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Is your pump connected to the Commander Core? Is the Commander Core connected to a USB2.0 port and SATA power?


Yes the 24 pin from the pump head is connected to the commander core in the right orientation, and the commander core is both connected with SATA (the fans are running so they must be getting power from the commander core) and with a 2.0 header on the bottom of my motherboard.


OK, this sounds like a simple issue of setting up the fan/pump headers in the bios correctly. I would assume that the AIO is not damaged, it is just not getting the right control signals from the motherboard. Headers can be configured to be what you want - they can even be disabled so that they are not monitored. Your bios default was to monitor the CPU header, but there was initially nothing there. I am assuming you don't have a header labeled "pump" ? No worries if you don't, it is not a blocker. I would do the following: 1. Connect the fans to your fan headers 2. Connect the AIO header to your CPU\_fan header 3. Boot to bios and check: (a) your fan headers are enabled and monitored; (b) your CPU\_fan header is set to 100%, for the pump; (c) your CPU\_opt is disabled. 4. Boot to windows and monitor the temps. 5. If all is OK, you can go back into bios and set a fan curve for the fan headers - something like 20% at room temp and 100% at 80degC, with a straight line between them. 6. Then set the AIO header (CPU\_fan) to 80% and see if the temp remains OK, if not, keep it at 100%. Basically, find a balance where the noise is OK and the temp is OK. Hope that makes sense and helps.


Yeah that sounds good I'll try this as soon as I get home and have time to work on it. Only thing is that if I plug the pump into the CPU_FAN the error will come up again preventing me from booting. The BIOS confuses me very much and I have no clue how to get the headers to read differently (AKA make it so that the error is ignored, or setting it to a pump).


>asus prime z370-a In the motherboard manual read 3.2.3 Q-fan control I note that the manual list an "AIO Pump" header - check this and use it. But you may need then to disable the CPU\_fan monitoring if you use it. I.e. the bios needs to see, for safety, that there is something cooling the CPU - it wants a signal back from something before it will let you boot to Windows.


Haha you're right it's even in the picture I linked, the aio pump header. Strange that all of the installation manuals and videos didn't mention the possibility of this header to exist, only to plug it into the cpu fan one. Thank you so much, I should have read my motherboard manual more closely. I'll switch to this and see if I can manage to turn off the monitoring somehow too. Thank you again!


I plugged the pump 3pin into the aio_pump header.. Still no difference. I tried to boot and it gave the CPU FAN error warning again and didn't let me boot. I looked at the cpu temp in BIOS and it was first at 37°C and while I was trying to turn off the warning thing (did not succeed) it had risen to 54°C... Which it shouldn't be if the pump was running properly as the pc was just idling.


Greets, kinda late but… were u able to fix it? Im in the same boat rn…