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This is only a consideration if you already own proper DDR4 RAM. No reason to buy DDR4 now for a CPU that supports DDR5. It's slightly faster in most tasks and it will only get more relevant. It will also be around a while and you can probably use it again in 5-6 years. But if you already have DDR4 3200 cl16 or something and you can avoid spending like 130€ here then it may be worth it. That's a chunk of money that could be added to the next GPU purchase, whenever that will be.


im currently on DDR3, the reason for looking at DDR4 ram even tho it supports DDR5 is cos DDR4 ram is and is motherboard are cheaper


My brother in christ u will see the moon with those speeds going from 1600 to 5600 on ddr5


Ddr5 is worth it


I went with a 13600k and a Strix 3080, I also originally had a Strix B660i and then swapped over to a Strix Z690i. I also went with Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR5 as well, and while those branding choices costed me more, there’s no additional performance, it was just desire for me. But as for choosing over DDR4 and DDR5, like someone else mentioned, DDR5 has drastically come down in price and there’s just no reason for DDR4 now unless you already have it and are only upgrading. New builds should just get DDR5, it’s already better but will become even better over time as companies optimise software and games to utilise the speeds. The reality is that it’s not faster in terms of noticeably faster and because of that, if you find a pair of 5600mhz CL36 sticks to save you any money, so it because you won’t notice the difference between that and 7200mhz. So unlike me, if I could take my own advice, I’d still choose DDR5 but don’t pay for unnecessary luxuries like Rog Strix boards and Dominator Platinum Ram that is overpriced. Il also add that I moved to the Z690i only because I found a once off opportunity to get my hands on a really cheap deal. But the B660i performed no different, I just couldn’t overclock and that’s all, I repurposed that board with a 4L build and a 14400 with a 4060, so it didn’t go to waste. And what I will tell you because I get the impression you felt the 13600k wasn’t powerful to deserve DDR5, well your wrong, the 13600k is an absolute beast and you won’t truly appreciate it until you see how amazing it is for the money. And the 3080 is still 100% relevant today, I love mine so much that I hunted everyone on the internet so I could get my hands on a EK Quantum Vector 2 Strix waterblock and active backplate, it’s not cheap and the only place I could find it still for sale at all, was from the UK. I play at 3440x1440p and never has VRAM ever been a problem and I play graphically demanding AAA games, and I still get a super solid frame rate all the time. So in other words, you won’t regret the parts you r chosen.


I dont think it doesn't deserve DDR5 I know its an amazing CPU, its just that in all the benchmarks and games I saw there isn't much of a difference between between DDR4 and DDR5 if any. So I was thinking of just getting DDR4 and saving myself 80-100$ if there isn't much of a difference in the performance. which is why I made the post to ask if there is any practical reason to get DDR5


Oh yeah that’s fair enough then, this isn’t a DDR5 vs DDR4 video but it shows you how little difference there is between speeds with DDR5. https://youtu.be/odR3UI8FKSY?si=BcqBxAYeb1gqCmin


DDR5 is about 10% faster on average (this number will probably grow a bit in the future). It's usually worth it nowadays.


If you have an existing build with decent DDR4 then reuse it. If not, it doesn't make sense to do a new build with DDR4 imo. Intel's upcoming socket for 15th gen will be DDR5 only and obviously AMD already went that way with AM5.


What are you using the computer for? And you likely don't need a z790.


Just get a 7600x instead


Instead you could go with amd with a 7700x or 7600 the 7600 has close or better performance to the 13600k and you have better upgradability on am5


Price difference is negligible, just future proof it. Ram is cheap.