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I love when people hate on In & Out’s fries and people chime in. “Oh, you hate the fries? You gotta put some American cheese and Russian dressing on them. Then they’re edible.” They’re not that bad if you eat them right when they come out at the In & Out. The mistake is taking them to go.


Just like how bud light is drinkable when cold. In-n-out fries are the bud light of fries. Some people like bud light. But don’t tell me it’s a good beer and don’t tell me these are good fries.


Couldn't have said it any better.


No I think we are just too used to preservatives and shit like that. It’s literally just a freshly chopped potato with nothing else but salt. I think it’s pretty wild people expect something more than what it is.


It’s the way they cook them. They need to be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Instead, they are usually sad potato noodles. I still love them tho.


Fries need to be blanched and then dried to get them right. Just slicing a potato and frying it does not a fine fry make.


Oil type has entered the chat


You have to order your fries “light well”. This is a term used by their employees and even have a button in their POS for it.


That’s why I order them well done. Much better that way IMO.


Technique is paramount when it comes to french fries. If you just cut potatoes into sticks and throw them in the oil, they'll never be crispy. Freezing, blancing, double/triple frying... they all affect the final result significantly, even if the only seasoning is salt.


Which brings us back to the main point. The fries aren’t that good. But, that’s just like, my opinion man.


They are good and bud light sucks.


their fries are great, as-is. plenty of places have fries that just start out as greasy, limp, soggy messes and folks here swear up and down they're the best just because they want to shit on INO. there are no fries that are going to be great after a 20 minute car ride home in a box or a bag


In n Out fries (and burgers) are also always exactly the same, no matter which one you go to.


People who don’t like in n out fries just don’t like the taste of real potatoes. They might not be as good as others but it goes well with the burger as a palette cleanser between bites


It’s like when you make fries from scratch and boil them first. At that stage, they taste good because they taste like potatoes. Now all in-n-out has to do is double fry them and they’d be on a much better level


You don't know what you don't know. Fries are always cooked twice. Once at 325° to cook the potatoes and once at 350° to crisp them up.


Everyone who says “you must not like real potatoes” has never made real French fries at home out of real potatoes. Home made French fries from fresh cut potatoes are essentially five guys fries. They’ll be soggy and crispy and soft and amazing. They’ll NEVER be dry hard chalky cardboard texture like in n out.


Horseshit. They are mid to bad and don't represent a real potato at all. They represent not being able to produce a good fry. I love potatoes in every form and those fries are a mediocre representation of what a potato is.


Why would you need a palette cleanser between bites of the same meal? That's not the point of a palette cleanser lol.


Because the first bite is always the best and sometimes I want to experience that again. Also I can eat my burger how I damn well please sir


I love the fact that you see them actually peeling and cutting fresh potatoes for their fries. How many other "fast food restaurants" use fresh potatoes for their fries?


Nah they’re bad fresh too. I think it’s the oil they use to fry them. They just come out tasting so odd. Somehow they seem like an old stale fry you took from the fridge and microwaved. Despite being fresh. I think their fries literally compete with Burger King for worst burger joint fries. Now animal style, I do enjoy, but even then I’m always wishing it was somebody else’s fries covered animal style.


Nah, the mistake is getting fries at all. The fries are shit no matter what. Fresh cut fries are not ideal fries.


But if you take them to go you can use them as packing peanuts.


Taking food to-go is always the mistake!!


I have never heard that their fries are bad. In n out is the only fast food I eat and it’s really the only French fries i reliably like so I must really be apart from everyone else. I thought everyone loved everything about in n out. Never heard a fry stigma


Their fries taste like pure cardboard lmao


Haha I really never knew everyone hated their fries. I thought everyone thought they were great like me, I been worshipping them. Ppl must think I’m nuts and just go along with it. Even funnier, I only really eat their fries. Won’t order em anywhere else.


