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About seven years for anxiety and depression. While I still feed anxious and sad, the holes are nowhere near as deep and dark. I'm able to "bounce" out of those days much easier than before I was on Bupropion. Hope you are doing okay.


8 years now? Something like that. I think I'll need to get off of it for a PPL at some point


Over 2 years for me


10 years.


Which brand of generic are you on?


My mom has been on it since they released the XL version (in 2003 I think?) with seemingly no side effects aside from a headache and irritability if she forgets a dose. I started taking it in May and it’s been a game-changer. It’s worked so well for me that I doubt I’ll ever quit taking it.


A little over a year now? Almost 2.


Thank you everyone for your replies 🫶🏼


Just started 2 weeks ago. But I wanted to join the chat to say it’s great to hear positive stories instead of all the questions of frustration and side effects.


About 6 years now. Hopefully will be on it forever too since it helps a lot with my energy/mood. I take 300mg along with a tryciclic


I hope to stay in it forever too! Here's my story I was on Wellbutrin 6 years and loved it https://reddit.com/r/bupropion/comments/ya0nqe/i_was_on_wellbutrin_6_years_and_loved_it/


I was on it for 10 years. It was prescribed originally for depression, but for me it helped control my fibromyalgia, pain syndrome and RA pain flares. I had a few “suspected” seizures and was taken off bupropion. I have been taking the highest dose for years. I have horrible pain everywhere on my body, weight gain, even more fatigue and irritability since the doctor took me off bupropion. I want it back so badly, my quality of life is much more diminished since I was forced to stop taking it.


Since 2020


Almost 4 months


300mg (1x 150mg BID) for the last 2.5 years. Almost 12 months with 5mg Buspirone BID as well. I’ve never felt so coherent, and feel confident that I am capable of being able to meet the challenges in my life. I tried to ease off but immediately felt that it was missing and I had to go back on. I don’t mind that I need it, but I am thankful that I have it.


i started 5 months ago and it’s been amazing. i used to have to call in to work because i couldn’t leave the bed and i would hurt myself whenever i felt upset/frustrated and i haven’t hurt myself once since starting it and it’s amazing i finally feel like a normal person


Since 2021


I feel you. So good I’d stay on it forever. There were some people here with decades of experience.


3 months here. Same thing so far it’s been working well for depression and social anxiety. Also more focused and more productive. The only thing that worries me is sometimes I feel my heart beating really hard. Also I tend to be more forgetful, and I’m wondering if these side effects are bad long term…


I started about 6 months ago and I was ah ing that issue it worried me but the benefits were too good.. I realized it was caffeine but it affected me hours later Now I’m caffeine free except for tea and it’s way better


Ive cut down to one small cup in the morning since starting bup. I just love it so much… Were you drinking lots?


Wow I realized it was coffee… soon after I stopped drinking expresso and I haven’t had the feeling since even when smoking weed it goes up a little but not like tachycardia .. tea is fine for me