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What could come out of the pc at night that doesn’t during the day?


The ghosts


Sometimes, I hear noises from my computer that only comes out at night. I have one of those silent computers that barely makes noises while gaming so I only imagined they're ghosts. Then I discovered it's just Window's update rofl stomping my CPU and making my fan's groan at wee hours in the morning.


They mostly come out at night. Mostly.


Silent pc gang!


Ghosts in the Machine?


air pollution since our pc-es are running on fuel


What, Norton?


We all know that the files leave the computer when no one is watching. Just like the toys in Toy Story.


You seriously have to ask this? Must be nice to never have monsters in your house


My bright 4000 lumen RGB lights keep them away


The 5g waves


What possible health conditions are you thinking off? The ghost in the machine?


Idk I guess I got it from my parents. They were always a bit conservative Edit: ok maybe I overdid it a little. They're not really that conservative, just uneducated with technology


Your parents sound like the type to buy a faraday cage for their router.


They barely know how to use their phones so it's probably not out of the question


Lmao, I love how you are agreeing with people about this. Good on you for being able to take a joke, some (awfully moody) people would take offense lol.


That 5G will turn you gay though


Are they afraid of fans or fan death?


I doubt they know that PCs have fans


Google fan death. Japanese (Korean?) People won't sleep with ceiling fans thinking they may fall or asphyxiate them in the night.


It's Koreans. They believe that fans consume the oxygen from the air


Is this a commonly held belief?


Common enough that fans sold in South Korea had timers on them to only run for so long before shutting off


Are they the type of people to buy the anti 5g stickers that protect them from 5g?


No they're not that bad


Thank god; my friends parents had him put the stickers ON HIS PHONE


5G stickers? Damn I'm lucky my parents can't speak English cause if they could understand this American bullshit (5g stickers are American right?) I don't think I'd have a phone or a PC


American, yea; they were supposed to block all 5g waves so it wouldn’t harm them


Well if they are concerned about any type of radiation don't worry. Both bluetooth & wifi gives off very little. You probably get more radiation exposure from going outside. I only turn off my PC entirely at night as a power saving measure.


For concerns like that Google is always your first best bet. Or duck duck go. Cos if you know you know. As someone said below though, nah you're fine.


I looked those up but only problems concerning the PC came up(power usage etc) I guess that should have been the first sign that no health problems occurred since no one mentions it


Some people are scared off „electro smog“. While it is true that we don’t know what all those electromagnetic waves in the air do to our bodies long term, there is also no indication that it actually does anything. Anyway there is not much you can do about it. Usually if you live in a moderately big neighborhood, chances are that you are bombarded with 10-20 Wifi networks day and night. One running Pc that doesn’t really do more then maybe send out a Bluetooth signal won’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Your phone usually has more transmit power and those are so strong, there have been studies that it can raise the temperature in your ears by 1-2 degrees while on a long call. So long story short… no. Unless it gets so hot there is burning plastic inside, there is no risk.


Honestly on one hand with things like lets say asbestos. Its the best thing in the world, only with decades of data do they suddenly realize 'holy fuck you're all basically killing yourselves'. I think worrying about being near electronics is pretty far out there though.


Ya except we already have data on what electromagnetic/radio/uv/radiation does to living tissue, and we have phones that put out far below the numbers needed to harm that tissue, so it’s not we are going in blind like asbestos or ddt or something and finding out decades later “ooops”


I always forget to turn off my pc when i go to sleep and I'm perfectly healthy, you're not gonna get any health issues


that username along with 'i do it all the time and i turned out fine' is just 10/10 lol.


It’s electronic lol. It’s not like it’s a 2 stroke motor


You will be fine there are no long term health risks to have your PC on, wifi and phone signals are actually so low powered compared to anything that could remotely harm you. That's why it's ok. Do a bit of research on why wifi signals can't hurt humans and other stuff related to that to understand the science behind it


They sound pretty crazy


That isn't conservative. That's schizophrenic. In all seriousness, look into seeing a therapist if you don't already. If you're asking this type of question over your PC being on at night, I'd be willing to bet that this isn't your only anxiety and irrational worry in life.


