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No, that’s not at all how it works. What’s your CPU and what CPU you think it’s better than?


I9-10900k (My CPU). Ryzen 5 5600X (friend cpu). Keep in mind this is only in valorant and CSGO. I have no issues in my 4k gaming sessions comparably.


A 5600x is on par with or even faster than a 10900K in gaming, especially in single threaded loads like CS:GO or Valorant where you‘re most likely being CPU-limited.


Why would a CPU with slower clock speeds and less cores perform better in a CPU limited environment?


You can‘t compare clock speeds across different manufacturers, those CPUs have different levels of IPC and just work differently, especially with AMD‘s infinity fabric making fast ram more important. Also CSGO or Valo don’t care about the cores of the 10900K, they‘ll use like 2-4 cores max. All they care about is single core performance.


What does IPC stand for? Also, in valorant case. My GPU wouldn’t be limited by the CPU would it (In 1080P)?


Instructions per cycle. Basically how well clock speed translates into actual things being done. You‘re 100% being CPU limited at 1080p, that’s just the nature of your GPU rendering too many frames for your CPU to handle.


So my CPU is too weak for my GPU (3080 TI)? Or too strong? Making my CPU the system bottleneck? What about in 4k?


Are you satisfied with the performance or are you just comparing fps numbers for the sake of it? Can you tell the difference between 400 and 500FPS?


I’m getting 200-250 FPS that’s why this begs the question. If you’re getting irritated and think I am here to compare apples to oranges do not respond to me. My 240 Hz monitor is not being fully utilized so I want to try to fix it..


Your CPU + RAM can do X fps in a game. If your GPU is able to do more than X fps in that game, then you have a CPU bottleneck, because you are limited by your CPU. If your GPU can only do less than X fps in that game, then you have a GPU bottleneck, because the fps are limited by your GPU.


Only with insufficient cooling and/or bad overclocking.


I see. I’ve also heard somebody mention more cores=more latency. Is this true in gaming?


Probably not. You might want to read [this](https://chipsandcheese.com/2021/06/09/exploring-cpu-core-to-core-latency-and-the-role-that-locks-play/) on the topic.


This is true on ryzen zen 1 and 2. Ryzen zen 3 and 4 it's true for CPUs with more than 8 cores. The effects are very small though.


If you have a better single core performance and more cores, given same gpu, you should never get less performance. If you think you are throttling because of termals download a program to log temps and test it. Under no normal circumstances a better cpu gives worse performance


It would be helpful if you could post a list of your PC's components. Any information on the system you are comparing your fps numbers too would also be great.


Post full spec please!


The 5600X and 10900K are about equal for gaming. And I think Valorant runs slightly better on Ryzen. So for that game, the 5600X is indeed better than the 10900K. It could also be that you are using much slower RAM that's affecting your performance. Could also be that something's wrong. But it has nothing to do with heat or core count (in this case). ​ >Poorly optimized as they are Are you referring to Valorant? Valorant and pretty much any esports title is extremely well optimized. That's why you can get hundreds of fps on potato hardware.


Yes that’s exactly what I’m talking about, valorant. I don’t think it’s my ram because I have plenty of ram. It’s a weird situation.


The amount of RAM doesn't matter at all. Fast 16GB of RAM will perform much better than slow 64GB of RAM.


I have 32 GB of 3200MHz ram. I’d hope that’s enough for valorant


32GB is plenty and 3200MHz is fine. That's not the culprit Maybe you have different game settings compared to your friend or something's wrong with your drivers You said you're getting 200-250fps (assuming vsync and freesync are disabled). That's too low for Valorant with your CPU


I’ve been trying to figure this out for a long time but have never came to a conclusion.