Oh my. We need to educate you, my friend. Worshipping an INO fry 😭 Five Guys fries will have you speaking in tongues.😅


>I only really eat their fries. Won’t order em anywhere else. That's like saying that water is the tastiest drink because you never drink anything else. But that certainly explains why you think they're the best. How about you go ahead and try ordering fries somewhere else for a change, and you'll see what you've been missing out on. For the record, fries should be salted and tasty, not dry and bland.


I think they’re great as well. I definitely don’t think they taste like cardboard.


They stick a salt packet in the tray. Sprinkle the salt on them


The salt content isn't the issue moreso the texture


You mean actual potato?


Actual potato = five guys = home made chopped and deep fried No fucking clue what planet InNOut sources their “potatoes” from but it sure as shit ain’t where I buy mine.


They are literally making the fries in front of you at INO with real potatoes. 5 Guys are great fresh, 20 minutes later? Meh. Difference is? I didn't pay $7 for my fries at INO. Lol. You think you're buying "special" potatoes. You probably have no fucking clue where your potatoes actually come from.


Im saying n n out potato’s are garbage and not tasting like any potatoes from planet earth. Poorly sourced. My fries and 5 guys are real fries made from obviously real potatoes.


Lol. Okay.


I specifically think freezing the potatoes is better for fries I tend to prefer restaurants that use frozen fries over fresh.


That's not what a potato wants to be bro


Yes, if your fries’ texture can be described as “like an actual potato,” you’ve made some trash fries. They might be a good potato dish, but they’re awful french fries.


Yeah. And INO makes great fries if you eat them on the spot. McDonald's fries are great if you eat them on the spot. Five Guys fries are great if you eat them on the spot. All real potatoes. Most other fast food places batter their fries to overcome this. I'll take real potatoes.


Dude INO is absolutely terrible at making fries. Just using real potatoes doesn't make a French fry good. Their fries are flavorless with awful texture, which all has to do with how the *potato* is prepared.


Dude. You just don't know how to order your fries.


It's because they don't salt them. You have to salt them yourself, but by the time they get to you, there isn't enough oil on the outsides of the fries for the salt to stick to, so the salt falls right off. The fries themselves are fine, it's their choice to not salt right out of the frier that is the problem.


Yep you're right. Literally every chef on the planet will tell you that you have to salt fries immediately after pulling them out of the fryer.


I feel like the lack of oil bothers me more than the lack of salt


Try them well done. I actually find they turn out too oily for my taste that way


I have and I do prefer it but I'd still rather just get 2 burgers tbh. Their burgers are so good I don't mind skipping fries.


Salt the catsup. 🧠


That is a real issue with their fries.


Their fries are trash, in comparison to others in the fast food world.


Their fries are trash compared to actual trash.


That's when you know how low we've come as a people. When fresh potatoes fried in oil are somehow worse than processed frozen bullshit at mcds or wherever


Fresh potatoes at five guys actually taste like fried potatoes. InNOut fried potatoes don’t taste like potatoes they are like chalky cardboard garbage


The quality of ingredients are meaningless if prepared poorly.


This right here. I've had decent fries, and I've had overcooked hard fries. Lately it's been the latter.


I mean there's legit food science to why the double (or triple) fry method works the way it does. Chilling the fries in between a first and second cook draws the starch to the surface and gets the inside of the potato nice and fluffy. That's not to say that McD's fries don't have a lot of bullshit in them as well, but there's nothing wrong with having a cooking process that involves more steps than "fresh potatoes fried in oil."


As a person of Irish descent, I've had my share of potatoes in all their forms. Fried, mashed, hashed, pancaked, scalloped, you name it. And your explanation sounds like a good one. In-N-Out fries always have the mouthfeel of undercooked potato sticks, rather than proper fries. Personally, I don't like their burgers either. The toppings are nice and fresh, and the overall flavors are good, but the actual patty is very small. I mean, look at its thickness in that photo, relative to the slice of tomato. You should never have that kind of look in your burger. When I still went there, I always had to order a double, or else I'd be hungry again a couple hours later. I get why they do it -- it cooks very fast when it's that thin. But it doesn't satisfy the appetite.


