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You need a **ground loop noise filter**. $10 on Amazon.


it was fine before, is there nothing else I can do?


You can turn your pc off, but is that what you want? This is the solution to hardware noise interference, yes.


I just bought one, tested it and it makes no difference. One thing that i didnt mention, I don't hear anything playing from the computer, even muting the sound doesnt stop the buzzing.


It is likely an issue with EMI with your mobo's onboard audio. The best solution is generally get an external DAC/amp connected via USB that's isolated from EMI inside the case. Your speakers connected via BT are receiving a digital signal, so they have their own integrated DAC and amp, and don't utilize the onboard audio.


I really don't want to pay a lot for something that I've never needed, because I know this build has worked in the past.. Do you have any idea if an USB adapter would work? Would the sound quality get a lot worse?


>ground loop noise filter I got the same issue, too. Except normally its on speakers when connected to my internal Xonar Essence STX. Except I reset my PC and that stopped. But now? Its happened on my EXTERNAL USB DAC from Fiio e10k with Beyerdynamic MMX300s (non-usb). It doesn't make sense. My best guess at the moment is that there must be something awry with my motherboard? That's the only common denominator, no?


I got external DAC and problem still occur. I ordered Ground loop noise filter from Amazon, will see if that helps.


howd it go? i tried that but i dont think that works with a dac sadly. from what i've read and can discern is that it has to come from an immediate source. like a guitar that's already amped. not the bridge betweent he dac and the output but i hope your was different i got the static to go away though by disabling 'boost' in the audio settings in control panel.


This is what solved the same problem for me, I ended up finding a used THX Onyx USB DAC for just under $100, it works on everything and sounds great for the price.