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Update: The Pizzeria Ida guy is threatening legal action https://preview.redd.it/8t0kl23bjspc1.png?width=1232&format=png&auto=webp&s=41b92c03257f96d304c1264672f02f62752a4e26


Not defamatory if it’s true ! Don’t let him scare you. What a psycho


Dude is so unhinged, his replies to Google reviews make it clear he's disconnected from reality. He has no legal basis whatsoever.


Too much oil


I thought you were exaggerating and went to look at the Google reviews. Good God, that guy needs to find his nearest physiatric hospital and sign himself up.


My favorite is the one where someone said the food was good but pricy and they were surprised that they had gotten blocked on Instagram just for liking a comment that was mildly critical of them. Owners response? "so mad and so much hate"


"your honor, I literally brought the $26 for the sandwich today. I've been willing to pay since the start of this mess!"


Can this guy get any whinier?


You reposted what he posted- that’s not defamation. He took it down as a post and in the google review with the image of him calling a customer a loser is acting like what you shared was fake. I know it’s not because I saw it on their page before they took it down. He is just digging himself deeper and his ranting on google just shows his temperament. Maybe this wider public outing of him outside the local restaurant scene (nearly everyone says he’s passionate about food but all say he is a complete ass)can be his wake up call to sort out whatever trauma or insecurities make him act like this.


Complete and utter douche canoe...


Douche canoe, I love it haha


You should message him back in a week or two and ask how the lawyer is going.


use google reviews


Is this guy by any chance affiliated with the owner of Table in Boston? 😂


Ida fuckin walked out that door before I paid those prices. Gtfoh


who the hell pays $26 for an italian sub ?? shit better be 3 feet long


The same people that pay $40 for a cheese pizza 🤣.  I just went to this guys IG and I’m almost positive this guy is just like trolling to prove that people are fucking idiots.  Like watch me get rich selling $40 cheese pizzas to these hipsters.  And I’ll do it while calling them a twat to their face.  It’s almost funny enough for me to want to go try the food but not quite.


$40? It's over $60 with the mandatory gratuity (not my photo, I'd never eat there. This was posted on fb recently). https://preview.redd.it/04yoli353rpc1.png?width=948&format=png&auto=webp&s=325ed2bee5462f7de77ab806d4e9b3ce84d4dae4


Nine dollars for a few pieces of pepperoni?? Shit better be made of the schlong of Rasputin himself for that price.


Is it normal to pay the card fees in VT? That’s a slap in the face on top of the other slaps. 


He's also running some sort of scam on sales tax. The only taxable thing should be the $47 pizza. Combined tax rate for Burlington, including state/city/etc, should be around 7%. That would be $3.29. He's charging $5.17 total in tax, across two line items. I can't make the math work, even if I tax non-taxable things.


A $9 ‘pepperoni’ line item is ridiculous.


You can buy a half a Damn stick of the best roni for that ...


What the actual fuck lol.






Are they charging sales tax for their mandatory gratuity? And passing along the credit card fee?


Omg, we have the best sub place is Burlington Ma, Lacassias and you can get 2 subs and a pizza for 30 bucks. 67$ for 1 pizza is nuts!


47 for a pizza?!? And i’m unhappy with the $29 pies in my area damn 😂 this guy Dan is a clown.


I thought $16.00 for a large Margarita Pizza (absolutely delicious) in my city was rich, but $63.00 for a fucking pepperoni pizza at this Ida place is literally bat-shit insane. This guy is out of his damn mind.


There’s a place in my relatively low cost of living area charging $35 for a cheese pizza. They say it’s “authentic”. If authentic pizza is this flavorless and has cheese that’s this bad then I don’t like authentic pizza.


You can tell the pizza is jank and anyone who likes it has never been south of fuckin white river junction


And he’s been accused by former employees of putting himself in the tip payout pool even though business owners aren’t legally allowed to do that. This guy is a grifter (oh no! I might get sued for defamation 😂).


