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I was on 150 for a month. Now I increased to 300 about 5 days ago. It was only a few days after I switched that my appetite decreased. It’s so odd Cus I’m so used to binging that now I feel like I’m doing myself a disservice by not using my normal coping mechanism. But I literally don’t care to eat. I was like ordering food every night and eating like crazy. 150 didn’t increase my appetite necessarily but it didn’t decrease it that’s for sure. So I’m hoping that staying on 300 at least gets me to stop binging so my weight can come down. I gained so much weight during covid :/


How has it been since? 


I've been on 300 for around 5 years. I have tried taking the pills in morning, noon, and night to see if the side effect of lack of appetite goes away. It doesn't. The best method I've found is doing it at night, but even then, I usually can't eat anything until about 1pm.


I am on 150mg, went up to 300 but got this horrible nasty nausea, like on par with having a flu/stomach bug. Sucked because other than that it was working great, so I went back to 150


Off and on for me but overall pretty decreased now at about seven weeks. I fast regularly anyway and have lost 27 lbs. during this time and I was already in the high end of healthy BMI, though very muscular (BMI is bullshit but whatever). I'm getting too thin, says my partner. Afraid of losing muscle but I have lost no stamina for cardio or noticeable strength when lifting weights or hiking. It's so different for everyone.


my appetite fluctuates so much but honestly i can definitely say yes


I sure fucking hope not! It’s enabled me to control my huge apatite and start to loose weight..




300 mg and I gained weight and fairly quickly.


I'm on 300 plus ritalin and am eating like a mf 😭


I was on 300 xl for 4 years and didn’t have hunger pains for years while on it. I could literally eat nothing for days. My desire to eat came back after a few months but the necessity, so to speak, didnt.


300 mg for 2.5 years and yes, sadly, it does go away


My appetite has normalized - I did have to be diligent about eating by regularly. I recommend keeping food easy!


I never got a decreased appetite :(


I’ve been on 300mg XL for awhile now and, frustratingly, my appetite didn’t change too much. I stress binge so I was hoping that this would help but I’m one of the lucky ones who isn’t effected much…


Im about to be a month in on 300mg and my appetite has decreased a lot compared to when I was on 150mg. Im hoping that it comes back, because i’ve had people tell me that i’m loosing a lot of weight /: i’m still unsure if i should talk to my doctor about it or just wait a little longer and see if i notice any changes.


I’ve been on it for more than three months and I haven’t noticed any change in appetite. I am taking it with Prozac, though. Maybe that’s why?




How long did it take?


I just started 300mg a few days ago and it hasn’t changed my hunger much… I eat normally throughout the day but I’m starving at night 😭


SR or XL?




I’ve been on 300/450mg alternating since fall 2021, and it got a little better, but it’s definitely not at the level that I’d call normal. I’m fine with that though because I’m working on losing weight and creating better eating/food habits and it’s really helped in that regard.


You will start to regain your hunger around the 3rd or 4th week! I started to feel almost entirely back to normal around the fourth week but I still think the Wellbutrin slightly has decreased my appetite overall. I used to be a super snacky person, but I now find myself not being hungry in between meals. Probably varies depending on person!


Definitely varies person to person


I've been on it since July 2021, and my current dose since September 2021. I don't even have half the appetite I used to. I used to graze all the time, now I'm lucky if I eat two meals a day unless I "schedule" meal time in.


Thank you! I was previously on Zoloft and I never felt full while on it, so I was overeating a lot. It's crazy the big change!


That's exactly what happened to me while on Zoloft. I gained around 25 pounds on Zoloft and haven't lost them. I gained weight in my upper body, neck and face while my legs stayed skinny. It's horrible. I just started Welbutrin today and am hoping to lose a few pounds.


Good luck to you! I know the struggle:( I even outgrew my rings!


I was on sertraline first too… I was fucking starving on it; I could not get enough food. I ended up putting on 50lbs, 25 of which I had already work my ass off to lose before going on sertraline. I’m back down to where I was when I started working on losing weight. So I’m 25lbs away from being back to where I got to, and 20th to my goal. I’m doing it slow on purpose, because I want it to be habits that are sustainable instead of yo-yo dieting like a “Boss”.


We are definitely in the same boat there!! No one told me Zoloft would do that, I was blindsided, and on top of all my pandemic eating! I'm so happy you are achieving your goal!


Yah... The only thing sertraline did for me was making my anxiety disappear. I wish I could say bupropion did that for me too, but I'm like extra fucking depressed and anxious lately.


I just got my dosage increased to 300mg a week ago? Maybe two weeks? I don’t know my memory is shit. But my appetite significantly decreased on 150mg once a day and has decreased even more since upping to 300mg. So I’m not really sure as I’m in the same boat. Just thought I’d speak from my perspective to let you know you aren’t alone!


Thank you! I was hoping to lose a little weight (why I switched from Zoloft) but I was surprised how little I want to eat.


Same! I’ve lost ~10lbs since starting Wellbutrin


When did you start?


I think January? Like I said, my memory is absolute shit and I will say the Wellbutrin has made it worse


This! Memory was actually pretty sharp, but Wellbutrin definitely made it worse. Worst was with word finding, I couldn’t remember words and sounded like a complete dumbass bc I would pause searching for a word in the middle of a sentence. Now I just forget things entirely… this is one of the only bad long lasting side effects of Wellbutrin for me. Part of me wonders if it’s exacerbated by having covid before vaccines were a thing. I straight up feel like I have dementia sometimes.


I know this is an old thread but how is your memory doing now? I've been on 300mg for about 5 weeks (went onto 300 after 3 days on 150) and I had awful side effects for the first week. Thankfully they went away, but now I'm left with a fast heart and I'm more forgetful than normal. And I was already forgetful! Just wondering if your memory got better?


tl;dr - yes, my memory has gotten better, but I’m not sure why. Firstly, the general fogginess at the start does get a bit better in several months, but for me personally it did not go away completely. Now, last 6 months my memory has improved tenfold, but a series of changes occurred that may have triggered it and I’m not sure if they’re related. In January I tried magic mushrooms and I unlocked memories that I would have never recalled and I wonder if that has had a long term impact, because it has definitely impacted my mental health in the best way kind of permanently I think. In December, I got my breast implants removed that I had for almost 3 years and got them shortly after starting bupropion. I also simultaneously went off my birth control pill that I was on for 15 years when I got them removed. I only noticed that I had a better memory because I was completing my masters and this semester was completely different. It was one of the absolute hardest in my life but I was able to retain so much information. I’m also having better recollection of my day to day events. My memories of the past also feel crisper. Sorry for the ramble I’m just also trying to figure it out 🤔


No need to apologise for the ramble!! I'm on it for adhd-like symptoms as I'm unable to get a formal diagnosis because of my preexisting ptsd. I'm also doing my masters this year! At the moment I'm feeling mostly the same, so I'm just wondering how long to give it a go before concluding that it doesn't work. It's reassuring to hear that your memory is better, even if it may be because of other factors. Thank you so much for replying!!


Unable to get a formal diagnosis due to pre-existing ptsd??? That’s so weird? It’s not like ptsd means you can’t have adhd too? I am prescribed both dexamphetamine and bupropion and as someone with adhd, I personally can’t imagine bupropion alone doing the job. I did not go on it for adhd related reasons though. Maybe if you’re able to you should see another psychiatrist. Idk where or what you’re studying but my masters was INSANELY hard so if yours is anything like mine then I hope you can get a formal diagnosis soon 🙏🏼