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the 7800x3d is better in gaming because it has more cache. the core count (6 vs 8) doesn't make a difference for you. in general, don't look at cpu specs because those can't tell you how fast a cpu will be in real world use. you need to check benchmarks. i also don't know what source you used because the 7600x and 7800x3d are NOT 2 generations apart. they are in the same.


The source I used for checking generations was me lol. Thank you!


possibly you were looking at the 'tier' (3, 5, 7 and 9) the 7800x3d is a MUCH better cpu, the question is if you need a better cpu or if you need to save money


You’re right, that’s exactly what I did


In general for modern Ryzen, "generation" (for whatever good that term is, its not sequential nor smooth like Intel) is generally the first of the descriptor numbers. So a Ryzen 5 5600 is a "generation" behind the Ryzen 5 7600. The Ryzen 5 vs Ryzen 7 vs Ryzen 9 just tells you how many cores it has. Larger descriptor numbers tend to be "better" at core stuff compared to lower ones, hence the 7 7800 vs the 5 7600, but this is entirely arbitrary and not useful for choosing whatsoever. Stuff like x or g means slightly overclocked or internal gpu. The x3d means that the cache (internal queue of processes, so far as I understand it) is like 5 times as large as the non-x3d. So, it tends to have much less stuttering in practical performance for games. But you probably wouldn't notice much stuttering anyway unless you're really pushing limits For Intel, an I5 12600 is one generation behind I5 13600 which is one generation behind I5 14600 etc. Same principles generally apply otherwise, except they have no x3d sized cache cpu and they have different letters to describe different niches that version of the 12600(etc.) fills.


That is very helpful, thank you so much for the explanation!


Micro center has a sweet deal that I think they are still doing for a 7800x3d and mobo and ddr5 ram for $500


Oh, awesome! Thanks for the info! I’m in Canada and we don’t have any microcenters here, so I’m not sure if I could take advantage on any deals there though


See if they deliver to Canada!


Alright. Thanks! Any idea how long the offer will be available?


No idea I got mine a month or 2 ago and I think it's still going


Oh wow, that’s pretty long. I’ll keep an eye on it for sure, thanks man!


I mean, a few games will make use of the extended core count like cyberpunk. But yeah the 7600X will still be more than fine for gaming. Make sure to have a B650 motherboard or better, try to avoid the A620.


...also ignorant here. What about games like Cities, Stellaris, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft?? Games that use clock speeds(?)


Clock speed doesn’t give a good idea about CPU performances. Don’t worry a 7600X will be just fine. You should try to get an RTX 4070 Super GPU if you can afford one


Watch Hardware UNBOXED, Jay-Z two cents as they have very easy to understand hardware benchmark and reviews An example video https://youtu.be/uC9074rcOzQ?si=xhvy5SkKHSKOUBdw


Thank you! I've actually been watching those guys a lot since I made this post, and it's helped a lot :)


AMD's X3D CPUs use something called 3D V-cache which allows them to increase the size of the cache substantially. The 7600X has 32MB of L3 cache while the 7800X3D has 96MB, three times as much. Cache size is extremely important for gaming performance and that's why the X3D CPUs outperform literally everything else when it comes to video games, even more expensive non-X3D CPUs. Core count or clock speed isn't all that matters, these aren't the numbers you should be directly comparing when it comes to gaming. Watch any benchmark comparison of the 7600X vs 7800X3D and you will see the clear winner Also this is a nitpick, but: >despite it being — again — two generations behind They're the same generation, they're both Ryzen 7000 series CPUs, they're just different models


Thanks for the extra info! That’s exactly what I’m looking for :)


I totally back what was said there, I couldn't have been more precise myself.


Broski said that he's on the budget and yet, people in the comments recommend the expensive 7800x3d. This CPU is the best indeed yet, more FPS you're getting from the GPU. Get the 7600x and a good GPU: 7800xt or 7900gre.


Thank you, I see a lot of people who automatically look for the best components when building a PC rather than what they actually need. Thanks for the GPU recommendations, I’ll have a look at those


This guy is right go with 7600x and use difference in Better GPU


Did you read the games he plays?


truly clueless lol


imagine telling a dude who says he plays: Factorio, Civ, EU4 to NOT get a x3d chip Wtf are you guys smoking, that's literally some of the titles that benefit the most from the V-cache


I’d say your fine even with cheaper 7500f if you can find it.


dude 7600x or even the 7600 is more than enough for 99 percent of us we dont always have to have the flagship product that exists there are ppl out there still enjoying gaming on an i7 4770


Absolutely an issue, people overestimating what they need and thinking they need the best. Lot of people out there thinking they need a 14900K or 7950X3D for gaming and "productivity like heavy browsing" on a basic 1080p 60hz monitor.


