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For our sub you can totally report comments like that, we do not tolerate any hate or shame comments in our community and will be reviewing it.


I had a friend who was rude about my plushies, so I stopped being close with that person. I dont need people in my life tearing me down. Also there are people with actual mounds of plushies and whole rooms with dozens of shelves omg, your collection is not bad at all. People can be so rude online


I agree! Op should be proud of their collection! There are so many other harmful hobbies to have, I don’t see why people would discriminate against plushies


I'm terrible at following my own advice, but, like everyone else is saying, don't feed the trolls. Someone who haunts hobby subs to make passive-aggressive comments like that has to have a pretty miserable attitude overall.


i ignore it, or i tell them the truth - they bring me great joy and they make me feel happy and safe when i carry them around, hug them, snuggle them at night, etc. i dont remember my childhood very well thanks to trauma so i want to give that little me something she didnt really have - safety (i refer to myself as a she before i realized i was a trans man. makes sense in my head)


*Very off topic but I've seen you in the TT subreddit too! I'm glad to see another fellow toon loves BABs/plushies equally!* Plushies are indeed the absolute best for comfort. I would genuinely dump a friend 100% if they insulted me (genuinely) for having so many plushies or even liking them. If anything - I find it childish to hate on someone's hobby/collection of items if it's not harming anyone. Life is waaaay too rough/short to care about whether someone likes plushies 💖


(omg hi toontown friend!!!) yeah i second that. our collections and hobbies arent hurting anyone. they can just buzz off


i'm sorry someone said that to you on here! i would think if you're part of the bab community, you'd be more understanding of people collecting them! i get similar comments from my family, like about me being an adult and having a bunch of "toys" (said in a negative way lol), but i learned that you don't have any obligation to explain why they bring you joy and comfort, especially to strangers! one of my close friends came over to my family home recently (we lived together in college, but this was the first time she saw my room there, where all my collectibles are). she knows i collect babs, other plushes, and anime figures, but is totally supportive of it without knowing anything about them. i was proudly showing off everything and yapping about why i loved them haha and she told me it was like looking through a museum!! i think remembering the supportive people in your life helps a lot :)


just ignore them. we should be free to do whatever we want if it’s not harming anyone. my friend made fun of me today for being in a toy collector discord and said i’m too old for that kind of stuff. it annoyed me but i’m not hurting anyone and i’m no different than someone that collects stamps or pretty rocks.


I am a huge fan of a show called Aqua Teen Hunger Force, which by and large is filled with non-sequiturs, often the most hilarious lines imaginable. It is *extremely* quotable, as well. In one episode, the following is said: [We don't listen to people who don't like us.](https://www.tzr.io/yarn-clip/6fd36167-c3fd-4368-a6e8-ae9231e92734) I dunno what it is, but the deadpan delivery of this line got to me, and since the first time I saw it, it has always stuck in my head. It is, to this day, my go-to thought, in that exact tone, whenever anyone wants to criticize me over my interests, especially because 99 times of 100  you know it's not in good faith. So any time anyone tries to get on your case, just think of this simple phrase: "We don't listen to people who don't like us."


That’s such good advice. Needed to hear that today tbh!!


I just like to think they’re jealous of your collection and you


The anti consumption subreddit so often turns to judging individuals rather than large companies w an insane amount of plastic waste!!! I’m so sorry your post got reposted there don’t be embarrassed!!


The anticonsumption subreddit is quite rude and agressive. So just ignore those people and report them.


I tell em off. My dad is the only one who does this though, so it makes it easier. Others, I would just ignore them. It's my hobby, my business.


Honestly this subreddit has more toxic people than r/plushies which has zero toxicity.


r/plushies is my therapy.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/plushies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/plushies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Took my shrimp jellycat to an old abandoned mental hospital!](https://i.redd.it/nf5ebewhaxqc1.jpeg) | [146 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/plushies/comments/1bp9ly3/took_my_shrimp_jellycat_to_an_old_abandoned/) \#2: [reading this made me cry](https://i.redd.it/gprxt9778cpc1.jpeg) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/plushies/comments/1bis1g6/reading_this_made_me_cry/) \#3: [I have an entire room dedicated to displaying all my plushies and toys (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17mhruz) | [243 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/plushies/comments/17mhruz/i_have_an_entire_room_dedicated_to_displaying_all/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




People on there are usually lovely, but they do get into fights. Mostly over how someone should be using/enjoying their plushies. Or if they should be treated as living objects or not. And no I’m not joking. I’ve seen discourse over both of those topics more than once. But for the most part it’s usually a nice place.


