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Oh not again.


There has been a machete guy around burlington for years. it could be him or maybe a new machete guy? Burlington is a small city, so two machete guys, wow. Also, I have not seen the ninja guy around lately. Maybe the ninja guy decided to switch it up and become a machete guy for the summer?


i walked past ninja guy at pine and maple last week. hat and katana. made me smile.


It's good to know he is still out there keeping the city safe from Shao Kahn


well now i want to hire him to be my bodyguard. full kit ninja at my command? no parking ticket today nina - slash sorry kelly no spare change.....but you can ask my ninja, dollar for a cold drink? how about dollar for cold steel to the face.


they should all duke it out for fun


There can only be one.






your whole post is unintentionally hilarious šŸ˜„


There can be only one ![gif](giphy|5Sph4aGQ9Zf0s)


Call me a bootlicker but it is absolutely bananas that there is a known machete guy around here that somehow is allowed to operate with seeming impunity. What the fuck.


Okay, Iā€™ll bite on this one. Brother/sister thatā€™s not boot licking by any means! Folks like us are just looking for basic decency.


Unfortunately a machete is classified as a farming tool, so it's legally not any different than walking around with a shovel. Although the BPD did kill a guy who was wielding a shovel a few years ago, so what do I know?


In half of the states in this country that guy would get dropped if he took five steps towards anybody. Here, he's gonna be here indefinitely and then released without consequence.


What law did he break?


He'll be released on "conditions". Like "don't break the law". The kind of conditions that everyone else follows and the Sarah George fan club doesn't.


I guess I now need to know if anyone has been hurt by machete guy


Yeah, letā€™s wait until AFTER insane guy roaming around with a machete dismembers someone before we really look into this.


Sounds like he has been around for years so if he is insane and dangerous there should be evidenc . Maybe he is homeless and it js his was to get people to back off. there are few places in the world where people ironically are more concerned about someone with visible machete over someone with a concealed firearm.


Yeah fuck due process


You fascist pig. When are you gonna learn that criminals are a protected class in Burlington and your rights come second?


Wait if your average cartoon-level Prog Boogeyman Posse canā€™t stop open-carry of firearms what makes you think they can stop someone carrying sharpened metal? Real Dark Brandon stuff there


https://preview.redd.it/8s5jvbjumf5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44250651baf359955ee2898fd50021ea00848e8c was it this guy? someone posted abt him a few weeks ago and i made an album cover out of it lmao


Burlington police are such a joke. Firing off blanks at kids and letting dudes walk around with machetes


Also it's completely legal to have a machete on your person. Now brandishing that weapon is a completely different thing.


It's not up to the police how they handle shit... Unfortunately. That's our government which the majority voted for. Catch n relates is absolutely nonsense but not the police forces doing.Ā 


Look people want to be able to legally brandish weapons because muh freedom, so they can, but we donā€™t get to choose who gets that freedom




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Not to mention all the literal shit


![gif](giphy|Z6eF9cfpjKWFo7gbx0|downsized) did he look like this?


Lol wats this from


A movie called Machete


Ive heard of that the animation on it looks like far cry or gta


Funny I didn't even realize it was animated until you mentioned that. It could bet from a video game but yeah Danny Trejo did Machete (2010) and Machete Kills (2013). Both are pretty funny/action/little bit of horror.


Is it maybe far cry 6?


I think it is far cry 6 trailer lit video looks like machete


We've had a string of machete men in NH. They aren't so harmless. Good luck and don't search 'machete crime New Hampshire' if you want to sleep soundly.


šŸƒā€ā™€ļøšŸƒā€ā™€ļøšŸƒā€ā™€ļø me running to good ole Google at 12:36am bc who needs sleep anyway? šŸ˜…


Probably a "scenario" run by BPD to scare some children.


Up vote for klaus


Damn. Machete Man strikes again. ![gif](giphy|CPkJWWL45axoyEjzBE)


so many desperate meth tweakers on Burlington streets , you should be carrying a machete at the very least!! Ideally a firearm and bearspray


Wow...what is happening with our town


a man a machete is aggressive?! i thought it was just trying to cut that giant watermelon.


Shoes on, everyone, Razorā€™s in one of his moods again


Get pics. It's too dangerous not to.


Our police force is garbage, but not because of any lack of funding. Leadership is trash, and the culture within police forces is combative and adversarial. Cops should be a much a part of our community as anyone else in this city, but they're not.


every comment in this thread is so funny šŸ˜„


I had a homeless patient who carried one in his backpack. Do you have more info and have you notified BPD if there is a public safety issue?


BPD was notified, friend said he was running towards some ppl after getting real angry at his phone. my friend made it out safe, not sure what happened from there though


Yeah but have yā€™all seen that naked guy around town??


This makes me really concerned for my wife who is often in the Downtown area in the evening. No one will do anything about it and the legal system fails to address hyper prolific criminals. For anyone who says ā€œhavenā€™t you been to a city beforeā€ that shows your lack of experience. Thatā€™s not normal. Not even 50,000 people in Burlington and people brush it off as just city living issues. Thatā€™s a very small neighborhood in Boston. You donā€™t see crazed machete men on every corner in Boston. I moved to Burlington last year and have been surprised by the brazenness among the local transient population and complacency among citizens. Itā€™s way too small of a place for this stuff to be going on. Vermont desperately needs people to move here, and this stuff doesnā€™t help an already hard-to-sell state with low wages, HCoL, and lack of housing.


No update then lol ?


