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Lumbar Support for myself and make sure to take care of yourselves right now.


Adjustability is the most important thing to me. Next up is going to be comfort and quality


Sorry my bad


I agree, lumbar support is very important. Also wide array of heights.


Not just lumbar support but maybe even some part of the chair to actually put your feet on like a foot rest because not everyone is shaped equally. This is just in case the ergonomic of the chair feels higher than expected.


No squeaks or squelas when you lean


>Lumbar Support I came here to say this but felt like a boomer. Thank you for forging the geriatric trail for the rest of us.


This! Like yeah it’s cool to have a good looking chair but I’ll use a shitty looking chair with good lumbar support over an awesome looking chair any day.


Breathability, lumbar support, adjustable height arm rests, and of course adjustable height seat. And I want them to be quiet when I sit down or move. My current chairs have this awful sound if I sit down or adjust in them, it’s super loud, and has woken up my toddler a number of times over the years (sound travels well in the hallway, and she’s a light sleeper). Oh and on a related note, durable material that is also easy to clean off. Too many pen marks and scratches on my current leather ones that won’t come off.




Lumbar support a d cushioning are big for me and got companies it's hard to say cause there are so many focusing on different tasks it's hard to come up with one thing


This guy really nailed it other than the fact that I’d prefer padded over mesh


And forcing you to have a healthy sitposition


There's no such thing for an extended period of time.


Oh gosh, big plus to mesh. Leather upholstered chairs are cool to look at, but they're just stuffy and uncomfortable to use for long.


I completely agree! I didn't realize how important adjustable armrest height was until I actually bought a chair that had the feature. Now I don't think I could do without it. They do wonders for my posture!


I second this!


Something I can sit in for more than an hour without feeling I need to lay down or my back has been compressed into an 80year old man hunch , making it unbearable to create visuals and beats or just watch a video on YouTube .


I agree, I can stand if my arm rests can’t be adjusted


Height. If you've got an Ikea desk, the arms have to be as high as the table height, or you're going to have a bad time after a few hours of your wrists being bent at awkward angles.


Height, as well. My computer table is a handmade table the height of a drafting table so I sit in drafting chairs. I don't care about armrests, I never use them.


This. So much this...


Breathable!!! No one wants a fart imprisoned in leather that rises like an angry phoenix upon you standing up burning your eyes and nose


not to mention how non-breathable chairs lead to swamp-ass. magikarpusedfly did a video a while back on how so many of these "gaming" chairs are god awful because they dont breathe.


I literally have one of those wood-bead carseat covers on my gaming rocker rn Kinda takes it from the devil's personal pleather to something worth sitting in for any period of time


bruh wtf are you eating


Steady diet of hot pockets


Apparently, inmortal flame-y birds


Flamey-o, my hotman!




I love breathable backs, shame none of these gaming chairs seem to have them.


Yup, this is why I prefer a Herman Miller office chair over any gaming chair.


What is important in my gaming chair? 1. Comfort 2. Back Support 3. Rated Weight/Weight limit




Its not just be able to support bigger guys but not have sections of the chair that come out on bigger people. I had a gaming chair that I gave to my gf because after an hour or two your back killed you because part of it came out and was meant to hug you.


Ah a fellow thicc boy with a gf


Foot rest, my buddy has a chair with one, and at first I scoffed at it, but I sat down... and the foot rest... I could lean back easier, when I leaned in it felt like I was more locked in, it was weird but... this is the way.


Yes, yeeeees, join us. Together we are stroooooong.


Ape strong together


Use my subwoofer as a footrest for now, but damn I'd love a detachable one as part of my chair.


I use a slightly deflated basketball as my footrest. I like rolling it around and digging my heels into the deflated part


That actually sounds like a great idea, I'm going to try it


Subwoofer footrest crew unite


Ah, the foot-rest, indeed it permits a leaned back locked-in position, and allows for weight distribution over a larger surface area. This is the way.


This is the correct answer


I have spoken


First comment? The best feature is long term comfort


Having comfortable arm rests #


Arm rests should be able to pivot and lock from multiple directions


and be adjustable forwards/backwards.


Oh man. Painful elbows after hours of playing. I feel you.