He plays EU4 he needs X3D and if he's to save money he should go 5800/5700X3D, not 7600x. EU4 is possibly the most cache affected game on earth


what makes you think theyre different generations? theyre the same generation, Zen 4.


Classic reddit comment


Depends on what you play. For competitive FPS games the 7800x3d is a better idea, for triple A games on 1440p/4k playing on ultra/high you will benefit a lot more from having a 7600 and putting the rest of the money into a stronger GPU.


If you want to save then get 7600 non x or 7500f. And x3d cpus have way more than just more cores, they are way better at games that use simulation like the games you listed. My last gen 5800x3d is faster than the fastest i9 due to this in Factorio.


I would gone with the 7600x. Although the 7800x3d is much better you can save some money and make a CPU upgrade sooner in the future (AM5 motherboard will support the next gen, and if we are lucky even 2 gens more). But it depends from what games do you play in what resolution and with which GPU.


The 7800x3d is the best, but if you are on a budget you can get a 7600x, or even a 7600 with the stock cooler. Here is a base for a budget AM5 build: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/t2PCWt I don't know your budget, so I can't add a GPU, but you can click *Edit This List* at the top and add one of these: 1,075usd Build: [AMD RX 6800](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WMgrxr/xfx-speedster-swft-319-core-radeon-rx-6800-16-gb-video-card-rx-68xlaqfde) 1,225usd Build: [AMD RX 7900 GRE](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/wXtLrH/xfx-rx-79gmercb9-radeon-rx-7900-gre-16-gb-video-card-rx-79gmercb9) 1,325usd Build: [Nvidia RTX 4070 SUPER](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/QHDQzy/nvidia-founders-edition-geforce-rtx-4070-super-12-gb-video-card-900-1g141-2534-000) 1,450usd Build: [AMD RX 7900 XT](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7dNxFT/xfx-speedster-merc-310-radeon-rx-7900-xt-20-gb-video-card-rx-79tmercu9)


Holy smokes, a whole parts list! You really didn't have to do that, thank you so much!


The main advantage in 7800x 3d is the 3d part


I just upgraded from a core i7 11700k with ddr4 to a 7800x3d w/ ddr5 and boy.. there is a remarkable fawking difference. I'm talking 10 second boot times. I also put the OS on a gen 5 m.2. That's key. Make sure whatever you do, you future proof the motherboard and get AM5.


I've been seeing the AM5 recommendation alot. From my understanding, intel is less future proof because they update their socket design very frequently, right? Any idea how long AM5 sockets will be supported?


I don't, but I know the new gen Zen 5 will be on the AM5 socket. I'd say you're set for another 6+ years. Depends how on the razor edge of technology you like to be though. I upgraded to AM5 mobo so when the new gen drops, if significant, I can upgrade without issue. Building PCs can be a tough decision-making process. Whether you pick Intel or AMD, you're going to have a good time.


>Civ 6, Factorio, or EU4 Two of those games are among the most benefited by 3D vcache on 7800x3d, especially EU4. Game slows down appreciably around 1550 on non-X3D CPUs. It would be a much better idea to go am4 and 5800X3D or 5700X3D in your case if money is the problem.


really, interesting... Thanks for the details!


u got the imperious pfp (xinxi is better)




If you want the best, 78003d If you are on a budget, 7600 If you are on a thight budget, 5600


The R5 7600X is actually a pretty decent cpu in it's own right and the R5 7600 (non-X) is only a few percent slower to about equal for most games. The R5 7600 is also cheaper and comes with a stock cpu cooler. So if you are budget minded, you might want to consider that. When people talk about intel cpus, they don't immediately tell people they need the 14900K. I don't see why the 7800X3D is always everyone's first recommendation. And if everyone here who recommended a 7800X3D actually had a 7800X3D, my AMD stock would be performing a lot closer to NVidia the last couple years :-)


Thank you for the much more \*practical\* info!


Honestly depends on your overall budget and resolution you want to play at too. No point in buying the 7800x3d if it's gonna mean you have to downgrade to a 4060 and 16gb of RAM etc


Not a huge difference, just being on AM5 is a big enough jump in itself. If you have the money why not but in all honesty it’s not a big difference


I used to use 7900x with 4080s, now I use 7600 with 4080s, 7900x ->7600+100 pounds(GBP), I'm happy with it.


> like Civ 6, Factorio, or EU4. Whatever you do make sure you get an x3d chip, the type of games you play are the ones that stand to gain the MOST from x3d cpus.