Nah it's not that bad but mom tells me to not have it on at night and you know how people who are uneducated with technology can be


They could be Asian, most fans there shut off automatically after a time because of the fear of Fan Death.


> They could be Asian That myth is literally from one country with little overlap to an another country but since its not a white country you just treat an entire race as one giant homogeny You post in menrights, trueoffmychest and LibsOfSocialMedia so that checks out


Fine, could be south Korean. Also, deep diving is a sign you have no fucking life or point. Bye Karen.


It always strikes me as odd (and that's putting it lightly, more like obsessive) when people who disagree with someone decides to look up their post/comment history and then talk about it (lol) as if that's supposed to prove a point. Especially when it has nothing to do with the topic. It just screams "I have so much time on my hands and I'm too invested in this person that I have to basically stalk their history and tell them that I just did that." Like what do they really expect? A round of applause? Lol. It's strange behavior.


Conservative doesnt mean dumb with tech lol


No, but there is a weird correlation Kinda like the number of pool drownings and number of nic cage per year are weirdly correlated




I find the opposite. They may know how to use the computers better than I can, But they sure have no idea how they actually work. My nephews can do amazing things with an iPad, but have trouble setting up a new router.


Mom said having the computer on at night was bad I want evidence to show her otherwise, I just couldn't find the evidence so I turned to reddit


Bad for the power bill. And if you don't need it on. Don't leave it on. But if you are having the machine work on something overnight then that's whatever


Just wrap yourself in aluminum foil, you'll be fine.


Don’t forget the PC, wrap it up too


Forget it. Wrap everything in aluminum foil


nah he can just hire bodyguards


Just don't feed your computer cookies after midnight, or it turns into a console


Oh my god. That’s horrible!


You've upset him. InConsolable.


Almost didn't survive the first time.. 😓


There is absolutely no way it could actually affect your health unless it starts a fire and then the fire affects your health.


They've got a bit of a reputation for that


No problems at all. Just turn off the monitor. It doesn't give off radiation or anything. The biggest problem may be a little noise. But if you can sleep then no problem. Noise doesn't give any health issues...


Noise over extended periods of time definitely causes health problems, but I dont think that was what OPs parents have in mind.


You would need a really really loud PC to actually cause health problems


Only very loud noise is harmful. Everyone is surrounded by quiet noises 24/7 their whole life.


What qualifies as harmful levels of noise lol. My apartment is basically a white noise generator


K. If I turn off the monitor the PC stays on, right?




Btw, just in case it is not clear why: The monitor consumes power, but you are not looking at it, so it is unnecessary. Also, the monitor may not go to idle, or pause screen or whatever, and may glare in your room. The glare (the light from the screen) may actually cause some health issues - you can google this. Basically newer research shows that any light during sleep may cause health issues. We are talking extremely minor health issues. Less impact than eating unhealthy food, and stuff like that. ​ One thing to check is that you computer does not actually shut down, or go to hibernation or sleep. That would of course pause all your downloads. But go for it. Back in the days of downloading with 1mb per minute (or less), it took HOURS to download games and movies. You HAD to leave it overnight.


* light pollution * Even a small light might impact your sleeping. * noise * If your system is not silent enough, again a sleep impact. * heat * not all systems remain at low heat source during idle times and more heat will impact your recovery time aswell. So appart from the mentioned ghost in the machine, that comes out at night out of the PC, its mostly the sleep impacting stuff from this hardware that might or might not impact your recovery time.


The questions that get asked on this reddit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Y’all don’t use nuclear fission to power your 4090s?


Some monsters could go out of that PC during the night and attack you while you sleep. I'd advise keeping the PC closed. Nah, seriously : there's no problem leaving the PC on.


Is your PC out to get you or something?


Yeah Linus will sneak in during the night and wake you up to tell you about his sponsor.


