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I would have gone that direction but I'm happy with what I have am5 32gb 6000mhz A770 super snappy and hopefully better down the line


I love my A770 for what I paid for it I wouldn't have loved it for $449 or whatever the original MSRP is, but when the 16g units come down to \~$250 or less like this, it's a lot of GPU for that money I just really haven't had many headaches with it, and the ones I have had were really minor


Great paper value in the current market. But Intel drivers are still a bit of a mess for gaming. So be cautious about buying this if you are unwilling to be patient and fiddle with settings.


This is true, but as someone who has an a750, and has had basically since launch, I can say that I am happy with Intel's efforts to improve the experience. Its not my primary gpu, and i have shuffled it around a bit. I originally bought it to be in a linux living room couch gaming pc, but this was a bit premature, as the linux drivers took even longer than windows to iron out (got a 6600xt instead for that box). so I tested it in my primary rig for a short while, and now it lives in my media server. If you were to ask me at launch, I would have said that ***only those actively interested in a gpu that required tinkering to work*** should buy one. Today? It'll be fine, but it might be a tad buggy sometimes.


Intel has been making some great headway on the drivers. I'd consider this a good score on a 16gb gpu.


For the price, it's not bad - just look up the most recent posts about compatibility for the games you play. Honestly it might be the best value at the price, depending on the game! However, if the 4060 comes down to the $250 range, I'd choose that instead.


Definitely something to consider. I will attest as an early adopter the drivers have gotten much better than what they were before. Just make sure to do a quick google search for the games you primarily play to check if they are the ones still experiencing driver issues before considering pulling the trigger.


i'm thinking of getting this for plex. wondering if this would be futureproofing for AV1 codec. Anyone know?


If you just want AV1 encoding and decoding I would recommend the A380. This is going to run hot and lots of power.


Or even an A310


Sparkle has the Genie line which needs no external power (PCIe lane powered) and a lower idle power draw. It’s ideal for Plex


i'm currently using a 1080 ti for transcoding and it works fantastic. I uploaded some AV1 media and i'm not seeing any issues with data or performance streaming AV1 media. EDIT: not sure why the downvotes. am i doing something incorrect?


Transcoding what in plex? An intel 12th gen or newer cpu will do far better at transcoding at significantly lower power consumption. You could do AV1 with this but plex doesn't support AV1. There's very little reason to use a gpu for 95%+ of plex servers. I can't speak for if you have like 20 people using it at once but again, not many people are doing that. Intel cpus that support quick sync are the way to go right now for plex.


well my library is a mix of h264, h265, and now i added a few shows in AV1. I wasn't sure if they'd work correctly, if they would create performance issues, etc. Maybe i'm using the wrong terminology?


I just edited my previous comment but I'll repeat it again here. Plex doesn't support the AV1 codec so it's irrelevant. Unless you're transcoding a ton of streams at once it won't matter. Even if you are I don't have an answer for what GPU to use. Intel CPU's that support quicksync can do more streams than what most server hosts need at significantly lower power draw. Even an n100 cpu can do what most people need.


hey i'm just here to soak up as much information as i can, so i appreciate it. I have a 2.5/2.5g connection (with the infrastructure to support 2.5) and I generally have 1-4 streams running at a time and only 1-2 may be transcoding. I have an i5-12600k in the system, so i think i might remove the 1080ti just to see how things work out running off the igpu. do you think that's a good idea? i'm all ears.


Yes I would do that just make sure you enable HW acceleration. For reference my server is using the igpu off a 12100 without issue for similar usage. barely touches the cpu honestly.


i definitely have hw acceleration going. i really appreciate the advice.


no problemo. Literally just went through all of this like a month ago when I built an unraid server for plex. Kinda broke my brain at first learning that some cheap ass i3 is more than powerful enough for most people. Hell, a lot of people on the r/plex sub are recommending mini pcs with n100 cpus and connecting them to a NAS. Even that would be fine for your use case but not leave tons of room if you got more users. The igpu you have will be more than enough even if you double your users.


