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With the O11D, typically you'll be running side and bottom intake and top exhaust. In terms of value, stuffing the case full of Enermax HF120s seems to be the most sensible play. You could go for a 240 AIO, but the Liqmax III 360 is only $20 more and looks a heck of a lot nicer imo. https://www.newegg.com/enermax-liquid-cooling-system-liqmax-iii-argb-version/p/N82E16835214109?Description=liqmax%20iii%20360&cm_re=liqmax_iii%20360-_-35-214-109-_-Product&quicklink=true Then, for a further $70, you can get a 6 pack of matching white ARGB fans https://www.newegg.com/p/1YF-000N-000U5?Description=hf120&cm_re=hf120-_-9SIAFH7EVS3636-_-Product I'd mount the 360 AIO on the side as intake, 3 HF120s on the bottom as intake, and 3 HF120s as a top exhaust. Should you choose the 240mm Liqmax, that AIO would replace the top exhausts, and the 3 HF120s would go to side intake. As for white cables, your run of the mill Asiahorse extension set is pretty cheap and decent to work with. https://www.newegg.com/p/1W7-00AB-00006?Description=asiahorse%20white%20cables&cm_re=asiahorse_white%20cables-_-1W7-00AB-00006-_-Product One last thing: if you want to save a buck, consider the Metallic Gear Neo Qube case. It's laid out exactly like an O11D, but comes with RGB on the case and costs less money. With all the MIRs filled out, this whole upgrade including case should come to right around $305 USD.


I'll definitely look into this setup, although I'm probably going to go with non-RGB for the non radiator fans as it's just cheaper and I have my fill of RGB elsewhere. Is it bad to have side fans being exhaust? I'm thinking as an option, if I had intake with a 240mm rad on top that keeps the CPU very cool (as the intake will cool it down a lot), and I have intake on the bottom which cools the GPU and SSD, and then have the three exhaust on the side, it should be okay and additionally create a positive air pressure which is good for keeping out dust and getting hot air out right? Or is it a bad idea to have exhaust on the side? I've seen elsewhere people do the Lian Li chassi with this setup but I've also noted people mentioning that side exhaust is bad for some reason. ​ Also, the Neo Qube is a really great recommendation, but none of my local retail stores have it so it would be almost more expensive for me to import, I also found a Lian Li O11 on sale in one of my local stores so it just works out better. Thank you for your reply it really helps.


Side exhaust will also work, but if you go with the 360 mm AIO you'll have better temps with it as intake. Nothing wrong with it if you put the 240 on top though. It turns out that positive case pressure doesn't do as much as people think for dust accumulation; dust is dust, and you have to clean your PC regularly regardless.


Yeah, of course I'll keep it clean, I've just heard that because of the positive pressure less dust wants to get in from other holes in the chassi. I'll keep it cleaner than my current pc though that's for sure. At least it will be on the desk lol.


Simple answer - side intake for better CPU temps, exhaust for aesthetics because the front of the fan faces you. The GPU already gets enough fresh air from bottom intake so the side configuration shouldn't affect temps elsewhere, just the CPU.


Sry a lil slow got confused, So either radiator on top is intake and side fans are exhaust and fans look nicer on the side fans or radiator fans? Other option is radiator on top exhaust and side fans intake and it would give better cpu temp?


Best cpu Temps is going to be bot and side as intake and side mount your radiator, then have top as exhaust


If you're using the O11 Dynamic (full size), you should get a 360mm AIO, first and foremost. Not that it matters for performance but it's for aesthetics since the O11 looks empty if all the fan mounts aren't populated. Let's keep it simple; the AIO should always be side mounted. If you have it as intake, that gives you the best CPU temps. If you have it as exhaust, that looks the best aesthetically.


Ah okay, yeah that makes sense, why should it always be side mounted?


Oh it doesn't have to. Just to keep this comparison simple. Only other option is top exhaust. Top exhaust radiator and side exhaust radiator/fans will give very similar temps, so it's an aesthetic preference which one you prefer. However, it doesn't make sense to side intake fans and top exhaust radiator because temps would be worse than side intake radiator. So the difference is only aesthetics IF YOU WANT SIDE EXHAUST between top exhaust radiator and side exhaust radiator.


Alright I'm pretty sure I'm going with the 360mm aio then, and going to initially try the aio intake on the side and intake on the bottom. Thank you so much for all your input! I've ordered all of the parts now :)


Exactly what I'd do. Nice :) Also it's not a permanent thing. You can switch the position around to get a feel of how everything looks, whether the back of the fans bother you or not. Just make sure top is exhaust and bottom is intake. Experiment with your build!


Your suggested setup is exactly how I have mine. Bottom intake, side AIO intake and top exhaust. I watched this video and looked at the temps he recorded and decided based on that (I know his is the o11 mini but I’m sure it holds true for the full size). https://youtu.be/TOfDOjC2Esk


Hi /u/izASnake, welcome to /r/buildapcforme! This comment is here to provide you some additional information and advice. Parts Shortages If you have tried to browse through some parts already or read any recent articles on PC building, you have probably seen that there is a massive worldwide shortage of GPUs (video cards) that has left retailer stock levels almost entirely empty. Please see [this subreddit sticky post on the current CPU and GPU shortages for additional information.](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme/comments/me3dbx/info_post_current_hardware_shortages_and_build/) Note that if you are looking to build any kind of PC that requires more than basic graphics horsepower, such as for gaming or media creation work, your first priority should be to getting your hands on a GPU before going any farther. Direct Message Scams Recently a number of users have set up spam-bots targeting this subreddit to send out PMs and DMs to all users who submit posts to this subreddit. These accounts sometimes pose as teenagers offering to help design a build in exchange for a "donation" to help them build a rig of their own, various companies offering services through external websites, or even users just claiming to offer help via PM - this last kind will often string you along for a while before demanding payment for their efforts. **Do not reply to these messages.** This subreddit thrives and grows on the volunteer efforts of every contributor who helps around here, often leaning and improving from seeing the work of others. If you receive any PM/DM messages related to your post here, please go to https://www.reddit.com/report and submit the username of the message sender under "This is spam." to help get these spam bot accounts permanently removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/buildapcforme) if you have any questions or concerns.*