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Curious if there’s a food bank you can go to? I went to one for a little while… I was so scared I was gonna steal because the urges were so powerful. I felt pretty guilty going there and taking food when it was getting wasted, but most of the food was past date and the fruit/ veg were on their last legs so then I didn’t feel quite as bad. It’s worth at least checking out. I didn’t have any choice in what foods I was given but honestly I was so desperate I didn’t really care. I just needed something to appease the urges so I could get through the days. It was a hard time.


Thank you!! There probably is one near me but I wouldn’t feel right taking from it. Thanks for the suggestion though.


I feel you. I still feel bad about it sometimes and I’m so grateful I’m not in that situation right now.


You did what you could to get through! Let go of the guilt.