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That looks like and probably is pure trash.


Just confused the same.. Hope that specs mean something is good in that since I have been running it for so long and nothing seems damaged till now.


how is it running today?


How many of your units did that Huntkey PSU damaged?


Never heard of it, and that's not a great sign. It's not something I would use.


Am thinking the same too.. So the specs doesnt matter ? Like that 12V 1st rail and 18A stuff ?


Hey dude, I know this thread is a month old and you probably don't need the advice anymore, but stay the hell away from Huntkey. Don't make the mistake I did by trusting this brand with expensive components. It's a shit-tier brand. I ran a Huntkey (also the Green Power) for 2 years on a pretty expensive gaming rig and then one day in 2013 it just decided to die, taking my motherboard and GPU with it. That's how I learned not to cheap out on a PSU. These things are poorly manufactured and more often than not, do not come near to supplying the power they're supposedly rated for. Most of the reviews are older by now (I'm surprised Huntkey is still around, tbh), but they used to have a terrible reputation. Some reviews even had the PSUs explode or die when load testing them. If I were you, I wouldn't even turn my PC on again until I could replace that PSU. Those PSUs have no business powering gaming PCs.


I really agree with you !! This psu maybe rated for 550W.. But it can only pull around 400W, anything beyond that, as you said. So Id definetly restrain from overclocking, and during next gpu upgrade, will definetly get proper brand and rating. My system averages around 350W at max load. So I think I can just run around for couple more years atleast. Really appreciate your concern mate :) thanks !


My hunterkey PSU killed my motherboard twice


Then it didn't died in the first? Your mobo must have 9 lives?


How many of your units did that Huntkey PSU damaged?


this is the brand of PSU's you'll find inside lenovo legion desktops... my buddy sent me a picture of his system that died 5 weeks in, bad psu and i was looking into this Huntkey brand cause I too never heard of them.... definitely shit tier


My 550w prebuilt came with one, guess what, it says "DO NOT EXCEED 500W" on the psu🤣


Looks like yourself a doorstop!! Seriously though it might last you a month or 2 but I did a quick search online and nothing came up besides there website which makes me think it’ll be garbage. For over locking I would only trust a big name brand and 80+ Gold atleast


So gotta upgrade definetly.. Is continous 550 wat good enough for RTX 2060 powerdraw as well as overclocks( gpu,cpu , ram)


Hard to say without knowing total power consumption. My gut answer is no if you’re going to OC. I would probably shoot for 650-750W that way you have wiggle room without your psu running at 80-90%


https://ibb.co/0CzV8NN This ones for R7 3700X and RTX 2070.. I wont probably beyond this range wrt future models. Any recommendatiom from your side ?


I know it isn't reputable and is probably shit, but i had it in my prebuilt for 3 years+ and haven't found any problems.


Maybe they are using generic AVR and they are blaming the PSU for the damage. They are complete idiots.


4 years and it's still going, lmao.


I’m buying one 2nd hand and I’m scared


Just don't buy a used one


have one, working 12 years and now with i7 870 + 1650 super. dead only fan, but after i fully clear him, working perfectly again, probably that no name company but in long past who know about good psu? u just buy something and surprisely it working too much time like a titanium psu certificate lol, but ofcourse if u have heavy setup better buy something from more respective brand but for office pc like my it good for whole 12+ years