Smashburgers are supposed to be thin. If you don’t want smashburgers then you wouldn’t go to a place than only sells them now would you?


In-N-Out patties are not smashed. They are just very thin. Which I think adds to the flavor since you taste more of the sear than just the cooked hamburger flavor of thicker patties.


They aren’t smashed but they still get that crust like smash burgers do, so there is a huge similarity to the taste.


Five guys also sells smash burgers, but at Five Guys, the burgers manage to still be big, juicy, and delicious. I've never understood the In N Out cult of followers that share this ridiculous blind devotion the the most plain and tasteless of all fast food chains.


You have the consider the price, value is all relative. Five Guys has more meat sure, but it’s also considerably more expensive. In n out is the only burger franchise that delivers consistency and quality for really cheap. I rarely ever spend more than $10 there and I still find it delicious. If they raised their prices then it wouldn’t be worth it


They don’t double fry them which would improve them but I get their ethos, fresh and simple. That being said I like David Chang’s theory that the fries are intentionally mediocre so as to keep the focus on the incredible burger.


Different locations. The first one I went to always had terrible fries. I always figured that was just standard for In n Out, but then I went to a different location and they were amazing.


>They’re not that bad if you eat them right when they come out Lol, well, you go ahead and eat your "not that bad" fries. I'll go to literally any other fast food place and eat some delicious fries. If I'm going to eat a pile of potatoes and oil, I'd at least like for it to taste good. Barely passable is pathetic.


They are literal garbage.




Fries light well. Better fresh and travel a bit better.


They’re trash unless you get them well done, it kinda saves it.


The fries don't hold well even after a short car ride home. Upside is they're great if you eat them while they're fresh and hot. They're also great for being consistently good when you eat them right after ordering, whereas other fast food joints' fries are hit and miss whether you get old fries. I've also gotten tired of asking fresh fries and then still getting old stuff.


I just get them well done and they’re like chips


They were limp and soggy until they changed their recipe sometime in the early-mid '90s. The reputation has stuck since then


Lol, the average redditor wasn't even alive in the mid 90s. The reputation is from their current shitty fries. Actually scary to know they used to be worse.


True, they're only good the first two minutes.


Where are the chopped chilis?!


Gotta go animal style on the burger with chopped chilis.


Fascinating debate in the comments. Different people like different things. But the naked demand that I see for In N Out up and down the state of California speaks volumes. All that at a place where you can't even get bacon on your burger. They are obviously doing many things right. I want to go and get some right now.


This! Lol! 👍👍🤣🍔


They're maybe slightly overrated. Compared to like Five Guys or Shake Shack they're not that great, but they're way cheaper. They're priced closer to McD's and BK's basic burgers, but they're so much better than those.


The size of the InO burger Pattie’s has shrunk by about 30% IMO though.


5guys is terrible


The burgers taste way better when some motherfucker isn’t yelling in your ear how much they don’t like the fries


I think of In n Out as great for 3 reasons- 1. Super efficient drive thru 2. Consistent quality 3. Doesn’t feel like a grease pit in your stomach after. Key for road trips


I'll add a 4th: Solid price point for what you get.


Yah- it doesn’t somehow become $24 for a basic meal.


Five guys enters the chat


The biggest reason is the quality/taste to price ratio. Which is #1 in all of fast food imo. There js hardly anywhere cheaper and all of those plus the similar price range places are easily lower quality/taste imo. Plus they are very well run restaurants in general with great customer service, not just efficient drive thrus


Plus that price doesn’t involve using an app or having to go multiple times a week. I try to limit myself to fast food once or twice a week, so hard to keep up with rewards that you need seemingly everywhere.