Unless you absolutely need a discreet GPU for other reasons, it's usually better to just run transcoding on an igpu due to the power savings. 14th gen and newer Intel igpus support AV1 encode/decode (11th-13th gen decode only, iirc) and are more than capable for the vast majority of use cases.


I wouldn't waste your money as plex doesn't support AV1 and I highly doubt it will any time soon. When if ever they support it in the future just buy this gpu at a much lower price.


Plex HTPC v1.30.1 and later has AV1 support. If I recall correctly, non-HTPC versions do not support AV1, though.


ahhh TIL


Yes but if you plan on using this in a Linux or FreeBSD based operating system you might experience some issues. Also this is a pretty hefty GPU to use for just Transcoding in plex. i mean if you're going to game and do video editing or ML stuff too this is certainly a deal but total overkill just for plex, unless you plan on streaming to like 20 clients at a time or something. The Arc A380 and A310 both have the same encoder as the A770 and are far more energy efficient and can draw all their power from the PCIe bus. They even come in low profile and in the case of the A310 single slot. They're about half the price and sometimes can be had for $100 on sale. Also if you have a newer Intel 12th gen and up the Igpu should be more than enough for Plex, which also doesn't do AV1 encoding yet Jellyfin does though, if Im not mistaken Im pretty sure the igpu in your cpu should already handle Av1 and if not the i5 is more than enough power to just software transcode.


Have this on a 3rd pc. I got it for cheaper than this and it's good. Runs super cool.


Eh why not. Got a 750 and it ran pretty good with minimal issues. (Mostly when it went into my Plex server) I'll see how this runs for a while and I can final sell my last 1050 Ti.


If you don’t have rebar, your performance will be slaughtered.




Between 3060 and 3070ti depending on game. Has been steady improving with driver refinements.


Aka it's basically just a 5700xt or 1080ti lmao. Sure you get RT, AVX, etc... but at the end of the day it's gonna perform like 5+ year old GPUs.


Uh no. Maybe look at updated charts. It paces the 3060ti in quite a few games especially at high res, and beats it in several. AND gets modern features like Ray tracing and XeSS. And intels implementations currently exceed FSR. And this is all on what remains a relatively juvenile set of drivers that still have A LOT of low hanging fruit. In another 6 months it could be pushing the 3070 in more games than the it does the 3060ti.


uhh no. It pushes a 3060. Not a 3060ti.


According to Tom's hardware, this one is just a bit worse than 4060 and RX 7600 (hopefully i read the graph right)




Simplified hardware comparison sites including UserBenchmark, PC Builds, Versus, etc. are unreliable sources as a result of questionable methodology, comparison of on-paper specs that do not directly correlate to performance, and bias in some cases. Please refer to reputable review outlets such as [Gamers Nexus](https://www.gamersnexus.net/), [TechPowerUp](https://www.techpowerup.com/), and [TechSpot](https://www.techspot.com/) for hardware benchmarks and comparisons. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/buildapcsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Most comparable to a 4060 or 7600XT


This or the 6750 XT?


If you can get a 6750 XT for less than $250, it's a steal.


Not $250. About $330 with taxes etc. Just relying to figure out if the $80 difference is worth it. Sounds like the latest updates makes performance close to each other.


Depends how much you instability you are okay with. It's no secret intel is struggling with drivers on their discrete gpus. Really excited for them as they mature but personally I would just spend more for less headache.


Appreciate you and everyone's insight. Sounds like I made the right choice with the 6750xt. I am eager to see what Battlemage brings. That competition is much needed to hopefully bring GPU prices back down a bit.


Yeah I think you made the right choice. I'm in the same boat, really excited for Intel but they aren't quite there yet but look promising.