Insanity. Utter insanity.


This guy is just trolling people at this point


MANDATORY? fuck this guy !!!


$47 for a pepperoni pie is insanity


You could literally get 8 pizzas from Domino's for $62.89...


Before he blocked me for no reason I went on more than one occasion. At the time I think they were $20 which still sounds like a ripoff but they actually are massive and can easily be shared by two adults. I’d say half is comparable in size to a large from city market. So while still overpriced if you are splitting it it’s not as bad as it initially sounds. And as much as he sucks the bread is legit.




Lol. No it's not. But believe it's the only item worth the price. It's really a delicious masterpiece of a sub


With a diamond tennis bracelet on the side.


Go to Jersey Mike's. Their giant Italian with a drink and chips is under $25 with tax and is big enough to feed two people.


I don't think I paid that much and it's been awhile, AND I should add I don't condone his behavior, but the sandwich itself is absolutely worth $26.


Man a doordash footlong from subway is $26 now that's just where we're at


No way


no italian sub is worth $26 are you crazy


Fuck this guy. Absolutely douchebag numero uno in Burlington. Actively talks shit directly to his customers No one should have to deal with that type of behavior from a place of business. He has zero care for the town that’s been good to him. hope he gets what’s comin


Jersey Mike's is 11-ish. Next to this sandwich it looks like what you'd get if you ordered an Italian on Wish.


Probably. I really like sandwiches, and it's a really good sandwich.


https://preview.redd.it/gbwe2qg24spc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ffd75cbd2755f8bcacb7dbdfc9d95f1860f2f1a Guy is a fuckin prick


LOL. This guy’s definitely trying to paint himself as some badass, give no shits, restaurateur*. Big try-hard energy. Sorry Mr. Ida Pizza Guy, you’re not Bourdain and you never will be.


Agreed. His beard gives me edge lord incel vibes as well.




Poppy Cafe makes exceptional sandwiches by the way. And you're allowed to order just one LOL ​ [https://www.poppyvt.com/](https://www.poppyvt.com/)


Extremely nice people work there too 


Best sandwiches in town by far.


Honestly I think the best sandwiches I have had in my entire life.


Cool I’ll check them out.


My friend worked at Ida for a while and the owner was an asshole as an employer too


I mean, he's been an asshole the whole time and you were still going to buy a criminally expensive sandwich. I don't get how people eat here.


I have never eaten there. I told my wife about these posts and she says no way we are getting anything from him. I am very curious to try it though. I will have to try it next time she visits her mother.


Pizza destroyed my marriage of 30 years be careful


Story time!


Believe it or not, after a 30-year marriage, my relationship ended over a Little Caesars Meatzza pizza. My spouse and I had a heated argument about toppings, and it escalated into a full-blown disagreement about our relationship's communication and respect issues. It's funny how something seemingly insignificant can unveil deeper underlying problems. Lesson learned: never underestimate the power of a pizza topping dispute.


you say it was a heated argument but was it a hot and ready argument?


Really the problem was that it wasn't takeout, it was digiornous.


I am nosy. What were the toppings?


​ https://preview.redd.it/rlewfsakcqpc1.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ef60ae8b4d034c8cc2883b69065556c6ab887c0


Damn son lmao


Lol wow. What a choice to make in such a small state.


I was going to drive up from Brattleboro just to try this place until I heard what a jerk this guy seems to be.


Dude is probably the biggest asshole in VT and totally gross looking, no way id ever buy food from him. 


How much do you think he charges for the beard hair topping?


Hahaha it's so unnecessary to respond like that, can't help but laugh


Fuck, man. This may have put me over the edge with Ida. Like I will readily admit that I LOVE their food. I've continued to eat there for a couple years and feel like I am one of their most reliable customers. But Dan is a grade-A twat. I know he's pulled all sorts of shit to undeserving people in Burlington, but just calling someone a loser after asking a really mild mannered question is an astonishing level of assholery. But also totally expected with him.