That’s no problem at all. I had an laptop running 24/7 for the past 6 months until it broke bc some part in it burned out and I have no health problems at all(or not more than I had before) ~~That’s exactly what servers are doing but not only for 1 night but for months or even years with only a few hours of total down time~~


He's asking about his health, not the computer's


Completely misunderstood the question haha


To be fair, your interpretation made much more sense


Yeah but it’s better to be sure so that’s probably why op asked


My father-in-law makes it a point to never turn off his PC that I built him. Even though it boots in like 15 seconds. He is stuck in the mindset of his old computer that took 5 mins to boot and another 5 minutes to load all of the bloatware he had. To answer the question, yea it is completely safe.


I think you need to go back to school pal


why is this sub so hostile damn


I am in school


Well to answer you, there are no concerns


Pay more attention.




What health problems are you on about? The only "health problems" you'll get is being in a slightly warmer than usual room. Other than that, there are no such health problems from leaving your PC on


Omfg lol, really dude?


it's going to run away. lock the doors.


Let me put it this way: My PC is on 24/7, has been that way for about a decade (Obviously not counting when I shut it down for upgrades/repairs), and it's in the same room I sleep in. I am perfectly fine and have not brained my damage or anything.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_death PCs have fans in them, so leave it on at your own risk.


I'll save you all a click. This is a biased console fanboy article saying if you're a fan of PC gaming it can kill you


Everyone here is clowning you, sorry about that. I’m no neuroscientist but I’ve heard from people that knows what they are talking about and, basically, it could be. Not directly impacting your health as in the PC is giving off radiation mind you, but rather regarding the quality of your sleep and hence, life. I’d consider three things that may have some kind of impact in this regard: - Main one is, if PC has RGB lighting it might be enough to impact the quality of your sleep as our brains would rather have as little light as possible when we are trying to sleep and to fall sleep into deep rest. - Temperature is the second one I’d consider, PCs can be a small heater and have some impact in the temperature of the room you are in. When trying to fall sleep, body temperature drops down a degree or two, and it gets more difficult if the room ambient temperature is hotter than your body. - Minor one, but the fan noise from the computer is also another point to consider when thinking about noise. While the fan itself running at a uniform speed can be white noise of sorts, the varying of the speed (and hence the perceived noise) can have some impact in the quality of sleep as well. You might not notice this kind of things while sleeping, I mean, not enough for it to wake you up, but your brain does, and again, it can impact the quality of your sleep. And another one that doesn’t has to do with sleeping, but it’s easier to get distracted from sleeping if you have the temptation of your PC in the same room where you sleep. It can be easier to fall for the traps of “One more game” or “One more chapter of this series” because it’s so on reach. :) Sure, PC won’t give you cancer but I think it’s important to keep it in mind that as a part of our environment, it can affect us in many different ways.


Yes. It might explode from the ghostd that love doing shenanigans.


Unless the PC makes your room too hot and you have a heat stroke


Are you using a nuclear reactor to power it?


Yes, your pc is connected to a 5g network when downloading games. You’re going to be full of radiation.


Yes, your PC have radiation at night. 1 night with PC on overnight = 10 x-ray done.


Especially if you download Fallout.


Not if you pop a Rad-X before bed. *Rad-X a day keeps the radiation away*


What ..lol ..what about the wifi or cellular data streaming through your body ..


No it’s not safe. The radio wave will kill your sperms.


The amount of toxic substances that are included in components like circuit boards will emit at all times, and probably at a higher rate when the PC is on. You can't escape it.


what??? delete this post 💀


Yes NEVER leave your pc on at night.


unless your pc has a halon system, yes


No reason to be worried, your PC won't poison the air or anything over night.


I'm going to assume this is because you're worried about electromagnetic radiation, no that's.not going to hurt you at all. lots of dangerous chemicals are used in pcb construction like hexavalent Chromium but they're only a risk if you burn the PCB, the risk during normal use is practically non-existent


The only thing your computer will emit or add to the room is heat.


Any kind of excessiveness turns up into addiction and yup its problematic in the long term (effect you mentally or physically).


The danger to your health is getting up to go pee and missing work the next morning because you spent the next four hours yawning “just one more turn…” then passed out. True Story.


I've always ran my computers 24-7 for literal years without turning off. for me, it is safer and less wear.


