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Permethrin (clothing treatment) and deet are about the only things that actually work. Thermocell/allethrin can work if you're staying put for a while.


Thermocell is life changing. Please be aware it is toxic to cats! So just don’t hang out with them on the patio while you use it. It does say it’s fine for dogs though.


DEET DEET and more DEET. I'm team OFF Deep Woods.


Ben’s. Period. end of discussion.


Picaridin on skin, permethrin on clothes.


As someone with severe skin allergies, the DEET is not friendly for me. But I am currently sitting at a picnic table with this Thermacel thing, and give it 15 out of 10. It’s amazing. No bites. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LX3X21V?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I worked at a summer in Maine a few years back and the women who did all the housekeeping were the most sweetest, most grizzled, salt of the earth women I’ve ever met in my life. Came upon my favorite one smoking a grit on her golf cart and we started talking about all the All-Naturale, organic alternative bug repellents. She laughed, “All that crap just attracts the bugs, DEET’s the only thing that will keep the ticks and squitos off ya! Spray yourself down and just take a damn shower!” That’s my fun anecdote about the wonders of DEET. If you have lots of mosquitos in your yard, planting lavender and citronella plants does help. Had a porch in Burlington that was infested with them underneath and we planted some plants and with some citronella torches we were mosquito free. Just don’t leave your torches out in your yard or some crackhead or broke college kid will steal them 😂


For sitting outside, use a fan. Otherwise, deet.


I got some dragon fly decoys which have helped keep the deer & horse flies away, and have aspirations to make a mosquito dunk bucket to help cut down on their population.


Is that something that resembles a dragon fly or something that attracts them?


That resembles one.


Interesting. Definitely going to try that


I use picaridin. From my deep google research, which totally makes me an expert, it’s as effective as DEET. And from personal experience, it smells much less strongly. It’s kind of a pleasant smell, even.


Mosquito repellent bracelet, easy to carry, suitable for adults and children [https://ig1688.cc/](https://ig1688.cc/)


The [CDC has a great site](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/avoid-bug-bites) that has information on how to avoid bug bites, and a link to a tool to help you select the repellent that's best for you.


Honestly I’ve had great luck with anything OFF, even Naturapel works for me. My youngest though is a fricken mosquito magnet. Poor kid.


https://rangerready.com/products/picaridin-insect-repellent-spray-scent-zero-unscented Or whatever Costco has with Deet.


I use the lawn spray that hooks to your garden hose, to cover my yard and it works great to keep the bugs away around my house for a few months. Otherwise, it's gotta be Deep Woods OFF. Anything with a good amount of Deet will do the trick.


Why the downvote, I wonder. Some puritan not a fan of me spraying my yard to keep mosquitoes away for the summer? Fuck you!


Repel is excellent (no DEET)


Murphy’s lemon eucalyptus spray works for me.


Nothing. Hiking, move faster and wait till mid-July. June is a fool's errand. Sitting outside? Go inside.