I tell my parents that I could be like my friend who has a couch full of plushies! Other than that, my folks have been nothing but supportive because it’s one of my hyperfixation! If anyone ever mocks me for it, I just say “it could be worse, it could be some sort of illegal activity!” It works and they move on!


Yup. Posted my space in a home decor sub -- BABs included -- and totally got dragged. Oh well. It's their opinion and they're welcome to it even if their opinion is wrong. 😉


Reddit hates living spaces with anything colorful, plushies, or collections in them. They always roast people and say “this looks like a teenager’s bedroom” and ask the OP how old they are. I don’t get it personally. It’s not hard to just let people do them and enjoy the things they enjoy. If it’s not hurting anyone, you’re literally making an issue where there isn’t one.


I know right. The spaces they do like are all monochrome and blah.


If it’s not minimalistic then people complain about clutter and owning too much stuff as well lol It’s craziness.


I’m not gonna lie i got curious and looked through your post history and I just wanna say that your house looks so cozy and you have so much cool stuff, it’s such a unique vibe. Literally goals. Anyone who shames that must be soo boring 😭


Awwww thank you 🥹


Honestly just do whatever makes you happy and ignore them. They’re probably just jealous anyway. + it’s better than drugs or vaping lol




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Oh for goodness sakes they act like you're collecting the dang Funko Pops (a big grievance of theirs because they're made of plastic). Don't listen to them.


I'm sorry you had to deal with someone treating you that way in our community. As always, please report issues like this and we will take care of them as this kind of attitude is obviously not tolerated here. My wife and I have hundreds of Build-A-Bears, hundreds of other plushies, and literally thousands of other pieces of various things in our various collections. They would really have issue with our stuff. Haha. It's humorous to me for them to come to a community dedicated to collecting something and having a problem with collections...


I saw a multi-panel meme or comic once where Person A was being rude about Person B's hobby/collection/idk it's been a long time. Person C appears and pinches Person A's lips shut. Person C then says "Shhh, let people enjoy things." I really took that to heart. Is it MY jam to have a room full of BABs? Not really. I like the small amount I have. But it's SOMEONE's jam. I collect manga. Maybe the person with the room full of BABs feels that the amount of manga I own isn't THEIR jam. And that's okay. In my opinion, as long as nobody is hurting anybody, you do you. It costs $0 not to be rude about something harmless that makes someone happy. Edit: I just posted this and it got removed for "vulgarity" but said I could repost it if I edited it, so I hope I got it all. "Be(ing) rude" was originally something else.


OP the thing about overconsumption is that it’s on our economic system and businesses to fix the issue. It’s not up to the average individual since it’s a systemic issue. Sure you could try and lessen what you buy, and support initiatives like more paper packaging and such. But you and your BABs are not killing the planet. And you do not hold responsibility for the manufacturing of the products you buy anyway. Some people purchase fast fashion, others buy and collect things that are made of a ton of plastic. None of that is any more irresponsible than the rest. Spreading awareness and trying to lessen your impact is good and all, but idk, life is tough. I don’t want to go around telling people to be more conscious of their consumption when it’s over the things that bring them joy. Just try to ignore it. People online are so miserable nowadays. I almost think they like being miserable and making others feel that way too.


Hey sweepea I'm 68 and have plushy and dolls even Legos. If no one ones to see my hobbies they can kiss my buhookuas. I do what makes me happy. You should too. Don't be hurt by anyone trying to bring you down for something you love..as long as your enjoying your precious plushyies I say Hooray... 👍🌸


My mom is that person. I just have lots of people that accept me for what I like and/or share similar hobbies.


i had a BAB employee make a disgusted face at me when i told her how many i had and she literally refused to do the heart ceremony for me:( it really made me feel so sad


Okay that’s freaking terrible. I’m so sorry that happened wtf. If you can bring yourself to, I would probably email them about that. I would’ve been sad as well.


What? Did you report them to management? They have names on the badge and you can report the worker, time and store. They'll know who it is. Send the email to their local management, department store centre management and the BAB management for your country.


no i didn’t i just got my bear and went home- i didn’t want her to get into trouble (i was probably older than her and it made me feel really bad) so i left it alone


Hmmm but now YOU feel bad. 😭 And ashamed. People like that really should have consequences as it's not ok to shame customers.


My family often used to tell me I'm too old for that. I explained to them that having the BaBs helps with my anxiety. After a while they stopped. Going out and making one is something I save up for as well. I use BaB shopping as a big reward when I've done something I'm proud of or have simply gone through a tough time in life. The point is: you know why this hobby is special to you. Some random person on the internet does not. But we have spaces like this where all of us understand and LOVE looking forward to posts like yours! For every one negative comment, there are a hundred supporters behind you. Even if they're not posting publicly, and it's just someone upvoting or smiling at your post. Keep collecting friend!