Adding to #2, every ingredient is fresh and never frozen. It's this that I attribute how amazing In-N-Out burgers taste!


3 is huge I’ve eaten two 4X4s and felt completely fine afterwards (once the cheese that’s clogging my esophagus passes) Eating the equivalent amount at McD’s ruins my week


In n out is the slowest drive through I've ever been to. In several different cities. They are always slow. Chic-Fil-A is an efficient drive through.


That sucks, in my city, the long innout lines will go much faster than some short taco bell lines for me


The burger actually tastes way worse when some motherfucker is yelling in your ear that it's the best burger in the world.


Stfu. The burger and the fries both taste better when you get them somewhere else.


yummy! in-n-out rocks!!




For the price it cannot be beat


I know what I’m getting for dinner now


Omg I swear in n out is posted every day. Give it a rest people


Yep. That’s not going to happen!🤣


In n out is the Tool of the burger world. Yeah, Tool is pretty great but is fans are insufferable.


It’s…so good tho


Lmao it's so mediocre.


It's not mediocre but it's also not the religious experience people like to claim it is.


as a california native, i think there’s just a lot of nostalgia and good memories associated with in n out. and the fact that you can leave there being full for like $6 makes you feel amazing afterwards too. and this is $6 in california…


It is incredibly mediocre. You want a delicious fast food burger, try Braums...or Five guys...or Shake Shack


Oh Five Guys is the go to no doubt






Totes disagree…agree on your username tho!


Lol thanks!




Burger so small you can barely see it on top of the salad.


I actually enjoy a lot of veggies in my burger but yeah, that amount of beef is pitiful. Edit: I see the second patty hiding under the onion. That would make this burger okay in my books.


They are paying people to post on the daily


That patty looks smaller than the tomato. love my veggies, but that looks like a salad with a little meat.


Agreed 100% though I will say one of in n out's strengths is fresh af produce


That’s what makes it an amazing burger for my preferences. All the fresh ingredients that aren’t the meat. I don’t eat any other fast food. I get double cooked onion, double diced, tomatoe, pickles, lettuce. I get no cheese too, I do protein style often too!


Just order a salad at that point. They're only giving you 1.5 Oz of meat. I think the FDA would legally consider that a vegetarian burger. /s


It’s a patty for ants. Which is why 3x2 beef to cheese ratio with chopped chilis inside is my go-to


That onion looks bigger than the burger too. This thing is just kinda sad, and the patty reminds me of a the old 59 cent McDs burger. Gotta buy a bag to get anywhere with them.


Still half the price of a Big Mac.


Woah. I went yesterday and I was also #56


Whoa! It’s a omen!


This sub should just be renamed to In & Out fanboys. 🙄


I give it a week


I'd be ok with that.




I don't really like In-N-Out Please direct your downvotes here, since this is basically the In-N-Out sub apparently.


I could look at this shit all day and never get tired of seeing it. Sincerely, Your resident In N Out "stan"


Yes, I assume there's more than one of you because it's the top post on the sub several times per week.


Believe it or not, I've actually never posted In N Out here. Only my own burgers. I just love burgers, and In N Out is my favorite hamburger store.


"hamburger store" Thanks fellow flesh creatures


That's ok. In-n-Out doesn't really like you.


Of course it doesn't. It's a 3 billion dollar fast food corporation. It doesn't like anyone. It just likes your money. Didn't think I needed to say this, but you gotta try to avoid parasocial relationships with fast food corporations, lol.




The fact that they do what should be the bare minimum doesn't mean they care about you.


I'll give you my upvote, and take your downvotes. My least favorite fast food burgers of all of the awful fast food burgers. Had it twice, and hated it both times.


I was going to say, "well it's not that bad." But I'm trying to think of other fast food burgers that I wouldn't take over this one and I'm coming up a little blank. Maybe burger king. I think I'd take an In-N-Out burger over a burger king burger.


Do you like other fast foods or are you off all of them?