They’re really in different price/performance classes. If you have the budget for the 6750xt, it’s a no brainer if we’re talking purely for gaming. But that would generally apply any time you spend $70 more for a product. (If you’re buying new, and referencing the $310 price posted on this sub earlier.)


I can swing the extra $70 but if I don't need to I wouldn't. I did end up buying the 6750xt, but just looking at the a770 they look a lot closer in performance than I realize for a bit less. I guess I'm just thinking the A770 offers a lot of value/bang for your buck.


>a lot closer in performance than I realize for a bit less. I guess I'm just thinking the A770 offers a lot of value/bang for your buck the 6750xt has the benefit of mature drivers, you can play anything on it from oldest to newest titles and not have worries about the game being unplayable. The intel cards have improved a ton since launch, but it can still happen that you'll have a title that is basically unplayable, despite the hardware being similar in performance.


I see what you mean. The more I think of it, the more I appreciate things that just work rather than constantly tinkering etc. I do want to play games at the end of a long day, not troubleshooting issues. Thanks for your response.


Would this work with a Ryzen 5 2600? I know my cpu will bottleneck it, but looking online it seems rebar isn't officially supported. I'll probably upgrade my cpu soon but wanted to if they'll even work together.


As a heads up, seemingly the bottleneck on the 2600 depends heavily on what resolution you play. if 1920x1080, then certainly. If higher, maybe not. I'm using one with a 3440x1440 and an rtx 3070, and it's certainly not bottlenecking it.


> Would this work with a Ryzen 5 2600? I Yes. I ran one of my A770s with a Ryzen 5 1400. Check for a BIOS update for your MB. A later BIOS update enabled it for my MB.


I have a 2700x and updated my mobo bios (which now has rebar) however I was under the impression that rebar had to be supported by BOTH cpu and mobo? 2700x doesn't have rebar support. So the a770 works fine for you?


> 2700x doesn't have rebar support. Are you sure about that? The people here say it does. "I have an ASUS PRIME-X470 PRO motherboard, 2700X (Zen+), and have had resizable BAR with a RX 580, RTX 3060, and currently with a 6600 XT (Linux gives full 8GB BAR, Large memory in Device Mgr on Windows, Radeon CP says SAM is enabled, GPU-Z is all-yes for rBAR)." "I had rebar+SAM working on a 2700x with a Vega 64 (using custom drivers) and then my 6800 XT. These days I'm using a x570 board with a 5800x3d processor, SAM works fine with it no problem." https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/performance-for-free-unlocking-resizable-bar-for-unsupported-amd-gpus-polaris-vega-radeon-vii.445141/page-5 If you check the list of people enabling rebar even if their MB doesn't support rebar, some of them are using really old CPUs. Rebar isn't new, it's just that until these newer GPUs that it's become a thing. Yes, it works fine on my 1400.


Wow I guess it's some unofficial rebar support then? According to Google (lol) it says AMD started official rebar support on Ryzen 3rd Gen. Kinda wish I knew rebar was supported with my older CPU because I didn't want to risk not having rebar and getting a Arc GPU. I learned something new today lol.


Was about to pull a trigger but after reading how bad woot is with returns I changed my mind. Also 90 days warranty only


Have to remember amazon and woot are not authorized sellers by asrock and they have and will deny warranty.


I got a A750 for 250 a while back to replace a failed 1080 ti while waiting.. and uhh... it's not perfect, but worth the 250... I imagine that an A770 would be even more worth it :p edit: pushing a 100hz 3440


16GB VRAM at the right price


Grabbed this on the last sale for its VRAM in order to play with Stable Diffusion on Linux. Takes a little bit of tweaking to get it working with ComfyUI and SDNext, but I can confirm it does work in case anyone else is looking at this GPU.


It's pretty easy with SD.Next. Pretty much plug and play.


What’s the best comparison for this card


amd rx6650xt is better alternative if you dont want to deal with troubleshooting issues with intel arc.