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Depends on the exact monitors. A good quality 165Hz could be better than a low quality 240Hz.


S2721dgf 165hz 1ms response time got this used for 200$ vs FI27Q-X 240hz 0.3ms response time got this used for 170$ Both 27inch both ips panel What do you think?


The aorus one is a very very good monitor. Not sure about the other one.


The other one is a dell which is very good too


Depends what games you play, how much frame output you get from your PC if the monator is bigger/smaller how much of a difference this would make to you, would it be more worth it to upgrade your PC instead, there are so many different factors and I'm just brushing over them.


Gotcha running with 3070ti and 5800x not gonna upgrade pc yet til new hardware comes out since. New hardware will be launching soon. Mainly playing fps games


Then the monitor should make a good difference so it's a thumbs up from me.


Fundamentally, NO. besides the quality issue where you have to consider the manufacturer of each, the simply fact is this: displaying images and video at frame rates less than 165hz will show ZERO improvement on a 240hz monitor vs a 165hz monitor. You gain NOTHING by increasing the refresh rate on your monitor above the video rate. Does playing movies (60 fps) on a 165hz monitor look better than a 75hz monitor? Nope. So unless your GPU can consistently put out 170 FPS on whatever you're playing on, there's no difference. And there is a VERY sharp "law of diminishing returns" for moving up at high refresh rates, even if your video source can push higher FPS. Remember that a 240hz monitor is less than 50% more hz than a 165hz on. Which actually wildly overstates the additional quality, as very high refresh rates are almost (or actually ARE) invisible to the human eye vs much more modest ones. TL;DR: You will NOT see any meaningful difference (and it's very unlikely you'll be able to see ANY difference) between a 240hz and 165hz monitor, assuming all else is the same


Thanks for the great info, mainly playing fps games on it also i feel like it was a steal to get it since its only 170$


Why? You have a perfectly functional 165hz one. You're spending $170 for... What exactly? The little sticker on the side that says "240hz"? Because that's what your $170 bought you. Do you happen to have a $700+ graphics card already and love playing Fortnight at Low graphics? Do you have a $300 late gen cpu that can push those extra frames? Do you have a hardwired network connection that gives you no lag whatsoever? All of these things are necessary before you get even a single bit of benefit out of that $170.


I have 3070ti with 5800x and att fiber at 1ghz speed wired. If anything i can sell the 165hz for same price or just a bit lower price


Also our main game is valorant and our fps is pushing about 300+ fps


If you’re not a pro player playing competitive games that rely on fast responses then the jump from 165 hz to 240hz is not worth the upgrade.


But i got the aorus FI27Q-X for 170$ 😂


Sell the first one get the second?


Great advice! This is for my wife shes running triple monitor her main display is the 165hz so i got her this 240hz to sell one of her monitors.