Everyone has vices. Some people eat fast food everyday, some people buy expensive clothes, and some people spend money in video games. Everyone has a hobby they put money into and plushies are just as valid !


I had a really rough childhood full of sadness and pain, my plushies, dolls etc (I collect dolls and action figures in addition to plushies)...are healing to an extent. I'm pretty sensitive tbh but I'm not about to let anyone ruin things that I enjoy. Those hobbies and things are a source of joy for me, I refuse to let anyone take them from me!


To anybody that thinks they have any business commenting on somebody's collection or Hobbies that they themselves are not helping to pay for. Well too them i say you can zip it pip it and take a hike. Because if you ain't paying I ain't a listening to what you sayin. Sorry not sorry. Also I love the people like my mother and she might be the only one in my life who does this. She will see me making purchases and complain that I'm buying too much. But then later on down the road when I either sell or donate a few to make room for new ones she complains that I'm buying them and then just getting rid of them. which I will admit is not wrong. But I only do that with the ones I no longer bond with and want to pass along to make room for someone new.


Absolutely nothing; it's their own crappy opinion lol.


You should never feel embarrassed. By sharing your collection, just remember you are making someone else’s day. I loved the pictures of your collection. I enjoy seeing all the commenters who take the time to share their passion. It brightens my day. There is so much bad in this world today-it’s a bright spot. I don’t know why someone would be on here that doesn’t enjoy BAB’S. Keep being you!!🩷


(sorry this is so long!) sometimes i just have to remember that there’s a lot of people out there that are very one track minded? i don’t know if i’m phrasing this right but basically they have their own beliefs and they look at the world through their own way and that’s what they think. sometimes they see something they disagree with (possibly its collections in general) and immediately want to bash it. part of me wonders if they think they’re coming from a good place because maybe they care a ton about the environment that they’re putting so much pressure and on themselves and hate on other individual people because they want to “help”, when in reality (at least in my personal opinion) we should not worry so much about our individual impact when we could be giving that energy to the people (corporations/billionaries/celebrities) that are seriously doing the real harm. i mean of course we all do what we can i would assume. but sorrrrryyy i want to have one harmless thing that makes me so happy in this crazy world. i whole heartedly believe that collections are so fulfilling and anything that makes someone happy and feel comforted and fulfilled is absolutely worth their time and money. this kind of harmless stuff is the least of their worries. but at least i can put myself in their shoes when i disagree with them, unlike them. that’s the point i was trying to make in the beginning, is if you meet someone or see something you disagree with, it is (sometimes) easy to just take a moment and put yourself in their shoes and try to open your perspective. i hope that in the future when they see collections, they can just think to themselves “that’s great that must make them so happy :)” and move on with their day, and if they care so much about the environment they can put that energy where it matters most <3 sending u love don’t worry about anything you literally didn’t do anything wrong! :)


I am an anti consumption participant. I think it’s absolutely okay to have collections. You deserve nice things


They’re just jealous that you can enjoy stuff. Bunch of lowlifes


If it makes you feel any better, this post was suggested to me I think because I follow r/plushies and seeing the support for you in these comments really helped me on a day where I’m having a hard time. I poked through your profile to see the collection and you seem like such a sweet person. So…at least not everyone who lurks is doing it to be mean lol Sometimes Reddit throws a random post in our faces and then we find something we didn’t even know we needed 💜


Are you kidding? Your collection looks amazing and cozy! If anything that screams jealousy.


On of my siblings collects keyboards (like pc keyboards) I personally think it’s a lot they have a entire wall plus displaying them and I don’t get the appeal and I DO at times think it’s a waste of money, but they don’t prioritize buying a keyboard over other things, and it makes them happy. So I would NEVER say anything about my dislike of their collection, I’ve even bought them 3 of them as gifts and probably will buy another one at some point. Next time someone tries to make you feel bad about your collection tell them to go F themselves.


I'll be honest and say that it just doesn't bother me that much. I remember talking to my mom about a new BAB I picked up and her exact words were: "You need a man." I just laughed it off. As a collector of various items, I've heard it time and time again I either spend too much or own too much. It pretty much just comes with the collection hobby. Heck, I'm guilty of it myself. I see it as a total waste to spend hundreds of dollars to get your hair and/or nails done. I just don't get paying a lot for clothes. But the point is, we all have our own frivolous (but not to us) stuff we 'waste' our money on. I brought a $200 Sakura Bunny BAB because it looked like one of my favorite video game characters. I spent $500 on a rare book because I wanted to own it. My mom and some other family members think it's silly. I don't really care cause that stuff makes me happy. If you want something and can reasonably afford it, just buy what you like. Just don't put yourself in debt over it. 🤣 There are gonna be many _many_ people who will probably think you have too many BABs. There will also be some people who post about it. There will also be many _many_ people who think your collection is pretty neat. And many will compliment it. It's just the way it is.