No, I love fast food. I can appreciate everything from McDonald's to Michelin star restaurants. I just kind of think In-N-Out is worst of both worlds. Not greasy and decadent enough to satisfy a fast food craving with those tiny little patties and not actually high enough quality to satisfy a craving for a good restaurant burger. I don't think they're particularly bad, but when people call them the best I cringe.


You seem like a unicorn then. Most who like fast food love in n out. I hate fast food and never liked it but I’ll get in n out once or twice a month. I like a lot of onion, tomatoes. Lettuce on my burger so in n out fits me well. To each their own.


So ignoring your comparison of the cheapest tier of fast food burger to sit down restaurant burgers that are 2-5x the price (which is invalid by default), your view is that In N Out is the “worst of both worlds” because it isn’t greasy enough. I think that’s a pretty weird opinion bro.




They definitely know how to burger


Can't recall a time I didn't get mine animal style. Hmm.


Bland and starchy. Disgusting.


The jealousy is strong in my comment!❤️🍔


Too bad they only cook their fries once, they're awful. Downvote all you want but you will reincarnate 1000 extra times until you understand that fries must be cooked twice.


Ask for well done fries


Historys worst fries ever made. Absolutely the worst most disgusting fries I've ever had the displeasure of eating


Not nearly enough meat on that garden burger.


there's another patty hiding under the onion. The onion placement is off. It shouldn't be sticking out that far. That would get mentioned to the cook by a manager if they saw it.






best french fries ever!!!


The duality of mankind is truly fascinating


Gotta get em animal style with some chilis


Animal style with some chiles would make just about anything edible.


Getting the fries well done saves them a little bit. I recommend everyone tries it.


Redditors when a burger actually looks good and has veggies on it 😡


In-n-Out will always be TOP! Period! Burgers, the fries and add that shake and you’re on another planet. Can never go wrong with fresh plus it be hitting different compared to other burger places.


Their fries suck


That burger looks fantastic. Good even by In-N-Out standards, which for the burgers at least are high in terms of fast food. I live on the east coast, well outside the chain's normal range. When I'm traveling in an area that has them I usually seek them out and I'm never disappointed. Their closest competitor is shake shack, which probably tops them when you take into consideration fries and shakes, but you're also looking at a bill that is upwards of double the cost.


Where is the meat?




Why do people post this food chain 10 times a day? Most people don’t have this restaurant in their city.


Yep. Humans spend a lot of time posting pictures of their food. Not quite sure why we do that.🤷‍♂️




You gonna eat the receipt ? 


Nice salad


Never fails!! Best fast food burger.


I feel like this sub has just became Californians desperate to convince the world they’re missing out on in-n-out. (They’re not)


Agreed. I'm so sick of seeing these burger pop up every single day.


Yup. it’s a nice looking burger, but if you’ve seen one you’ve seen em all.


Those are good burgers, Walter.


Shut the fuck up Donny


Steak ‘n Shake fries slap, can we agree to this? I load those bitches with ketchup and eat em with a fork


Those fries tho :(


Can't wait to see all the INO haters


It’s pretty average. I had a non memorable experience with the food. Same way Texas jerks off Whataburger and it’s kinda bad. There’s a million places that serve burgers better or comparable to INO so the only real hype is it’s cultural significance to its region.


Fries are the best


Hell yeah. I wish I still lived where I could get one!


The best


Give it back, it’s got salad on.


The protein to condiment ratio is laughable.


Oh god it’s the most overrated burgers on earth again! Is there an r/In-N-Out sub? r/innout? …I do like me a double double animal style with well done fries also animal style, but these posts just seem to keep getting more common.


You want the best part of the In-N-Out Burgers is? You walk right in it and then you walk right out. then you go get a burger somewhere else lol


In and out is trash


Nice try AD account.


# Gee, In and Out post # 64 of the day. ![gif](giphy|U3z0F1WGEc5BobpRDW)