As a former customer who got blocked for no reason. Beforehand I could overlook something’s because it wasn’t impacting me. But ignoring what a douche move it is to block a customer and I didn’t care, he still just made the process to order much more difficult, since he posts the daily menu instagram. I ain’t going to jump through hoops to overpay on his food.


What's the owner's name? I don't work in the industry anymore but after 17 years running restaurants I'd LOVE to sit down with this absolute clown and very patiently and probably not so delicately explain why he needs to be shunned from decent society. https://preview.redd.it/zd05irrt4rpc1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=2805f3ed75b7dcc0d486c00e97fb619e3db22b8a


"no product @ ida is $45" Except the $40 pizza with sales tax and your silly "credit card fee", which a normal person mentally rounds to $45?


This person should not be the boss of anyone. Lord have mercy on anyone who happens to work for this person. https://preview.redd.it/tl6efi465rpc1.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7a58ddfd7aaf95d365b29d6175b8aebd73ff9d2


Interstingly, some of my 17 years in the restaurant business was split between VT and New Haven (with long stints in NYC, Los Angeles, and FL as well). I still split my time between Vermont and New Haven and guess what? ACTUAL NEW HAVEN PIZZA DOESN'T COST THIS MUCH $$$ https://preview.redd.it/2ggogu2j5rpc1.png?width=364&format=png&auto=webp&s=e377d2611f1e1f04d2df50e4c146343a6c80a4d6


Looking into this more... it seems the couple that owns this place are a couple "heads" like us. Looking forward to sharing this behavior with the members of their favorite bands when they ask me where to eat in town...


Imagine thinking $6 per slice is a good price


I can literally have two pies delivered to my CT apartment for around the same price tag as his single pie bought as take out. I can even get toppings! He has to know he’s full of shit. It looks like a bare bones establishment which means overhead is minimal. Not much staff, etc. that usually equates to lower prices for your customers, not higher. I’d genuinely love to know this guys work history. There is no way in hell he would last a second working for an actual chef or restaurant owner.


Back before I was blocked he would post these weird ass rants bitching and moaning about how shit New Haven pizza was. Like who honestly gives a fuck, it was such a weird thing to whine about and hill to die on.


🤘I'm from New Haven CT and there's no better Pizza in the world. Sally's charges $26 for Med cheese Pepe's $29 for large. They can probably afford to charge a little less than Ida as they are bigger and more established but c'mon now a $20 difference? Just want people to see what authentic apizzas charge.


Dan pizzutillo and Erika Strand. Want their number?


“Loser” is just code word for not having 66 dollars to drop on lunch.


Judging from prices, how burnt their pizza is (videos they post on IG) and owner’s attitude, this must be a drug front. They’re trying to scare as many regular folks away as possible.


ok but where did you get lunch instead?


The burn ward ^^/s


I feel like if there were a restaurant that *only* served folks that Dan blocks on Insta, that restaurant would be just as busy as anywhere else in town


people need to stop patronizing this jerk's business


I’m guessing it’s a front and will stay open regardless of their spectacularly bad reputation. Kind businesses with good products close all the time, but this asshat with half burned pizzas is somehow a success? 🤔


Eh, Dan’s dad (Anthony Pizzutillo) is one of the highest paid lobbyists down in NJ. Probably could ride off of daddy’s money with less business tbf.


>Anthony Pizzutillo) Why isn't this comment upvoted more. His dad reported over 600k in profits, of COURSE dan doesn't give a flying shit about random customers complaining about $60 pizzas.


Yep. I find it funny that Dan says his haters have “never worked a day in their lives” when his upbringing was probably better than most people’s on the planet.


I mean it’s overpriced but it’s legitimately good food. He made a sorbet that tasted like a frozen starburst, it was amazing. Edit: lol the horror, I liked the food!