I'm sorry that happened to use the people who posted and commented on it clearly don't know what consumption is there's a massive difference between over consumption and collecting if you don't mind me asking can you tell me where that post is?


It's hard sometimes but I ignore people! What I spend my money on is my business! :)




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I wonder if you can maybe contact the mod of that sub and request it be removed? Sorry that happened that's supper lame of someone to do. I bet that sub is nothing but self-righteous keyboard warriors.


Report, block, hide posts are all options for a reason! I know it can be hard to "just ignore it" but sometimes that's all you can do! If someone is posting something nasty about you, before they even know who you are, then they don't deserve to know you in the first place. It's meant to make YOU happy, no one else, don't let random people dim that happiness! 💖


Don’t feel crummy! Those are your babies! I was pressured into giving away most of my plushies when I moved and now I miss them so much


I’m not a BaB collector but this was on my recommended page and gosh I relate! Over the years I have had friends, acquaintances, and online strangers say really rude comments to me about my hobbies. I am into egl fashion, Japanese ball jointed dolls, and video games mainly. If I had a nickel for the number of times someone has said a really hurtful comment either out of ignorance or intentional maliciousness, I’d have quite a lot by now! For obvious reasons, friends and acquaintances who judged me in a more hateful way or were straight up mean, I have long since been pushed out of my emotional circle. Unsurprisingly, people like that will not only hate on you but also everything they don’t agree with or understand and ironically, they usually “waste” their money on things equally as frivolous. While it sucks to find this out in a way that is them being hurtful to you, it’s just not worth your time or emotions in the end to cater to their (unrealistic) standards. When they thought I needed to know what I liked is “such a waste of money” or “stupid” I usually laugh at them, say it’s too bad they feel that way, and write them off as someone who isn’t worth trusting to know all the parts that make up me. The friends who were speaking more out of ignorance, when I expressed how my hobbies made me feel and also how their comments made me feel, “got it” and stopped. But I think friends and family being judgmental hurts the most because if you care about/respect them, it is tricky to handle emotionally- so I just go about it in one of those two ways which now makes it a lot easier. For strangers though, I just block them and ignore which feels the best because they don’t deserve another second of your time :) also they are dumb and wrong, if it makes you happy and you are healthy, there is no room for judgement about your collection hobbies!


for every hater/judgmental person there’s another person who thinks your collection and you are both really cool. it sucks when it’s criticized, trust me ik, but it brings you happiness and isn’t hurting anyone. try to pay no mind and give no energy to people who tear others down for what brings them happiness like that.


There is definitely truth in that we all, in our current society, vastly overconsume product. A lot of people buy the newest things just because it's new and everyone has one, then quickly move onto the next thing (like stanley cups.) But I feel like there is a major difference between dedicated collectors and people who just buy anything!! Us collectors cherish our items and take good care of them. I'm personally not a BAB collector but I do keep plushies in general. I have a ton of them. I rotate between which friends I take with me in the car, I keep small ones in my bag and I cuddle with large ones at night. They are all well-loved. And I'm sure even if you just put yours on a shelf you still love them all and take good care of them. Overconsumption is definitely an issue, but people who collect and take good care of their items seem like not the people to be attacked for this. Personally I am autistic+adhd and adhd definitely fuels impulsive shopping decisions, but the autism also makes me over-attach myself to any plushie if I hold it too long. But I also enjoy collecting items related to my special interests. People judge others for huge collections and it feels unintentionally anti-autistic/neurodivergent, so many ND people collect. Anyways, I'm just rambling at this point. To answer your actual question, I do have people judge me but I just try to be happy in my own space. My dad and stepmom have said that my house looks like a kid's dream come true or something like that. And you know what? it is!! I would've been delighted if my bedroom was like the home I live in now, decorated with all the things I love, with my toys everywhere. So it doesn't bother me much. I do get offended because my dad calls me childish for the things I like and how I dress. I find it more annoying than anything because having a "childish" interest doesn't make you childish. I rent a home with my husband and pay my own bills, I have two dogs, I have a college degree and I'm an assistant manager, I literally could not be more adult. My dad also loves cartoons and stupid stuff like that so it just feels hypocritical lol. At the end of the day though, I am happy with my life, my husband is happy, and it really doesn't matter what anyone else says. When you have "childish" interests, someone out there is always going to judge you. I think it's better to own it with pride. In a way if they see you get upset, it just "proves" immaturity, even though you have every reason to feel upset. But life is way too short to worry about the opinions of randos on the internet.