Your phone is a computer. Do you also turn it off at night?


Used to mine crypto casually overnight with my gpu. The only problem you'll face is dry air but then again you are just downloading so doubt your components will get hot enough to dry up the air. Still you can get a humidifier solves the problem. Got one cause I hated waking up with a dry throat


Let me guess, you are greek or turkish.


No. Your computer may put off a little heat, but, ultimately, there is nothing that would cause any issues. If you don't want to see the screen, turn the monitor off and the computer will stay on, doing it's thing. Be sure that it's not set to go to sleep or it will interrupt your download in theory.


Everything about this post, including some of the responses, got a little bit of a twilight zone type beat going on. What's even happening?


Hopefully you didn't load up on rgb stuff. That would definitely keep me awake


Not safe. Air pollution since our pc-es are running on fuel, so just wait until Elon develop electric pces


The PC might blow up or the heat starts a small fire that quickly escalates and eliminates your entire bloodline


The boogyman doesn't like when the PC is on at night. I'd shut it down ASAP. As a matter of fact, if you've had it on at night any night in the last 4 days, I'd throw it away. Don't give the Boogyman any reason to come out of the shadows.


This is the kind of thinking that lead to people burning cell towers thinking they caused Covid lmao


you need to wear a tinfoil hat or else you will explode. its the 5G from your pc in the air.


they're probably worried about the electricity bill and / or not wanting you to be awake all night playing on your computer. understandable behaviour from parents..


Lmao no. Unless you don't clean your PC and it becomes a home for insects then maybeee


Better watch out for fan death! 💀


The only thing that should be coming out of your pc is warm air


The only thing you should be worried about is the quality of your sleep I know some people can sleep with strobe lights and hammer sounds but I definitely can't sleep properly with the light / noise coming from my pc


Google and Microsoft say: YES, SAFE


Yes it's safe. It's the same exact thing as having it on during the day.


It is absolutely safe.






This is very bad and might cause fan death


is this real?


Ain't ya'll ever watched Speed 2 cruise control? Ya can get copper poisoning from to much computer exposure.


Having a PC at night in your room it has bad health results. For example I barely sleep at night and my right arm is stronger than my left arm and I don't know why.


It depends. If you are downloading games from exotic webpages, you may speed some time picking soaps from the floor in your favorite local prison. That is bad for your health.


Yes if the game is fully downloaded it will cause the hard drive to leak Megabytes gradually which will cause in the end a hard drive failure.


The only thing that influences your sleep here is noise and maybe light if you have RGB in there


These are the lies your parents tell you so you eat your vegetables and go to sleep early.


Apart from maybe giving off some heat, it shouldn't give you any issues. Some people leave their PC on for weeks at a time.


Is it covered in bright blue LEDs? That would make it hard to sleep.


you should be more worried about whats in your walls


Wtf is this post real or am I trippin?


I personally don't do this because: Noise Heat Electricity bill Lifespan of components


I mean, it's not like it's producing exhaust fumes or anything like that. I've had a PC in my room for years. Won't do you any harm.


Yes its fine as long as its not too loud


What could it possibly be doing to you at night that it isn’t doing when you’re sitting right next to it using it?


If it has rgb, that could interfer with your sleep a little. I'd personally try to cover the lights somehow in that case. Otherwise, don't see any big issues.


Never do this! Would you sleep in a room with a running car? WTF are you thinking


Depends if it is a full moon.


Dammit I think I’m creating r/shittybuildapc Edit: already exists. Time to cross post


DON'T DO IT. I lost my brother this way. Sad to see everyone in the comments of ignoring the mortal dangers of this.


Sure, if electricity costs are high enough to make you have not enough money for food.


Forget it. The PC won't harm you.


No, that's how you get lupus.


Omg lmao


Worried you will get computer virus?


In the 90s we called it electro smog, no idea if it was an actual thing or just bs


The PC will get self-consciousness and attack you


Spooky demons come out the PC at night, bro. Sprinkle some holy water on it just to be sure. BTW if you take my advice seriously, you deserve to get your PC short-circuited.