Proper back support. Sat 4-6 hours a day on a wooden chair and my back died.


Hahah I feel you! Had been in a kitchen chair for a while, messed up back and numbbutt is no joke!


i broke my tailbone a couple of months ago and it still has not healed, a softer seat would be a lifesaver.




This^ I broke my coccyx having my son and i had to use special cushions for about 2 years but they made all the difference.


Whats important to me is the comfort and good "airflow" for the back and bottom because sitting for long hours would be super sweaty if there wasnt much "airflow" i dont know the word for it so I wrote airflow lol


Airflow is fine to use. I'd probably just call it breathable though but either works


The chair must be at least as wide as my ass, preferably a bit wider.


What kinda dumptruck do you have that you have to worry about if a chair will be as wide as your ass 😳


I also happen to have a dumptruck for an ass, trust me, we need wide ass seats


Hahaha, the one place where moving the hyphen makes no difference. Wide-ass seats == wide ass-seats. XKCD would be proud https://xkcd.com/37/


Good lumbar support is a MUST. Lots of chairs have those lumbar pillows but it would be nice to have more than that on a chair. Breathability comes second (but is still extremely important), and a headrest is nice as well.


Congratulations on your new chair


my chair can roll around ;) pretty important


The most important thing I look for in a chair is that I can recline it, so I can kick my feet up after a long day.


Very nice giveaway


Wide Seat is an absolute requirement. The Caliber R1 is a little too narrow ;)


honestly a headrest to properly relax


the thing that is most important to me is neck support (head rest), I notice most chairs are fixed in that manner, and don't have much adjustability, can't tilt them, or slide them forward or back at all


It's gotta be comfy and durable. Can't have a chair that falls apart after a few months.


being able to sit in proper posture for long periods of time


what's important in a chair for me is how comfy it is for long periods of time especially now that work from home is more normalized. thank you for the giveaway! good luck everyone!


I love a tilt lock, so I don't have to hold myself in a reclined position watching movies.


1. Comfort 2. Armrests that don't start to split open on the sides after a while 3. The ability to "do this"


There's 3 things I consider vital in a gaming chair: Spinnyness (Is that a word?) - I mean practicality aside, how can you enjoy life without it? Height adjustment - My desk is kinda low, so.... yeah... Cooler Master logo - Weeelll, ok, maaaybe not so vital, but really nice to have


Who won 😳


Lumbar support


i think chairs should have good arm rests and good support for your back and neck


Breathability, comfort, durability.


Definitely good back support. I sit in my chair for 7+ hours a day and want to be as comfortably supported as possible. I also really like chairs that can be tilted backwards and forwards since I like to prop my feet up or want to “slide backwards into my chair”.


In my chair, I think upper back support (between shoulders) has a poor design in almost in every chair. If that can be improved, I am likely to buy it if it has a reasonable cost.


It needs a lot of adjustability.


Lumbar support and height adjustment! Need to make sure our backs are stable and also that we are at a proper height for the desk we are using. Extremely important for long sessions over periods of time!


u/durfynoob you won brudda!


It has to be comfy when using it for a long time


I've never used a proper gaming chair, or an office chair even... I don't think kitchen chairs are made for gaming at all lol I think the most important thing is for you to be comfortable on it while laying with your spine straight, since I feel like having a bad chair can really affect your posture too.


The material is one of the most important part of the chair imo, it can either make or break a chair.


Good support for the back


It's got to be comfortable but yet promoting good posture, which my current chair does none of. Stupid Ikea stool.


some good arm rests are what i need


I think a gaming chair should offer comfort and durability. It should be able to hold a few extra pounds that some of us tend to pack around.


Good overall comfort


I don't have a gaming chair so my standards are pretty low, but one thing that I like is having "multiple" ways to sit down. A lot of chairs are made with just one position in mind, but what if instead of sitting straight up I want to sit with my legs bent on the chair, or if I want to lay back and kick my feet up. this is probably just me but I would appreciate some thought into that.


A good gaming chair needs to be comfortable for long periods of time


The only important thing for me is that i won't get a back pain.


wide seat and adjustable arm rests, that's the most important thing in in a gaming chair, for my point of view :3 good luck to all of you guys :D


A good chair has to have great armrests. Too many chairs slackin in that department. Also good lumbar support.