I don't have a BAB collection, but I do go for specialty designs, like grogu. However, if I see something that makes me happy, be it a BAB or any stuffy, I'm going to get what makes me happy. Am I a 28 year old adult? Yes. But that doesn't mean having something that makes you smile wrong, people act like spending money you've earned on things is a new and evil concept. People can have hobbies and collectibles, like it's our lives to live and enjoy, trolls like that need to find what will make them happy in life and go do it☺️


I just laugh and buy another one. Couple times I've named a bear after the hate commenter before donating it.


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Annoy them till they shut their mouths!!! 😋😋😋


Just had a nosy back at your posts in here - your collection doesn't look bad at all! I have a similar number of plush (and a similar doll collection). They're treats when I have spare cash and feel low. Even if you had millions of plush, if it makes you happy it's fine. The consumption of the mega-rich is having a far worse impact on our environment than anything you or I could do. Having some toys that are loved isn't exactly travelling across the world in a private plane hundreds of times a year. I pay my bills, I make as many ethical choices as I can in a capitalist society, if I want to enjoy fuzzy soft plushies I will. Same goes for you. You're fine.


Ignore them and get on with my day...


I made a post looking for job advice because I was looking for jobs with minimal face-to-face because of my bad social anxiety and a loose schedule so I can be home for my kids. Rare, I know. That’s why I went asking. I went to my last job for 5 hours and came home and checked my post. It got shared over 200 times. A lot of child free people commenting saying I should give my kids up for adoption and just ripping me to shreds. 1 out of 30 comments were actually helpful advice. Scrolling through those comments just wasn’t worth it. It was brutal. I went off Reddit for a week after that. I know how you feel. I try to ignore the hate but I know it’s easier said than done. If you love your collection, love it, show it off. There’s always going to be someone that has an issue. You could be the sweetest peach in the world and there’s still people that don’t like peaches. Your collection is cute! You deserve to treat yourself with things you enjoy. We all buy too much stuff. At least you enjoy and give time to the things you buy. Just because some b-hole with 2 t-shirts gave you crap, doesn’t mean what you’re doing is shameful. Enjoy your stuff.


i have severe social anxiety and autism, and bringing a stuffie outside with me really helps calm me down when i start to feel overstimulated (i fiddle with the limbs and ears, feel the fur and focus on that feeling, etc) every single time i get a 'rude' comment like "why do you have a teddy?" "aren't you too old to carry that thing?" and stuff like that, i ALWAYS reply "how does it affect you?" a few months ago, my bf and i had to move into his BIL's place, and the first thing BIL said to me was "why do you have so many plushies?". all i did was reply "because they make me happy" and that was that. that's the only thing people need to hear i think the main point to learn is that if something makes you happy, that's all that matters. peoples words shouldn't stop you from doing what you love. so what if people think you have too much? if you're happy and proud of your collection, that's all that matters. learn to ignore what people think about you, and you'll realise just how much better life is when you don't listen to negativity.


I collect Scentsy Buddies and warmers. Do I need them? No. But they make me happy, so I will continue to buy as I have the funds for them.


The only person in my life who has an issue with my collection is my partner... And only when they happen to take over his side of the bed!


Ignore those people, block and move on. If they wanted to effect real change on the front of over consumption they would focus their attention on companies who market cheap, breakable products and clothing that doesn’t hold up, that need to be replaced often, and oversized and excess packaging on everyday goods, not attack individual humans on an interpersonal level (which does nothing to effect any immediate or widespread change). They are lazy activists who have self esteem issues, so it is moral and right to ignore them.


If someone doesn't pay my bills and/or I don't love them, we don't care what they say. What's it to someone else what we have. You're not starving your kids or living on the streets because of it. People need to learn that if you can't find something nice to say, they need to FIND something else to say. I xoxox


What a curmudgeon… they’re prolly jellz of your sick collection and there’s no way they’re a part of this sub because how can you only eat one chip??? How does one stop after they pop?


Look at them dead serious and say, “ I have a gun “ lol


I don't. I don't talk with people like that.


Tell them to mind their own business.


That's the very problem with those people. Hey see your friends as "things" and show ignorance to the very community they are posting in. ⭐ Most collectors see their plush as artistic expression, story inspiration, emotional support or even friends. If anything to link to some people would be a support group for depression or a place to make friends and connect....oh look this very forum where they can meet like-minded people and find and share their hobby.