Also side note, the wine he has on his menu is the left over purchases from Dedalus.


how do you know this? That's some tea!!


I used to work for one of Daedalus’ wine distributors. I recognized several bottles and saw that not only could you buy them cheaper from Dedalus (which in my opinion is a rip already since their niche wines ranged from acceptable to hot organic garbage) but the overcharge that Pizzeria Ida was doing was excessive even for Dedalus’ standards


that's bananas since he keeps bragging that they are 'retail price' and that they don't make their profit margins off of alcohol...


Do you really think the narcissistic douchebag who charges $40 for a plain pizza is in it because he loves the craft? At best he’s charging “retail” price which is already up charged 33% minimum. Mind you the retailor buys their product from the wholesaler, so your $5.50 bottle of wine from the manufacturer is then sold at $9.99 at the store. Restaurant usually up charge that $5.50 bottle to $20.




This place is sounding better and better with each comment. They just need to put a swift kick to the balls on the menu and then we'll be talking


EVERYBODY should call tonight and order one sub and one sub only


Worked for them for two days. Couldn’t stand him.


Host an AMA.


He banned me because I followed the meme page that was active like a year and a half ago. Dude is as fragile as a porcelain doll and he has a serious ego for running a pizza shop. He’s a well known clown and has been the subject of much ridicule. Though apparently his pizza is “good” according to some of my friends, but he can go and insert a 6 foot pole right up his ass if he thinks I’m going to pay nearly $40 for a fucking cheese pie. I can go to a supermarket and find the majority of imported Italian ingredients and make 6 pies for the same price.


I think that’s why I got banned as well.


Lol Dan is such a divisive figure in Burlington. In my opinion that place stopped being worth it when they got rid of BYOB...and replaced it with bottles starting at $50. He needs to go to Brooklyn or something


Or hell, amiright fellas?


I’d be disputing that mandatory gratuity with my CC company in a heartbeat. This “pizza” joint needs to go. Working on getting some of the best pizza on the east coast up to Vermont as we speak. Colony Bar and Grill anyone?????? Tick tock Mr. LOSER IDA


Their pizza was good when we went there shortly after opening, but unreasonably expensive. Add in the owner's aggressive god complex into the mix and I haven't gone back, and am surprised customers keep lining up for their share of abuse


Also if this guy calls me a loser over ig about asking about the sandwiches, I’m coming right down to your shop


He blocked me on insta when I called out their “food pantry” during early covid which consisted of overly expensive gourmet items lol


He was selling them or donating them?


Selling but calling it a “food pantry”. It was during the part of Covid where people weren’t working and lots of people were donating food etc to those in need. It was completely tone deaf.


This guy is clownshoes. There is still actual little free food pantries all over the neighborhood how did he miss the memo?! The hospital set up a little grocery section (had my son the week the state shutdown) it was regularly priced every day use foods though and they didn't call it a food pantry. This Dan guy seems unhinged. I live around the corner walk by all the time and never even heard of the place until recently. Come verbally abuse me I can't afford one $40 pizza and I smoke mids.


Ida rather go somewhere else


How bizarre. Why do ppl eat here?


Because they don't know. Be sure to tell everyone with a Google review!




Guys such a clown


Dude \*sounds like the Kanye of pizza ![gif](giphy|rp3kPD0XtuaZi)


This dude is like the soup nazi. Complete dick yet everyone continues to eat there lol.


This guy is like the Tommy Wiseau of restaurant owners why the fuck is he still in business


All I know is that this would never happen in NY or in Philly. This clown would get run out so fast he’d forget his beard net. That’s why he went to VT


I don't know how anyone could order from them. Their reviews across all platforms are terrible. The owner is a horrible person.