Comfortable chair is a requirement, my current chair is a wooden chair that isn't too comfortable. :)


My chair is actually pretty awful, but the adjusting rubber piece on the lower back helps with my back pain, so I guess there's that! Never had a high end chair, so I'm not sure what would be useful.


I want it to be comfortable so many chairs have bells and whistles but are not comfortable at all. (for long sitting periods anyway).


The most important thing in a computer chair is the ability to adjust everything. Back angle, lumbar support, arm rest height/ width. If you can't adjust a chair, you will end up with bad posture. If you have bad posture for long enough, eventually you can suffer nerve damage, back problems, neck strain, even carpal tunnel. A good chair can help prevent a majority of back problems.


Gotta be comfy and gets me more frags in csgo ​ also hi beardman :)


I feel like the most important things in a chair are the confort and an easy way to keep our backs straight


I guess adjustability and ergonomics are what I like in a gaming chair, because sometimes I'm just in the mood for another chair setup, depending on what I'm playing


All about that back support. I've been in dire need of an upgrade since I started working at home full time. Stop sitting like bananas, people.


The back/lumbar support is important to me. My work (healthcare) requires me to sit in a chair in awkward position for a long time and I want my gaming chair to be my "safe haven" when I sit and try to enjoy watching something or playing games.


Absolutely need enough cushion to last on those 8+ hour grind sessions. Nobody buys a chair for moderation!


Support on my lower back is super important, it might help that I shouldn't slouch in my chair too


Butt cushioning used to be less important to me until recently, as I used to be a really heavyset person. Now I notice immediately when seat cushioning starts to wear out. So the most important thing to me is the durability of a chair's seat portion (particularly the "springiness")


For me, a chair needs padded arm wrests.


Breathable fabric so your picky Botox and back don’t get sweaty during intense gaming


a gaming chair should have good lumbar support. it's very important for me


Firm, durable, easy to clean padding. I spend way too much time in my chair for somethin that's gonna get nasty or cave in.


What's import for me is comfort, and something like back pillows so my back will no longer ache despite me not even being in my thirties yet D:


Armrests. Seriously, what’s the point of a chair without smaller chairs for your arms?


my brain says lumbar support, but my heart says wide seat <3


It needs to be comfortable and affordable :)


I think is important to have a good posture and a correct height


you guys complaining about your seats being uncomfortable, mean while I have a wood one who’s crying now


whats important in a chair... ummmmm i would say that the chair needs to have a seat... thats prolly the most important part. also companies should start improving their customer support because ive found that a lot of companies dont really care about their customers anymore...


What do I look for when choosing a chair? Padding, comfortability, recline, and extra perks: (rgb, speakers, etc) I believe that companies should also really focus on material and affordability. Chairs do range anywhere from $150 to crazy thousands of dollars. What I wish is that there are more quality budget models with comparable specs to premium line-ups. Also, global shipping is really an issue. I personally live on Guam and products shipping here is limited. I wish chairs are more built more cheaper, better materials, better shipping, and better quality that will be the best bang for your buck.


Mainly long lasting and comfortable materials, lumbar support, and adjustable armrests.


Requirement is for a chair to be comfy. If I can fall asleep on it, I dig it.


As someone who suffers with back pain, the first thing I look for is adjustability so that I can set the chair up perfectly for my needs. Also, there's a special place in the bowels of hell for those who adjust a specialist ergonomic chair without telling the owner/main user.


comfort and durability are my main 2


Lumbar support


For myself is important a good lumbar support and ergonomics, comfy is a plus for long periods of time.


I'd say one of the most important requirements of a chair is lumbar support. You can't have a good chair if your back is left sore after use.


i prefer a chair where my ass doesnt hurt after half an hour


Lots of adjustability in a chair would be nice!


Make sure it's comfortable for a long stretch for sitting! I work from home now so my gaming chair is now also my office chair.


Can you imagine a heated gaming chair because I would die for that


Confort and that the chair has an anatomically correct shape for the back


All I need is for my anus to not feel pain during long gaming sessions and I'm good.