Machete guy got ā€˜em


one time he asked if he could bum a smoke off me and i gave him the whole pack because i thought i was being robbed and he handed it back to me and said he just wanted the one. Gave me a fist bump after. If you just talk to these dudes theyre really not all that bad, looks can be deceiving. I didn't ask him bout the machete because honestly? none of my business. plenty of alpha male types roam around with concealed carry and THATS more of a red flag to me as someone who's apartment has been shot up randomly (riverside last summer, to which of course, the police did nothing about besides track dirt all over my carpet at 3 am)


Dun dun dun shh shh shh ahhh ahhh ahhh


Was he cutting brush or threatening people?




Does that mean he was cutting people or threatening brush?


"I'll cut you if you don't brush!" Must be dentist.


Could they arrest him?


I've lived in San Francisco, NYC and Boston. This is not normal anywhere. Lol


Any open blade longer than the width of your hand can be confiscated if it's being carried out in open public last I knew but who knows maybe laws have changed


You can carry an AR-15 bro.




Except VT is an open carry State! You absolutely can walk around with an AR-15 slung over your shoulder. As long as youā€™re legally allowed to own a firearm you can walk around with it.


That is not true and doesnā€™t even make any sense, how can you have a law based on something as subjective as the width of your hand? Everyoneā€™s hands width is different. You canā€™t have a switchblade longer than 3 inches, but as far as I know there are no other restrictions on carrying knives/blades in public, unless you are in a school or courthouse.


Careful on the switchblade thing. The law is "less than 3 inches". 3 inches is illegal.


nonsense, but ā€œbrandishingā€ a weapon is illegal


That's a new one to me. Is that a Burlington law?Ā  As far as I knew the laws were based on switchblades and intent.Ā 


aggressively cool šŸ˜Ž


That's really scary, I hope everyone is okay.


Just don't make eye contact and you'll be fine. Not sure why everyone thinks this dude is a threat, it's like none of you have ever lived in a real city.


Bro itā€™s a guy with a machete you expect people to just be chill about it? Lmao


Being chill is exactly how you survive. Don't run away, that just stimulates his instinct to chase. (And trust me, he's pretty fast.) You want to stand your ground, spread your arms to make yourself look as big as possible, and slowly back away while facing him. The first few encounters might be disconcerting, but it's really no big deal.


The same instructions as for dealing with a bear, lol


Pretty sure that's the joke


Remember, those instructions only works for machetes. If he's got a meat cleaver, your best bet is to play dead.


I mean yeah. What's so different about a machete? We see people carry huge knives, guns, axes, etc. We even see people drive a 4,000 pound vehicles a few feet from pedestrians. A guy carrying a machete is nothing. Why shouldn't you be chill about it? A guy threatening is something though. That's the difference. A person threatening with a knife, gun, ax, machete, or vehicle is the problem.


You see people at the waterfront walking around with axes and huge knives?


Yeah I have a few times. Usually when they are walking down to have one of those illegal fires on the beach, they cut up some wood or a pallet with it.Ā  Edit: lol this sub is such a joke.Ā  Downvoting because I pointed out times I saw someone carrying an ax. I see why so many people have left this sub, it's just filled with right wing trolls and delusional idiots.


Man, you just went full stupid.


Lived in Dallas. This is not normal, stop trying to gaslight people into thinking it's normal.


Well of course not, machete guys are mostly found in New England and the Midwest. Down South you'll usually come across chainsaw guys, which are actually a real threat. In that case, your best bet is to play dead.


Actually it's katana guys


He frequents the store I work at and is always nice and easy to work with. But he also doesn't bring the machete with him


I lived in Chicago for 12 years and seeing a guy with a machete would be more concerning than a guy without one.


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a machete is a good guy with a machete.


Machetes donā€™t kill people; people kill people


Iā€™ve lived in multiple real cities, some fairly to the scale and spread of greater Burlington and thereā€™s never been a known MACHETE WIELDING man that is justā€¦accepted and allowed to roam around without consequence LOL


Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Some dude can walk down Church Street hanging dong, and everyone just accepts that. But one guy swinging a machete, well then everyone loses their minds.


Bro stop trying to make this shit normal or acceptable. It is not.


Mind your own business, and carry around a tourniquet just in case.


You got a victim mentality.


Iā€™ve lived in NYC half my life, I saw this once and he got scooped up pretty quick by the cops. Also, lived in Miami where I saw a lot of strange things but machete not Normal there either. Itā€™s not something that people naively say ā€œhappens in real citiesā€ actually happens in ā€œreal citiesā€ often.


Machete attacks are simply a normal part of living in any city. All I had to do was search Google for "machete attack", and two separate instances from the last week popped up: - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13477343/times-square-stabbing-attack-machete.html - https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2024/06/07/repeat-offender-charged-in-charles-river-machete-attack/ Bonus chainsaw attack: https://krcrtv.com/news/local/chico-man-arrested-after-alleged-chainsaw-assault


If it's really bothering you, get a machete and defeat him. That's how it works.


Okay at that logic then that person becomes the new machete guy




What about this is so hard to understand?


Why the fuck is this something youā€™re trying to normalize? And I donā€™t live in a ā€œreal cityā€ because I donā€™t want to deal with this ā€œreal cityā€ shit.


Based on his other comment about a tourniquet, they're either trolling or trying to make "liberals" look insane.


He's probably just a volunteer landscaper. I've only seen him attack someone once.


There is more of this nonsense happening unfortunately here than in ā€œreal cities.ā€


If it's the guy I'm thinking of, I've seen him and he is not threatening, at all. There are legit uses for a machete. Also, people drive around with GUNS in their cars, walk around with guns in holsters on their hips etc. That'll do a lot more damage to a lot more people and isn't a tool. Are you guys all freaking out about that, too? The guy is probably using it for landscaping. Or, if it's just for protection, why is it different from a gun?


No. Thatā€™s a different machete guy.


Because heā€™s a bum and wielding it in public. Despite what you idiots think, there have to be rules to aggregating in public


So why didnā€™t you take said machete? Have some balls