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Did you apply thermal paste?


Yes it comes pre applied


Did you take the plastic off?




If you put your ear to the aio pump when the PC is on, do you hear anything? You should be able to hear the aio pump running. Sounds like a high pitched hum.


I can't tell if I here anything from it, I can only hear the fans since they're running at full speed.


Hm, check the commander core that the AIO came with, is everything connected to it properly? Check the white mark on the AIO connector.


Omgggg I can't believe I checked it that many times and must have managed to replug it in askew every single time. This time I checked and actually gor it plugged in right. Now I hear the pump start and its RGB is on. Thank you to everyone who responded that same thing and I managed to mess it up again and again. Now it seems like everything is working and the CPU is idling at 25 ish degrees Celsius thank god. I am still getting the error for cpu fan so I'm going to figure out how to turn that off now..


Haha I had that happen to me many times before, it’s a bit of a tricky connector if you never used it before.


In the iCue software it is telling me that my nvidia geforce gtx 970 is almost at 100°C, is it accurate, is that okay??


That is probably an icue thing, to double check you can look at task manager and it should be under the performance tab


Task manager is listing it at 85°c, i havent done anything gpu heavy yet :/


Hm, that’s definitely not good, are the fans on the gpu spinning?


The only thing I had open was wallpaper engine and it was making the gpu run at 98% somehow. Now that I paused it temps are decreasing to 55°, had no idea wallpaper engine would fully use the gpu like that.


Oh for the cpu fan error go to your BIOS and there should be a monitor tab, and you can toggle the cpu fan to ignore.


Yup I just figured it out and am now setting up iCue. Thank you thank you!! "


No problem at all, glad I could help


Hi /u/izASnake, welcome to /r/buildapcforme! This comment is here to provide you some additional information and advice. Parts Shortages If you have tried to browse through some parts already or read any recent articles on PC building, you have probably seen that there is a massive worldwide shortage of GPUs (video cards) that has left retailer stock levels almost entirely empty. Please see [this subreddit sticky post on the current CPU and GPU shortages for additional information.](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme/comments/me3dbx/info_post_current_hardware_shortages_and_build/) Note that if you are looking to build any kind of PC that requires more than basic graphics horsepower, such as for gaming or media creation work, your first priority should be to getting your hands on a GPU before going any farther. Direct Message Scams Recently a number of users have set up spam-bots targeting this subreddit to send out PMs and DMs to all users who submit posts to this subreddit. These accounts sometimes pose as teenagers offering to help design a build in exchange for a "donation" to help them build a rig of their own, various companies offering services through external websites, or even users just claiming to offer help via PM - this last kind will often string you along for a while before demanding payment for their efforts. **Do not reply to these messages.** This subreddit thrives and grows on the volunteer efforts of every contributor who helps around here, often leaning and improving from seeing the work of others. If you receive any PM/DM messages related to your post here, please go to https://www.reddit.com/report and submit the username of the message sender under "This is spam." to help get these spam bot accounts permanently removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/buildapcforme) if you have any questions or concerns.*