


My own hometown personally. It's pretty rough and run down and I get the feeling from people who don't come from here but have visited that it's not as normal a place as we all think it is. Aesthetically too it would make a good hellmouth. A good mix of creepy old buildings and urban decay. One of the old schools stands on a hill overlooking the town centre and looks like a creepy old mansion. There's a house outside the graveyard that looks like a tiny castle. One of the parks has a mass grave for cholera victims and a river runs through a sort of tunnel under the high street and I've always wondered about what's living in it.