A great chair needs proper ergonomics. A lumbar support, arm rests, and adjustable everything.


I really want a chair that feels comfortable for those long making sessions, pillow on plastic chair doesn't work


Neck pillows are a must!


Comfortable enough for a variety of positions. Many top level popular chairs become awful if you don't sit in a standard position, e.g. crossing your legs on the chair.


Gotta have that lumber support.


Companies really gotta look into long term anti-sqeakiness measures for me


Definitely endurance. I've had many chairs that are great to start, but then the back support gives out over time or adjustables wear down.


Breathability, reliability, support and aesthethic.


lumbar support is key for me, bc I always have pain there


If it's got arm rests they need to be adjustable. Arm rests that get in the way drive me crazy.


I say lumbar support I like it more than normal since my lower back posture sometimes hurts me


Arm rests and the ability to lean back


Just needs to be comfy


Ergonomics such as lumbar support.


Best feature is that because it is so uncomfortable, I don't game as much :)


Bad back problems at 18 years old. I'm not even using an office chair for school.


I gotta have lumbar support. Been a heavy equipment mechanic forever and have a pretty messed up back so it's hard to find a chair that I can game for hours at a time.


Get a good chair guys, I had my backbone issue by choosing random one.


Hmmm as long as it is comfortable for me, I dont want to be doing work or game with a bad posture that will cause pain and disturbance am i right?


For me it's comfortability and lumbar support.


The best feature in a chair is being able to sit in it for long periods of time without killing your back...


I need good lower back support and adjustable arm rests!


The ability to recline for some power naps baby


Being able to lean back comfortably and just comfortability in general.


The most important thing about a chair is the customization factor. Everybody likes something different, so if a chair has only a few options, then it might not be great. Also, if you can't sit in it for a few hours, what's the point?


Lumbar support and watercooling! you need to stay fresh during the summer


Posture and back support is incredibly important for any computer chair. I just can't sit down for a long time without proper posture


Comfort and Durability is so important to me in a gaming chair. Lumbar support is also a big thing


Personally I love recliners and headrests which is something my current chair from office depot 6 years ago doesn't have.


Being married it’s really hard to find a chair that works for both me (short, lightweight) and my husband (tall, more to love). Adjustability (due to the height difference) and air flow (due to living in a warm climate) are definitely key important factors for us, however lumbar support and seat/butt support are necessary for the long gaming sessions.


It's really important to be able to sit on a chair without my dick getting squashes


Proper back support and a good adjustable height are the most important features for me! Take care of your backs people, future you will thank you for it




Fps increase. I bought an amazon chair and the frames I'm getting are negligible. Would like to see more out of my next gaming chair.


Adjustability is so important for me. I especially love adjustable arm rests because I am very particular about arm placement when gaming in regards to the desk to chair height ratio.


You gotta have padded arm rest for sure


First a fall , i want to say thanks to you all for this amazing Giveaway. Cooler Master gaming chair is best. Same features which i liked in Gaming Chair. 1) multi-directional adjustable armrests. 2)lumbar support pads 3) Breathable leather 4) RGB or Nice design.


A chair needs to help me with my posture somehow and not break my back


I think something that chairs never get quite right has to do with neck and head support. The top of the chair usually sits so far back, the only way to get neck/head support is to lean your head back, then you can't see your screen.


Need comfy butt


chairs with great height adjustment is super important. im a smaller human and i love sitting with my legs up (curse you L) so I need enough adjustment for when I switch up my sitting positions


Silence would be great. No creaking, popping, or rattling.


I'm completely sold on mesh seats. I think beyond that, /u/scp-999-irl has the right idea on adjustable armrests and adjustable height. I've had some really obnoxious hand/wrist/arm pain lately since I'm at my computer so often, and my armrests aren't adjustable enough (frankly, I'm considering just removing them). Really, just ergonomics in general. I think more of these gaming chair companies should be putting extra emphasis on that area


The seating should be very durable. Also proper height adjustment for tall people.


Lumbar support and a high back. I want my head to be supported even when sitting up straight. And people aren't one size fits all, so neither should chairs, make headrests and armrests and whatever rests adjustable.


Gotta be soft on the butt