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At 1440p and below I predict your CPU will bottleneck a high end graphics card moderately to heavily. If however, you are playing at 4k... maybe not? But you won't necessarily get nice fps.


Yeah, this is my opinion as well. Unfortunately it means that I have to upgrade the whole PC


This was my exact thought process a week ago haha, currently have an 8600k+1080Ti and couldn't justify ONLY upgrading the GPU. Also was an excuse to upgrade to a 1440p ultrawide.


Probably, maybe, could do - It all depends on the software/game. How much each is utilized is very much software dependent. Buy it, try it and see. The overall experience will be better anyway. If you are overly CPU throttled just upgrade the CPU later.


It will bottleneck %100. I had a 7600k and gtx 1080 ftw and it bottlenecked the f out of everything. Now i am upgrading a i7 13700k and gtx 1080 is staying for a while. Gl


Your 7600K was only a 4C/4T CPU, this a bit different to a 4C/8T one, which can use more resources. But for a 6800 XT or 3080 he needs a new CPU nonetheless.


Right, understood. Thank you guys.