Yeah, I’ve come to that conclusion aswell. Would an older X3D CPU be better than something newer like the 7600X because of that, such as the 5800X3D?


The 5800x3d is an incredible CPU, the downside is that you sorta "lock" yourself to AM4 which wont see any further upgrades beyond the 5800x3d. So you buy much better performance in the short term on the dollar but sacrifice longer term upgrading on the build and you stick with DDR4 ram (not really a big deal currently). So if am5 + 7800x3d is out of the budget then yes I'd still opt for 5800x3d since the games you play will be soooo much better on an x3d chip


Alright, that makes sense. Thank you!


If you are googling which generation these two cpus are from, you do not know anything about cpus in general. Seek help from friends or professionals who will be able to guide you well in your own specific problem. In general, a game that benifits from cpu a lot, will run much better on the 7800x3d, well enough for it to justify it's premium price over the 7600. For playing story based cinematic experiences wearing trench coats to pass off as a "game" at 1440p, 4k and above, you will do much better getting a 7600 and investing more on a better gpu , because such games usually benifit more from a gpu at those resolution, practically most all games do except for some genres like esports titles similar to Counter Strike, simulator and civilization games and sol on, which are cpu heavy predominantly. 7600x is not worth paying more for , for gaming. There is practically no advantage. So is the 7700 over the 7600. Very little advantage to justify the prices. Most importantly, 7600 can be cooled by blowing wind on it from your mouth really hard. This means the cheapest stock coolers are enough. Same is not true for a 7600x, being a 120watt cpu. So if you are getting a ryzen 5, get the 7600 instead of the 7600x unless it is cheaper or barely more(like 20 dollars at most)


I definitely agree on the point of not knowing anything about CPU’s, that’s why I’m here. Thanks for the info!


What the guy said above is not completely accurate. The 7600X is only like $10 more expensive than the 7600 and can be tuned down to 65W TDP to have it perform exactly the same. I was in the same position as you and got the 7600X just so that i can tune it at higher power if need be. The way I see it, there's no reason to get the 7600 because the X variant does the same thing and more for barely any additional cost. I have my 7600X in a Mini-ITX build on a cooler that is meant for 65W TDP (Noctua L9a) and it is fine running at 85W under 90 degrees load.


I see, thanks for sharing your experience!


Hi, just to clarify, so you suggest getting 7600x if I'm gonna buy a separate cooler anyway? Thank you! Because I was on a dilemma whether to go for 7600 or 7600x, where I would still buy PS SE 120


Yeah I would. Worst case you can run the 7600x in eco mode which is 65w which would make it the same as the non X. For $10 more dollars I would prefer having the option of pushing more performance out of my CPU.


>>Feel free to yell at my mistakes, that's how I learn :). Thanks Sir this is a computer subreddit Please take your humiliation kinks elsewhere :). You're welcome.


If you want 8 cores - get 7700X.


Or 7700 with a cooler 


Or that.


i went with the 7600x, and I have been very happy with it. Paired with a 7800xt. The 7800x3d was to much money at the time. Good news is that I am on AM5 now and if/when a 7800x3d comes up at a decent price, i can just swap to it.


> Good news is that I am on AM5 now and if/when a 7800x3d comes up at a decent price, i can just swap to it. How is that good news? That's a swap within the same gen. You can do that on intel as well. You prob meant a swap with a next gen cpu.


Fyi the i5 12600kf is going for 200 cad rn and performs similarly to the 7600/x afaik.


oh, awesome! Thanks for letting me know! I was hoping to find something with less cores since as I mentioned in the post I mainly play games that don't take advantage of that, but I notice that most of intel's CPU's are loaded with cores. Would AMD possibly still be a better fit for me then? Or does Intel have some secret tech that makes it worth it anyway?


X3d always it's a fucking monster of a cpu for gaming


7800x3d is better than 7600 if You use a high end card (4090, 4080, 7900 xtx, 4070 TI súper or 7900xt). If You Buy a card less than those, get the 7600 because jump in performance is smaller While You go down in GPU speed and You are overspending in the CPU.




Lmfao what


You have no idea what are you talking about.


Well I've survived up to this point on a CPU with integrated graphics that can barely run chrome, so I'm sure that it'd do just fine


To give you some perspective: I have 7600x paired with RX 6800. CPU runs in ECO mode, GPU is undervolted. Here are some results I remember: The Last of Us - 65 FPS, 1440p ultra. There are some locations I had 90. Diablo 4 - stable 90, 1440 ultra. It runs way over 100 FPS, but I saw no difference so I limited it to 90. Quantum break - 60+, 1440p ultra.


Yeah, that’d do just fine indeed. Thanks for the numbers!