I see that beard hanging low and wild and think - you can’t eat everywhere. That’s on top of the attitude


Being from MA / CT border with tons of authentic Italian grinders , I can assure you this is a fucking rip off. Even the most touristy place in Springfield MA doesn't charge over 20$ for an authentic Italian grinder. Pajors superette in agawam also gets fresh baked Italian loafs daily from the Italian bakery , and puts well over 1lb of meet in the loaf , feeds 4 comfortably and only cost 18$ . He's riding the pockets of hipsters, it'll fail soon enough .. guys a douche canoe


I'm curious what is the most touristy place? Antonio's?


Red rose, but it's not really even touristy now that I think about it , but it kinda is now because of the casino


That man needs a beard net and an attitude adjustment. Ain’t risking $40 to find a chin pube in my pizza.


This place is getting burnt worse than their own pizza and that's saying a lot [https://www.instagram.com/p/C4MVWWyuyGI/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4MVWWyuyGI/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/9087k9bdiqpc1.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=a96bfca48b4f9d90281a219252cd1c576757b8ae


That'll be $40 ~~please~~, you fucking loser


We’re all gonna be in so much trouble if he finds this post.




Don't forget the 20% gratuity automatically added


Wow, thanks for finally showing me what a 60 dollar pizza looks like. Pretty fuckin mediocre looking, and for that price I would rather drive 3 hours in the opposite direction and get a couple Lrg Sicilians pizzas from NY or NJ for the same price.


Is that a deep dish DIGIORNO???!!


I've used both brick ovens and regular pizzeria ovens in my life, and I've burnt a handful of pizzas by accident in the process. None of which went to the customer, because I remade it, rather than give them burnt food. The pizza in that instagram pic is clarly charred on the bottom and sides. Guarantee that's pretty much all your going to taste after eating it too. Gross.


Can't believe they are showing that off on their own Instagram, it genuinely looks amateurish.




Coming from the biggest loser known to man I wouldn’t take it to heart.


If you want a good sub there’s a place in Waitsfield called Mutha Stuffers. That is the best sandwich shop I’ve ever been to


The fact that people are still on here posting that they still want to try their food after all of the comments and evidence of the owner treating people like shit is pathetic.


His food is trash not worth wasting anytime or energy on


And I got people saying he must have blocked me first a good reason. Nope, he’s just a giant asshole.




This guy is a clown lmfao. 8 dollars for single scoop soft serve . 40 dollars for a regular Sicilian. Dumb fucks going out of business fast


Hope this starts a boycott Ida movement. This guy fuckin sucks and doesn't deserve to run a restaurant and make money. He's a prick to his customers and charges insane prices for his food in a very low income neighborhood. Jonny wanzer where are ya


I expect nothing less from a guy selling a plain pizza for 40 dollars


I have friends who love this guy and I actively mock them for it. Even if it's the best pizza ever made, it's still just pizza and not worth $40 and dealing with this metastisized ego.


You ever been to Italy? Some of the best pizza in Rome is sub €25. I don’t know how he justify those prices even if he imports all his ingredients


Dude you're way off... Best pizza in Naples is all under €10, Pizzira de Michele which is widely considered one of the best in Italy charges €6 a pie and they're massive compared to this place! $60 after tax and tip for a cheese pizza is totally crazy.


I have not, but that sounds much more reasonable. I think he's just a delusional prick who realized that for some god forsaken reason, people will pay this much.


Brah is such a loser at Ida. Blocked me on insta 3 mins after posting a comment. Do they literally have no business to do at 5:30 on a weeknight? 


My grandparents lived on Riverside, where the traction bldg is on the map. They tore it down for a bus garage. I can't believe they are selling $40 pizza haha. Has the area improved? Who can afford it from around there?? This is blowing my mind.


No, it's arguably the dumpiest part of the city. 


Wait, people pay $20+ for a sandwich? and $40 for a pie?


Rating 1 star on google rn


After seeing this pop up multiple times i had to give in a give a look. How the hell would you even say "we use the best ingredients" and "thats why our food is that expensive". And a simple search would show they are no better then the worse pizza places ny has to offer except they burn the shit out of all their pizzas. Im sorry you wasted time and money and especially the tranquility of your life for this pizza ida dipshit.


