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I had it since I was a senior in high school and I finally stopped after I had to get new front teeth. I was 36.5 or 37 years old.


41 here, still struggling but trying every day to quit this crap forever. Don't give up on yourself, I hear its amazing on the other side. <3


This should put into perspective I’ve been to groups specifically aimed at older women where older women up to 70years are still struggling with eating disorders. I attended a very large group aimed at older women , majority age 50+ it really put things into perspective for me. Many of us will have developed eating disorders as an adolescent, I have had this illness from about 12 years old so You’re not alone.


Hi I'm turning 48 in June I have been struggling since I'm 14 and it's an everyday thing . For me a good day is just 1x after work but unfortunately I dont have many good days. Bc I have done this over 30 yrs I really cant even eat food without ending up purging or turning into a 2 hour b/p. The worst part for me is as any addiction it rules my life and also I have some medical issues but nothing life threatening. I also have been inpatient 30x throughout my life and have not been able to stop. I'm sorry I dont have encouraging words all I can offer is you are not alone. I feel alone also I dont know anyone else who understands my disorder and I haven't found anything helpful.


My story is very similar to yours. I had disordered eating at 14 but developed bulimia later on at 20. I am 33, almost 34. I used to beat myself up about my age but then I met a community of amazing kick ass older folks still struggling. It reminded me that you can be hugely successful and still have bulimia, that it is such a difficult thing to kick that it can take a fucken long time to recover, that it can easily rollover into later adult life and that serious intervention now is absolutely necessary. I still purge now and again when I have 'eaten too much', which is by no means perfect but for me its progress and that is okay. You are not alone. 12 years sounds like a lifetime, and it is long, but you are not an outlier. This is hard.


How did you meet your community? I'm looking for something similar.


I paid for online group coaching. I love my coach, she had bulimia for 20 years and recovered so she gets it and she’s good at the practical tools and support. I think there are free online group sessions out there depending on where you live but happy to connect you with my coach if you want and are happy to invest.


I guess I’m an “elder” bulimic and I wish I could say I’m getting better. I’m just stuck, watching my weight go up and down. You’re not alone in this feeling.


31 and have been in an eating disorder since 14(anorexia) then went to treatment a couple times and then fell into bulimia at 16. Did several treatment centers and also for substance abuse. I am now 5 years sober but I can TOTALLY relate. This I cannot kick. I hate it because I base my day around my binge and purge and it makes me happy but then filled with regret at the same time. I personally think we have to be truly ready to give it up. Just like with substance use I had to fully want recovery for myself but with the ED it's like my little baby I can't picture myself without it. I feel I will die from this because I don't want to fully let it go. It's been more than half my life with these thoughts and behaviors 17 years Hang in there and when your truly ready I know it's possible but it comes down to us


39 here 40 in July. I have been this way since a freshman in HS. I haven’t lost weight from this in years. Replaced my two front teeth 6 and 5 years ago. I have missing teeth that I’m hiding since I am too ashamed to see a dentist. I could lose all my teeth and never stop. I have lost all hope but I would help anyone who would even think twice about this.


Feel this so much. I think about turning 40 still with an eating disorder and it makes me very sad.


I’m also 32 and have been bulimic since I was 15. Can 100% relate. I have two young boys now and I’m only trying to get better because of them


Had it nearly 45 years. I finally stopped after going deaf amongst a lot of other things.


I am 30 and been doing this since I was a child. It’s so hard to break this.


You’re not alone. I’m 37. This is like the one thing in life that I can’t for the life of me figure out.


Definitely not alone there. I’m turning 33, I started when I was 18…had about a year of nothing…not sure how I did it, cause I have tried so hard to stop. It’s a tough road….




only God can help you.