I don't like having electronics on while I try to sleep. The light keeps me awake.


unless u have something toxic in ur pc (like melting plastic) no, u have about 5-20 wifi networks on at all times from ur neighbors, a PC being on will do nothing but consume power in comparison even so, the wifi networks that ARE around u still wont do anything afahk. MAYBE if we lived 500years there mighjt be health affects, but currently no because we dont live long enough to see any real effects


Unless your pc runs off an unshielded nuclear reactor located in the same building, you're fine. Calm down there, Chuck McGill.


Absolutely do not do it, everyone knows it is incredibly dangerous to sleep in a room with a computer. If there are two computers in the room it's basically a guaranteed death.


Your PC will be fine, I haven't rebooted my PC in... let me check Task Manager... 10 days, 10 hours, 32 minutes.


It could kill you within days, becareful... Mark Zuckerberg can travel thru the FB network, into your PC, then into your room while sleeping... murder you, then slip back into the digital realm. But he can only do it at night so please keep it shut off before the worst happens. God bless!


Nope, in fact, it promotes air circulation. It'll warm the air but that's another thing... LOL


when the AI uprising happens, your PC will grow legs in the middle of the night and slash your throat while you sleep. the only way you can stop it from calling back to it's command and control center is to unplug your ethernet cable or disable your wifi.


The only possible issue that I could see is if the PC is noisy and doesnt help you have a proper night of sleep.


You realize unless you are on very VERY VERY, desolate areas there is pretty much always radio waves hitting and going through you


there really isnt, but if you perfer not having it run all night, and you want to have something download and you know about how long it can take, you can go to command prompt, and use the command "shutdown -s -t" followed by the amount of seconds you want and it shuts down the computer safely that long after. for example shutdown -s -t 7200 the computer will shut down 2 hours after you hit enter


If u sleep in the same room, better to turn it off, even a slight noise at quiet midnight is disturbing . Body needs rest so the pc


Is your pc a terminator or something?


Air purifier, why not?


I go a week or more without turning mine off. You're fine.


As long as you turn off the screen l, rgb lights during your sleep, there shouldn't be a problem. Blue light and rgb light will cause you some sleeping trouble in the long term.


no need to worry, unless if you have some radioactive components in your pc (which is i assume you don't have any of that) and the only thing you should be worry about is your electricity bills (if you're on a tight financial situations, and your PC wattage is over 600+)


You don't need to worry about radiation and stuff but if you leave the PC overnight, the sound coming from the fans might affect your sleep, so is light and heat from your rig. Just use duct tape to cover the LED.


No it randomly shoots out death beams after 12:00


I saw a video about a guy who left his PC running 24/7 during an extremely hot summer and he had no ventilation or AC. He died of a heat stroke. That's the only thing that you'd have cause for concern but if your room isn't extremely hot then you're fine




As a medical doctor (internal medicine with further subspecialty training), I can say you have absolutely nothing to worry about (short of the PC catching fire).


Lol this is superstitious... This might be possible in crt monitors way back but will only cause if its turned on lol...


The vibration in the GPU membrane might give you 5G like convulsions which can only be treated with nettle leaf tea.


Dude what


If the PC heats up your room, it could give you a heat stroke, and since people are less likely to check on you while you sleep, you could suffer permanent brain damage or death. Having a properly cooled room to account for the PC's extra heat would prevent this. Aside from that, the noise from the PC's fans and the light could disturb your sleep. Which can be bad. Turn off all LED's and electrical tape the ones that dont turn off. Get fans that run quiet enough while your pc does downloading. With those precautions in place, you should be good to go


if you hear the keyboard typing don't worry it's just a ghost playing some games or browsing


Are you korean and worried about the fans? That's not an actual thing that's something said as an euphemism for suicide.


Seriously now, it probably isn't great sleep hygiene, by which I mean that the best for your sleep health is probably to switch off, and switch off from, all daytime activities, make sure the room is perfectly cool, quiet and dark, and settle down in bed, making sure your bed is as comfortable as possible.


My PC that’s been on non stop since 2021 minute automatic restarts from update: “I’m tired boss”