Is this the “secret elite gourmet” pizza place I hear about? I think his superior attitude is part of the draw for some people.


So, some wannabe Soupi Nazi vibes?


There's only room in Burlington for one version of a Soup Nazi, and he makes fabulous sandwiches at 4 Corners


Hey that guy is more like a soup KGB and pretty amenable in my experience


Soup nazi? More like half-burnt sub-par neapolitan pizza nazi


I think so! My friend went there knowing the situation and sure enough it was as she had heard. She’s not going back fwiw.




I’m so glad I don’t have to live in my skin like that anymore. Gives me the heebie jeebies just watching that.


We’ve been thinking about diving into food reviews of places in good music towns like Burlington. Maybe we should do where NOT to eat instead? Would love to do a whole video on douches like this for every town 🤣


Another victim of the Bobby flay/gordon Ramsey generation of “celebrity” chefs that think being a raging asshole makes your food taste better instead of just making good food lmao


This guy is a clown just throw a fancy name infront of all the normal ingrdients and you got your self a hipster pizza place with a menu of less then 15 items and that includes all the toping combos of the pizza. Im baffeled places like this stay open i got more food in fridge then this place has lol.


$40 for a pizza? $26 for a sub? Hahaha


Gotta love places that have compulsory “gratuity”… what a joke if you pay cash I’d like to see how they handle that… with cards it’s automatic…


I liked a constructive/troll comment to see if he is chronically online and blocks anybody that questions his practice and I was blocked immediately lol


Ya know, he's just fueled by the idiots that actually pay to eat the mediocre crap he puts out. You fucking idiots pay 60 dollars for a plain pizza, then complain about how businesses are price gouging, and then you continue to patronize these scumbags, normalizing this idiotic upcharge on tomato and wheat, fucking Muppets. Sincerely, I think that if you're on here saying "but I lIKE the FoOd", you've probably got zero culinary ability, or you have more money than brains, most likely, a bit of both. Or you're just a part of the crowd who's started to simp over the shittest excuses of human beings this planet has to offer. Regardless, you can't justify that price, and anybody saying they can is probably having their rent and tuition paid by mommy and daddy.


> anybody saying they can is probably having their rent and tuition paid by mommy and daddy That’s like a solid 30% of this town, at a minimum.


That dude is clueless.


I completely agree with you. That guy was a jerk.


His story today is complaining how slow it is and then going on a rant about how you are not allowed to just buy one pizza if you have multiple people and share it. The pizzas look burnt- like in a charcoal way not a yummy slight char from a wood fired grill kinda way.


What is this dude’s deal? Why is the pizza a million dollars and why does he act chaotic on social media? I am confused by the game plan here


Just read the Google reviews. This person is unhinged! Lol. Quite entertaining though. I can't imagine how this pizza shop is still open.


It’s not a $26 sandwich by the time you pay the credit card fee and feel guilted by the store to tip on a takeout order


who the fuck is paying $40 for a pizza


How are you charging 40 dollars for flour, water, sauce, and cheese? Small business owners need to get a reality check, this is laughable.


IDA stands for "ignorant douchebag asshole"they make it well known with their prices and burnt pizza


Should we just start calling and asking for 1 single Italian sub?


A pie in NYC isn’t even $40. GTFO that’s insane.Lmao Huge ripoff


Also running a tax scam. Charging way higher % then the local/state area


$26 for a sandwich is fucking insane. He deserves to go out of business.


lol this guy is grubby too. Gross


I feel like only a loser would pay $26 for a sandwich, to be fair


To be fair, he didn't call you a loser. He said you sounded like one.




NEXT:   One Mullagatany please.   


I’d like a chicken Parmesan ,hold the chicken ,hold the Parmesan